Reality Based Martial Arts Iusse 11

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  • Pages: 13
Volume 1 Issue 11 3/02/09


Houston Premier Reality Based Martial Arts & Combatives, Fitness & Nutrition Facility.

Your monthly E-Magazine guide to Combative Techniques, Tactical Airsoft, MilSim and Combative Fitness & Nutrition.

What is J.K.D. and J.K.D.C. J.K.D. is JEET KUNE DO, J.K.D.C. is JEET KUNE DO CONCEPTS. Ok, First understand this is my opinion and my journey. This is my belief from what I have read and heard from my Sifu’s. “If people say Jeet Kune Do is different from "this" or from "that," then let the name of Jeet Kune Do be wiped out, for that is what it is, just a name. Please don't fuss over it." -----Great SiGung Bruce Lee-----

Mr.& Mrs. Traylor Owner & Founders of D.G.C.F. System.

Inside D.G.C.F.S. What is Jeet kune Do? Ronald’s Fitness Corner Coming events Survival isn’t prett Airsoft Products Continue J.K.D.? Hock Seminar Mr. Bodungen new school

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People ask me do I teach Jeet Kune Do and yes in a way I do but I mainly teach P.F.S. Progressive Fighting System. That is the core of D.G.C.F.S. I teach J.K.D. trapping and a lot of its concepts. P.F.S. that’s is Vunak’s creation and understanding of combat just as D.G.C.F.S. is mine. Tim Tackett wrote this: The Concepts group are usually defined as do your own thing. Anything goes. JKD can be using a Kali entry, BJJ takedown and Thai finishing move, for example and still be called JKD. Original JKD is usually defined as "What Bruce taught". But what does that mean? Bruce taught different stuff at different times. How long did the instructor stay with Bruce? What was the emphasis at that time? Some OJKD guys are very wing chun, while some like us are more Western fencing. There are no good answers to what is right or wrong. Both schools have something to offer, but you need to think for yourself. Do you really need 47 ways to defend against a lead punch? If you are learning different arts, what structure will you do it from. For example the stance of Thai Boxing is different from that of JKD. Thai boxing has great value as it can add a lot to your personal martial art. What stance should you use? The danger of Concepts is that you learn too much. The danger of OJKD is that you learn too little. I could have not said it better myself. I get a little P.O. when people say that they TEACH REAL J.K.D. What the HELL is REAL J.K.D.? BRUCE LEE wrote this: I have not invented a "new style," composite, modified or otherwise that is set within distinct form as apart from "this" method or "that" method. On the contrary, I hope to free my followers from clinging to styles, patterns, or molds. Remember that Jeet Kune Do is merely a name used, a mirror in which to see "ourselves". . . Jeet Kune Do is not an organized institution that one can be a member of. Either you understand or you don't, and that is that. There is no mystery about my style. My movements are simple, direct and nonclassical. The extraordinary part of it lies in its simplicity. Every movement in Jeet Kune-Do is being so of itself. There is nothing artificial about it. I always believe that the easy way is the right way. Jeet Kune-Do is simply the direct expression of one's feelings with the minimum of movements and energy. Continue page 7

Diet vs. Exercise: Which Is Best For Results? I read this article By Michele Silence, MA It's just a bit much. Watch everything that goes into your mouth AND exercise regularly too. Are both really necessary for weight loss. What if you are great at controlling diet but lousy at structuring a workout? Or vice versa? Here's what you should know about diet and exercise, especially if you're serious about getting fit and seeing results. Weight loss through diet alone Mr. Honore is NASM -CPT, CES , PES, Certified Personal Trainer & Apprentice Instructor in Hand to Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S. Inside D.G.C.F.S. What is Jeet kune Do? Ronald’s Fitness Corner Coming events Survival isn’t prett Airsoft Products Continue J.K.D.? Hock Seminar Mr. Bodungen new school

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Cutting excess calories and eliminating extra fat from the diet can definitely help get you on a weight-loss roll. Any time you eliminate calories without changing anything else you are going to lose weight. And, weight loss will continue for a considerable amount of time until you hit a plateau. When you get to a place where you just can't seem to lose any more pounds you need more-more exercise that is. Cutting even more calories won't help at that point and you could end up cutting too many. That means you will just end up slowing your metabolism down and undermine weight loss even more. Exercise alone in achieving weight loss Eat what you want and lose weight. That's what happens initially when embarking on a regular exercise routine. Anytime you burn more calories than you eat, you'll lose weight. So, if you add exercise and eat exactly the same way, you will lose weight. And, the weight loss will continue just like with diet alone, until a certain point at which it will be extremely difficult to budge from. When this happens more exercise may not be possible (or desirable). And, too much exercise can lead to stress fractures, diminished motivation, and fatigue. Diet with exercise is the best method of losing weight

Even if dieting is very successful for you, think about what your body is going to look like. Sagging skin and no muscle tone is not as attractive as sculpted muscles and a contoured look. You can take years off your appearance just by keeping your body toned and tight. Exercise is work. Why work hard at burning fat just to put it back on again at your next meal? You can workout extremely hard but if it's followed by an "eat whatever I want" attitude it will take considerably longer to reach fitness goals. And, they may never be achieved. For optimal results, put diet and exercise together. They work hand in hand. One boosts calorie burning by adding more calorie burning muscle in your body. The other limits the amount of calories taken in. Put them both together for a great body that will stay that way for years to come.

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Coming Events Sabrina Pina Self defense class in her honor. “FREE to the Public”

March 7/09

March 13-15/09 Lone Star Combative Conference a 3 day event!!!! Contact information. At D.G.C.F.S. Mr. Traylor 713-446-7973 or Mr. Vargas1-773-2166688 March 26/09 ?

Mr & Mrs. Traylor, with Instructors and Apprentice Instructors, are going to California to train with PAUL VUNAK and get certified as apprentice Instructors and Mr. Traylor Full “C.E.I.” Certified.

JULY 25-26 /09 S.T.A.R. Method (Stonewall Tactical Arm locks and Restraints) by Paul Green, joint locks with extreme speed under extreme stress at a very high success rate that has already been proven in the field. At D.G.C.F.S. Date D.T.A.

Tuhon Ray Dionaldo F.C.S. Filipino Combat Systems seminar at D.G.C.F.S facility 12-5pm At D.G.C.F.S.

Events flyer

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Survival isn’t Pretty 

 When I was kid growing up, I would watch martial arts movies all the time.

Mike Reis Founder of Triune Fist System. 27 years of M.A. experience. Inside D.G.C.F.S. What is Jeet kune Do? Ronald’s Fitness Corner Coming events Survival isn’t prett Airsoft Products Continue J.K.D.? Hock Seminar Mr. Bodungen new school

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The way they would jump through the air and do these wonderful acrobatics and jump spinning heel kicks. I thought, “Wow! I want to be able to do that!” It was fantastic! No one could be any those guys who knew martial arts. They’d be just little poser kids and get taught by some great martial arts guru, for free, and so well that in just 1 month these guys could take on anyone. My first martial arts experience wasn’t that way. When I first got into martial arts I was only 4. I had the whole world ahead me, but I wanted to be like Ernie Reyes Jr. in the TV show Side Kicks and become one of the “Electric Knights”, or fight large masses of adult men and be winning with my high flying stunts and kicks, like he did in “The Last Dragon”. Instead the only person that would take me was my Sensei in Aikido/Aikijutsu. He was reluctant, but he did it anyway just on a trial. I was in it until he quit teaching and left for with his other job. Aikido wasn’t what I thought was a good show of those spectacular martial arts, but I found myself having a ton of fun in that class and learning a lot. However, my starry eyed journey wasn’t over. My uncle and his friends all joined the local Shotokan Karate dojo when I was 8 and I followed suit, I wanted to be with the big kids. This school was now showing me kicks, blocks, punches and other things that I had already learned from my other class. Here, however, I felt like I was making real progress to reaching my goal in becoming one of those awesome martial artists I saw on the movies.My Sensei at that school closed his school and left as well, both men worked for the rail road and they moved the operation away from where lived so many places closed down and moved away. At the time I was 12 and had no guidance any more. I was turned off by joining a school, and my parents divorced so now the money wasn’t there either. I still loved the movies though. When I was 13 I saw “Enter the Dragon” for the first time. I watched Bruce Lee dismantle all those guards and other kung fu experts with his lightening speed and greater skill. I said to myself, “I want to fight like that.” Yet again another adventure in learning came. I set out and asked anyone I knew who was a martial artist or had video or books and would watch, learn, analyze, practice, do things step by step, then I realized the only way I can know for sure if I can do this is by getting into a fight. Before then I would handle bigger bullies on the play ground 

with my knowledge in Aikido/Aikijutsu and Shotokan, it was far enough  to handle a few kids that knew less than I did.  Then when I was 14 I got  into my first “real” fight.  I had fought a lot as a kid and did my moves and  it was enough.  This time I had a plan in my head and I was going to rip  this guy a part.  I had more knowledge now, and even took tips from the  great Bruce Lee from his books.  Ultimately the fight happened and it happened faster and more ferocious  then what I was used to and only a few things that I knew worked in the situation.  I found that he was  smaller than me, but he had a lot of strength, more then I had bargained for.  Then there was his intent to  destroy me, he was no stranger to fighting and had done well in the past, but he was wild and just  attacked with what he knew…VIOLENCE!  He knew how to wrestle, amateur junior league stuff, but he  was comfortable taking people down, and I hadn’t really grappled at that time yet.  The fight was so close,  that I threw out a lot of things.  He kept driving me back and trying to take me off balance, and my head  totally forgot anything I knew.  My reaction was use violence too.  He got close in on me and I slammed a  knee into his groin, but he didn’t stop, elbows and cheap shot punches were all I had left.  Then he took  me to the ground.  Because I was learning the straight punches in Jeet Kune Do I used them, since I  couldn’t chamber any other kind on the ground.  Moving out of the way and then just grabbing the throat  to get him off me then I was on top doing what MMA now calls ground and pound.  No waza’s, no locks, no  holds, no fancy high flying kicks.  Just a couple of guys trying to rip each other’s throats out and pound the  other guys head into the concrete, right then as I was walking away, the victor but not a winner in any  true way, I realized what I learned wasn’t enough.  I gazed at my black eye found it humorous that I didn’t  even feel him hit me, so wondered if how his groin was feeling now.      Page 4 

My thoughts began to go to the real ways of fighting and what really can happen or could happen.  My  journey turned away from the movies and into real life situations where people were attacked or got into  a serious fight.  I began to form everything around knowledge rather than just a mere theory.  I would  practice, learn, train more, and then I would go to the streets and test it out.  I learned control, tricks,  angles, motion, movement, pre‐fight indicators, how to go preemptive without looking like the one who  started it.  I added straight violent actions to any move or technique I was ever shown.  As I got older, the gun, stick, and knife disarms came in really handy.  People would start “jumping” me  with weapons and multiple people.  I wouldn’t use just the techniques shown to me, I would actually  improvise and adapt to how I got into the situation and the person.    My movie days were over.  All the situations I ever got into were horrible in every way.  I found the only  way to survive is through deliberate actions in causing injury to another person, no matter how bloody,  sweaty, torn up everything gets you have to get it done or you die.Nothing ever resembled the demos I  did or saw, survival is about looking good and getting your technique to the “T”, why?  Because it won’t  happen, you’ll find out quickly that with a chaotic confrontation everything changes too quickly and  abruptly to get your footwork perfect, and your hands perfect.  One little thing has to change and it could  either do something positive for you or it could wind up getting you killed.  Don’t predict or assume, to  survive you have to react and adapt to the situation at hand, which may include biting someone’s ear off,  or getting a large lead pipe and smashing it into your opponent.  No style there, just violence and survival  instinct.  Survival isn’t pretty and we have to understand that.  I may turn and twist my ankle in the  process; there is no stopping or any do‐over.  There is sucking up the pain and adapting to the situation  with violent intent to taking out your attacker. 

By Mike Reis Mr. Reis can be reached at Telephone: 307-632-7215 Triune Fist System, 4911 King Arthur Way Apt C, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009.

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This gun runs around $325 – $345.00 length with stock retracted: 595mm weight: 2750g magazine capacity:450 rounds Initial speed:M120 / 395 fps . The original ICS Creation, It?s one and the only in the world Because of the market demand, ICS created CXP. ICS CXP has fantastic appearance and useful tactical rail. This design allows players easily to install different kinds of accessories on CXP. No matter where you are, ICS CXP always makes you under the spot light and to be the champion. The new designed retractable stock is very easy to use. There are six positioning holes. You can change the length of the stock according to your favor and your mission. It can work with the sling ring and make you completely win the assault battle. CXP has the strongest fore structure. The embedded barrel joins to metal body tightly. This deign removed the waver problem which results from the weak structure of the outer tube or the incompact body. ICS pursues quality without limited. We create our CXP with M4 pistol and upgrade the shooting speed to M120 / 395 fps. We also use our reinforced gearbox that you can only find in ICS to create the masterpiece. """ORANGE TIP WITH IT IF SELL IN USA"""

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Continue from page 1 The closer to the true way of Kung Fu, the less wastage of expression there is. Finally, a Jeet Kune Do man who says Jeet Kune Do is exclusively Jeet Kune Do is simply not with it. He is still hung up on his self-closing resistance, in this case anchored down to reactionary pattern, and naturally is still bound by another modified pattern and can move within its limits. He has not digested the simple fact that truth exists outside all molds; pattern and awareness is never exclusive. Again let me remind you Jeet Kune Do is just a name used, a boat to get one across, and once across it is to be discarded and not to be carried on one's back. "Jeet Kune Do favors formlessness so that it can assume all forms and since Jeet Kune Do has no style, it can fit in with all styles. As a result, Jeet Kune Do utilizes all ways and is bound by none and, likewise, uses any techniques or means which serve its end." Written by Bruce Lee. So there it is, from the mouth of the MASTER! I have BEEN told THAT I do not teach Real J.K.D. My answer to that is, that person is daze and confused and does not understand what Master Lee was saying. I have even seen Instructors on youtube say IF you do this and this it is not REAL J.K.D. OH they are SO LOST!! J.K.D is a mind set and a philosophy not a style. D.G.C.F.S. is a J.K.D.C. in its approach to combat it is elastic and its alive, my syllabus changes from year to year as I LEARN better techniques and I am exposed to different techniques and people I learn, grow, adapt, evolve and so to does D.G.C.F.S. I am not saying that Instructors that teach J.K.D or a variation of it is bad But Those that tell others that THEIR J.K.D. is better or that what you teach is wrong That I have a problem with. Like I said DARK GIFT COMBAT FIGHTING SYSTEM IS not to replace what you may have learned in Tae Kwon Do, B.j.j. mauy thai ect..its adding to your tool box. A good look at what J.K.D. is, LOOK at M.M.A. how it has evolved from only grappling to AWESOME stand up fighters. Well rounded fighters that have trained in grappling kicking, Boxing WOW that’s REAL J.K.D. Because they take what is useful and throw away the rest. “NOTE: Under sport conditions” I could go on and on but I think you get what I am saying. Mr.& Mrs.Traylor

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W. Hock Hochheim and Scientific Fighting Congress International Houston Seminar

The Hock Seminar was OFF the hook, the turn was great, everyone learned a lot and had tons of funny.

Mr. & Mrs. Traylor have all ready set up next year’s seminar and will be post up soon

Mrs.Traylor with HOCK

Mr.Traylor w/ HOCK

Mr.Shbeeb w/ HOCK

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Pictures of day one at the seminar at D.G.C.F.S. Head quarters in Houston, Tx. People from all around the country came to this awesome event. Mexico, Austin, Alvin, Oklahoma just to name a few.

The seminar of course covered HAND KNIFE STICK GUN. In true Hock Fashion the seminar was GREAT.

  Mrs.Traylor & I want to thank Mr. Hochheim for coming to D.G.C.F.S. we learned a lot and grew in knowledge of combatives. Again be looking for the next Hock seminar D.G.C.F.S. will beholding.

Some of Hock's SFC Mottos: "Cheat, first, cheat last, cheat in the middle." "Fighting first! Systems second!" "Expect Chaos! Train in Chaos! Thrive in Chaos!" "Train the Beast! Do Not Tame the Beast! " "We are combat-scenario driven training program." "If you find yourself in a fair fight, you just didn't prepare well enough." Page 9

The Second day of the seminar was better than the first!! We covered so much material that it was Mind bending!! We covered Gun, Stick Knife and empty hand as well.. WOW !!!! AWESOME stuff HOCK, Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, we are humbled by your ability and your wealth of knowledge.

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Hock and Sami

Hock and Mr. Guajardo Instructor from Mexico

Hock and T.J.

HOCK YOU ARE THE MAN. Again Thank you

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Congratulation to Mr.Bodungen New School Mr. Bodungen has open up a new school on 6271 FM 1960 Houston, TX 77069 (713) 491-4363. We at D.G.C.F.S. wish him the Best and are excited to help him in his GRAND OPENING. His is school is open are ready to start to train you. Here are some pics and Yes I am envious !!!!!

This is just beautiful, Nice !!

Nice waiting and work out area

Mr.Bodungen you have done an awesome job we cant wait to get in their and get those mats dirty!! LOL as we get more information we will let everyone know on the date of the GRAND OPENNING!!

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