Reg Agenda-tol Council- 15 Jun 2009

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13/06/09 9:23 PM

REGULAR MEETING OF TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Monday, June 15, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Fraser River Presentation Theatre 4th Floor, 20338 - 65 Avenue, Langley, BC AGENDA A. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1. Regular Council Meeting – May 25, 2009 Recommendation that Council adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council meeting held May 25, 2009. May 25, 2009 Regular Council Minutes.pdf B. PRESENTATIONS C. DELEGATIONS (UP TO 5 DELEGATIONS) D. REPORTS TO COUNCIL E. BYLAWS FOR FIRST AND SECOND READING F. BYLAWS FOR FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READING 1. Development Cost Charges Installment Regulations Report 09-85 File CD 3150-01 Recommendation that Council receive the “Development Cost Charges Installment Regulations” report for information; and further That Council give first, second and third reading to Bylaw No. 4753 lowering the threshold for payment of Development Cost Charges by installments from $50,000 to $30,000. Explanation Bylaw No. 4753 Bylaw No. 4753 provides for payment of Development Cost Charges in excess of $30,000 by installments subject to compliance with the provisions and requirements of the Local Government Act and applicable regulations. DCC Installment Regulations.pdf 2. 2009 Capital Works Loan Authorization Bylaws for Sewer, Transportation and Stormwater

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Capital Projects Bylaw No. 4750 Bylaw No. 4751 Bylaw No. 4752 Report 09-81 File FIN 1760-20 Recommendation that Council give first, second and third reading to the Sewer Capital Works Loan Authorization Bylaw 2009 No. 4750 for the purpose of borrowing funds in the amount of $8.5 million for Sewer Capital Works projects within the 2009 Sewer Capital Program repayable from the Sewer Utility Funds; and further That Council give first, second and third reading to the Stormwater Capital Works Loan Authorization Bylaw 2009 No. 4752 for the purpose of borrowing funds in the amount of $1.8 million for Stormwater Capital Works projects within the 2009 Stormwater Capital Program repayable from the Stormwater Utility Funds; and further That Council give first, second and third reading to the Transportation Capital Works Loan Authorization Bylaw 2009 No. 4751 for the purpose of borrowing funds in the amount of $8.7 million for Transportation Capital Works projects within the 2009 Transportation Capital Program repayable from the Development Cost Charges Reserve. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4750 Bylaw 2009 No. 4750 authorizes the Township to borrow $8.5 million towards the estimated cost of constructing the Aldergrove Connector Sanitary Sewer capital works. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4751 Bylaw 2009 No. 4751 authorizes the Township to borrow $8.7 million towards the estimated cost of constructing the 64 Avenue Rail Overpass at Highway 10 capital works. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4752 Bylaw 2009 No. 4752 authorizes the Township to borrow $1.8 million towards the estimated cost of constructing various stormwater capital works. 2008 Capital Works Loan Authorization Bylaws.pdf G. BYLAWS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THIRD READING H. BYLAWS FOR FINAL ADOPTION 1. Rezoning Application No. 100324 Development Permit No. 100566 (Comex Developments Ltd.) Bylaw No. 4714 Report 09-51 File CD 08-15-0154 Recommendation that Council give final reading to “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987

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No. 2500 Amendment (Comex Developments Ltd.) Bylaw 2009 No. 4714”. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4714 Bylaw No. 4714 rezones a 2,844 m 2 (30,612 ft 2) property located at 19909 – 64 Avenue from Suburban Residential Zone SR-1 to Community Commercial Zone C-2 to accommodate a 932 m 2 (10,033 ft 2) multi-tenant commercial building.

Development Permit No. 100566 Recommendation that Council authorize issuance of Development Permit No. 100566 (Comex Developments Ltd.) for property located at 19909 64 Avenue in accordance with Attachment B subject to the following conditions: a) b)

Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” to “D”; Landscape plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “E” and in compliance with the Township’s Street Tree and Boulevard and Treatment program to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; c) Signage to be in substantial compliance with Schedules “B” and “C” and in compliance with the Township of Langley Sign Bylaw; d) Fascia signage shall consist of channel lettering; e) Rooftop mechanical equipment to be located so that it is not visible from adjacent roads or alternatively to be screened from view by compatible architectural treatment; f) Garbage facilities to be located within screened enclosures and screened from view by compatible architectural treatment; g) Section 602.5 of the Township’s Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 being varied from a minimum 3.0 metre side lot line setback to permit a minimum 1.2 metre side lot line setback as shown in Schedule “B”; Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to the issuance of a building permit the following items will need to be finalized: h) i)

Compliance with the Township’s Exterior Lighting Impact Policy, including the provision of an Exterior Lighting Impact Plan to the acceptance of the Manager of Permits and Licences Department; Issuance of an Erosion and Sediment Control permit in conjunction with the Township’s Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw;


Submission of a stormwater management plan to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; k) Payment of supplemental Development Permit application fees Clerk’s Note: Please note that all development prerequisites listed in the Community Development Division report to Council of April 6, 2009 attached to the Bylaw have been satisfactorily addressed. The Public Hearing for the Bylaw was held on April 20, 2009 with 3 rd reading given on May 11, 2009.

RZ DP Comex.pdf 2. Rezoning Application No. 100306

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(Brian Coleman/Group Childrens’ Day Care Centre) Bylaw No. 4645 Report 08-72 File CD 13-19-292 Recommendation that Council give final reading to “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 Amendment (Coleman) Bylaw 2008 No. 4645”. Explanation Bylaw No. 4645 Bylaw No. 4645 rezones property located at 26976 – 28A Avenue to Community Care Facility Zone P-2N to permit development of a Group Childrens’ Day Care Centre for a maximum of twenty five (25) children. Clerk’s Note: Please note that all development prerequisites listed in the Community Development Division report to Council of April 21, 2008 attached to the Bylaw have been satisfactorily addressed. The Public Hearing for the Bylaw was held on May 12, 2008 with 3rd Reading given on May 26, 2008. In accordance with Council policy, staff advise that the public hearing for the Bylaw was held more than a year prior to the proposed final reading date. Although resolution of the development prerequisite items was ongoing and the on-site rezoning sign remained in place, the Bylaw was delayed as the applicant sought the necessary Municipal and Provincial approvals.

Brian Coleman_Group Childrens Day Care Centre.pdf 3. Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application No. 100056 and Development Permit Application No. 100506 (Century Group) Bylaw No. 4646 Bylaw No. 4647 Report 08-32 File CD 11-06-0176 Recommendation that Council give final reading to “Township of Langley Official Community Plan Bylaw 1979 No. 1842 Amendment (Murrayville Community Plan) Bylaw 1988 No. 2661 Amendment (Century Group) Bylaw 2008 No. 4646” and “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 Amendment (Century Group) Bylaw 2008 No. 4647”. Explanation Bylaw 4646 Bylaw No. 4646 proposes to amend the Murrayville Community Plan to redesignate property located north of Fraser Highway east of 222 Street (22301 Fraser Highway) from ‘Residential 3’ and ‘Commercial’ to ‘Institutional’, to permit development of a 155 unit seniors housing complex, and ‘Multi Family Three’, to permit development of two (2) four storey apartment buildings (114 units) and 8 single family lots. The Bylaw also proposes to amend the Development Permit Area designation for the site to Development Permit Area A. Explanation Bylaw 4647 Bylaw No. 4647 rezones property located north of Fraser Highway east of 222 Street (22301 Fraser Highway) from Suburban Residential SR-1 and Residential Mobile Home Park MH-1 to a new Comprehensive Development Zone CD-73 to permit development of a 155 unit seniors

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housing complex, two apartment buildings (114 units), and eight single family lots. Development Permit No. 100506 Recommendation that Council authorize issuance of Development Permit No. 100506 (Century Group) for property located at 22301 Fraser Highway in accordance with Attachment E subject to the following conditions: a) Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” through “T”; b) Landscaping plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “U”, and in compliance with the Township’s Street Tree and Boulevard Treatment programs and Child Friendly Amenity Area requirements, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; c) Landscaping and boulevard treatment to be secured by letter of credit at the building permit stage; d) All signage being architecturally consistent with Schedules “A” through “T” and in compliance with the Township’s Sign Bylaw; e) Rooftop mechanical equipment to be located so that it is not visible from adjacent roads and properties or alternatively screened from view by compatible architectural treatments; f) All refuse areas to be located in the underground garages; g) Final approval being obtained from Transport Canada with respect to the height of the buildings in relation to the Langley Municipal Airport, including incorporation of any recommendations from the federal agencies into the final development plans; h) Provision of a CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) review of the development (including design and operation of parkades, elevators, pedestrian walkways/connections, amenity areas, playgrounds, and lighting) by a qualified CPTED professional (in consultation with the Langley RCMP), to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development, including incorporation of the CPTED recommendations into the final development plans; and, i) Registration of an exterior design control agreement for all CD-73 zoned single family lands ensuring that the building design and site development standards are high quality, and consistent with surrounding lots and development. Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to issuance of a building permit, the following items will need to be finalized: j)

Provision of an Exterior Lighting Impact Plan prepared by an electrical engineer in compliance with the Township’s Exterior Lighting Impact Policy to the acceptance of the Manager of Permits and Licenses; k) Payment of supplemental Development Permit application fees; and l) Payment of the cost recovery fee for the overpass crossing of Fraser Highway. Development Permit No. 100506 has been revised by: 1. Replacing Building 4 with 8 single family homes as shown in revised Schedules A, U, V, W, X, Y and Z; 2. Removing Schedules T through W as Building 4 has been deleted; 3. Increasing the number of units in Building 2 from 51 to 67 as shown in revised Schedules K through N;

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4. Decreasing the number of units in Building 3 from 48 to 47 units as shown in revised Schedules O through S; 5. Revising the site and landscape plan to accommodate the removal of Building 4 and proposed changes to Buildings 2 and 3 as shown in revised Schedule A and Z; and, 6. Adding a condition to the Development Permit requiring registration of an exterior design control agreement prior to issuance of any Building Permits for the single family portion of the development Clerk’s Note: Please note that all development prerequisites listed in the Community Development Division report to Council of February 18, 2008 attached to the Bylaws have been completed other than development prerequisites #1 (servicing agreement) and #2 (road dedication) which has/have been addressed as follows: - a restrictive covenant has been registered on title requiring finalization of a servicing agreement and provision of road dedications (via a subdivision plan) prior to building permits being issued; staff anticipate these items to be completed by the end of this month. The Public Hearing for the Bylaws was held on March 10, 2008 with 3 rd reading given on April 7, 2008. In accordance with Council policy, staff advise that the public hearing for the Bylaws was held more than a year prior to the proposed final reading date. Although resolution of the development prerequisite items was ongoing and the on-site rezoning signs remained in place, the Bylaws were delayed due to the process required to finalize the site servicing, legal documentation, and revisions to architectural plans related to Building 1 (seniors housing building), underground parking layout and landscaping plans.

Century Group.pdf I.


J. ASSOCIATIONS, AGENCIES AND OTHER GOVERNMENT ITEMS K. MAYOR'S REPORT L. METRO VANCOUVER REPRESENTATIVE'S REPORT M. ITEMS FROM PRIOR MEETINGS N. ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION FROM SPECIAL CLOSED MEETINGS 1. The following item was brought forward from the May 25, 2009 Special Closed Meeting: E-Comm Board of Directors That Council receive the E-Comm Board of Directors’ report for information; That Council authorize staff to advise E-Comm of the Township’s concurrence to endorse the following appointments for the 2009/2010 fiscal year: · ·

Fire Chief Len Garis, City of Surrey; and Councillor Mary-Wade Anderson, City of White Rock; and further

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That Council designate Councillor Ward to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders for the purposes of voting the Township of Langley’s shares. That Council request a three (3) year term when considering an appointment to a future EComm Board of Directors. 2. The following item was brought forward from the May 25, 2009 Special Closed Meeting: Youth Representative – Aldergrove Planning Committee That Council appoint Youth Representatives CJ Phan and Stephanie Kumhyr to the Aldergrove Planning Committee, with full voting rights. O. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION P. ITEMS HAVING PRIOR NOTICE OF MOTION Q. OTHER BUSINESS 1. At the May 25, 2009 Regular Meeting of Council Councillor Richter provided the following notice of motion: Turning Lights – 248 Street and Fraser Highway Whereas extended left hand turning lights have recently been added east/west on Fraser Highway at 248 Street but were left off the north/south portion of this intersection; Whereas traffic queues as much on the north/south portions of this intersection and this north/south queuing is likely to continue to increase with the opening of the new credit union building and other anticipated development in the area. Therefore be it resolved that left hand extended turning lights also be added north/south on 248 Street at Fraser Highway. R. ADDITIONAL DELEGATIONS S. TERMINATE

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