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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 608
  • Pages: 2

: Ega Tiara Iman Sari : X Mia 2

Once upon a time there was a little princess her named is monica. She was a beautiful princess, she had a kingdom, her kingdom was green kingdom . she lived with her sister her name is agnes. Agnes was beautiful girl like monica, she was very kind to monica. She always protected monica everytime everyday. One day monica and agnes went to the river. After that, lita put the fishes into the basket. Suddennly, monica fell into the river, she couldn’t swim. Then, monica said ‘’help me, help me!’’ and then, the prince was came to help monica. Then he helped monica and put lita under the tree. After that, the prince went far away from monica. Agnes suprised when she saw monica unconscious, agnes cried loudly. A few minutes later, monica was conscious and agnes was very happy, after that, they embrrased together. Monica told agnes about the prince who helped her in the river. Then , agnes want to know about him more. Then, they went to the palace together and they brought the fishes. And the next day, monica and agnes went to the forest. They want to searched many beautiful flowers. After that they walked around the forest, they saw a beautiful deer. Suddenly the deer was ran far away, monica and agnes ran to catched the deer, but, they met the prince who helped monica in the river.. ‘’you was help me in the river yesterday, thank you boys, where did you came from’’? said monica. ‘’ I came from SOUTH HOLLOW KINGDOM,said prince and where did you came from?’’ I must called you prince I came from GREEN KINGDOM’’ said monica. ‘’I must called you princess from The green kingdom’’ said prince. Monica spoke with the prince, she was very happy, because he is very handsome prince, and monica was loved him. Suddenly, agnes was came and she saw the prince who helped monica in the river.and then, agnes asked monica to back to the palace, monica was rejected agnes’s invitation. Agnes was very angry with monica, so agnes took monica’s hand forcibly. And then, agnes brought monica into the palace and they left the prince in the forest. After that, monica and agnes were arrived in the palace. Agnes angry with monica, and agnes hit monica. Many people in the kingdom was very confused with agnes because agnes never hit monica.

Monica was confused too, she explained to agnes about his feelings to the prince. And then, agnes was very big angry with monica.. Next day, monica want to left the kingdom and she want to met the prince. And then, agnes know even monica wasn’t in the palace. She commanded her soldiers to found monica died or live. After that, many soldiers looked for monica in the another kingdom, after that, they found monica in the south hollow kingdom and then, the soldiers informed with agnes. Agnes came to south hollow kingdom and she found monica there. She asked monica to back to the palace. But monica was rejected, agnes was upset, she throw a lamp to monica and monica was fainted, monica’s face drenched by her blood.. agnes was very feared. She embrassed monica and she checked monica nose, monica didn’t breath again. Agnes was shouted and cried on monica’s body ‘’monicaaaaaa........ because’, agnes didn’t accepted with monica’s situations So, agnes was killed herself with a piece of lamp glasses in front of the prince, but, late, the prince was late to helped monica and agnes. So, agnes died too on monica’s body.


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