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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Gabaldon Vocational Agriculture High School Pantoc, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate factors associated with students’ lateness behavior. The researchers want to know the possible factors associated with students’ lateness behavior. The papers and data gathered were then analyzed and organized according to the definitions of lateness and various factors associated with students’ lateness behavior. However, the findings of this study indicate that there were conclusive evidence from the reviewed literature regarding students’ lateness behavior, yet the number of articles supporting it was small. Finally, conclusion of the study indicate that dealing with disruptive behavior in the classroom is one of the most challenging aspects of being a professor and the study recommended further investigations and analysis could be beneficial to obtain a complete vision of patterns of lateness behavior for the student.

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Gabaldon Vocational Agriculture High School Pantoc, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija INTRODUCTION Many Grade 11 students in Senior High School come late at their class for some reasons, and as a result it affects their class performances and they will be able to miss some of their lessons because of this. Every Senior High School students should prevent those factors that cause tardiness. Tardiness is the quality of being late. When people don't show up on time, they're guilty of tardiness. When you're late for something, you're tardy, so tardiness refers to the habit of being late. A tardy student shows a lack of responsibility. Being on time is not only a duty for a student but also a part of good manners and a sign of respect. Tardiness is seems like a normal thing to every students nowadays, it may happens intentionally but sometimes they're just constrained to do it. Some reasons that cause tardiness among the students can tell whether it’s committed or not. The scope of this study is to find the causes of lateness of students in their classes. This study is delimited only for grade 11 students specifically in the section of Platinum.

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Gabaldon Vocational Agriculture High School Pantoc, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija LITERATURE REVIEW Being always present in class and getting on time to school are two crucial determining factors of a student's success. In this chapter reviews international, local literature and will also include definitions. It will further discuss the factors of tardiness of students in Grade 11 in Gabaldon Vocational Agriculture High School (GVAHS).

Tardiness As a GVAHS student we always observed that there are many Senior High School students that being trapped on the gate when the flag rises every Monday morning. According to an article by Vera Mella (n.d) Filipinos in the Philippines fail to keep up with punctuality is not simply laziness nor irresponsibility but the boulders of obstacles caused by the heavy traffic and difficulty in transportation, whether one is a commuter or a motorist— which makes a few-kilometer-distance equivalent to more than an hour of travel. A recent study by Bolaños et al.(2017) Claims that tardiness was the top minor infraction committed by Junior High School students in Davao University-Junior High School. The top reasons of respondents for being tardy in coming to school were going late to bed and waking up late (65%) and the distance to school (61%). Among the various reasons why students go to bed late was the fact that more than one-fourth (27%) of them spent their time when not in school hanging around with friends. Moreover, more than half (56%) of the respondents went to bed at 10:00PM. As cited by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), “lateness” can be defined as the “situation where an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford Advance Learners' Dictionary, 5th ed., 1995), Lauby (2009) puts it as a term used to describe “people not showing up on time” and Breeze et al. (2010) contributed by saying that lateness is synonyms with “tardiness”, which implies slow to act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper usual timing. It is obvious therefore that lateness could be seen as a system of network breakdown (Peretomode, 1991); a situation of not meeting up with programme… a function of time… time is the criteria and determinant of lateness.

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Gabaldon Vocational Agriculture High School Pantoc, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija

Causes of Lateness Another study on the topic by (Nakpodia and Dapfiaghor, 2011) maintains there are numerous causes of lateness to school. Among others, the following are the major causes of lateness to school: 

Going late to bed

Watching films and late-night movies

The habit of waking up late

Distance/location of school


Were the author claims that going to bed late at night is one of the major causes of lateness in school, the individual involved in watching films and home videos may be so captivated and hypnotized by it that he/she forgets that he/she has to be in school, someone it becomes their habit to wake up late, distance of school from home it is obvious that the school is far from home and during the travel there are many obstacles and distractions that tends to become a hinder to go early on school.

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Gabaldon Vocational Agriculture High School Pantoc, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija METHODOLOGY Researchers use a qualitative research method and Descriptive discourse. Most of the information gathered to support the idea of the researchers comes from the respondents who had been experience of being late. These data are obtained through a survey method. Research respondents were selected by researchers at one of the Gabaldon schools (GVAHS), Selected respondents were students at Grade 11-Platinum. There were only 12 respondents because the Researchers have only limited time. This research used structured interview to gather information that can be used in the study. Researchers also read articles to get more data available for study. They also used the organizing and analysis of the information gathered from the survey. This study is in descriptive methodology. Researchers do not use high-level statistics.

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Gabaldon Vocational Agriculture High School Pantoc, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija RESULT This table represents those possible factors that cause tardiness among Grade 11Platinum and their percentage. In this table you'll recognize the reason that has a highest percentage which means the factors that highly affects the cause of tardiness of the students.

Table 1 Work


Waking Up Late


Acting Slow




Base on the gathered data 66.67 % of the respondents said that waking up late every morning is a factors that have the highest percentage on why do some students came late in their class, 58.33 % are the respondents that act like a turtle, 41.67 % of the respondents have a problem about the transportation that cause them to become late and 0.08 % of the respondents have work.

Table 2 Laziness


While the factors that has a highest percentage on the students’ lateness in passing their project is 41.67 % of the respondents are too lazy to do their projects.

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Gabaldon Vocational Agriculture High School Pantoc, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija DISCUSSION In the recent study presented at the literature review, going late to bed is one of the cause that will also support by the researcher's findings that waking up late in the morning is one of those factor for a students' lateness, meaning to say that if a person go late to bed the possibility for a student to wake up late in the morning is high. Let's say a student wake up early in the morning but is too slow so there's also a possibility too, in recent local literature "fail to keep up with punctuality is not simply laziness nor irresponsibility but the boulders of obstacles caused by difficuty in transportation" (Vera Mella,n.d.) base on the results some have a problem in transportation that will also support by literature in conclusion even if the student wake up early but by means of obstacles in trasportations (i.e. long waiting of services) will become also a cause for a student to become late in school. Some students pass there projects even the deadlines is over, in other words they happened to commit lateness in passing their projects because they are tired to the point that they feel lazy to do such activity.

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Gabaldon Vocational Agriculture High School Pantoc, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija CONCLUSION The researchers was conducted a research study to answer the questions that brings curiosity in the researchers mind on why many Grade 11 platinum students come late in their class. These are those factors in conclusion, going to bed late at night will cause result in waking up late in the morning, fail to keep self-punctuality and obstacles in transportation will also become another cause for attending late in class, and some students pass their projects late or not in the given deadline because they feel lazy to do. This research study aim to inform readers about the factors and causes of being late in classes. Researchers would like to recommend the following: 

Avoid going late to bed

Practice self-punctuality

Practice your self to sleep early at night

Have a routines that will help to prevent transportation error (i.e. prepare or dress up early)

Try your best to forget tardy habits and practice time management

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Gabaldon Vocational Agriculture High School Pantoc, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija REFERENCES Nakpodia, E.D. and Dafiaghor, F.K. (2011). Lateness: A major problem confronting school administrators in Delta State, Nigeria.

Vera Mella, A. (n.d.). Tardiness Is Not Always Caused by Laziness.

Bolaños, J.V., Barlota, A.R. and Parreño L. (2017). IT’S ABOUT TIME TO BE ON TIME! A Study on Students’ Tardiness in Ateneo de Davao University-Junior High School.

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