Results Of Kci Initiated Dialogue With Pampanga Governor Among Ed Panlilio

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  • Pages: 31
“… SELF-INFLICTED: Most of his cabalen want Among Ed to succeed. But many of the problems hounding him are self-inflicted. And solutions are long in coming. He seems confused… His sympathizers are dismayed that some key executives he had brought in seem to have a talent for creating enemies by their highhanded and holier-than-thou attitude…” -- CAN MANILA MEDIA WIN PANLILIO'S WAR FOR HIM? Postcript by Federico Pascual Jr., PhilSTAR, Dec. 30 2007



“…Some people who had been with him through the campaign and his early days as governor are now out. They are pushing recall or resign petitions or carrying placards denouncing mismanagement or the highhandedness of his administrator Vivian Dabu…the situation has so developed that the more she wiggles, the deeper she and her boss sink. If the lady really cares for Among Ed and if she wants Pampanga to move forward, she should consider resigning. Pampanga is bigger than she is. Dabu has to make it easier for the governor and everybody else by just quitting.” -- TO SAVE HER BOSS, DABU CAN CONSIDER RESIGNING, Postcript by Federico D. Pascual Jr., PhilSTAR, Sept. 21, 2008


n ce the

symbol “the miracle

of Kapampangan Coalition Inc. (KCI) is a coalition of individuals and more than 50 organized groups (NGOs, Peoples’ Organizations, Professionals, SocioCivic and Religious Organizations) drawn together by the Kapampangans’ pride in their heritage. It envisions Pampanga to be the model province for transparency,

DIVINE RIGHT?: In a recent interview with John Susi of CLTV36, provincial administrator Vivian Dabu of Pampanga, the butt of complaints of cabalens dissatisfied with how the capitolio is managed, said that only God can make her leave her post! Last Sunday, when asked to react to my Postscript suggestion that she take it upon herself to resign and thereby help save Gov. Eddie “Among Ed” Panlilio from an impasse that has been weighing down on the province, Dabu texted back: “Y shud i even consider dat? If i reli luv pampanga da more i shd stay otherwise shud i resign corrupt pipol will do their ways. Pls send dat 2 federico pascual.” Poor Among Ed is indeed in deep trouble! -- DABU ON QUIT CALLS: ONLY GOD CAN MAKE ME RESIGN, Postcript by Federico D. Pascual Jr., PhilSTAR, Sept. 23, 2008 “…When Among Ed decided to run as an alternative candidate in 2007, I knew he had embarked on a difficult crusade. When he won, I had hoped that his training and background as a priest would not be a hindrance but rather a resource he could tap. It now looks to me that he did not have a full appreciation of what it means to be a reformer….It is my impression that this man of the cloth brought to his position… also an insidious form of moral righteousness… This mind-set inclines one to uniformly treat every instance of opposition as an arena in which to wage war against evil, rather than as an invitation to find a common ground. This is the worst attitude one can ever bring into politics…” A REFORMER’S CROSS, Public Lives, Randy David, Phil. Daily Inquirer, Sept. 6, 2008

Pampanga”, suspended Catholic priest – turned - Governor Eddie “Among Ed” Panlilio, PHILIPPINE DAILY INQUIRER “Man of the Year”, is now bombarded by protest movements of his very own kabalens -- REFORM, RESIGN, RETURN (to priesthood), and worst, RECALL. As early as February of this year, the Kapampangan Coalition Inc (KCI) – a coalition for good governance and responsible citizenship of more than 50 socio-civic and traditional organizations based in Pampanga -- conducted consultations with various concerned sectors in Pampanga on the issue of Among Ed’s governance. Come May, KCI presented the results of the consultations with Among Ed and warned him against his against-all-odds stand to keep his high-handed administrator Atty. Vivian Dabu. For TRUTH and for PAMPANGA, you now have in your hands a copy of confidential documents acquired to help you see things as they really are.

IDENTITY AND NATURE KCI is a coalition of individuals and organized groups (NGOs, POs, Professional, Socio-civic & Religious Organizations) drawn together by the Kapampangans’ pride in their heritage.

VISION & MISSION Pampanga as the model province in transparency, good governance, and responsible and accountable citizenship. KCI is committed : 1. to raise the consciousness of the Kapampangans in transparency, good governance, responsible and accountable citizenship; 2.

to engage the citizenry in analyzing socio-political situations in Pampanga;


to enable Kapampangans to actively participate in addressing the socioeconomic, political, cultural, environmental and spiritual concerns from the planning and implementation to monitoring and evaluation of government programs & projects.

KCI VALUES AND PRINCIPLES The Coalition – without seeking personal or organizational self-interest – shall be guided by the principles of transparency, accountability, integrity, critical thinking, inclusiveness and innovativeness.


21.ASLAG Pampanga Inc.

2. Ang Kapatiran Party

22.Buklud Kabalen Inc.

3. Abak na Balen, Inc.

23.Sumlag Ka Minalino




25.Mexico Hospice Foundation

6. Betis Civil Society

26.Philexport R3

7. Cabalen Sports Club


8. Cayanacan Capampangan queng Caniuan (C3)

28.Pampanga Christians Ministers Council (PCMC)

9. Couples for Christ Pampanga

29.PAMPANGO and Affliates including:

10.Senior Citizens Federation of Pampanga


11.Cabalen Bikers Association

31.IMA Foundation Inc.

12.CSF Bankers Association


13.Foundation for Lingap Kapampangan Inc. (FLKI)


14.Immaculate Heart Charismatic Community (IHCC)

34.Inocencio Magtoto Memorial Foundation Inc.

15.JMJ Community

35.Pampanga Disaster Response Network Inc

16.Kababaihan Rizalista

36.Saup Lugud Foundation Inc.

17.Knights of Columbus Sta. Monica Chapter

37.Pampanga Anti-Gambling Council Inc. (PAGCI)

18.Ladies of Charity

38.Porac Foundation Inc. (PFI)

19.Church Lawyers Peacemakers Conference

39.Provincial Agriculture & Fishery Council (PAFC)

20.Kapampangan Marangal Inc. (KMI) and Affiliates

40.Municipal Agricultural & Fishery Council (MAFC) Candaba

41.Quota International of Pampanga

46.Soroptomist International Guagua

42.Rotary Club of Metro San Fernando Inc.

47.Tribal IPs (Tribal Council)

43.Sandiwanihang Pilipino at Kristiyano (SPK) 44.St. Scholastica’s Alumni Association 45.Sulong Floridablanca

48.United Methodist Church (UMC) Minalin 49.United Methodist Church (UMC) San Fernando 50.Young Christian Brotherhood of Business and Professionals

KAPAMPANGAN COALITION INC. FLKI Office, 3rd floor JSL Bldg., Consunji St., City of San Fernando Tel. No. (045) 963-0181


Prompted by numerous, alarming and persistent reports and complaints against the leadership and performance of the Panlilio administration, specifically on the issues of the slow delivery of Capitol services and the serious discord with most other

elected officials of the province, the Kapampangan Coalition Inc., an advocacy group for Good Governance, Transparency, Accountable and Responsible Citizenship launched a series of formal consultation / dialogues with various groups involved in the issue in order to:

1. Gather and document firsthand accounts, personal observations and feedbacks on the performance of the Gov. Ed Panlilio and his people; 2. Validate negative reports and grievances against their management and leadership style and approach; and 3. Help KCI come up with an objective analysis and positive recommendations and solution to help the Panlilio administration and the provincial government in general to improve its performance leading the way to the institutionalization of genuine good governance in the province. From February to April, KCI dialogued with local contractors, Pampanga Mayors, Members of the Provincial Board and those considered key persons of the Crusade and supporters of Among Ed’s gubernatorial campaign. Highlights and Findings of KCI Consultations is attached in this Position Paper.

OUR POSITION After all the listening, dialoguing and reflecting on the clamor and demand for respect as duly elected officials of the province and for fast delivery of services by the Capitol, we at Kapampangan Coalition Inc. are compelled to demand from Gov. Ed Panlilio the urgent removal / replacement of Atty. Vivian Dabu as Provincial Administrator because she is now seen as the root problem of all the controversies in the Capitol and in the whole province. We are not saying that she is not committed, that she has not done good. But commitment, hardwork and the good quarry performance do not justify her continuous service as Provincial Administrator. We surely question why for the Governor, she has been so indispensable. We seriously question Gov. Ed why he has constinuously disregarded, ignored and in effect betrayed the many men and women, Kapampangans and not, who sacrificed their persons, their time and money for the Crusade even as he promised during the campaign that his governance will be consultative and participative? Now most of them are practically so discouraged, disillusioned and seriously hurt. They are convinced that the Crusade and Pampanga should never be sacrificed and end in disastrous failure just because of Atty. Dabu. The key persons of the provincial organization have been feeling that they are not needed and trusted by the Governor and have practically “boycotted” from delivering good perfomance of their official function and duties all because of Atty. Dabu.

The whole country and all concerned Filipinos here and abroad have been pinning their hopes for Pampanga, for if Pampanga succeeds in institutionalizing Good Governance in the province, there is still hope for the whole country. Above all, being a priest and one whom the people worked so hard and sacrified so much for, Gov. Ed has fallen short from his pronoucements of being a model leader exemplified with humility, sensitivity, inspiration and unity in the province. In conclusion, for the good of Pampanga and the whole country, for the victory of the Crusade and the lahing Kapampangan, we at Kapampangan Coalition Inc. has painfully arrived at this decision: AMONG ED MUST LEARN TO LISTEN FROM WELL-MEANING KAPAMPANGANS WHO HAVE NO ULTERIOR MOTIVES BUT FOR HIM AND HIS ADMINISTRATION TO SUCCEED, AND HE MUST DO SO NOW. ATTY DABU HAS NO REASON TO CONTINUE SERVING AS PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATOR.




KAPAMPANGAN COALITION INC. FLKI Office, 3rd floor JSL Bldg., Consunji St., City of San Fernando Tel. No. (045) 963-0181

CONSULTATION HIGHLIGHTS AND FINDINGS PAMPANGA CONTRACTORS Mr. John Sambo, Mr. Ferdinand Beltran of Ferdstar Builder and Mr. Pedro Aguilar, Agmer Builder) The bidding and procurement processes, even issuance of permits to quarry currently implemented by the provincial government are ineffective – rigid, unreasonable, overly legalistic and unfair. This will lead to more “failures of bidding”, frustrations and disappointments of contractors and more delays in the implementation of projects and services of the provincial government. Application requirements too many and processes to qualify as contract bidders are too slow. One contractor cited his experience where he had to wait for a month before his application was processed and with two days left before the schedule of actual bidding. The same contractor

complained that he applied to qualify to bid for the desilting of Gugu Dike last January. Up until the time of consultation (March 20) there was still no word from the Capitol on whether his application will be approved or not. Capitol recommended profit margin from the contracts is very low at 7.5% when the standard should be not less than 15% citing RA9194. Upon hearing this from other contractors, many decided not to take part in any of the biddings. There are gross delays in the payment of services of contractors. One contractor complained that no payments were made for his services in the emergency desilting of Gugu Dike last Oct. 07. Rigid implementation of policies on application of quarry permits resulting to “monopoly” of large quarry operators or those who are able to satisfy requirements; results to more expensive sand (problems for small quarry operators, contractors and most of all end-users) The governor needs a Provincial Administrator who will help in the execution of his plans and programs by satisfying the legal means to implement them and not hamper his plans and programs because of too much apprehension with breaking the laws. The governor needs someone who is already experienced with the PA work and not one who is just learning and instead of helping the Governor becomes his problem.

PAMPANGA MAYORS Mayor Flores, Minalin; Mayor Tumang, Mexico; Mayor Sagum, San Luis; Mayor Guerrero, Florida)

Lack of trust of the Panlilio administration towards the mayors and other elected officials of the province as manifested in: • •

Non-implementation of Quarry Ordinance 176 or giving due share of quarry income to the municipalities. Insistence on “by administration” implementation of PDC 2007’s P3M worth of priority projects per municipality despite obvious lack of

readiness of the provincial government for this type of implementation thus the delay Gov. Ed quoted said that he does not trust the mayors (quoted to have said in a Rotary Club of Florida Blanca gathering early last year)

Lack of due respect or simple courtesy commonly afforded to local officials through consultation and coordination of various activities conducted by the Capitol in their respective areas of jurisdiction. Strained relations of Gov. Panlilio with other elected officials is “self-made” • • • •

Numerous legal cases filed against SP, Mayors, Barangay officials. There is no flexibility; same law applies to everyone irregardless of different circumstances and situation. (E.g. Quarry permits) Too much apprehension with breaking the law, over-legalistic approach Gov. Ed seem to enjoy the “fame” and attention that he gets

The Provincial Capitol is mismanaged

Health Sector •

• •

San Luis District Hospital almost had its Philhealth accreditation revoked because of slow action on the part of the Provincial Administration in satisfying Philhealth NICU requirements despite early advice from the municipal government. For lack of LTO registration, PCSO-donated ambulance vans took four months before hospitals were able to use them. Patients are required to pay before they are able to use the vehicles.

Infrastructure Projects •

Unfinished or unimplemented approved and budgeted PDC 2007 projects: o Aug. 07 – Mayors overwhelmingly approved PDC budget o Aug. 07 – Mayors again approved Supplemental PDC budget o Dec. 07 – not one bidding of contracts for all the PDC projects have taken place o Jan. 08 – bidding is done but as of March there is still no

implementation •

“By administration” implementation introduced by Capitol without consultation with the mayors or at least an assessment of the effective capacity of the provincial and municipal governments for such an approach.

To ensure faster implementation of projects and delivery of services, some mayors last year submitted Program of Works for the municipal projects with drafts of proposed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Provincial and Municipal governments for the implementation of the projects. No official action or at least comments from the Provincial Administrator in response to these proposals.

Budget Mismanagement Increased quarry income means increased capacity of provincial government to plan and implement programs, projects and services much needed especially by the poor towns of Pampanga. “The Capitol is not a bank. The funds must be used and must be used well.” • •

Management problems of the Executive are the command responsibility of the governor because he maintains Atty. Dabu and Atty Velez despite the numerous complaints on the performance of their duties. “It will be very difficult for Gov. Ed to perform his duties without the support of the mayors, the Vice Governor, Provincial Council. It is a mark of a good leader if he is able to unite with most if not all other local government leaders. He must be able to develop a good working relationship with them.” “Gov. Ed must learn to take political advice, not only legal advice.”


Governor and his people have no trust and respect for SP as co-equal branch. • • • •

Gov Ed's insistence on “blanket authority” on donations Issue of “non-confirmation” of Attys. Vivian Dabu and Aisa Velez He personally requested to attend the budget hearing last December, but did not attend. Just recently, somebody from GSO came to speak with SP members to ask for a list of projects / areas for inspection. This again caused them to perceive that they are not trusted to perform their duties or that they have pocketed away the bags of cement.

Have strong doubts on the sincerity of Gov. Ed to work harmoniously with the members of SP. Even before Gov. Ed assumed his position, he gave commitments to the SP that he and his people consistently broke:

Teamwork, transparency, no plans for reelection, hates publicity. •

Instead of team work, Gov. Ed had for the last 7 months went back and forth in their respective districts but not once have they been informed of his activities there. There was one incident when Archie informed BM Halili two days before Gov. Ed’s Medical Mission in his district and he felt insulted by this.

Instead of transparency, Gov. Ed insisted on having blanket authority, and when SP denied him this, he said “kung approve nyo, thank you, kung hindi, thank you din.”

One month after he said he has no plans for reelection, he said in a press conference that he is enjoying himself and he will run again.

He said he hates publicity yet he has his pictures on the projects; he holds press conferences regularly and last year, his photos were posted all over the Capitol building.

They questioned why the portraits of all the past governors have

not been reinstalled at their original places within the Capitol building.

On the working dynamics of Gov. Ed and Atty. Dabu: “Among Ed can’t and won’t decide on his own, he is totally dependent on PA. He gives her so much power that kahit sinong department heads hindi na makapagdecide. Kahit ordinaryong office supplies, si PA pa ang nagdedecide.” (BM Yabut) “Kausap mo ngayon, pagtalikod, iba na ang decision. Walang sariling desisyon. Even at PDC meetings, I observed how Atty. Dabu really interferes with Gov. Ed’s decisions, how siya ang talagang nagdedecide.” (BM JQ) “Many groups have expressed the removal of PA. At SP, we did not confirm her, the media, and supporters of Among Ed but to no avail. What does Atty. Dabu have over all the people of the province?” (BM Tars)

KEY PERSONS OF THE CRUSADE While most, if not all those present in the consultation expressed their love and concern for Governor Ed, the group consulted generally expressed alarm, dismay and frustration with the current performance of Governor Ed and on his willfull decision to retain Atty. Dabu. The following comments reflected the overall sentiments of the group:

Tatang Oscar (Tatang Oscar Nucup is an active council member of the Pampanga Anti-Gambling Council (PAGCI), a council created to help implement Governor Panlilio’s anti-jueteng drive. He is a known socio-civic Pampanga personality who heads the Mexico Hospice Foundation.)

“Among Ed and his people lack the art of relating and winning people. Be they good or bad, as Governor, he must learn how to deal, mingle even with “trapos”, attend traditional gatherings. He must be humble enough and not isolate himself.” The poor and marginalized are not treated well when they go to the

Office of the Governor for help. While it may be true that there are “professional” indigents who go there, but most of those who go to the Capitol really do need help.” “Kung nakakasira na ang mga taong ito (Atty. Dabu and others) sa governance ni Among, magsacrifice na sila.” “Among Ed must consider it like in a sports game, palitan na ang nagpapabigat.” “I notice that when I speak with him, he seems to listen. But it is sad that there is no implementation.” Andy Alviz (Andy Alviz is the creative director of Among Ed’s 2007 Campaign for Governor. He is the creator of Kapampangan Ku, the magical song telling of Kapampangan pride to his culture and heritage. He was part of Among Ed’s transition team as consultant to Pampanga Arts, Culture and Tourism upon assumption of power as governor. )

“I was one of those who nominated Among Ed. When I accepted and headed his campaign’s creative team, I gave my all to it and did everything for the campaign. As an artist, our commitment to our work is very deep; we do not just put our hearts in the project but our very soul. I feel that I was betrayed and that we have betrayed the people who voted for Among Ed, all those who believed in him. I entrusted my song that I gave to the Crusade but I think now it has become a mockery because of its end product. I’m not saying that I am losing hope… but if Among Ed will not listen to us, it’s betrayal of people’s emotions and trust. It is like he is just using us. I also feel victimized because of what happened with Mutya ning Kapampangan that I helped organize. Of the many suppliers, walang binayaran. Up until now, around P300T – 400T worth remains unpaid. Among Ed’s popularity is still the popularity of the crusade. He has not proven himself yet as a governor. Quarry collection is one thing, but it is not everything. As a person I love him, but as a governor, I don’t.”

Marnie Castro

(Eng. Marnie Castro, a relative and close friend, also active campaigner of Among Ed in the 2007 election. Known as “anti-flood czar of Pampanga”.)

“I already told him everything that I need to say to help him see that keeping Vivian is not good for him or for the Capitol.” “Masyado siyang nagdedepende kay Vivian pero sa technical wala namang alam [si Vivian].” “I agreed to help with the desilting operation of Gugu provided that it will just be him and me who will talk and nobody else. He gave me his word on this. Everything was going well until pumasok na ang issue ng quarry, nagkaproblema na. May pinag-usapan na libre dapat ang sand quarrying pero ayaw ni PA. I told him that he should act and decide like a governor and not as a PA.” Myna Bituin (Mrs. Myrna Bituin, a respected businesswoman and active socio-civic personality in Pampanga. Lovingly known among the Crusaders as one of Among Ed’s “Spice Girls” together with Mrs. Janet Mallari, Mrs. Tess Guanzon, Mrs. Agnes Romero for giving their all for the campaign.)

“I told Among Ed as soon as he won na alagaan niya ang mga tao sa Capitol. But now, we hear of people from his own internal team who are demoralized.” During the Pampanga Day, wala akong nakikitang mga taong nagtatrabaho. I had to deliver letters and run errands that I never imagined I would still have to do with all the employees of the Capitol. I spoke with one of the staff at the Office of the Provincial Administrator who seemed to know most of what our work was about. She said that she herself is wondering why they (the employees) were not involved with the preparations when they have been doing most of the work for the Pampanga Days for many years now. In short, hindi nagtatrabaho at hindi nagagawang mamobilize ang mga tao sa Capitol. I believe that the work that can be done by whole work force of the Capitol cannot be done by his own internal team alone. Decisions are over-centralized to PA.

In summary, the personal feedback and observations gathered from the consultations reflect that both opposing and supporting camps of the Panlilio administration expressed serious concern, frustration, dismay and to many, even disgust, in the governance and leadership of Gov. Ed Panlilio through Provincial Administrator Atty. Vivian Dabu.

EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF KCI DIALOGUE WITH GOV. ED PANLILIO MAY 21, 2008, 5pm, Bituin's Residence, Betis, Guagua Attendance: KCI BOT: Fr. Resty Lumanlan, SVD, President Janet Mallari, Secretary Tootsie Herrera, BOT Member Agnes Romero, BOT Member Dr. Rey Espiritu, BOT Member Prt. Art Tuazon, BOT Member Apologies: Dr. Elmer Beltran Myrna Bituin, VP (in Las Vegas for the ArtiSta Rita US tour) Tess Guanzon, Treasurer (looking after sick husband)

Also present: (Individual Members) Oscar Nucup Rudy Mallari Bong Mah Par Pamintuan Boy Bituin Gaz S. Supan Eng. Marni Castro

Proceedings: Meeting started at exactly 5:05 pm, as soon as Among Ed arrived. Fr. Resty facilitated the dialogue and began with a brief opening statement to explain the purpose and process of the meeting. In his opening statement, Fr. Resty thanked Among Ed for his presence and reminded him of the discussion they had early last month in Apalit about the consultations being conducted by KCI with various concerned groups on the performance / governance of the provincial Capitol. He assured Among Ed that with the consultations leading up to this dialogue, KCI have been very discreet he had also earlier texted to Among Ed that “there shall be no media, no fun fare”. Fr. Resty also said the consultations and this dialogue initiated by KCI is in the context and spirit of its vision and mission – good governance, transparency, accountable and responsible citizenship in the Pampanga. Even while he told Among Ed that the people present and are behind the consultations love him, “no sacred cows would be spared” by KCI. Among Ed then proceeded to quitely read KCI Position Paper and its attachment, Results of KCI Consultations with Various Concerned Groups on the Performance of the Panlilio Administration.

Highlights of the discussion that ensued are the following: I.

AMONG ED's reaction / explanation to: A. KCI position paper: 1. The paper seems to unfairly and unjustly blame everything to Atty Vivian Dabu. With all the comments and grievances cited in it, not only Atty. Dabu is involved. 2. Except for good quarry collection, the paper speaks only of the negative things that are happening at the Capitol and failed to present the positive things. 3. Because of their motives, he did not buy the statements of the Mayors and SP Members recorded in the paper. Most of it are hearsay and don't have direct dealings with Atty. Dabu. He gives more credit to expressed position of those from civil society. 4. KCI expressed position is very strong and used big, strong words.

B. On KCI Position seeking the removal of Atty. Dabu as Provincial Administrator: 1. It is clear that those present in the dialogue and signed the position paper have lost all the trust and confidence on Atty Dabu to serve as his PA.

2. Will be untrue if he do not say that at this time, he is not thinking of removing Atty. Dabu from the post. He is continuously praying to seek discernment over this matter. 3. Admits that PA has difficulties with public relations but believes that it is unfair and unjust to put all the blame on her; there are many other factors why there is a perception of slow delivery of services, inefficiency etc. that must be also be considered. With all the shortcomings, Vivian also did many good things. Also had she been corrupt, she has long been replaced. 4. Also did his own consultation and solicited various opinion re PA and received mixed reactions where there are those who favor her removal, while there are also others who thinks that she is doing a good job. 5. Will need more time to think his decision over, agreed to the 15-day deadline given by KCI. In his study, he will consider (1) all the sacrifices made by everyone (Vivian and those in the Crusade) (2) strengths and weaknesses. 6. If KCI can offer a better alternative PA, the likes of Eng. Fer Caylao, it can help him with the decision that he must make. C. Further comments / clarifications made by Among Ed: 1. Shared that he is having serious problems with his internal team, on how to make them work together. He said he never asked anyone to leave, they left at their own accord, and was not even professional about it (formal resignation, 15-days notice), they just leave. However, he admitted that there are many improvements that must be done, including that of stepping in more on the issues and concerns of the internal team. 2. Vivian is not indispensible. Nobody in the Capitol is indispensible, including himself. He may resign. 3. The decisions that he make and follow are borne out of his personal reflections. He said he listens very intently to KCI position but can't be expected to follow everything that's said, he has his own conscience. 4. Asked the group to look at the bigger picture. Presently struggling and preparing for huge struggles. II. KCI Response / Clarifications / Appeal: Fr. Resty commented that even without formally consulting with them, there were those from the internal team who shared KCI position and signed. Many resigned out of disgust and there is a strong perception that Atty. Dabu have become so indispensible that she was chosen over all of them. The paper is not the interpretation of KCI but is the collated results of the consultation. The paper expresses the peoples' perception and grievances, especially those from the Crusade. Not to threaten Among Ed but to intimate the seriousness of the matter, Father Resty said that should there be a recall, those who worked hard before will no longer help. Father Resty also shared that in seeking spiritual discernment and guidance, one should be able to see signs that he/she is acting in accordance with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, good signs, positive signs like unity, harmony among others.

Mr. Boy Bituin clarified that KCI position is a creative / positive criticism. He expressed his hope that Among Ed will live up to his promise of being consultative. Ultimately, he believes that Atty. Dabu is not fit for the job. Ms. Tootsie Herrera for her part said that Atty. Dabu does not reflect the values that Among Ed holds. The way that PA has conducted herself is dragging Among Ed down. With all that Among Ed and the provincial government is facing, there is no need for unnecessary stresses to his governance. Instead, must put people who will help and give boost to his leadership. She said that as PA, Atty. Dabu manages the internal team, and the serious problems therewith are reflective of her management skills. She said that she believes in Atty Dabu's strength of character and strong commitments and asked that Among Ed consider putting her in the position that would suit her best qualities such as concentrating on the big issues / strruggles that Among Ed plans to engage on.

Mr. Oscar Nucup shared that he feels the Crusade and Among Ed is running out of time and wants to be a part of the solution to the problems. He said he spoke with many and 100% or 99% say that Atty. Dabu is the problem. He suggested that Among Ed put her in a position that would not require much PR work. Mr. Par Pamintuan expressed that he has spoken with Among Ed on this issue many times before, telling him that “Vivian is the Waterloo of your governance.” He added that if Atty. Dabu is a good manager, then there wouldn’t be problems such as unpaid contractors / loans. He echoed the position that Atty. Dabu is not fit for the job. Mr. Deng Mallari reminded Among Ed of his earlier commitments asking his supporters to give him up until the 1st 100 days to study the position to replace Atty. Dabu because even then, there was already a clamor for this. Time passed and this clamor intensified. While appreciate that Atty. Dabu may be a big help to the administration, there is a bigger general negative effect with retaining her as PA. He expressed to Among Ed that they never for one minute let go of their commitments to help him and his administration because he believes that what they started in the Crusade is good and hopes for it to continue and prosper. Pastor Gas Supan echoed the views of others and said that whoever is deemed as a hindrance must be set aside. He added that he have not spoken to anyone who believes that Atty. Dabu is doing a good job nor have expressed good things about her. Also, he asked Among Ed on the issue of whether there is an intimate relation between him and Atty. Dabu.

Also on this issue, Father Resty said that he personally do not believe this. However, since it has reached the point where everyone seems inclined to or already believes this and is much talked about; he said it has become a serious concern. He suggested that if Among Ed really feels that Atty. Dabu is much help to him, she can be so even without the legal position, citing the example set by Sonia Sotto. Ms. Agnes Romero said that although she was not present during the consultations because she was out of the country, she was one of the first who signed the position paper. She said she did so because she strongly believes on the premise of the paper based on her own/her husband's personal experience in dealing with Atty. Dabu. She cited the E-BPLS proposal and Atty. Dabu's response that in effect meant that ADCL plans to pocket the P3M request. She said that it was personally hurtful. She commented that Among Ed's big plans are good but he would need a lot of help. She asked Among Ed to consider satisfying the demands of his allies for him to be able to get strong support that he would need for his plans. The Crusades force will be much stronger if it is more cohesive, and such is not the case right now. Many from the Crusade and its supporters are losing their faith and interest because of Atty. Dabu. III. COMMITMENTS / AGREEMENTS • •

• • •

Among Ed commits to give his answer / decision 15 days from May 21. (June 5, 2008) For his consideration, he requested KCI to submit a short list of better alternative to Atty. Dabu as PA and possibly a Provincial Legal Officer also if he won't be able to convince Atty. Aisa to stay. He said that it is Fer Caylao he wants or the likes of him. KCI will submit to Among Ed within the said period a short list of alternatives. For his part, Fr. Resty will speak with Mayor Oca on the request of Among Ed. Next action of KCI on the issue will depend on the response of Among Ed. Among Ed will not stand against any other action that KCI may decide to pursue upon making his decision, including making public that of KCI position.

IV. SUMMARY OF KCI OBSERVATIONS ON THE POST-DIALOGUE BRIEFING The group generally observed that despite Among Ed's the strong opposition, even combative, on the issue of replacement of Atty Dabu at the beginning of the dialogue although he seemed to have later on “softened” in his position. Hence he asked for a proposed alternative PA. However, it was obvious to the group that he had been very defensive of PA, would stand pat to and very consistent with his defense for PA, citing all her sacrifices and good deeds. The softening in his position was apparent when the group suggested that PA stay but in another position where she may be truly effective and her strength maximized.

With and despite these, the group resolved to maximize the last reaction of Among Ed, and will look for a better alternative. As next action, the group was put to task to pick, talk and convince PA possibles holding qualities similar to Fer Caylao should he decide not to take the position. Also, the group was asked to look at the scenario that Among Ed will not act at all even after the dialogue. For updating and next action scenario building, the group scheduled the next meeting on May 26, 5pm at FLKI / KCI office in San Fernando.

KAPAMPANGAN COALITION INC. FLKI Office, 3rd floor JSL Bldg., Consunji St., City of San Fernando Tel. No. (045) 963-0181 6th June 2008 Hon. Eddie T. Panlilio Governor Province of Pampanga Dear Gov. Ed: We write to seek for your response to KCI Position Paper submitted and lengthily deliberated with you on May 21, 2008 at our formal dialogue held at Bituin's Residence, Betis, Guagua. KCI as you know is coalition of Kapampangan organizations and individuals committed in the institutionalization and the advocacy of good governance, transparency and accountable and responsible citizenship in the province. It is our mission to raise the consciousness of the Kapampangans on good governance, to

engage them in analyzing socio- political situations in Pampanga and to enable them to actively participate in addressing the socio-economic, political, cultural, environmental and spiritual concerns from the monitoring and evaluation of government programs and projects. As explained to you, it is within the above vision and mission of KCI that we initiated and requested for the dialogue to which you respectfully participated. At the said the dialogue, you agreed to the 15-day time frame specified at the KCI paper, the period within which KCI can expect you to decide on our position for the urgent removal of Atty. Dabu as your Provincial Administrator. To this day, we have not received any word from you on this matter. Also in this dialogue, you sought KCI help in providing you with a list of better alternatives to Atty. Dabu while specifically stating that it is Engr. Fer Caylao, current City Administrator of CSF, that you actually want should you decide to replace Atty. Dabu.

To help you reach the best decision, KCI President Fr. Restituto Lumanlan, SVD immediately consulted the matter with Mayor Oca Rodriguez and tried to convince Eng. Caylao. Mayor Oca, seeing the urgency and importance of KCI position, promptly gave his word that he will give way should you request for the services of Engr. Caylao. This information was relayed to you by Fr. Resty through a text message. Also in that message, he said that it is now up to you to speak with Engr. Caylao. We tried our very best to maintain discretion and keep the dialogue and our position from the media as we are well aware of the implications of having them involved in this. Thus it is with sadness and dismay that a few days after the dialogue, we received information that you have gone public with this in an interview with a local television reporter where you reportedly have said that KCI is pressuring you to relieve Atty. Dabu but you will not do so. If the report is true, we believe that such action is done in bad faith as we are still in the process of dialoguing given the 15-day period have not lapsed then and you have not informed us of your final decision when most of us are easily accessible by you. At this point, we ask you for your official and final decision on KCI position in favor of the removal of Atty. Dabu as the Provincial Administrator. Thank you. For KCI Board of Trustees,

(Sgd) Fr. Restituto Lumanlan, SVD President

KCI IN THE NEWS Sun Star Pampanga, Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Groups back Kapampangan coalition By Ian Ocampo Flora

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO -- Corrupt politicians beware, your days of lording in provincial politics are numbered! This was the warning made by various civil society groups in Pampanga that gathered on Tuesday at the Heroes Hall here to express their support for a unified coalition of Kapampangan organizations and individuals within and outside the province. About 42 organizations participated in the forming of the Kapampangan Coalition Inc. (KCI). The groups included the Advocacy for Development in Central Luzon (ADCL), Provincial Disaster Response Network (PDRN), Abak Na Balen, Pampango, Consumers Alliance of Pelco2 (CAP2), Kapampangan Marangal, Kapatiran and others. Representatives of various Indigenous Peoples (IPs) groups, along with sectoral and faith based organizations, have attended and expressed their support in the launching witnessed by 134 individuals from the said organizations. The KCI is currently under the supervision of an interim group and would convene a general assembly

from the various presidents and heads to choose the officers of the KCI. According to Father Restituto Lumanlan, the KCI is apolitical and although it would be difficult not to construe their advocacies with that of the priest-turned-governor Eddie Panlilio. "We are apolitical, as you can see we have not invited any politician. Our goals would be to achieve responsible and transparent governance, which are also the advocacies of Among Ed. But we are not doing this for him but for the Kapampangans," Lumanlan said. Despite being apolitical, the KCI, has issues concerning social problems, especially on "patronage politics" in the province. KCI reminded everyone that "good governance is not just the responsibility of the governor, Provincial Council, Municipal and City Mayors, but of every Kapampangan who has a stake in the future of our beloved Pampanga." Bishop Pablo David, who represented the Archdiocese, delivered the keynote address. ADCL chairman Rene Romero made the closing remarks. Bishop David called on the attendees to bring back the moral fiber of the province that have been diluted by patronage politics. The event was also the twin launching of the Provincial Anti Gambling Council, Inc (PAGSI) headed by Father Marius Roque. Lumanlan said the KCI would be needing resolutions from various organizations signifying their intention to join the coalition. Sun Star Pampanga, Saturday, December 15, 2007

Editorial: New watchdog THERE'S a new watchdog in town. It's highly interesting for its rainbow "colors", a curious collar and a quotidian trick. Its shakers and movers call it the Kapampangan Coalition, Inc. Headed by Fr. Restituto Lumanlan, himself an interesting public persona, KCI is made up of assorted groups, some or most of them unabashedly proud of and fundamentally loyal to Governor Ed Panlilio. This fact, notwithstanding, Fr. Lumanlan denies that the watchdog's collar is apolitical even if its agenda is political in nature. How else would you define the watchdog's mission to forge unity among the contending political forces in the province? For credibility sake, a better definition is rightfully in order. Fr. Lumanlan, to buttress this point, has insisted that KCI is not pro- Panlilio. At this point, it's not fair to doubt his apologetics even if his affinity with the governor in many ways seems to argue persuasively otherwise. How the coalition will go about ensuring good governance in the province is yet to be shown.

And the devil will certainly be on the details. As a watchdog, it could probably bark, whether it could bite, that's another matter. But, a watchdog, like any dog, can be muzzled or distracted. And where loyalty goes, a dog usually is absolutely loyal only to its owner, a person or a family. Of course, being new at the task, the watchdog deserves to be given all the chance it needs to prove that it can bite as well as it can bark. Or whose bite is worse than its bark. Or that it doesn't bark at its own shadows. The uncanny resemblance between this coalition and its canine counterpart can be quite intriguing. The public can't wait to see what's ahead for this new pet of sorts. Old watchdog. If there's anybody who claim moral ascendancy to lead a coalition like the Kapampangan Coalition, Inc., Fr. Restitution Lumanlan is one. He's been there, done that, especially during the time of former Governors Lito and Mark Lapid. At the time, he was identified with the Lapid camp whose members include the old rich and famous of Pampanga. His huge and painstaking efforts for Pampanga, especially during the height of the Mt. Pinatubo crisis, are well-known and widely acknowledged. His public support for reform in the corruption-riddled quarry tax collection was strong and fearsome. Under his leadership, the new watchdog bears watching.

Sun Star Pampanga, Wednesday, January 16, 2008

KCI to hold prayer rally for Pampanga CITY OF SAN FERNANDO -- The newly organized Kapampangan Coalition Inc. (KCI) will soon have its "acid test", as this organization of various advocacy and cause-oriented groups is set to stage a prayer rally at the capitol grounds here. The KCI, which was organized late last year, will bring together a host of civil society groups like the Kapampangan Marangal, Pampango, Abak na Balen and the Pampanga Anti-Gambling Council, Inc. (Pagci) and others this January 18, Friday. According to KCI Interim Chairperson Fr. Restituto Lumanlan, the event is a call to start the New Year by addressing issues and concerns plaguing provincial politics and major social concerns. "With the recent standoff of the Council, the governor and mayors, this rally serves as a sort of an

intervention," Lumanlan said. He added that Vice Governor Joseller "Yeng" Guiao and Mayor Dennis Pineda of the Pampanga Mayors League were invited to attend the event adding that the KCI is not singling out anyone from the event. "We are asking all concerned Kapampangans and stakeholders of this province to take part in governance and not let any of the politicians to do as they please," Lumanlan said. According to Lumanlan, the event will be held in two parts, which include prayer and reflection for all attendees. He said the prayer rally would be peaceful and see to the participation of representatives from 64 organizations that are members of the KCI. Other organizations expected to attend the event include the Advocacy for Development in Central Luzon (ADCL), Provincial Disaster Response Network (PDRN), Consumers Alliance of Pelco2 (CAP2), Kapatiran as well as the vast network of civil society groups with their town based memberships. Currently the KCI is yet to convene for the election of permanent officers. The organization is currently under the care of an interim group chaired by Luamanlan. Earlier, Lumanlan clarified that the KCI is apolitical although it would be difficult not to construe their advocacies with that of the priest-turned-governor Eddie Panlilio. (IOF)

PUNTO! GITNANG LUZON, January 23, 2008

LETTER TO THE EDITOR PUNTO! Gitnang Luzon Attn: Mr. Joey Aguilar Editor-in-Chief Dear Mr. Aguilar, Greetings of peace and solidarity! We write in reaction to the subject of Mr. Bong Lacson's Zona Libre Opinion Column in your paper last January 22 entitled KCI: a company union and pray that in the spirit of your slogan, “Pananaw ng Malayang Pilipino”, we hope that this letter will merit space in your Editorial /Opinion pages. Mr. Lacson (and his labor organizer friend) in the above-mentioned column were quick in claiming that Kapampangan Coalition Inc (KCI) is “Panlilio's own company union.” To this we must refute. Kapampangan Coalition, Inc. (KCI) is a newly formed broad-based coalition (launched just over 1 month ago) of individuals and organizations who are committed to uphold and promote good governance, transparency and accountable and responsible citizenship in the province. Certainly, it is a union, and it aims to be

a very strong one. It is a union of concerned and hopeful Kapampangans, proud of its roots and its heritage, believing thus that the power of peoples' collective will and action can bring about positive transformation in our province and society. With this vision, using words that Mr. Lacson's labor organizer friend might appreciate, KCI must never be a company union --that which is spineless and docile – to a “management” that tramples upon the rights and welfare of its “laborers”. While it may be true that the organizations which spearheaded KCI inception includes Kapampangan Marangal Inc. (KMI), Abak na Balen Inc (ANBI), Pampanga Anti-Illegal Gambling Council Inc. (PAGCI), Pampanga Association of NGOs (PAMPANGO) among others in the civil society that are known to support or may even be as individual organizations works in formal partnerships with Governor Ed Panlilio and the provincial government's pro-people projects, programs and advocacies, this does not make KCI “Panlilio's own company union”.

We dare say that as long as Governor Panlilio, or any other local government official for that matter, commits and acts in the fullfilment of Kapampangans Crusade for Good Governance, Transparency and Accountable Citizenship, KCI as a whole and /or its members will support and work with them. If however they fail the Kapampangans and violate or abuse their “social contract” with the people, as Apung Ceto humbly reminded all of us, in his message at last week's Prayer Rally for Peace and Unity, KCI with the people will expose, criticize and through the many means provided by law to protect and promote the rights and welfare of the people, we will hold them accountable. Truly, it is a daunting but certainly not an impossible task. And it is with this task that the civil society here in Pampanga boldly began in its organizing work to build, consolidate and further broaden a solid Kapampangan Coalition as a first but significant step towards the fulfillment of its vision and mission for our province. We thank you very much and more power to you! For KCI, KCI Board of Trustees

(Rev. Fr. Restituto Lumanlan, SVD, Teresita C. Guanzon, Rosemarie J. Herrera, Janet P. Mallari, Agnes Romero, Myrna C. Bituin, Dr. Reynaldo Espiritu, Rev. Arthur L. Tuazon and Dr. Elmer Beltran.)

SUN STAR, PAMPANGA, Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Editorial: Useful allies IN RECENT weeks, well-known allies of Governor Eddie Panlilio have added their useful and credible voice to the ongoing public debate on his performance after one year in office. Their comments and actions, while not totally favorable to the governor, have served notice that some things needed to be honestly reviewed. Now and not a moment later. Among these allies were the leaders of two Kapampangan groups whose obvious aim is to promote Panlilio's agenda in governance. Fr. Restituto Lumanlan, president of Kapampangan Coalition, Inc. and Averrel Laquindanum, president of Kapampangan Marangal, had discussed in public via a widely watched local television program their own honest-to-goodness assessment of the governor's performance. The essence of their common message was for the governor to consider his adamant position on a number of concerns. Primarily, these zeroed in on his provincial administrator, his penchant for process-over-results and his inability to be a team player in the province's political arena. The other Panlilio people who had made a similar move at calling his attention for immediate action were the quarry supervisors. To dramatize their demands - among them the removal of the provincial administrator, the supervisors held a picket at the capitol and even threatened to stage a hunger strike, if necessary. The public pronouncements were largely unexpected, ruling out, therefore a partisan or political motive that can be ascribed to them as the Panlilio camp is tempted to label anything of this sort each time. These matters, then, deserve the governor's careful and sincere attention. The proponents' allegiance and the merits of their proposals are weighty enough, if not decisive, for serious consideration. It would be a big loss to the governor, and the province, for that matter, if they were dismissed outright for simply being disagreeable. There's a lot at stake down the road for the governor, whether he listens to their voices or not. The bottom line, however, is how his response to them would make him a more effective and unifying leader of the province without compromising his stance on corruption and good governance.

This is a crucial challenge Panlilio needs to bravely and resolutely face as it can create more troubles or bring more triumphs to his leadership.

Sun Star, Pampanga,Thursday, August 14, 2008

Panlilio told to 'act as governor' By Ian Ocampo Flora CITY OF SAN FERNANDO -- Leaders of civil society groups Kapampangan Coalition, Inc. (KCI) and Kapampangan Marangal, Inc. (KMI) have a common advice to Governor Eddie Panlilio.

KCI's Fr. Resty Lumanlan and KMI's Averell Laquindanum both said that Panlilio "should start acting as a governor" and exert his authority on the management of provincial affairs. The two civil society leaders stated this during an interview over CLTV 36's Hamon Central Luzon aired at CLTV-36 Tuesday night. The interview was focused on the Biyaya a Luluguran at Sisikapan (Balas) members' protest issue. Laquindanum, who was observing the Balas rally since Monday, said Panlilio should abide by what was agreed upon at the Social Action Center of Pampanga (Sacop) regarding the unconditional reinstatement of the Balas members.

Laquindanum even said the only "problem" at the Capitol since Panlilio assumed his post is Provincial Administrator Vivian Dabu. Former Balas members Fil Rodriguez, Eduardo de Leon, and Chris Ocampo, who were also guests in the program, alleged that Dabu has been acting "as though she is the governor." Panlilio, through a phone patch, defended Dabu by saying the protesters are "barking up the wrong tree." "They (protesters) are barking up the wrong tree," Panlilio said, stressing that real issues are the quarry collection, alleged anomalies, and budget for the Balas members' salaries. But Lumanlan said the governor should get his acts together and decide once and for all what to do. "He should start acting as a governor," Lumanlan exclaimed.

Sun Star Pampanga, Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Groups meet with PB on Capitol issues By Ian Ocampo Flora

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO -- Taking their advocacy for "good governance" to a whole new level, some disenchanted civil society group leaders met with the Provincial Board (PB) on Tuesday to discuss pressing issues in the Capitol. While the members of the Biyaya A Luluguran at Sisikapan (Balas) were holding their rally in front of the Capitol grounds, some civil society groups were discussing important issues with the PB at the session hall. Leaders and some members of Kapampangan Marangal Incorporated (KMI), Kapampangan Coalition Incorporated (KCI), Couples for Christ (CFC), and Advocacy for the Development of Central Luzon (ADCL) tried to thresh out pressing issues in the Provincial Capitol that Pampanga Governor Eddie Panlilio has not yet settled with the PB. The dialogue between the PB and civil society groups revolved around the issues of the salaries of Balas employees, scholarship, and automation of quarry tax collection. Items discussed included the designation of the Arnedo Park as a freedom park, supplemental budget for the salaries of Balas members, special session, and the possible cooperation between the PB and civil society groups. Accomplishing what Panlilio seemed to have failed to accomplish with the PB, the civil society groups were able to create a partnership with the PB. They also proposed the passage of the resolution for a sixmonth salary program for Balas and the automation of the quarry collection. "We would like to give the drafting of these resolutions to civil society and we would consider them immediately as soon as they are accomplished," PB presiding officer Vice Governor Joseller "Yeng" Guiao said. The PB and civil society groups also discussed major issues about the improvement of funds and protocol in the provincial capitol. KMI's Averell Laquindanum, spokesperson of civil society groups, met with the PB to get a deeper understanding on the workings and problems at the Capitol. "Admittedly, there is a breakdown of communication between the two branches (of the Provincial Government)," he said. Laquindanum clarified that they met with the PB to advance the advocacies of good governance and responsible citizenship. Some civil society group members expressed their dissatisfaction with Panlilio's performance by taking turns in airing their concerns and grievances during the dialogue. Guaio, meanwhile, lauded the civil society groups for going to the PB session hall for the dialogue.

PHILIPPINE DAILY STAR, September 8, 2008

MORE EXECUTIVES SUPPORT PANLILIO RECALL SAN FERNANDO, PAMPANGA, SEPTEMBER 8, 2008 (STAR) By Ding Cervantes - Vice Gov. Joseller Guiao and all 13 members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan or provincial board have signed the recall petition against Gov. Eddie Panlilio. “The main problem is not his provincial administrator but the governor himself,” Guiao told The STAR yesterday after Panlilio’s announcement that he was reducing the powers of his controversial provincial administrator Vivian Dabu. Guiao said he and the 13 board members signed the recall petition initiated by the Kapanalig at Kambilan neng Memalen Pampanga too weeks ago. Some 16 local priests belonging to the Prayer Warriors group also signed the recall petition. Guiao said that he and the provincial board are focused on the recall move, which needs at least 100,000 signatures of registered voters in Pampanga, and they have not yet considered whom to support, as candidate should the recall polls pave the way for the holding of special gubernatorial elections in the province. “I suppose there will be a consensus among groups against Panlilio (on who would be fielded as gubernatorial candidate),” Guiao said. Panlilio earlier said he was looking for replacement for Dabu in the management of the provincial government’s lahar sand quarry operations, as well as for her post as head of the bids and awards committee.

Fr. Restie Lumanlan, president of the Kapampangan Coalition, Inc. had attributed to Dabu the problems now confronting the Panlilio administration and the governor to replace her as provincial administrator. Panlilio’s former chief of staff Archie Reyes, who was among the 13 former staff members of Panlilio who have already resigned the recall petition, said that Dabu should be dismissed from the Capitol. Other former supporters of Panlilio had also sought Dabu’s ouster, but Panlilio ignored them by saying Dabu has remained incorruptible, honest, and efficient. Guiao said that Dabu was merely a side issue in the beleaguered Panlilio administration.

“To say that Dabu is the main problem is not an accurate assessment. Whatever she does, the governor should be held accountable,” he said. Panlilio and members of the provincial board, including Guiao, have been at odds over various issues, including the appointment of Dabu which the board has never approved and the use of funds under the office of the governor for other expenses within the capitol, among other matters. Panlilio earlier criticized the board for failing to grant his request for a P13-million supplemental budget for his office, after the P9.5-million budget for the governor’s office for this year has almost been exhausted. Guiao said the board should not be blamed for delays on the approval of the P13-million supplemental fund since Panlilio himself had once failed to attend a hearing to justify the fund. He said Panlilio, who left for an official visit to the US last Thursday and is set to arrive today, sent word that provincial budget officer Nida Manalad would represent him in another hearing on his P13 million budget request slated by the board at 2 p.m. today. Guiao also lashed at an official of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) for saying that it has no funds for the holding of recall elections in Pampanga. Teresita Ocampo, Comelec field officer for Central Luzon, said that special gubernatorial polls is not likely even if the recall petition garners the 100,000 signatures needed from Pampanga voters. She said that 18 other recall petitions from other parts of the country have been deferred since the Comelec has no funds for the special polls. ###

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