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  • Words: 10,760
  • Pages: 32

: Nyoman Pastika


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: English Language Education


: Language and Art Faculty


: Ganesha University of Education

C. Background of Study Writing is a process of transferring ideas using different kinds of context to the reader. It becomes an activity, where the students are expected to be able to represent or express their ideas, information, and knowledge in a piece of paper. Manik & Sinurat (2015) state that writing is a process of placing thought, ideas, opinions, experiences, events, and histories such as writing letters, notes, shopping list, etc. It means that through writing the students can express their feeling, learning process information, and help them to practice their writing through many kinds of texts, so they can learn more actively. The implementation of writing can give many advantages for students in some subjects of literacy. It is because writing is one of imaginative thinking processes that give the students a profit to express their ideas, feeling, or their opinion. It is supported by Asrifan (2015) states that writing is filling a gap to express ideas, feeling, and opinions. It is a process where the students must know how to put their ideas on a piece of paper and use good construction of sentences. But, to learn English especially in studying writing needs a process because the students have to learn some aspects of English. Wahyuni (2016) states that writing is a complex activity, where students should know how to generate, organize their ideas, and understand some aspects of the writing content, so, they can state clearly their purposes in their writing. Furthermore, the aspects of writing such as vocabulary, organization, 1

mechanic, most importantly grammar are also very important to be mastered, because it helps the students to state their ideas clearly for the reader to understand their writing. Hourani & Randall (2008) explain that writing becomes to be considered and chosen when “higher level skill”, such as organization, content, and structure, and “lower level skills”, like punctuation and the choice of vocabulary items and the structures of grammar are taken into account. The error in using tenses, sentence structure, construction, punctuation, preposition, conjunction, spelling, and word usage can decrease the meaning of the message delivered in writing. A native speaker can automatically use an appropriate grammar because he/she already comprehends the grammatical structure of the language. They recognize the sounds of English words, the meaning being expressed in a certain situation, and the way of expressing the words together to make meaningful sentences. Meanwhile, the people who learn English as a foreign language, they need to be taught how to use the grammar so that they can deliver their thought grammatically from spoken to written text. In writing, grammar is one of the important aspects that the students must master. If the students are able to use the grammar appropriately, they can make their writings well. Bathstone (1994) states that language without grammar would be chaotic and cause problem such as grammatical errors either writing or in speaking. It is a structure of the sentences of a language which gives a certain meaning system. It is a rule to make different forms of words and create a suitable meaning when words are combined into the sentences. If the students are not able to understand the grammar or have a problem in grammar, it might cause or create many mistakes. It happens because of the lack of knowledge in grammar, especially in tenses. The implementation of writing by using appropriate grammar may become the problem for some students. Brown (2000) states that the reasons why students find difficulties in writing because the difference of the structure of the learners’ mother tongue with the structure of their target language. Then, it can cause them to make errors in writing. Chin (2010) states that all languages have a grammar and one of them has its own grammar. Using an appropriate grammar particularly in writing English is very important. It is a rule to make a different form of words and create a proper meaning when it combines in the sentence. By having a good grammar the


message will be expressed correctly, the context of the writing will be related to each other and easy to be comprehended. A grammatical error is an error of a sentence construction made by the students, which is caused by insufficient grammatical knowledge. Watcharapunyawong & Usaha (2013) state that error is produced due to the fact that the students may not be able to identify what is correct and incorrect. The errors that are made can lead them to the misinterpretation or misunderstanding when they do writing or conversation. Brown (1994) also states that error is noticeable deviation from an adult grammar, reflecting the interlanguage competence of the learner. The errors can happen because students’ writing still affected by their first language and they don’t know the syntactic as well as the lexical structures. It makes the students confused and not chooses appropriate tenses of verb in showing their ideas. Sometimes, grammatical errors are difficult to find because the students do not know the part of the mistake made by them in writing their ideas in English. By knowing students errors, the teacher will know the problems of the students and try to analyze their weakness. In the real field, writing by using a good grammar is not easy. There are many students in school who learn English as a foreign language still making many errors in their writing. Artana (2012) conducted similar research about the students’ grammatical errors. Artana conducted research which had purposed to find out grammatical errors that were made by VII A6 students of SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja in writing descriptive text. The study showed that the students still found difficulties in writing using proper grammar. Furthermore, Emmaryana (2010) was focused on analyzing grammatical errors in students’ writing committed by the first year students of SMA N 1 Cigudeg-Bogor. Emmaryana (2010) explains that an error in learning a language is common to happen. In her study, she found that when the teachers teach in the school, during discussing the topic, they found some phenomena namely; there are some students categories as having good writing, there are some students having average writing, and there are a number of students who have low ability in English writing. The students made mistakes when they did not understand very well about the grammar and the teacher was not also aware about the mistakes made by the students. The students made their mistakes repeatedly because they did not have full correction from their teachers. So, the mistakes that are made by the students repeatedly are 3

called as error. By knowing the students’ errors, the teacher will know the problems that the students are facing and the teacher will try to analyze their weaknesses. Through error analysis the teacher will be able to determine what the students still need to be taught. Further, other researchers also had done a study about analyzing grammatical errors on students’ writing texts. There were Singh, Jageer Singh, Abd Razak, & Ravinthari (2017), Rattanadilok, Phuket, Aman, & Aman (2015), Promsupa (2017), Agustina (2016), Hartini (2014), Pramayani (2017), and Utami (2008) also showed that the students still committed errors in any kinds of text writing. The result of the studies showed that the EFL students still found difficulties in writing using proper grammar. Based on the study that was conducted by Artana, the students found difficulties in writing using proper grammar in the used of verb, article, preposition, and pronoun, while, Emmaryana in her research found that the grammatical errors which made by the students in their writing were usually around the use of verb forms, articles, prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, or subject-verb agreement. Rattanadilok, Phuket, Aman, & Aman showed that the students found difficulties in writing using proper grammar in the used of grammar, lexis, and writing mechanics. In Promsupa, it showed that the grammatical errors were found in students’ writing in two main types: morphological errors and syntactic errors. Of all two main types, there were 32 error sub-types. The three most frequently found errors were singular/plural errors, article errors, and preposition errors respectively. In Agustina study showed that the errors happened in lexical errors including false friends, wrong spelling and use of Indonesian word. Syntactical error which includes verb, noun, BE, phrase, article, preposition, sentence construction. Discourse error which include generic structure. The dominant type of error is wrong spelling and misuses of verb in past tense. Next was by Hartini which showed that the grammatical errors made by the students in the form omission error, addition error, misformation error, misordering error. The next research had done by Pramayani showed that the grammatical errors made by the students in the form of add a word, capitalization, verb error, pronoun, spelling, word order, word choice, singular/plural, preposition, omit a word, meaning not clear, word form, punctuation, article, run-on-sentence, and incomplete sentence. And the last of the research had conducted by Utami which showed that there were 199 errors from 18 compositions in Descriptive paragraph by using simple past tense. There were errors of omission and errors of disordering. 4

Based on the phenomenon which is stated previously, it will also possible that the students will make some errors in writing recount texts. Errors are a process of learning that naturally happens to the students. Further, on the preliminary looking at students’ documentation and interview which had been done by the researcher in SMA Negeri 1 Banjar with the teacher, some findings are obtained. From the documentation, it was found that the students still made errors in their writing assignments, especially in grammar. The researcher also asked the English teacher in SMA N 1 Banjar whether or not the students had problems in learning English, especially in writing skill. In fact, the teacher said that the students still had problem when they wrote. The students were still confused in organizing or developing their ideas and in applying some tenses. The students had difficulty in deciding which tenses should be used to convey their ideas. The teacher also stated that recount text was difficult to write for the students because when they had to use past tense in their writing. In writing recount texts, the ideas should be written in good chronological order and the tenses used should be appropriate. In fact, the students were still confused in changing each word into past form. Further, the result of the interview showed that the students still had some difficulties, namely; the students were lack of vocabularies, the students still had difficulties in developing their idea, and mostly in terms of grammar. In writing, the students of X IPA 1 were considered as class who committed grammatical errors in writing. So, this study is intended to investigate whether there are still incorrect usages in terms of grammar committed by X IPA 1 students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar in writing recount texts. It is because the researcher realizes that grammatical errors are common problems that happen for the students. Further, this study investigates the sources of the errors committed by the students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar in their writings. This study is chosen because the researcher wants to identify kinds of grammatical errors and the sources of errors committed by the students in recount texts writing. This research is important to be conducted since the data give significant information about grammatical errors made by the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar in writing recount texts. In this case, the learners will know how deep they master the target language especially in writing recount texts. Meanwhile, the teacher will know students’ weaknesses and provide appropriate strategy, especially in writing recount texts.


D. Statements of the Problem Based on the research background previously mentioned, the statement of the problems can be stated as follows: 1. What kinds of grammatical errors are made by the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar in writing recount texts? 2. What are the sources of grammatical errors made by the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar in writing recount texts? E.

Purposes of the Study Based on the statement of the problem above, the purpose of this study were: 1. To identify the kinds of grammatical errors frequently made by the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar in writing recount texts. 2. To find out the sources that cause the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar to make errors in writing recount texts.

F. Scope of the Study The main focus of this study is to describe the types and sources of grammatical errors made by the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar in writing recount text in terms of using verb, noun, conjunction, article, preposition, and pronoun errors. G. Significances of the Study 1. Theoretical significance This study is expected to give significant contributions to the development knowledge in the field of education, especially in English, which will be helpful to contribute to the theoretical insight about grammatical errors made by the students in writing recount texts.



Practical significance The result of this research is expected to give an advantage for all of the readers in

regular practice of education, especially for teachers, students, and as well as other researchers. a. Teachers This study helps the teachers to be conscious and sensitive of the students’ difficulties in grammar and help them to solve their grammatical errors. Besides, from the result of this research, the teachers are expected to be able to create innovative strategies in teaching English to improve the students’ mastery in English. b. Students This study is expected to be able to give feedback to the students in the process of mastering the grammar and usage, especially in writing recount texts. c. For other researchers The result of this study can be as guidance and alternative sources for other researchers who want to conduct similar study. H. Definition of Key Terms To avoid misunderstandings certain key terms related to this study will be provided with conceptual and operational definitions, as follows: H.1 Conceptual Definition a. Writing Writing is a complex activity, where students should know how to generate, organize their ideas, and understand some aspects of the writing content, so, they can state clearly their purposes in their writing (Wahyuni, 2016). b. Grammatical Error Errors as noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker, reflecting the interlingua competence of the learner. In other word, errors refer to the failure in using the language system (Brown, 2000). c. Recount texts 7

Recount text is a kind of genre that has social function to retell the event for the purpose of informing and entertaining. Social purpose of recount is to reconstruct past experiences by retelling events in original sequences. It can be seen at the sample of recount in personal letters, police report, insurance claim, and incident reports (Ken Hyland, 2004:29) H.2 Operational Definition a. Writing Writing is one of the language skills which are very important for the students to master the target language. It is one of the processes for delivering ideas by using different kinds of context to the reader. It becomes an activity, where the students are expected to be able to represent or express their ideas, information, and knowledge in a piece of paper. b. Grammatical error In this study, grammatical errors refer to noticeable deviations or failures in using language system of English in writing recount text made by the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar. In this case, the errors themselves are limited to the wrong uses of verb form, noun, conjunction, article, prepositions, and pronouns. c. Recount text Recount text is a text that tells the students’ experiences. It also can be found in many texts such as personal letter, history, biography, etc. In this study, the recount texts deal with the topics that happened in the past.


I. Review of Related Literature I.1 Theoretical Review 1. Definition of Writing Writing is one of the four language skills in English. It has the same function to get knowledge of the target language. Manik & Sinurat (2015) state that writing is a process of placing thought, ideas, opinions, experiences, events, and histories such as writing letters, notes, shopping list, etc. It means that through writing the students can express their feeling, learning process information, and help them to practice their writing through many kinds of text. Students express their feelings, thinking, share opinion or ideas and state willingness by writing. Writing refers to the students’ activities in classroom. It is the ability of the students to arrange the ideas from one paragraph to others and make efforts to connect the ideas cohesively and coherently so that they are meaningful. Rogers (2005) defines that writing is a significant cultural accomplishment of human beings. It gives us a chance to record and convey information beyond the immediate time. Writing gives people a space to communicate in a distance, either place or time. They need a lot of time to arrange a paragraph. To make a good writing, the students need several processes. Further, Hedge (2000) defines that writing is a gradual activity involving stages like setting goals, generating ideas, organizing information, selecting appropriate languages, making a draft, reading, reviewing it, and then revising editing. Those stages of writing process are to help the students in learning writing. So, if the students have already followed the process of writing, they will be able to make good writings. Writing is considered difficult because the students must complete the aspects of writing such as its content, organization, vocabulary, punctuation, coherence, and spelling in coherent way. Harmer (2004) explains that “writing is the way to produce language and express feeling, opinion, and idea”. It means that writing can be used to express what someone feels about something and delivered their intention indirectly. By writing the reader can understand what the writer wants to say instead of speaking, where it must be understood in the time of speaking. Writing is a process about something in our mind which has strong influence by constraints of genres and these elements have to present in learning activities. Harmer (2004) explains that 9

“writing process is a place where the writer goes through in order to produce something in its final written form”. There are four steps in writing process, namely: 1. Planning As the writers have to think about three purposes in doing pre-writing. First, they have to know the topic of their writing because it leads them to what text is going to be made and the language especially tenses used and information delivered in their writing. Second, they have to know who is the audience or the reader of their writing because it affects to the form of the writing. Third, writers have to concern to the content of their writing structure which consists of their appropriate sequence of fact, idea, argument they have decided. 2. Drafting The writers have to give a good idea in generating planning as a guide. In this step they need to edit for checking the text. 3. Editing In writing a text it is not making sense to make a good writing at the moment of writing. In the first writing can be said first draft and it may be is not good enough. It still needs to be revised to make it better and that is called editing. Editing is very important steps in writing because it can improve the quality of writing. According to Richards and Willy defines that “editing is where the writer checking back their writing by looking at its grammar, sentence structure, accuracy, spelling, diction, punctuation, etc.” 4. Final Draft The writers have changed their writing draft, it is conducted because it is needed to make better writing and produce final writing. It may look different from the first writing and draft because it have changed in editing process. By so doing, the writers can be more confidently to submit their writing to the audience or reader. In short, writing is a process to express ideas through a piece of paper. It is a process of producing ideas, opinion, and feeling and also emphasizes the students’ writings through many kinds of text. Writing helps the students to organize their ideas from one paragraph to others and connect the ideas cohesively and coherently so their writing can be meaningful. 10

2. Recount text There are many kinds of text that can be taught for the students to practice their writing; one of them is recount text. Ken Hyland (2004) states that recount text is a kind of genre that has social function to retell event for the purposes of informing and entertaining. The tense that is used in a recount text is past tense. It has a purpose to give the reader a description of what had already been done and when it happened. In other words, recount text is an event that is functioning as informing and entertaining the reader through the story. Ken Hyland (2004), explains about the language features of the recount text namely: a. Orientation It provides the setting and produces the participants. It provides information about whom, where, and when. b. Sequence of Events It tells what happened, present events in temporal sequence. It is usually recounted in chronological order. Personal comments and evaluation of remarks are interspersed throughout the record of events. c. Re-orientation It is the optional closure of events. It rounds off the sequence of events. Moreover, Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson (1998:49) also have classified the common grammatical features of recount text structure namely: a. Proper noun and pronoun to identify those involved in the text Proper noun is a noun that refers to the name of people, country, city, and school, company, etc. and written in capital letter in the beginning of letter. Pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun, for example “The boy is very clever. He always studies hard every day”. b. Action verbs An action verb is a verb that expresses physical action. The action verb tells us what the subject of our clause or sentence is doing-physically. The examples of action verb like go, write, do, walk, etc. 11

c. A descriptive word which gives details about who, what, when, where, and how It explains more detail the event in the story by using 5W+H questions. It helps the writer to convey what should be involved in the story. What explains the topic of the story, when explains the time of the story happening, where explains the place or setting of the story, who explains the characters involved in the story, and how explains the process of the story to happen. d. The use of the past tense to retell the events In writing a recount text, the use of past tense is one of the language features of the text. Recount text is a text that tells an event of someone that already happened in the past. It tells the event that already happened for the purpose of entertaining the reader. For example “Last holiday I went to the beach”, went refers to the use of past tense in the sentence. e. Conjunction and time connectives The use of conjunction and time connectives in writing recount text is compulsory. It helps the writer to make their writing in the story connected from one event to the others. It creates the story into good chronological order, as the use of the conjunctions for, and, nor, before, or, yet, so, etc. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that recount typically retells something to entertain by dealing with the sequence of the events that state the relationship between the writer-reader and speaker-listener. Its purposes are to inform about certain events and entertain the reader. In the recount texts there is no complication among the characters and this differentiates it from narrative texts. 3. The Differences between Mistakes and Errors Errors and mistakes are misconception that commonly happens in the process of learning. As a matter of fact, there must be some reasons that cause students have errors or mistakes. Errors are different from mistakes, errors happen when there is no purpose to omit one, but mistakes are a fault made by a learner, where students are able to correct it and it is not intended, it is then called mistakes (James, 1998). Mistakes can happen when the students are able to revise the fault in their works; it is considered that the form they selected is not the one intended. 12

Meanwhile, when the students are unable to make correction on their works, we may assume that the form that the students used is one intended. On the contrary, errors need further relevant learning to be conducted before they can be corrected by themself. Moreover, Riddel (2001) states that mistakes are a process where the students learn and know something from unawareness and happen once or twice. There are some conditions that make the students produce mistakes, namely: they forget the information, lack of knowledge, and they don’t understand much of the information. Mistakes can be revised by the students when their teacher gives them a clue that what they have made are not correct yet in some of their mistakes. Meanwhile, Errors are repetition of mistakes committed by the students and there is a gap between the students’ knowledge as they do not know what is correct. Brown (2000) states that a mistake refers to a performance error that is either a random guess or a “slip” in that it is a failure to utilize a known system correctly. Native speakers are normally capable of recognizing and correcting such “lapses” or mistakes, which are not the result of a deficiency in competence but the result of some sort of temporary breakdown or imperfection in the process of producing speech. Mistake, when attention is called to them, can be self-corrected. While, an error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker, reflects the competence of the learner. Second language learners who ask “does Jhon can sing?” are in all likelihood reflecting a competence level in which all verbs require a preposed do auxiliary for question formation. As such, it is an error, most likely not a mistake, and an errors reveals a portion of the learner’s competence in the target language. Mistake and error are common to happen in learning second language and also both are different. So, an error cannot be self-corrected while mistake can be corrected if the deviation is pointed out to the speaker. It can be concluded that errors occur when the students can’t revise their mistakes, but mistakes are a fault where students are able to revise it and consider that the form they selected is not the one intended. When the learners commit mistakes, they generally recognize the mistakes and at the same time they are able to correct their mistakes. While, errors are occur repeatedly and the students cannot make correction towards the errors they made.


4. Errors Analysis in EFL Errors in learning English are problem which is difficult to avoid. Error analysis is a kind of linguistics analysis that focuses on the errors made by students. Agustina (2016) defines that Error analysis is one of studies a second language acquisitions. It is on learner and evidence of how learner errors could provide an understanding of the process of second language acquisitions. In other words, errors can be said as failures in using target language because the students ignore the rules of the target language in their writings. The students may commit errors because they have limited knowledge about tenses or structures of their target language. Then, the error analysis that the students commit is representing the level of students learning. Further, Brown (2000) also states that error analysis is a process in which success comes by profiting from mistakes, by using mistakes to obtain feedback from the environment, and with feedback to make new attempts that successively approximate desired goals. It will be helpful that the mistake a person made in this process of constructing a new system of language needed to be analyzed carefully, for they possibly held in them some of the keys to the understanding of the process of second language acquisition. Richards & Renandya (1973) define that error analysis is an action to outline errors found in writing and speaking. Errors happen because of the failure in using the system of the language itself. The errors can be seen when the students use wrong tenses and words in which they are unable to recognize them well and what is their weaknesses that need to be improved. Error analysis is the way to identify and isolate areas of error and difficulty. By using that information, errors can be analyzed for planning a new way in teaching and relevant subject to be more emphasized for the students’ need. Moreover, Abeywickrama (2010) defines that error analysis is a kind of linguistics analysis that focuses on the students’ errors. It means that the error analysis is a procedure which is done by teacher against students’ grammatical errors. It helps the teacher in order to know in what level they master, learn and gain information in language learning, as well as to help the teacher in teaching and preparing teaching materials. Regarding to the explanation above, it can be said that error analysis is a study of errors in learning second language. In the process of learning second language, the students may have made mistakes or errors. Therefore, by conducting error analysis on students’ writings, the 14

teacher will know the students’ level in understanding the second language and the strategy that is used in the learning process. 5. Types of Grammatical Errors Murrow (2004) defines that there are six types of grammatical errors usually committed by the students. Those are verb, noun, conjunction, article, pronoun, and preposition. a. Verb Verb error is an error in using the wrong verb that occurs in the students’ writings because they use inappropriate verb in certain tenses of the sentence. There are three basic forms of principle part of verb; those are simple present tense, simple past tense, and past participle. Putra (2012) defines that errors in using verb are often occur when the students don’t understand about the verb forms. The problems happen because the students have difficulties in choosing certain tenses or structures, whether in their writings they use present tense, past tense, or other tenses. The other reason is where the students are still confused of the difference between past tense and past participle tense. Feder (2002) explains that the verb can change its form based on the situation. In this case, the ending of the verb can be added (write-writing) and the verb can be changed (teach-taught). The difference forms of verb can produce different meaning for the sentence itself according to the context usage. The first is the tenses used in the sentence like simple present, simple past, and past participle tense. The second is whether the sentence uses first person, second person, and third person. The third person is adapting on the number of singular and plural. The last factor is the forms of the sentence like active and passive. Murrow (2004) explains that there are eight categories of verb errors that generally made by the students in writing using English as foreign language. There are missing verb, verb tense error, singular / plural (subject verb agreement), positive form, negative form, gerund, infinitive, and participle. b. Noun MacFadyen (2010) states that noun is a word that is used to name a person, thing, place, and also idea. It is a part of speech that has multifunction in a sentence. It is because noun can be function as subject “Aldo cries” and object “She makes a cake”. A noun can be singular and 15

plural. Plural is formed by additional “s” at the end of the noun. But, all nouns can’t be added by “s” at the end of the noun, for examples like tooth (singular) become teeth (plural), man (singular) become men (plural), and woman (singular) become women (plural). There are 3 types of noun. The first is abstract noun and concrete noun. Abstract noun is a noun which has no form, invisible, and can’t be touched, but it can be imagined. The examples of abstract noun like association, application, confidence, kindness, or friendship. Meanwhile, concrete noun is a noun that has form, visible, and can be touched. The examples of concrete noun like the name of person (Jimmy, sally), city (Jakarta, Singaraja), woman, iron, and pencils. Concrete noun is divided into four, namely; proper noun, common noun, collective noun, and material noun. Proper noun is a noun that refers to a name, like the name of person (George and Maria), country (Japan and Netherland), city (Singaraja and Denpasar), company (CV.Cipta Media), etc. Common noun is a noun that refers to common noun such as (lawyer, teacher, pencils, shop, market, etc). Common noun is always followed by article (a, an, the), if common noun doesn’t follow by article, then it has a wide meaning and sometimes the meaning is difference. Collective noun is a noun to describe a group of thing or people as a unit like the words audience, team, crowd, family, etc. Material noun is a noun that states about materials such as silver, gold, diamond, etc. It is usually used with article “the” like “I found the gold on that hill”. The second type is countable and uncountable nouns. Countable noun has singular and plural form. Countable noun can be counted like books, pencils, rulers, etc. However, uncountable noun is noun that cannot be counted such as water, sand, sugar, etc. The last is compound noun. Compound noun is a noun combined to form a single noun, for examples like room maid, brother-in-law, bodyguard, etc. c. Conjunction MacFadyen (2008) defines that conjunction is a word that is used to connect words, phrases, and clauses. It gives cause and effect in the sentence, the opposite of the two sentences, and to complete the other sentences. The examples of conjunction which follow the part of the sentence are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Conjunction has three different basic forms. Those are single word, compound, and correlation. The examples of conjunction categorized as single word are and, but, because, or, and although. The conjunction categorized as compounds are 16

even though, in order that, in the meantime, etc. The conjunction categorized as correlations are either…or, neither…nor, both…and, etc. There are three types of conjunction, namely: Coordinating, Subordinating and Correlative conjunctions. Each type of conjunction joins together in different parts of a sentence. The first is coordinating conjunctions like "and" "nor" or "so" link equal parts of a sentence, be it words, phrases or clauses. For examples: 

He was late for school, so he took a shortcut.

Her favorite colors were purple and red.

She doesn't like coffee, nor does she like tea.

Second is subordinating conjunctions such as "because", "since" and "after" link a dependent clause to an independent clause, helping to emphasize the idea of the independent clause. For examples: 

Because it was raining, we had to cancel the class picnic.

The house was a mess after the crazy party we had last night.

He didn't go skiing any more, since he had the accident.

The third is correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join equal elements of a sentence together like "either/or", "such/that" and "not only/but also". For examples: 

You can have either chocolate or vanilla ice cream.

He not only plays the guitar but also the drums.

Such was his strength that he was easily able to move the fallen tree. d. Article

In English, there are two types of article such as definite article “the” and indefinite article “a and an”. Article “the” only uses to refer something which has been mentioned. “The” article can be used with plural, singular countable noun, and uncountable noun. Those are used between speaker and listener about something that they already know exactly about the topic. But 17

indefinite article “a and an” are used to refer something particular member of group and in the first time, for example of indefinite article “She is a teacher” and it is also used to refer to particular member of group, for example “Susi is a manager of the hotel”. e.


Shrives (2011) states that pronoun is a word that stands for a noun. It is used to avoid repetition in the writing sentence. Some students are always doing an error in using pronoun because they still don’t understand it. For instance “this pencil is you”. That sentence must be “this pencil is yours” and this is the simple mistake that usually happens for the students. There are other types of pronoun errors that commonly committed by the students. The types of pronoun errors are subjective pronoun, objective pronoun, reflexive pronoun, possessive pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, interrogative pronoun, indefinite pronoun, and relative pronoun. f.


Preposition is a word that shows the relationship between noun and pronoun and other words in the sentence (Norquist, 2007). Some examples of preposition such as at, in, on, of, under, by, during, after, before, etc. Students make an error in using preposition because they do not know the rule of using the preposition. For example, “I have put the book at the table”. It must be “I have put the book on the table”. 6. Sources of Error It is very important to assess the students’ writings why they make an error. Brown (2000), says that there are four sources of error happening in students’ writings. Those aspects of error consist of interlingual transfer, intralingual transfer, context of learning, and communication strategy. a) Interlingual Transfer Interlingual transfer happens when the students’ mother language is interference. It happens because they still do not know with foreign language that they learn. This may happen 18

unconsciously because the students are not familiar yet with the target language linguistic system. An error that is caused by interlingual transfer can be identified by translating the sentence made by the students from second language into first language. Example: Saya suka susu cokelat (Bahasa Indonesia) I like milk chocolate (English) Bahasa Indonesia and English have different ways in forming noun-phrase. In Bahasa Indonesia the modifiers (e.g. cokelat-chocolate) are replaced after the noun (e.g. susu-milk), meanwhile in English the modifiers precedes the noun. From the example above, it can be seen that the word “chocolate” and “milk” have been translated to English using Bahasa Indonesia linguistic system. The correct sentence should be: I like chocolate milk. b) Intralingual Transfer Intralingual transfer happens because there is overgeneralization made by the students. It is an over extension that the students make from the development of a new linguistics system that is learnt by the students. For instance, when the students about to use past tense, they will directly assume that the entire verb in the past must be added with suffix - ed like kicked and played. They may assume that in irregular verb, they can do the same things. The verb like eat, run, and study become eated, runed, and studyed when they alter into the past form. Another example is like the use of plural and singular to form a noun. The students may assume that all plural nouns must be added with suffix s/es like pencils, tables, bags. But, in other noun like man, woman, and knife are not added by s/es, those nouns already have their plural form. Man becomes men, woman becomes women, and knife becomes knives. c) Context of Learning This source of error is not caused by different language interference. Context of learning refers to the classroom with teacher and material in the case of school learning or the social situation in the case of untutored second language learning. In a classroom context, the teacher or textbook or even because of a pattern are memorized in a drill but improperly contextualized. In the context of school, teacher explanations or what is written down in the textbook may lead the 19

students to have wrong understanding about the language. For example: the teacher mistakenly said “you need to bring umbrella” during the learning process or in the textbook the students find “she come home”. The students will assume what the teacher said or what is written in the textbook is correct and further repeating the mistake. In other words, the students have wrong concepts of the teacher’s explanation or the textbook which lead them to make errors. d) Communication Strategies Communication strategies are leading to the learning styles that are implemented by the students. Communication strategies are used by the students to understand the meaning of the foreign language. It involves paraphrasing, substitution, coining new words, changing into the first language, and asking for confirmation. For example, the students use dictionary to translate their sentences. They translate the words from the native language into English. In this case, the grammatical errors will be occurred because the word choice is not correct with the sentence. This may be a source of errors for the students. I.2 Empirical Review There are some researchers have conducted the same research about analyzing grammatical errors. Those researchers focus on the students’ writings as the second language. The purpose of the study is to find out the types of the grammatical errors made by the students. Singh, Jageer Singh, Abd Razak, & Ravinthar i (2017) had conducted the research focusing on Analyzing the Students’ Grammatical Errors Made by ESL Tentiary Students Writing Essay. It was found that in the educational of Malaysia demands the students to be equipped with sound grammar to make them be able to produce good essay in the examination. But, it was found that the students in the higher learning institutions tend to make some grammatical errors in their writing. The purpose of this study was to find out the grammatical errors made by tertiary students in their writings as well as the causes of they made the errors. The result of the research was shown that the subject-verb agreement and tenses were the most common types of error. The students over-generalized and perceived the use of the tenses. Other errors were found in students’ construction of the complex sentence. They failed in the construction include essential and nonessential clauses. Here, if the teacher didn’t help in comprehending the concept of 20

Subject-Verb Agreement (SVA), tenses, essential and nonessential clauses, the students will keep make errors in their tertiary education. Rattanadilok, Phuket, Aman, & Aman (2015) had conducted a research focusing on Understanding EFL Students’ Errors in Writing Essay. The research questions of this study were: 1) what are types of errors and linguistics level that presents the most errors in students’ writing essay, 2) what are the sources of errors in the writing of EFL students. From the research questions of this study, the purposes of this study were: 1) to investigate the types of errors and the linguistics level that presents the most errors in students’ writing. 2) to explore the major sources of errors occurred in the writing of EFL students’ writing. The result of this study found that in examining the linguistic levels which presented the most errors, the errors were analyzed by distinguished into three linguistic levels of English language: grammar, lexis, and writing mechanics. Grammar was found as the most difficult linguistic level presented the most frequently errors. The dependent variables are two sources of errors: interlingual and intralingual. As the results, the participants committed the interlingual and intralingual errors. Therefore, the statistical evidence to suggest that there was a significant difference among the two sources of errors: interlingual and intralingual. Additionally, Promsupa (2017) had conducted a study focusing on An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in English Writing of Thai University Students. The research questions of this study were: 1) what are the types of errors in English Writing of Thai Students, 2) what are the sources of errors in English Writing of Thai Students. The purposes of this study were: 1) to investigate the types of grammatical errors in English Writing of Thai Students. 2) to analyze the sources of errors in English Writing of Thai Students. The result of this study can be stated as follows: The research findings revealed that 2,218 grammatical errors were found in both of two main types: morphological errors (81.97%) and syntactic errors (18.03%). Of all two main types, there were 32 error sub-types. The three most frequently found errors were singular/plural errors (30.43%), article errors (21.51%), and preposition errors (5.23%) respectively. In regards to the sources of the errors, both of the interlanguage errors and the intralingual and developmental errors had influences on the errors made in the writing. The interlanguage errors occurred when the students attempted to use their existing knowledge of L1 structures to acquire the target 21

language, but differences between the two languages caused them to apply the structures incorrectly. The next study comes from Agustina (2016) who also conducted the study entitled “An Analyzing of Grammatical Errors in Writing Recount Text at Eighth Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta”. It was found that the students in SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta still faced problem in some types of grammatical errors. The purpose of the study was to know the dominant type of error, the frequency of each type of errors, and the sources of the error in writing recount text committed by the students. The result of research shows that lexical errors is 22,2% including false friends, wrong spelling and use of Indonesian word. Syntactical error is 64% which includes verb, noun, BE, phrase, article, preposition, sentence construction. Discourse error is 7,7% which include generic structure. The dominant type of error is wrong spelling and misuses of verb in past tense. Another similar research entitled “An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Writing Made by XD Students at SMA Negeri Salemadegn in Academic Year 2013/2014” was done by Hartini (2014). The research question of this study were 1) what kinds of grammatical errors made by XD students at SMA Negeri 1 Salemadeg in writing a descriptive paragraph, 2) what are the causes of errors made by XD students at SMA Negeri 1 Salemadeg in writing a descriptive paragraph. From the research questions of this study, the purposes of this study were: 1) to identify kinds of grammatical errors made by XD students at SMA Negeri 1 Salemadeg in writing a descriptive paragraph, 2) to know the causes of those grammatical errors. The result of the study can be stated as follows: the grammatical errors made by the students in the form omission error (30.2%), addition error (5.5%), misformation error (60.9%), misordering error (3.4%). So the highest errors made by the students were in the form of misformation error and the lowest errors made by the students were in the form of misordering error. Pramayani (2017) had also conducted a research entitled “An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Writing Descriptive Texts Committed by the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja in academic year 2016/2017”. The research questions of this study were: 1) what are the types of grammatical errors committed by the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja in writing descriptive text, 2) what are the sources of errors committed by the tenth 22

grade students of SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja in writing descriptive text. From the research questions of this study, the purposes of this study were: 1) to find out the types of grammatical errors committed by the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja in writing descriptive text. 2) to find out the sources of errors committed by the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja in writing descriptive text. The result of this study can be stated as follows: the grammatical errors made by the students in the form of add a word (25.52%), capitalization (12.41%), verb error (8.62%), pronoun (8.62%), spelling (7.93%), word order (6.55%), word choice (4.83%), singular/plural (5.96%), preposition (4.48%), omit a word (4.48%), meaning not clear (2.76 %), word form (2.41%), punctuation (2.07%), article (1.38%), run-on-sentence (1.38%), and incomplete sentence (1.03%). So, the highest error made by the students was in the form of add a word and the lowest error made by the students was in the form of incomplete sentence. The result of this study indicated that the major source of errors was intralingual error (65.77%). The other research conducted by Utami (2008) a study which focused on Analyzing the Errors Made by the Fourth Grade Students at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. She conducted the study because of two major reasons. First was because the students often made errors in their composition when they wrote an essay, although they had been given the topic before by the lecturer. Second, they were not re-checking their assignment. The research instrument of study was a composition test given by the researcher in using simple past tense. To analyze the data the writer took some steps, namely identifying and classifying the errors and determining the frequency of occurrences the errors. The result of the test showed that there were 199 errors from 18 compositions in Descriptive paragraph by using simple past tense. There were 13 or 10.92% errors of omission, 13 or 1.68% errors of disordering. In other words, the dominant errors of misinformation made by the students happened in formation errors. Based on the studies above, it can be seen that the types and also percentage of errors made by the students are different. Also, it can be noticed that the students committed different types of errors in different writing texts. By reading some studies about error analysis, the researcher believes that studying students’ errors will be beneficial for the students and also teachers. In this case, the learners will know how deep they master the target language, what should be 23

avoided in writing recount texts, and how to make good recount texts. Meanwhile, the teacher will know students’ weaknesses in writing recount texts. Then it can make the teacher in providing appropriate strategy to make students better in writing texts. It leads the researcher to interest in conducting studies about error analysis. The researcher will conduct the study of analyzing grammatical errors in writing, especially in recount texts. The similarities of this study with the previous those research are the analysis of error in learning English, which is focused in writing English text. The differences between seven researchers are the subject of the study and the errors that the students committed in each type of grammatical errors in terms of verb, noun, article, conjunction, preposition, article, and pronoun errors (Murrow, 2004).


J. Research Design This research is categorized as qualitative descriptive research. Cresswell (1994, p.12) clarifies that qualitative study is an inquiry process of comprehending a social problem based on building a complex, holistic picture, formed by words, reporting detail views of informants, and conducted in natural setting. Qualitative research is conducted in the natural setting by combination of observation, interview, and document review. Descriptive qualitative research is a kind of research which focused on collecting the data, analyzing it, and interpreting nonnumerical data to describe a particular phenomenon which takes place in natural setting. By using this qualitative research, the researcher can give a description of grammatical errors in recount texts written by Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar. The result of this research is not effective to represent in other schools competency in writing recount texts. In other words, the result of this study is relevant to show the competency of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar in academic year of 2017/2018. K. Setting of the Study The research will be conducted at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar in academic year 2017/2018. This school is located at Banyuatis Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency, Bali, Indonesia. L. Subject of the Study The subject of this study will be the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar. The tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar are divided into 10 classes. All of the classes are categorized as parallel classes in which those classes have mix level of knowledge. The subjects of the study are obtained from the teacher as class that commits errors especially in writing recount texts. The researcher will take one class as representation from the tenth classes. The students of X IPA 1 are chosen as the subjects of study because the class often committed errors in writings. The class consists of 35 students which consist of 16 females and 19 males from class X IPA 1. The researcher chooses X IPA 1 class because they also have already learnt about recount text in the second semester. M. Object of the study The objects of the study are grammatical errors committed by the students in writing recount texts. Murrow (2000) states that there six errors that commonly committed by the students in 25

terms of verb error which is classified into missing verb, verb tense, singular/plural, positive form, negative form, gerund, infinitive, and participle, noun error, conjunction error, preposition error, article error, and pronoun error which is classified into subject, object, reflexive, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative, indefinite, and relative pronouns. N. Method of Data Collection Suryana (2007:11) in Hartini (2014:24) defines that in conducting qualitative research there are some steps that the researcher should do, namely; pre-observation, conducting the research, and calculating the data. 1. Pre-observation a. Arranging the study The study will be arranged in the form of descriptive qualitative research. The writer will analyze the kinds of grammatical errors and sources of errors committed by the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjar in writing recount texts. b. Visiting the field Before conducting the research, it is considered to observe the situation of the school by visiting the target field. The school that becomes the subject of the research was SMA Negeri 1 Banjar in academic year 2017/2018. This school is located at Banyuatis Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency, Bali, Indonesia. Its purpose is to know the field really has problem or not to make the research success to be conducted. c. Preparing Instrument Preparing instruments are very needed to collect the data. The writer will prepare two instruments, namely; writing task and questionnaire. 2. Conducting the study a. Collecting Students’ Writing After knowing the real situation of the school, then it is continued by choosing the subjects of the research. After the subject of the research has chosen, they are given explanation about the researcher purposes to come to the school. Then, the students of X IPA 1, as the subject of this study will ask to write recount texts about


“unforgettable experience” as the topic in which it will consist of 100 words. After that, the students’ writing will be collected. b. Distributing questionnaire The questionnaires are prepared to be given to the students. The students of X IPA 1 will answer the questions that the writer prepares before. The writer will distribute the questionnaires to get more information about the reasons why the students made errors in their recount texts writing. 3. Calculating the data. In this part of the procedure data collection will be further discuss in data analysis. O. Research Instruments Arikunto (1998:148) instrument is a device that used as a method in the research. It’s a tool that used by the researcher when the researcher applies certain method to get data. In order to find accurate data, there were some supporting instruments that were used in this research. The explanation of each instrument will be explained below. 1. Researcher In this research, the researcher is the main instrument who will do the analysis on the documents by himself. In qualitative study, the researcher is not only acting as researcher but also as an instrument because the researcher has authority to do the analysis. 2. Writing Task Writing task will be given to the chosen class. It is given to collect students’ writing. In this case, the students are asked to write recount texts about “unforgettable experience” as the topic. They have to make recount texts which consist of orientation, events, and re-orientation. The text should be consisted at least 100 words. After the students writing are collected, the researcher will analyze the writings in order to identify the grammatical errors committed by the students. 3. Questionnaire A questionnaire is an instrument that consists of series questions for the purpose to collect information from the subjects of study. The subjects are asked to answer all of the questions. There two kinds of questions, namely: open question and closed question. Open question is a question where the subjects answer the question on their willing or opinion. Meanwhile, closed 27

question is a question where the subjects choose available answers in the questionnaire. In this research, close question type is used to find the information about the sources that cause the students made errors. There will be 20 items in the questionnaire. The questionnaire is based on the sources of errors in which the sources are divided into interlingual transfer, intralingual transfer, context of learning, and communication strategies. The writer will collect the questionnaires and analyze the data. P. Data Analysis This study focuses on analyzing the grammatical errors in the students’ writing of recount text in terms of using verb error, noun error, conjunction error, article error, pronoun error, and preposition error. There are several steps will be conducted by the researcher in analyzing the data. Those steps are: 1. Collecting the Data The data will be collecting through the students’ writing recount texts. In order to gain the data, the students will be asked to make recount texts about unforgettable experience as the topic. The students’ writing should be consisted about 100 words. They have to make recount text based on the generic structures of recount texts. 2. Identifying Grammatical Errors In this step, the researcher analyses students’ writings in terms of verb error, noun error, conjunction error, article error, pronoun error, and preposition error. 3. Classifying the Data After the errors have been identified, the students’ errors are classified into each type of grammatical errors, such as: verb, noun, conjunction, article, pronoun, and preposition errors.

4. Calculating the Grammatical Errors After the errors have been classified, then they are counted to know the total number and percentage of the errors committed by the students. The formula bellow is used to count the percentage of the error: P=

𝑛1 ∑𝑛

x 100%, adopted from Inggrayani (2011, p.39)

Note: 28

P = Percentage of each error n1 = Total of errors do by the students in each type. ∑ n = Total of the whole errors 5. Analyzing the Sources of Grammatical Errors In this step, the researcher will analyze the sources of the error committed by the students. The sources of error will be seen from the result of the questionnaire conducted to the students. 6. Reporting the result of the analysis In this step, the researcher will report the result of the analysis of sources the students make the errors and will be presented descriptively. 7. Drawing Conclusion The end of the step is taken by the researcher in the conclusion of the study. Q. Triangulation Triangulation technique is an approach that is used to investigate the research questions for the purpose to enhance the trustworthiness of ensuring the findings. Mackey & Gass (2005) state that there are four basic types of triangulation, namely: a. Data triangulation It means needs combination of data from several sampling strategies. It involves the use of different sources of data information. b. Investigator triangulation It refers to the use of more than one researcher in the field to collect and interpret the data. c. Theoretical triangulation It refers to the use of more than one theory in interpreting the data. d. Methodological instruments It refers to the use of more than one research methods to investigate a particular phenomenon.


In this study, the researcher decided to use data triangulation in which the research used different instruments in collecting the data. The data will be collected through students’ writings and questionnaire.


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