Dark Gift Combat Reality Based Self Defense & Combatives Issue 6

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Volume 1 Issue 6 10/18/08


Houston Premier Reality Based Martial Arts & Combative Fitness & Nutrition Facility.

Your monthly guide to Combative Techniques, Tactical Airsoft, MilSim and Combative Fitness & Nutrition. Reality Based Combatives, The Next Step in the Evolution of Combat

Mr.& Mrs. Traylor Owner & Founders of D.G.C.F.S. System.

Inside D.G.C.F.S. A new wind is blowing Mike’s Fitness Corner Coming events Taken it To the street Airsoft products I passed my Test Cont wind is blowing Links to good places

1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10

There is a new Wind Blowing in the Martial Arts Community, in the beginning it was just a breeze a soft breeze blown against your face. As time progress it Evolved, Adapted, Grew, and Matured. It brought the WINDS OF CHANGE. Just Like M.M.A. has done, But R.B.C. has taken it to the next Level. The new term is called “REALITY BASED”. They are many versions of Reality Based Training, I will list them later, Most of the time we do not align ourselves with ‘traditional’, ‘classical’ or ‘combative sport’ based systems. We do not do this to be ARROGANT, we do this so that potential students or clients know that we are Combative in NATURE not defensive or teach Traditional Martial Arts or M.M.A. Reality Based systems IF taught correctly are based on what people will face on today’s streets, So this means Reality Based techniques start in the Gross Motor Skill Set, They are brutally effective and can be taught to absolute beginners in a matter of days to weeks Military and Law enforcement does not have years to learn, they sometimes have hours, weeks or months. This is also TRUE of Soccer Moms, Collage Students, Business Professionals Ect…. Basically Civilians. Some of the Reality Based Systems and Pioneers are P.F.S. (Paul Vunak) My Sifu, R.B.P.P. (Jim Wagner), C.F.S. (Ray Dionaldo) also my Sifu , S. F. C. (Hock Hochheim) again my sifu and SPEAR (Tony Blauer). These are just a few. Most Reality based martial arts do not wear the usual Gi. some times They wear B.D.U’s like in my Studio or Students are encouraged to wear ‘normal’ clothes, often training in t-shirts, cargo pants and trainers (sneakers). Again the reason for this is reality. Training is some times informal, they may not bow in, May not have ‘I’m ready’ signals and some times no-one wears any rank insignia.” At my studio we do” Once they have completed the initial warm-up and done some pad work the class may then concentrates on some specific scenarios. This is one small difference between traditional martial arts and reality based martial arts. All the scenarios used are based on real-life scenarios that the students might expect themselves to be involved in at some point during their life, or has known of someone who has been involved in that scenario. These scenarios can cover anything from walking to your car, hotel room, car jacking, to a rape. Another key aspect of reality Based training is that these scenarios are made as real as possible. This means that WEAPONS will be used “MODEREN WEAPONS” I.E. edge weapons, guns, sticks and weapons of opportunity. Force on Force Fighting, Multiple attackers, just to name a few. We at D.G.C.F.S. we are going to build what we call an elevator room it is built the same size as an average elevator and we fight in that small area, weapons are also used knife, stick, gun, ect…This is what R.B. is all about some times there is no answer THERE IS JUST SURIVIE!!! CONT. Page 9


What do you HATE about exercising? You have to LIKE exercising to get a great body, PERIOD. That's the simple, unabashed truth. If you DON"T LIKE exercising, but you want a great body, you face a NEVERENDING UPHILL BATTLE. There's almost no way around it! I mean, if you HATE doing the work, but you WANT a great body, every day becomes a struggle... a struggle between doing something you HATE, making a HALF-ASSED attempt, or giving up completely on your goals. Most Americans fall right in the middle. Most Americans make HALF-ASSED attempts at getting in shape. Why? Because, committing 100% of your effort to doing something you don't really like, or don't really want to do, SUCKS. It's HARD! It's EASIER to make half-hearted attempts!...Which is exactly why lots of folks look for an "edge"; anything that can make the work easier. ...and that, in essence, is the Mr. Morales Owner of Fit 2 Fight foundation for the diet and supplement product industry. Most diet and supplement Gym Co-Founder of R.E.A.C.T. product advertising is based on this LIE: "if you use this product, you can get System. Instructor in Hand to amazing results just like the people you envy, and BONUS: it will be EASY!" Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S. ...and you know what the kicker is? Most people KNOW, in their gut, that it's a lie. Inside D.G.C.F.S. That's why advertising has to be so cleverly designed...I mean, think about it: advertising has to convince folks of something they KNOW can't be true! A new wind is blowing 1 Does this NOT make sense? If it doesn't, you've got problems much bigger than not Mike’s Fitness Corner 2 being in shape! Anyhow, the only way out of all this stupid vicious cycle is finding a Coming events 4 Taken it To the street 5 way to LIKE exercising! If you can do that, you'll WANT to train EVERY DAY... ...and Airsoft products 6 next thing you know, you'll start getting EXCITED about eating healthier and doing I passed my Test 7 all the other "little things" necessary for success! When - and IF - all of that happens, Cont wind is blowing 9 getting a great body REALLY WILL BE EASY... because it won't feel like work! Get Links to good places 10 it?! First thing's first, though; before you can find YOUR OWN way of LIKING exercise, you've got to understand the REAL reasons you hate it now.Most people THINK they know, but I PROMISE you, they ABSOLUTELY DO NOT! I bet YOU DON'T, EITHER! There ARE some folks who TRULY HATE EXERCISE, but here's the DEEPER TRUTH: It's NOT the actual exercise people hate, its feeling selfconscious at the gym. Feeling WEAK, and out of shape. feeling FAT while you're exercising and thinking: "Why even try?!?" feeling sweaty, gross, and NOT FEELING SEXY! feeling hot or otherwise UNCOMFORTABLE! feeling NO instant gratification from only ONE workout. Feeling SCARED of lifestyle change. Wishing you were doing something else... something easier; more FUN! wishing you had more self-discipline. comparing yourself to the folks with the great bodies. Fighting with the constant urge to GIVE UP. admitting to your weaknesses to yourself. Breaking bad habits, that you ENJOY. Feeling ANGRY that you're stuck. Feeling HOPELESS, from lack of success. feeling envious of the folks that seem to have it so "easy"…etc. See, it's the NEGATIVE FEELINGS associated with exercise that SUCK; not necessarily the actual act. Get it?!? In a perfect world, if you could suddenly LOSE those negative feelings all at once; you'd find that the actual act of exercising FEELS AMAZING. It's a RUSH... a HIGH! The only difference between the folks who "like" exercising and those who think they hate it, is: the minds of folks who like exercise are NOT CLOUDED by negative feelings. Which allows them to feel the RUSH more intensely....and that's why they get ADDICTED! (Now maybe it makes more sense how some folks can get so PUMPED about doing something that most other folks HATE!) OK, so that's all well and good... I understand... but knowing that isn't a solution in itself, is it? No, it's not.So here's a PRACTICAL SOLUTION...Here's how to FIND YOUR OWN WAY of liking exercise: page 2

1. Determine which one or two of the above negative feelings is the STRONGEST, and most detrimental to YOU. (Let's say it's feeling ANGRY about having to give up ICE CREAM, and feeling ENVIOUS of that one JERK in the gym that has it so DARN EASY!) 2. Find a PRACTICAL way to get past those feelings. (Don't give up ice cream just yet... and don't go to the gym, so you WON'T SEE that JERK!) 3. Go exercise RIGHT NOW, and FOCUS ON THE HIGH! (You'll have to find a way of exercising outside of the gym, in this case, so that's where you'll have to get creative.Idea: GO OUTSIDE!) 4. Make progress toward your goal of learning to like exercise, EVERY DAY; don't allow yourself to get COMPLACENT! Ironically, sometimes you've got to COMPLETELY FORGET about the ultimate goal, and focus on ONLY ONE short-term goal. In other words, for the time being, you've got to COMPLETELY FORGET about your ultimate goal of getting a fabulous physique... You've also got to COMPLETELY FORGET about all other short term goals that are not IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES (like dieting), and focus STRICTLY on the most important short term goal: learning to LIKE EXERCISE. Listen: like I said in the beginning, if you don't learn to like exercise, you'll never get an amazing body. Make sense?!? Putting this into practice will be mentally tough, I know. Will you be able to find the fortitude to do it? For your sake, I hope so! Thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you www.Fit2Fight.com

Mr. Mike A. Morales (832) 373-4030

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Coming Events Date 10/23/08 Mr. & Mrs. Traylor will be hold a private seminar for Dinner of the Month Club, Inc. a women’s self defense class Date T.B.D. Ray Dionaldo F.C.S. Filipino Combat Systems seminar at D.G.C.F.S facility 12-5pm Date 03/26/09 Mr & Mrs. Traylor, with Instructors and Apprentice Instructors, are going to California to train with PAUL VUNAK and get certified as apprentice Instructors and Mr. Traylor Full “C.E.I.” Certified. COMING SOON (Date TBA) Field survival, combat, and tactical training (Weapons and hand to hand). 150 acre woodland training facility. Airsoft exercises and live-fire shooting range training. (survival skills, escape and evasion, ambush/counter ambush, field recon and fire tactics, field hand to hand and weapon combat.) February 28 – March 1 ‘09 Hock Close Quarter Combatives Seminar.

Events flyer

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By Clint Bodungen

You’ve heard the saying, “Everyone has a plan until you get hit.” It happens to everybody. You can have a 10th degree black belt in 10 different arts but if you get into a real fight on the street or on the battlefield, none of the techniques you’ve learned seem to look the same or may not work altogether. In fact, a bystander may not even be able to tell you are a martial artist at all because pretty much all technique is out the window. What happens to us on the street during a fight is a natural reaction that has been happening to humans since our first cave fight. In an effort for survival, the human body will shut down all but the essential functions to survive. What this means is that if you are confronted with a seriously threatening or life threatening situation, your body’s ability to do anything but fight back will be diminished. And when I say fight back, I mean fight back in the most primitive form; gross motor skills and cave man like flailing. When your heart beat reaches a certain level and adrenaline is surging through your body, you start to get tunnel vision, you experience loss of hearing, and complex motor skills become nearly impossible. Therefore, so too are Mr. Bodungen Co-Founder of complex martial arts movements and techniques. So does this mean that technique A.R.C.. Instructor in Hand to training is useless? Can we learn to fight effectively on the street using technique Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S. and not resort to a slug fest? Do you remember your first roller coaster ride? I do… Inside D.G.C.F.S. and I about lost my stomach. I clinched my teeth, held on, and could barely stand it until it was all over. However, what happened after that? The second ride wasn’t so A new wind is blowing 1 bad. The third was even easier. By the time I had a few rides under my belt I could Mike’s Fitness Corner 2 barely feel the G-forces anymore. So what happened? My body adapted. It Coming events 4 adapted to these natural human physiologically reactions. Fighter pilots not only Taken it To the street 5 overcome the same physiological reactions caused by even more intense forces and Airsoft products 6 I passed my Test 7 stresses, they learn to perform highly complex actions. Starting to see where I’m Cont wind is blowing 9 going with this? With proper training, one can learn to adapt to, and over come, the Links to good places 10 stresses we encounter during a real street fight or life threatening attack. But, the key word is “proper” training. You can have all the training techniques down perfect for years and years but if you will still fall victim to the same crippling human physiological reactions if you are not training properly. So how do we train to overcome this? Well, if getting hit causes this reaction on the street, you have to get hit in the training studio… again, and again, and again, and again, until your body adapts and gets used to the idea and action of getting hit. You may be saying, “But we spar all the time.” Sparring is not training for the street. Sparring is training for points and sport. In order for your body to adapt, you must simulate a real street fight or attack. You must have an “attacker” not a sparring partner. Does that fighter pilot just perform a limited set of controlled actions in a simulator to be battle ready? No, he also goes all out in life-like battle simulations up in the air against opponents simulating the enemy over and over again. Your training must be the same. Your attacker must come at you with the force and malicious intent that a real street attacker would instead of “pop shotting” you, attacking and retreating, and picking shots like a sport fighter. You can, and should, even start off in full pads and work your way up in intensity and eventually less protection. Do drills that get used to the feeling of taking a hit. Learn to keep your vision while taking a hit and being attacked. Put yourself in stressful training situations. Do drills that force you to keep your concentration while being attacked. Do drills that simulate an ambush. Put yourself in situations that make you nervous. If you become complacent, step it up or change the routine to something that stimulates nervous response and duress. This is known as pain and stress inoculation. This is the type of training that will force your body to adapt to those types of stressful environments and perform at a level like never before. Just remember, in order to perform effectively in a stressful environment or situation, you must train in that environment. If you want to learn to fight in the cage or score points, go spar. If you want to learn to fight effectively in a real life street fight, train like you are in a street fight! Next month I will go over these drills in more detail. Until then, train hard and train real! Page 5


This sniper rifle runs around $451.00 to $400.00 Dimension: length: weight: 2750g magazine capacity: 450 rounds Initial speed:M120 / 395 fps . This is one of the Sniper Rifles I will have it will be modified to shoot 650 to 700 F.P.S. “ I believe in reaching out & touching someone “ lol ;} this will be unlimited F.P.S. field. If you wish to modified you air soft weapon please contact me, Mr.Traylor. SCOPE, BIPOD, BATTERY AND CHARGER NOT INCLUDED Please use .20 gram high quality BBs or heavier with this gun. Using lighter ammunition with this gun will void the warranty. We recommend: .20 gram high quality BBs. Remarks : Weight:3100g Overall Length:1000 mm Receiver Material: Magnesium Magazine: 50 Rounds Handguard/Grip: AL6061/Nylon-fiber Stock: Nylon-fiber Gear Box material: Zinc Gear set material: Steel Bushing Material: Brass/Oilless Hop-up Chamber: Metal Motor: 25000 rpm Hi-torque Piston Nylon/Fiber Spring Guide: Original Inner Barrel Length 520 mm Inner Barrel Internal Diameter: 6.04 mm Fuse: Yes Muzzle Velocity:80-90 m/sec w/0.2g BB

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I Passed My Test and All I Got Was This Belt I remember back in 2003 I was in Virginia taking an Instructor's test. I'd never been on a plane before in my life and was scared to death flying from Alabama. I was already sick and was running a fever of about 102 but I'd worked hard to get where I was and nothing was gonna deter me from taking this trip. Two days before my test my shoulder was dislocated in training, but that wasn't gonna stop me either. The test was 3 days long and sleep deprivation was a big part of it. Both my hands were cut up from climbing and bleeding. The second night I was crawling over a dumpster when the roof collapsed I managed to bang off the side of the opening before flipping down in there. When I got up the next morning the left side of my hip was purple and I'd lost alot of mobility in my left leg. Thank God today I was going to have to spar multiple attackers all morning. After all that I made it through my test and passed it. I found out afterwards I was the first guy that ever passed that rank test under this instructor. The fact that my registration number was 001 was kinda a tipoff. I walked away from that test with much more than a belt. I'd pushed myself to my limits and done so much more than I ever thought that I'd do. Looking back on it I'm glad the test was so hard because it was an opportunity for me to learn about myself and it was a life changing experience. I learned what I could do if I just had the determination to go for it and never back down. It changed the way I approached martial arts and the way I looked at other martial artists, but the best thing is that it changed me. Before that week I worked on a line in a factory. When I got back 2 months later I was the manager over that area. That week helped shape the person that I am and made me a leader. I felt like I came away with much more than a belt I came away with a new life. That's why to this day I'm very proud of my 5th Dan in Ninjutsu. As a director for 2 martial arts organizations I get to visit alot of schools. I get invited to watch alot of belt tests but with what I've seen being passed off as martial arts these days I'm probably going to stop visiting because I just can't bear to look at what's happening anymore. I went to watch a test recently at a Karate dojo. Now the fact is there's good karate and bad karate mostly depending on the instructor the art itself is fine. Apparently this was a typical dojo. When it was time for them the demonstrate there blocking skills the attacker would attack unrealistically and never even aimed for the guy's face. They were just going through the motions. The instructor was letting them get away with it. It was all just choreography and painful to watch. The throws were awful and when they sparred I had to just excuse myself. Yet at the end everyone just smiled and clapped and went through the motions like it was the greatest thing in the world. When Instructor’s allow this to happen they are robbing their students. You don't reward mediocrity. Each one of those students could be good fighters if they were just pushed to do so, but that isn't gonna happen. I've heard instructors use the excuse that if they made it hard then they wouldn't have any students. It's just a business to them now and that's very dangerous. I'm not picking on just one little school understand me when I say this practice has become typical all over the world in every art. This is dangerous because these people now have faith in abilities that they don't possess which could get them killed or seriously injured. When something like that happens what do you think happens to all that self confidence you supposedly gave them by giving them a belt they didn't earn. They just take their tests and keep being lied to and at the end all they have is a belt. I've been to several dojos where an instructor is teaching a defense against a double lapel grab basically showing a wrist lock. One of the green belts asks the instructor, "Wouldn't it be easier just to slap the guys ears because against big guys it's not easy to get them to let go like that?" He was pretty much told he didn't know what he was talking about because he was just a green belt and the instructor had a black belt. It was obvious to anyone with half a brain that the green belt was right and I told him so after the class. You see the goal here is to teach people to realistically defend themselves. It doesn't matter what art you teach if a technique works you should use it and you shouldn't teach techniques that don't work. I've seen students that were good fighters before they started martial arts and afterwards they couldn't fight at all. They actually paid money to some jackass for 3 years to train them to get their butts kicked. That my friends isn't martial arts. It's just BULLSHIT. I know for a fact alot of these instructors have never been in a fight or any violent confrontation. They just teach what they were taught and put themselves up there as a warrior and believe their own hype because they dont' know any different. You've got to pressure test this stuff. I used to go see a chiropractor who was a good friend of mine. Sometimes I couldn't see him because he was constantly at some seminar making sure he had the latest and greatest techniques and new advancements to make things better for his patients. Guns are also always being updated to fire better and faster or be more lightweight and do more things. If a doctor refused to use updated techniques and instead only wanted to use medical techniques and logic from the 1700's would you want that guy as your doctor? Would he even be allowed to practice medicine today? Of course not. Would you want a cop carrying a gun that never even shot one? If your a cop would you want to carry a gun from the old west or the new stuff? How about SWAT teams carrying the old civil war muzzle loaders? Well the fact is martial arts instructors are doing exactly that and are still allowed to teach without ever having to update anything or even give a damn if what they are doing damages the public. Then again as I said before some instructors use the excuse that if they taught rough techniques they wouldn't have any students. Let me ask them a question. Why are you teaching? Is it to provide a public service and help people or is it to provide a disservice and just get paid? If you care then look at your techniques logically see if they make sense. Go to some of these websites and look at film of violent attacks and see if your even teaching defenses against them. Most important of all damn it don't take shortcuts. You don't necessarily have to throw them from the wolves from the start. Start off a little bit slower and let them build up to the harder training, but make sure they are building not flat lining. page 7

As the training progresses increase the contact and have them going full blast by black belt time. Take the time and make sure the student is doing the techniques correctly and don't let them slide and don't reward them when they haven't earned it. Make sure that when they get that belt that they have something more. Make sure they have something special that's going to make their lives better. Make sure that at the end of their test they are left with more than just a belt. Thank you for taking the time to read this article.


Paul Green has been involved in martial arts since the age of 4. He holds several black belts and instructor certifications. He was the 1999 Alabama Grappling Circuit Heavyweight Champion before leaving sport arts He has also trained at Tom Brown Jr's Tracker School in Wilderness Survival. Mr. Green is also the founder of the Stonewall Tactical System. This system has recently been tested in the field by security professionals, with great results; specifically, in the areas of disarming, extracting people from violent groups, and crowd control. The unarmed combatives of this art draw from street modified versions of Muay Thai, Catch wrestling, Western Boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, JKD Concepts as well as WWII.

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Continue Page 1 D.G.C.F.S. different is that they are NO RULES in a FIGHT and the only RULE is to SURVIVE! We work on Scenarios; Scenarios are made as real as possible. This means that we use airsoft guns that shoot a plastic bb at about 330 F.P.S. Maker Knifes that leaves a mark on you showing you where you got cut and a SHOCK knife that shocks you when the edge touches your body. This keeps the student in a High duress state, this is essential so that the student knows what actually happens to their body during a true combative or life-or-death situation, or as close to one as possible.

™ D.G.C.F.S. is the 1st school in Houston to do this type of training for civilians. ™ D.G.C.F.S. is the 1st in Houston to teach (R.B.) ™ D.G.C.F.S. only trains in combatives not sport or train in T.M.A. it is the only school in Houston that will have an airsoft tactical field for counter home invasion, Shoot no shoot drills, clearing your own home and force on force training, R.E.A.C.T. Rapid Endurance Assertive Combative Training for Combative Conditioning and Requalification or just to get back into shape. ™ They are people that teach this but on a seminar bases not on a continuing education setting “meaning 3 days a week class, 2 hour sessions and more class days and hours coming soon.

Throughout this industry, there are many variations and terms for "Reality Based" systems. These are the variations, terms, and definitions as we have come to understand them, and we train them all: •

Reality Based Self Defense (R.B.S.D.) - Self defense training based on real life situations such as street fights, attacks, or any other real life altercation where one may be physically threatened. The techniques are not modified for sport competition; there are no rules, and no forbidden techniques. Most of the techniques are designed for maximum impact with minimal training in situations where the defender may be threatened by serious harm or loss of life.

Reality Martial Arts / Reality Based Martial Arts (RMA / RBMA) - The same as R.B.S.D. but many Martial Arts traditions are upheld such as "dojo etiquette", ranking systems, or other historical/cultural aspects of the art(s) from which the system has evolved from. RBMA may also introduce more "control" techniques than RBSD, giving the defender the ability to choose the level of force applied to the attacker. This system works well for Law Enforcement Officers that have legal restrictions or for individuals that may be involved in a skirmish where they do not wish to harm the attacker such as a family member or friend.

Reality Based Combatives (R.B.C.) / Military Combatives (M.C.) Military Close Combat (M.C.C.) / Close Quarter Combatives (C.Q.C) - The same as RBSD and RMA/RBMA but geared more towards Law Enforcement or Military Professionals. More attention is given to techniques for legally restricted officers and "down to business" techniques for Military Professionals in live combat areas.

We at D.G.C.F.S. do Teach all the above. D.G.C.F.S. is also an official “International Combatives Self-Defense Association” ICSDA Training Center. ICSDA Director Of Operations Fernando D. Vargas with ICSDA Recognized D.G.C.F. System & Instructors Mr. & Mrs.Traylor and the Teaching Staff of D.G.C.F.S. D.G.C.F.S. is Houston’s Premiere Reality Based Training Facility. If you’re looking for what will work on the street and learning curve is short l, then you should most certainly consider reality based martial arts. If however you are looking for a more holistic approach or self perfection and more of a Traditional / Classical Art then stick to the Traditional Martial Arts. Mr.Traylor

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LINKS to GOOD Places

Stonewall Tactical defense

Close Quarters Combat www.CloseQuartersCombatnewyork.com

R.E.A.C.T System U.S. Special Forces, Pro Football, College, Police, Soccer Moms ect… Combative Conditioning and Re-qualification


Dark Gift Concepts

Sifu Eric Bentzen


If you wish to have your link in our e-newsletter Please contact Mr. Traylor the cost is $15.00 If you would like to write an article contact Mr. Traylor.

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