Resumen Ara Examen Ingles.docx

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  • Words: 1,503
  • Pages: 6
SEMANA 2 MODALS : COULD YOU, WOULD YOU, WOULD YOU MIND EJERCICIOS: 1. COULD you stop doning that? It’s annoyying! 2. I CULDN’T possibly finish such a large pizza alone. 3. COULD You ask her to go out with me? 4. You COULD ask mister sebel to help you. 5. Where COULD he have parked his car? 6. He COULDN’T have done this. He was with me the whole time. 7. We COULD go to france next summer. 8. I COULDN’T lift the box. It was too heavy for me. 9. Sarah COULDN’T eat because she was ill 10. If i COULD only turn back time. Ejercicio: would / could you open your books? 1. Turn to page twelve COULD YOU PLEASE TURN TO PAGE? 2. Repeat what you said COULD REPEAT PLEAE REPEAT WHAT YOU SAID. 3. Take out your notebooks WOULD YOU PLEASE TAKE OUT YOUR NOTEBOOKS? 4. Pronounce this Word COULD YOU PRONOUNCE THIS WORD? 5. Write down the answers WOULD YOU PLEASE WRITE DOWN THE ANSWRS? 6. Tell me what grade i got COULD YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHAT GRADE I GOT? EJERCICOS: A - would you mind explaining a gramar rule to me? B- not at all . howw can i help you? 1. You are talking to your boss. A-- WOULD YOU MIND ME A LICENSE? B—NOT ALL , SURE CERTAINLY. 2. You wnat your co-worker to help you. WOULD YOU MIND SENDING THIS REPORT FOR ME? 3. You wan your children to clean up their romos WOULD YOU MIND CLEANING YOUR BEDROOM, CHILDREN? B--YES SURE 4. You wnat your wife/ husband to help you cook dinner. WOULD YOU MIND MAKING DINNER WITH ME DARLING SWEET HEART? B—YES.DARLING EJERCICES: MATCH: Would you mind getting up? Would you mind not wearing those old jeans Would you mind getting out of the bathroom? Would you mind cleaning your room? Would you mind doing the dishes?


Listen and fill in the blanks Conversation 1 Man; Pete,would you mind GETTING UP ? It’s eleven o’clock! You have to clean the yard. Pete: Ok,Dad. I’ll get up now. Conversation 2 Woman : Nick,would you mind not WEARING those old jeans? They look terrible. Nick: Ok, I’ll put on another pair. Conversation 3 Girl: Nancy ,would you mind GETTING OUT OF the bathroom? I need to take a shower. Nancy: Sorry, I won’t be long. Conversation 4 Woman: Jenny, would you mind CLEANING your room? J enny: I’m sorry ,I ‘ll do it right away. Conversation 5 Man: Sarah,would you mind DOING the dishes? Sarah: Ok, I’ll do them in a minute. CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR. MATCHING- INVITATIONS, OFFERS AND REQUESTS H 1.- would you like to come for lunch this weekend a- oh, yes please! Could you? E 2.-can you help me with this table a momento? b- well, actually, my mum’s not feeling well maybe another time.


3.-could you tell me where the nearest bank is, please? 4.-would you like me to ask my brother? 5.-can I come round to your house later?


6.-could you lend me $20, please? 7.-can I get you a cup of tea?


8.-would you mind passing me that menú. Please?

c- i suppose so. But. Need it back before Friday. d- yes. Of course. Here you go. e- yes, sure. Where do you want yo puti t? f- i’m sorry, I’m not from around here g- no, I’m OK, thanks, I’ve just ha done. h- Og, I’d love, thank you

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. Have some i can wáter? CAN I HAVE SOME WATER? 2. Coffe would like? You a WOULD YOU LIKE A CUP OF COFFE? 3. How? I help can you HOW CAN HELP YOU? 4. Do could a favor me? You COULD YOU DO ME A FOVOUR? 5. Giving a you me mind would hand? WOULD YOU MIND GIVING ME A HAND? 6. Up please? Me can pick you later. CAN YOU PICK ME UP LATER. PLEASE? PLEASE 7. Explain you could this, please? COULD YOU EXPLAIN THIS PLEASE? 8. Come for you round to like would dinner? WOULD YOU LIKE TO COME ROUND FOR DINNER? EJERCICSOS 1. MAY I speak to Mr. Smith, please? (Formal polite request) 2. COULD you open the window, please? It's hot in here. (Polite request) 3. WOULD YOU MIND buying two loaves of bread on your way home? (Polite request) 4. Would you mind if I BORROWED your dictionary for an hour or so? (Polite request) 5. Would you mind if I DIDN’T won't come to your party? (Asking for permission) 6. Mrs. Redding, COULD YOU lend me two hundred dollars till next week, please? (Polite request) 7. Would you mind NOT SMOKING here? I have a headache. (Polite request) 8. Betty, CAN YOU help me with this grammar exercise, please? (Informal request) 9. Could I use your cell phone, please? – Sorry, you CAN’T . (Permission not given) 10. Could I stay here for a while? – Yes, you CAN . (Permission given) SEMANA 3 Exercice1: choose active or passive: Put “A” for Active, “P” for Passive: 1. The boy banged on the table. [ACTIVO ] 2. A girl was bitten by a dog.[ PASSIVE] 3. Mrs Wong washes her car every Sunday. [ACTIVE ] 4. The library was broken into last night.[PASSIVE ] 5. I lost my dictionary. [ACTIVE ] 6. The floor is swept by the maid.[ PASIVE] EXERCISE: MATCH THE BEGINNINS OF SENTENCES TO THE CORRECT ENDINGS. 1 Romeo and juliet c Was written by William sakespeare 2 These Windows d Are cleaned every morming 3 Smoking f Is not allowed in this office. 4 The post e Is delivered every morming 5 A huge bunch of flowers and a cheque for $10,000 g Were presented to the winner 6 Five lucky winners a Were chosen at random 7 There are no newspapers left. The last one h Was sold five minutes ago 8 French, italian, romansch and german b Are all spoken in Switzerland

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. She sang a song. -A song was sung by her. 1.-Somebody hit me. – I WAS HIT BY SOMEBODY 2.-We stopped the bus. – THE BUS WAS STOPPED BY US 3.-A thief stole my car. -MY CAR WAS STOLEN BY THIEF

4.-They didn't let him go. – HE WASN’T LET GO FOR THEM 5.-She didn't win the prize. – THE PRICE WAS NOT WON BY HER 6.-They didn't make their beds. – THE DEDS WERE NOT MADE BY THEM 7.-I did not tell them. – THEY WERE NOT TOLD ME 8.-Did you tell them? – WERE THEY TOLD YOU? 9.-Did he send the letter? – WAS THE LETTER SENT BY HIM?

Complete the sentences with the correct passive for mof the verb sinbrackets. Use the Past Simple. •a. Mycar__WAS REAIRED_(repair)lastweek. •b. Thissong__WAS NOT WRITTEN____(not write)by John Lennon. •c._WAS THE PHONE ANSWERED (thephone/answer)by a Young girl? •d. The film_WAS MADE_(make)ten years ago. •e. When_WAS TENNIS INVENTED (tennis/invent)? •f. The car_WAS NOT DAMAGED (not damaged)in the accident. •g. The original building_WAS PULLED_(pull)down in 1965. •h. Where__WAS THIS POT MADE (this pot/make)? •i. When_WAS THIS BRIDGE BUILT_(this bridge/build)?

Choose the correct for mof the verb sinbrackets. •FIAT •Fiat 0 was started (started/was started) by a group of Italian businessmen in 1899. In 1903, Fiat, 1 PRODUCED (produced/was produced) 132 cars. Some of these cars 2_WERE EXPORTED (exported/were exported) by the company to the United States and Britain. In 1920, Fiat 3_STARTED_(started/was started) making cars at a new factory at Lingotto, near Turin. There was a track on the roof where the cars 4 WERE TESTED _(tested/were tested) by technicians. In 1936, Fiat launched the Fiat 500. This car 5_WASCALLED_(called/was called) theTopolino –the Italian name for Mickey Mouse. The company grew, an din 1963 Fiat 6_EXPORTED_(exported/was exported) more tan 300,000 vehicles. Today, Fiat is based in Turin, and its cars 7_ARE SOLD (sold/aresold) all over the world. SEMANA 4

1.- I LIKE EATING CHOCOLATE 2. Mary loves reading comics 3. Teacher can´t stand listening to noise 4. dada hates queuing bank

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Watching a comedy Trávelin in metropolitano bus Not opening the car door Eating ceviche Smoking not taking care the Word de Not ridigng a horse


COMO CONOCCES 2.- my dream is to become a sports reporter 6.- It took the team eighty years to win the campionship.

Para examen

1. She bought four apples. The four apples was bought by her 2. We won the match The match was won by us. 3. The pólice arrested the thieves the thieves were arrested by the police 4. Oliver taught the chilsdren The children were taught by oliver 5. The dog bit the old lady The old lady was bitten by the dog

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