Reality Based Martial Arts Dark Gift Combat Iusse7

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Volume 1 Issue 7 11/02/08


Houston Premier Reality Based Martial Arts & Combatives, Fitness & Nutrition Facility.

Your monthly guide to Combative Techniques, Tactical Airsoft, MilSim and Combative Fitness & Nutrition. E-mails to Mr.Traylor Good & Bad

Mr.& Mrs. Traylor Owner & Founders of D.G.C.F.S. System.

Inside D.G.C.F.S. E-mail to Mr.traylor Mike’s Fitness Corner Coming events Taken it To the street Airsoft products when martial arts goes bad Cont. E-mails to Mr.Traylor Links to good places

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Mr.Traylor I have been to your website and I find it extremely interesting, I have taken ????????? for 3 years and was very happy with it and my sensei, but my sensei got into a fight close to the dojo. I was in my car and saw the fray, at the time I did not know it was him. it was about 9:30 pm or so. I noticed that he was kicking and was doing some damage but the guy seemed to continue coming at him he tried to do a spin kick and missed, the guy threw a wild cross and made contact and it hurt sensei though no knock out the thug then rush him more as he saw that he hurt him, my sensei at that point LOST all composure trying to kick when he was to close, he tried punching him but no power, he then tried backing up so he could kick but the thug just was to close, they exchange some blows on each other. The light then turned green for me and I crossed the street at that point I saw that it was my sensei. I pulled in to the parking lot, 2 guys stopped the fight as I got out of the car. I could see that my sensei was bewildered as I am sure I would have been also. I notice that he could not do any of the things he taught us. My sensei could kick strait up in the air, his sparing was GREAT, breaking boards, just a FAST guy but It looked like he did not know what to do in a REAL FIGHT. This had a very big and divesting physcalogical effect on me. I second guess everything I was taught, This is not to say that ???? would not work it is just not ready for a street fight I guess, I have since then, have gone to 7 different schools here in Canada and I could not find anything that approaches training for a real fight. Even my Sensei did not do any of our techniques in that fight very well. My sensei had a broken nose and a chip tooth the other guy I found out later had 3 broken ribs, which goes to show that my sensei had power on the kicks I saw him land but the guy still kept coming, so I looked at M.M.A. it was great but to much ground work and no weapons training. Then a friend of mine told me about Reality Martial Arts, I have heard the term before but never looked into it. I am moving to Houston with my family and I am excited about possible training with you. Although I am a bit tense about the training as it looks HARD!!! And the fighting you do is also HARD CORE compared to what I am use to. I also love the videos you have up. You keep it REAL and I have never seen that in a Martial Arts Dojo. I saw a student ask you what IF this and your answer was your OUT OF LUCK That is REAL LIFE TRAINING, Thank you sir for showing us the real side of fighting. In conclusion Sir, I will fill out your application to become a student of yours. Mr. Amarante CONT. Page 9


Ab Lounge Ultra

Mr. Morales Owner of Fit 2 Fight Gym Co-Founder of R.E.A.C.T. System. Instructor in Hand to Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S. Inside D.G.C.F.S.

It's called an Ab Lounge Ultra. Awesome, isn't it?!? It goes for about $200. What a steal, huh?!? When I saw it on a late night infomercial for the first time, I really didn't pay it any mind. As a veteran of the fitness business, I've seen ridiculous products like this come and go. So, I don't pay them as much mind as I used to. But, seeing this goofy thing, I instantly recognized it for the material representation of IGNORANCE and LAZINESS, that it is. First, I'm not even going to BOTHER explaining why STUPID products like these are stupid. If you need me to explain why a fitness product with the word "LOUNGE" in it's name is ridiculous and worthless, then you should STOP READING this article RIGHT NOW, and immediately schedule a Tubal ligation, or Vasectomy - whichever applies - for the earliest possible date. BUT what I WILL elaborate upon briefly, is this question: "What sort of BONEHEAD would spend over $200 on a worthless piece of garbage like the "Ab Lounge Ultra", rather than investing that same money in hiring a personal fitness coach?!?" Ah, well... let's think about that. According to a recent "health" poll, about 70% of Americans STILL DON'T EXERCISE "regularly". Apparently, about 62% engaged in "some physical activity" in their leisure time. Wow. Impressive. (I think we know they sure ain't running marathons. Maybe runnin' to the fridge for another baloney sammitch and a Diet Coke.) So, pretty much, 7 of 10 Americans don't exercise AT ALL, even though they know they should. (...also indicated in the poll) Enter the "Ab Lonuge Ultra". Imagine, if you will... it's late on a Monday evening. Monday Night Football, has just ended and Chubs Beergutt, and his girlfriend, Fattie McButterpants, have just ingested 2 pizzas and a case while watching. Then on comes an infomercial for the freakin' Ab Lounge....and Chubs and Fattie start dialing that 800 number! Why not, right? I mean, they KNOW they're fat, and they know they SHOULD exercise... So, why not do it the easy way, right?!? OK, yeah, understood. But why wouldn't they spend their $200+ on a coach? Simple. 1. Buying a stupid product gives them the immediate sensation of being in control, while the only risk is the possible loss of money. 2. The concept of working with a trainer is too foreign to them and represents too many perceived risks / hardships. In other words: "Only rich folks hire trainers... Trainers are expensive... It'll be hard... I'll have to change my diet... BLAH BLAH BLAH." Oh yeah, and hiring a trainer involves two more things that Chubs and Fattie simply aren't capable of:

E-mail to Mr.traylor Mike’s Fitness Corner Coming events Taken it To the street Airsoft products when martial arts goes bad Cont. E-mails to Mr.Traylor Links to good places

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1. Admitting that they're out of shape beyond their control... admitting their "fitness failure" 2. Relinquishing control to another person. Well, that's fine with me. Let 'em stay FAT and IGNORANT for as long as is necessary... Because, in the state they're in, they CAN'T be helped.These folks are exactly the types of people who need my help the most. Simply because they haven't "gotten their mind right" yet. ...but it's not just the Chubs and Fatties of the world, that don't "get it". Some of the most dedicated and practiced fitness enthusiasts get it all wrong, too! Honestly, if I had a 15 minute face-to-face with every person who has ever faced fitness failure... from the morbidly obese, to the diligent gym-goer... I wouldn't have needed to write this article. But I can't... so I did....and I can't wait to hear about how it has helped YOU! Thanks for reading, Mr. Morales

(832) 373-4030

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Coming Events Date 10/23/08 Mr. & Mrs. Traylor will be hold a private seminar for Dinner of the Month Club, Inc. a women’s self defense class Date D.T.A. Ray Dionaldo F.C.S. Filipino Combat Systems seminar at D.G.C.F.S facility 12-5pm Date 03/26/09 Mr & Mrs. Traylor, with Instructors and Apprentice Instructors, are going to California to train with PAUL VUNAK and get certified as apprentice Instructors and Mr. Traylor Full “C.E.I.” Certified. COMING SOON (Date D.T.A.) Field survival, combat, and tactical training (Weapons and hand to hand). 150 acre woodland training facility. Airsoft exercises and live-fire shooting range training. (survival skills, escape and evasion, ambush/counter ambush, field recon and fire tactics, field hand to hand and weapon combat.) February 28 – March 1 ’09. Hock Close Quarter Combatives Seminar. REGISTER NOW!!!

Events flyer

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By Clint Bodungen

You’ve heard the saying, “Everyone has a plan until you get hit.” It happens to everybody. You can have a 10th degree black belt in 10 different arts but if you get into a real fight on the street or on the battlefield, none of the techniques you’ve learned seem to look the same or may not work altogether. In fact, a bystander may not even be able to tell you are a martial artist at all because pretty much all technique is out the window. What happens to us on the street during a fight is a natural reaction that has been happening to humans since our first cave fight. In an effort for survival, the human body will shut down all but the essential functions to survive. What this means is that if you are confronted with a seriously threatening or life threatening situation, your body’s ability to do anything but fight back will be diminished. And when I say fight back, I mean fight back in the most primitive form; gross motor skills and cave man like flailing. When your heart beat reaches a certain level and adrenaline is surging through your body, you start to get tunnel vision, you experience loss of hearing, and complex motor skills become nearly impossible. Therefore, so too are Mr. Bodungen Co-Founder of complex martial arts movements and techniques. So does this mean that technique A.R.C.. Instructor in Hand to training is useless? Can we learn to fight effectively on the street using technique Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S. and not resort to a slug fest? Do you remember your first roller coaster ride? I do… Inside D.G.C.F.S. and I about lost my stomach. I clinched my teeth, held on, and could barely stand it until it was all over. However, what happened after that? The second ride wasn’t so E-mail to Mr.traylor 1 bad. The third was even easier. By the time I had a few rides under my belt I could Mike’s Fitness Corner 2 barely feel the G-forces anymore. So what happened? My body adapted. It Coming events 4 adapted to these natural human physiologically reactions. Fighter pilots not only Taken it To the street 5 overcome the same physiological reactions caused by even more intense forces and Airsoft products 6 when martial arts goes bad 7 stresses, they learn to perform highly complex actions. Starting to see where I’m Cont. E-mails to Mr.Traylor 9 going with this? With proper training, one can learn to adapt to, and over come, the Links to good places 11 stresses we encounter during a real street fight or life threatening attack. But, the key word is “proper” training. You can have all the training techniques down perfect for years and years but if you will still fall victim to the same crippling human physiological reactions if you are not training properly. So how do we train to overcome this? Well, if getting hit causes this reaction on the street, you have to get hit in the training studio… again, and again, and again, and again, until your body adapts and gets used to the idea and action of getting hit. You may be saying, “But we spar all the time.” Sparring is not training for the street. Sparring is training for points and sport. In order for your body to adapt, you must simulate a real street fight or attack. You must have an “attacker” not a sparring partner. Does that fighter pilot just perform a limited set of controlled actions in a simulator to be battle ready? No, he also goes all out in life-like battle simulations up in the air against opponents simulating the enemy over and over again. Your training must be the same. Your attacker must come at you with the force and malicious intent that a real street attacker would instead of “pop shotting” you, attacking and retreating, and picking shots like a sport fighter. You can, and should, even start off in full pads and work your way up in intensity and eventually less protection. Do drills that get used to the feeling of taking a hit. Learn to keep your vision while taking a hit and being attacked. Put yourself in stressful training situations. Do drills that force you to keep your concentration while being attacked. Do drills that simulate an ambush. Put yourself in situations that make you nervous. If you become complacent, step it up or change the routine to something that stimulates nervous response and duress. This is known as pain and stress inoculation. This is the type of training that will force your body to adapt to those types of stressful environments and perform at a level like never before. Just remember, in order to perform effectively in a stressful environment or situation, you must train in that environment. If you want to learn to fight in the cage or score points, go spar. If you want to learn to fight effectively in a real life street fight, train like you are in a street fight! Next month I will go over these drills in more detail. Until then, train hard and train real! Page 5


This rifle runs around $360.00 Dimension lengthG786.5mm weight 3652g magazine capacity 450 rounds speedGM120 / 395 fps 1.Instant releasable handguard By pushing the button on the front side of the handguard, you can instantly release the handguard. 2.Instant releasable upper and lower The way of disassembling ICS L85A2 is same as the way of disassembling real L85. You can instantly release upper and lower by pulling out two NL (Never-lost) bolts. 3.Patented brand new design of the delayed-action trigger electric brake The new breakthrough electric brake module is an innovative structure. The electric brake will never burn away. The feeling of triggering is same as it is of real L85. When the trigger reached the position, the electric brake module responses, connects, and electrify. 4.Power is cut when upper and lower are released Power is cut automatically when upper and lower are released. This new design reduces wires and makes the internal clear. It also reduces the electric current impedance because of fewer wires. 5.Brand new gear box set with adjustable spring strength The new spring guide at the end of box let players disassemble and replace spring just by one bolt. The most innovative feature of the spring guide is that there are three holes in three different sequences. Players can adjust the spring strength by fixing the spring guide with three different positions in sequence. Its so easy because you just need to adjust the spring guide with one bolt and you can get three different strengths as you like. The external and internal box is reinforced. ICS uses 7 mm bearing. It is very difficult to break it. ICS also upgrades the gearbox to M120 / 395fps. ICS L85 absolutely is your best choice. 6.Charging handle fixer You can fix the charging handle at the rear by pulling back charging handle and turn the bolt catch up. You can adjust hop-up when the charging handle is pulled and fixed. The bolt is released when you pull back the charging handle again. 7.HOP-UP adjustment The new hop-up has crosshead, which makes it easier to adjust with crosshead screwdriver. 8.The steady for barrel The steady precisely position the barrel. The barrel wont weaver. 9.ICS replicate the production process of real L85. ICS L85 is produced by stamping steel and welding.

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WHEN MARTIAL ARTS GOES BAD Ninth-Dan TKD Expert Shot in Attempted Robbery Police are searching for the gunman who they say is responsible for shooting two people in a robbery attempt at a North Miami karate shop. One look at Tae Kwan Do master Young Soo Do's webpage and you can see he's deeply committed to martial arts. He is a ninth degree black belt and besides teaching children and adults, he also taught self-defense to the DEA and FBI. His website also says he has earned more than 500 civic awards. However, Do a North Miami community leader is struggling to survive after being shot three times in the chest and stomach."Earlier today we found two individuals who were shot in this parking lot behind this business," said Neil Cuevas of the North Miami Police Department. While students were inside, Do and another man were shot in the parking lot behind Doo's Tae-kwon-do school Saturday around noon. The other man was shot in the leg and is expected to recover, the other victim were found shot next to Do's Lexus, and the other man's yellow van. So far, police have no leads, but they do have a description of the potential suspect."We are currently looking for a black male, age unknown that was wearing a white tank top, jean shorts and a mustache," said Neal. According to witnesses the subject then fled through and adjacent alleyway to a waiting Mercedes Benz The subject is described as a black male in his 20's with a thin build and a mustache.

Man faces court over martial arts instructor's death Jarade Steven Hinder, 22, was originally charged with assault occasioning bodily harm after a fight with tae kwon do instructor John Hubble outside a Kalgoorlie pub last month. However, detectives upgraded the charge to manslaughter when Mr Hubble died last week after sustaining head injuries during the fight. Hinder appeared in Kalgoorlie Magistrates Court yesterday where his case was adjourned for three weeks.

Karate Instructor Stabbed to Death by Boyfriend Thomas C. Wood is charged with the murder of Sierra Giorgi a karate instructor. After dating for a short while, Giorgi wanted to end the relationship as she was afraid and suspicious of Wood. She even told her friends about her concerns about Wood in case something happened to her. After going out to dinner with a co-worker after work, she was later found stabbed to death in her car which was parked right outside the studio. Wood has been convicted before on stabbing a 67 year old man in 1990.

M.M.A. Fighter “Lee Murray” Stabbed & Died. 'Lightning' Lee Murray spoke publicly for the first time exclusively to about the September 28th altercation outside of a London nightclub that resulted in multiple injuries to Murray and left him fighting for his life. MMAWeekly: Lee, first of all, it's nice to talk to you. That's something that I think a lot of people didn't think would ever happen with everything going on with you. Talk about your situation and what happened to you in the streets of London. Lee Murray: I was at a nightclub. I was with a few of my friends...went to a casino and gambled and went to the club. Did a bit of partying. Come out of the club and there was a big fight that broke out outside the club between a group of guys and some guy that was with a friend of mine. One of my friends got involved in the fight. I tried to help him because about six or seven guys was on one of my friends. That's when I got stabbed. I got stabbed in the head first. I thought it was a punch. When I felt the blood coming down my face, I just wiped the blood and just continued to fight. Next, I looked down at my chest and blood was literally shooting out of my chest. I looked down, and I knew I had been stabbed in the heart by the way the flow of the blood was coming out of my chest. It was literally flying out of my chest like a yard in-front of me. MMAWeekly: You just thought you were getting punched? You didn't even realize you were stabbed until you saw the blood just pouring out of your body? Murray: Yes. I didn't feel nothing. I didn't feel nothing at all. When I saw the blood on my head, I thought someone had punched me in the head because there was about four or five of them on me, and one of them obviously had a big knife. When he stabbed me in the head the blood just came racing down my face. I wiped the blood out away from my face to get it out of my eye and just continued punching. It wasn't until I looked down at my chest that I see the blood squirting out of my chest that I knew I had been stabbed in the heart. I took my shirt off and put my shirt in the hole and tried to stop the

bleeding. I just run off down the road and jumped into some car. I think there was two girls getting into the car leaving the club, and I just jumped in their car and said get me to a hospital quick. I've been stabbed in the heart. I didn't know these girls, and these girls just drove off. These girls saved my life. I went to jump into a taxi first, and the taxi driver, he locked his doors and just raced off. He wouldn't let me get into his car. MMAWeekly: So you get with these two girls, you have no idea who they are. They take you to the hospital, and you actually died. Correct? Murray: Yes. I died three times. What happened was when I jumped in the girls car, they didn't take me to the hospital because they didn't know where the hospital was because they were in central London. What they done, they rung up for an ambulance and the person on the end of the phone said you're going to have to get to somewhere where we can pick him up from. The girls said they worked in a casino in central London, I'll take him to the casino and just meet me there. The ambulance met at this casino. The police turn up, and the police were there. The ambulance turned up and they got me out of the car. I was out at this time. I lost so much blood that I was out. I couldn't remember being there. Then I remember waking up in the ambulance with masks on my face, and I tried to rip the masks off. I didn't know what was going on. I blacked back out again, and then I woke back up in the hospital on the operating table. One of my friends come charging through and they were shouting at him to get out because the danger of getting an infection. The next minute I was out again, and I woke up in intensive care about two days later. MMAWeekly: Unbelievable. So, you told me the longest you were dead was for four minutes. Murray: Yes. I think it was the last time I died. I died three times. The last time I died I was dead for about four minutes. The surgeon said to my family and stuff, he said look because he's been dead for longer than three minutes, I think, if he recovers there's a good possibility that he's going to be brain damaged. MMAWeekly: Man. And here you are, seriously, weeks later talking to us. The recovery is unbelievable. I mean somebody is looking out for you man because you shouldn't even be talking to us right now. Murray: I know. They said to me, if it was the average person they'd be dead. They would have never survived it. They said because you're an athlete and all the training you put your body through, that's what saved your life. MMAWeekly: Usually when you go through something like that you have a life changing, you know, mentally you start seeing the world in a different way. Have you changed your ways now because I know you've had hundreds of street fights? Murray: I think it's made me stronger mentally. I think it's made me stronger as a person. I think when I comeback, people were thinking he ain't going to be able to fight again, and he ain't going to be as strong as he was. I think I'm going to comeback stronger from this. I think it's going to make me train harder. All this time I've trained, I never put 100% in my training. If I had a fight coming up I'd train eight to ten weeks before the fight, and after the fight I'd go out partying for two months and I wouldn't train...I never put 100% into my training. I think now, once I'm recovered and I can train properly, I'm going to put 100% into my training. And I think I'm going to comeback as a stronger fighter and a person. MMAWeekly: We knew you coming into this. You were kind of a legend on the streets being known as a street fighter. Does that keep you away now? I mean are you going to have anymore fights on the street? Murray: I've done that a lot. That's me. That's how I was brought up. It's going to be hard for me to change that. MMAWeekly: Even after all of this? I mean you almost died. That still doesn't change you? Murray: The day is written for when I'm going to die. My day is already written for when I'm going to die, and that's the way I believe. It's not changing what I do in my life. I think my day is already written for when I'm going to die and that's that. I don't think I can change the way I am. That's me. If I wasn't like that I wouldn't be the fighter I am, and I wouldn't be who I am. MMAWeekly: Lee, what does your body physically look like right now? I mean what kind of scars do you have? Murray: I look like Frankenstein. I look like I've been put back together. I've got a scar all the way down my chest. I've got another scar down from my abdominal muscles. I've got like a big round hole, it looks like a gunshot hole, underneath my armpit. I've got one on my nipple where I got my nipple cut off. I got stabbed outside the club the week before. MMAWeekly: Did you just say your nipple got cut off? Murray: Yeah. I got into a fight outside the same club the week before and got stabbed twice. MMAWeekly: Lee, what the heck are you doing man? We need your manager to step in, lock this guy up and not let him into nightclubs. You got stabbed twice the week before? Murray: I got stabbed outside the same club the week before. When my mom heard that I went back to the same club, she went crazy. She went, you got stabbed outside the week before and you went back to the same club? She went, you're nuts! MMAWeekly: You are nuts Lee. I'm telling you. Your mom thinks you're

NOTE: don’t disregard your 5 natural senses to rely on a so called 6th “MARTIAL ARTS” always use common sense, Run, Hide just try to get away always try to be ready and aware of your surroundings. Just cause we study martial arts does not make us SUPER man or women, we will bleed and die, we are just training for that incident should it occur nothing will guaranty your safety or your survival. BUT IF you TRAIN correctly for that type of incident your chance for survival increase and your chances of living!!! My belief is that one must train for what is most likely to happen to you on the street and how to deal with that attack “respond, evade and escape a street Fight. “Humbly Seeking Peace but Preparing for War” – Mr.Traylor page 8

Continue Page 1 Mr.Trailor I have been in the Martial arts for over 40 years like yourself and I can not believe the stuff you are spewing out on your website. I disagree with ALMOST ALL of IT because Traditional Martial arts like Karate, Jujutsu, Tae Kwon Do and Kung Fu San Soo were made for combat on the battlefield and it has been proven in battle. I have heard so many,many times that Reality Based Martial Arts are better than Traditional Martial Arts for today’s violent world. I do not agree with this statement WHAT SOEVER because Traditional Martial Arts were made for combat centuries ago and I have read that most Reality Based Martial arts have some kind of Traditional Martial Art background. Real Martial Artist can do everything a Reality Martial Artist can do. Do you agree/disagree with either of these statements? Traditional Martial Arts offer not only self defense, fitness, discipline and self confidence, but so much more. Traditional training extends the boundaries of everyday life and creates an invincible mindset in whatever task you need to accomplish. Sir you are Lost and confused about what Martial Arts are. Mr. Chambers Hachidan Mr.Traylor As a veteran of both police work and the martial arts since 1984, I know all to well the real importance of being able to protect oneself... no matter what. All of you at Dark Gift Combat are obviously succeeding in your quest to help people do just that. These are difficult and dangerous times, and we each have a role to play. Keep up the great work! Joel White, 5th Dan

My Rebuttal This is my Rebuttal to some of these remarks and my view. D.G.C.F.S. does NOT REPLACE what you have learned, get it? Does NOT REPLACE what you have learned. it just gives you additional tools for a physical altercation. 1st let us think logically about martial arts systems and why you train and how you train. Logic does not always prevail in most T.M.A. systems. NOW I said most, NOT ALL. WHY? You are not allowed free speech and to question, what you do or why you do it. Here is a great example: You ask a question- “Why are we doing this technique like this?” Answer- “Because this is how we have been doing it for 600 years and when they come at you this way this is what you do” My answer would be as a R.B.C. instructor to a client/student is a complete logical response so the client/student can thoroughly understand the tactic and see the logic behind what they are doing and why they are training with that method. Now here is a realistic way to look at R.B.C. training. Our military has progress in technology. Right? Then why is it that most martial arts system are caught in the past in the way that they train? Not that the techniques they use wont work, just their training methods. Let’s look at it logically. If I was to say to you that a horse was the best form of transportation to day because we were using it 600+ years ago, you would most likely call me a stupid. Yet, why is it that when someone who says that their art/system was created 600 years ago so it is the best form of self defense because it has been proven for over 6000+ years and it has roots and most people believe it?, yet R.B.C. do not have roots and no structure its to young ect…as I have been told by some Masters & Grand Masters. Look It comes down to some very important key factors that influence peoples beliefs about martial arts ,Mixed Martial Arts and Reality Based combative training: 1. Tradition- Can get you killed. Don’t put Tradition in front of logic. use common sense. 2. Movies- I saw guys flipping off walls to anther wall and dogged bullets but hey we all know that is a movie don’t we?. Why do people see a martial arts action hero and start perceiving that their demonstrations of their ability are fighting skill? They are actors and they are there to entertain us. Of course they are skilled athletes but not one of them can perform that in a real life situation. I am not saying they can’t fight or they do not have talent, but it is Choreography. So don’t think you can do this in a street altercation. 3. Zen- Ever seen martial arts do something amazing? Like laying on spears, touch a person and knocking them out, laying a piece of cloth on your lap and waving his hand over it and it catches fire etc? All are tricks, designed to make you believe in the concealed secrets of martial arts. All fail to exhibit one thing. Why they are functional in any real world combative application 4. The GOLDEN BOY- So you go to your local martial arts school and dispute logic and they say but wait a minute we have “Joe” who is our best fighter he’s good. Just watch this guy, he is an awesome fighter and can move and fight with ease. Surly If he can do it you can also right? Wrong.

What they forgot to mention is that they have 90 students and no one can fight except for “joe”. A good combative system is one where the accumulation of most students are proficient at what they do, not the minority. Some people are great athletes that can apply anything they know. But this is not the mass majority of students. Here is where I stand on Traditional Martial Arts and M.M.A. I respect all Martial Arts. ALL MARTIAL ARTS, All are advantageous to learn and train in, they have several health and spiritual benefits, they help get you into shape, they improve discipline, and they are great for kids. I, personally, love traditional martial arts and M.M.A. In fact, that is my back ground and it will always be. HOWEVER, there are Instructors out there that claim their style is street practical & weapon ready, Just Beware of false claims. ok? Make sure that their training will give you TRUE REALITY-BASED training that can save your life and protect your loved ones! Otherwise, RUN... They will get you hurt or killed! This not just my belief. Many others such as The Self Defense Company, Close Combat Comany, P.F.S., Jimmy Wagner, etc. all state the same thing. What we teach will enhance any art you already study. I do not intend to replace what you have learned. That is not the reason or purpose Of D.G.C.F.S. It is to give you additional tools for a street altercation and let you look outside of your style or system to enhance your fighting ability. Ask yourself... Can you protect your family with traditional martial arts / M.M.A.? POSSIBLY Can you protect yourself if a weapon is used, "knife, stick, gun? POSSIBLY Can you protect yourself if you are stabbed or shot? POSSIBLY Can you protect yourself if your strong arm or leg is hurt? POSSIBLY Can you protect yourself if there are multiple attackers? POSSIBL Is "Possibly" a good enough answer? - When the S#!$% HITS THE FAN and I have to protect my family, I do not want to depend on "POSSIBLY". I want training that helps me in all of those Categories. My life and my family’s lives maybe at stake. I want to be able to come home and be with the ones I love. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. My hope is that you NEVER have to fight for your life... but IF you do, wouldn't you want to have the cards stacked in your favor? HELL YES! So it is for these very reasons I now to teach R.B.C. it has been a journey. A journey of self discovery and understanding of combat/fighting. I am a R.B. instructor and my promise to those who train with me is simple. 1. To teach people how to survive in the worst possible situations. 2. To make certain that I always respond with a logical and practical solution “IF there is one, some times there is just SURVIVE” 3. To convey information in the easiest format so that you can apply what I am showing you. 4. Knowing you have made the best investment in training with me. 5. To only convey information that is realistic and has purpose to reality based combative training. Real Martial Artist can do everything a Reality Martial Artist can do. Do you agree/disagree with this statement? My answer: Ok you are playing with words Sir, you wrote “Real Martial Artist” Not “Traditional Martial Artist” A REAL Martial artist would study all aspect of combat not just what is in his style. I.E. ground combatives, gun combatives knife ect..there for yes a “Real Martial Artist can” but A “Traditional Martial Artist” he can not Do everything a R.B.M.A. can do, Here is why, 1st and NO FAULT of their own they are limited to only teach what was taught to them by their Instructor and their federation If they where to teach anything out side their system they could be excommunicated by their federation. So does T.M.A. train in counter home invasion? How about weapons of opportunity? How about gun counter gun? Knife counter gun? Does T.M.A. train you in all four Ranges of combat? Not just grappling or kicking or throws ect…?? Does T.M.A. teach modern weapons? Knife or edge weapon, Gun or rifle, Sticks, Now not just defend but also learn how to use these weapons? Modern day weapons. How about Gross Motor Skills, the adrenaline dump? I could go on but I think you get what I am saying Sir. Look there is NO ONE perfect FIGHTING SYSTEM, everyone has a hole or some one will find a hole. Not enough ground combatives, weapons training, hand vs knife training ect…. But what will be more practical for a street altercation and a very short learning curve. We “my wife Fabiana & I as well my Instructors“ want to be able to teach you how to protect yourself in hours, days maybe even months, not years, YEARS would be to perfect certain techniques or what we call perfection techniques, Gross motor skills is what will help you survive a street encounter right away, we will then build from there. Look they are some GREAT T.M.A. systems out there that are ready for street they just don’t teach gun vs, gun or knife ect..but hey its better than nothing and it also depends on the instructor as well. Here are some of our mottos “Practical, Tactical, Combative, no Fluff Just Reality” – Traylor “No Rules, No Referees, No points, No Tapping Out .Just you’re A$@@$% ON the line.” – Bodungen / Traylor "Expect Chaos! Train in Chaos! Thrive in Chaos!" - Hock's Motto “Humbly Seeking Peace but Preparing for War” – Traylor Mr.Traylor

LINKS to GOOD Places

Stonewall Tactical defense

Close Quarters Combat

R.E.A.C.T System U.S. Special Forces, Pro Football, College, Police, Soccer Moms ect… Combative Conditioning and Re-qualification

Dark Gift Concepts

Sifu Eric Bentzen


If you wish to have your link in our e-newsletter Please contact Mr. Traylor the cost is $15.00 If you would like to write an article contact Mr. Traylor.

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