1. What is your current occupational status? -employee -student -unemployment -retired 2. What is your age? 17-25 25-36 >36 3. What is your gender? Male female 4. Are you volunteering currently? Yes No 5. If yes, when did you last volunteer? 6. In what capacity did you serve as a volunteer? -
children’s welfare disability mentoring young people the environment heritage refugee welfare ethnic minorities homelessness other
7. what is your reason for volunteering ? or I became a volunteer because 8. how long have you been on the contract to volunteer <3 months 3-6 months >6 months 9. What kind of activity do you interest? -
children’s welfare disability mentoring young people the environment heritage refugee welfare ethnic minorities homelessness
- other
10. Why do you interest about social activity? 11. Would you do that activity out of your area? -No, Local -Yes, Inter Local -Yes, Abroad