
  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 911
  • Pages: 2
We are interested in your attitudes towards advertising and the way it shows woman. For each question, please circle the appropriate answer Example (WHERE YOU STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH THE STATEMENT) strongly agree agree I find advertising amusing



have no opinion on this 3

General attitude My attitude towards advertising in general is positive Most advertisements are believable I usually buy products that are advertised Advertising can push me buy things that I don’t need When it comes to buy a product advertising doesn’t influence me I am more sensitive to the way ads are showing women, than I used to be Advertisers should be more responsible for their ads The way advertising shows women is overall changing for the better Most advertisements don’t show changes of women status in society Statements regarding role portrayals Advertising shows an accurate view of reality Advertising shows women realistically Advertising accurately shows women in most of their daily activities Usually I associate myself with women in advertising Usually woman in advertising is an example for me to follow Advertising shows men realistically Advertising accurately shows men in most of their daily activities According to advertisements women do not do important things According to advertisements women make important decisions According to advertisements women are dependent on men According to advertisements women need men’s protection I don’t mind that advertising shows women as being dependent on men Advertising discriminates women of older age by showing mostly young models Advertising should show older women more often I have nothing against the fact that advertising shows mostly young models I feel as being discriminated by advertising because of my age Advertising usually shows women as sex objects I don’t mind when advertising uses female sexuality to attract attention Advertising usually shows men as sex object Advertising uses female bodies excessively The use of female sexuality in most of advertising is unsuitable I would prefer to see women in advertising dressed less seductive I like to watch advertising that uses women to attract attention Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted Advertising that shows women as sexual objects encourages other women


strongly disagree



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to be free in their sexuality I associate sexual images of woman in advertising with freedom Advertising usually humiliates women I find image of woman in advertising to be offensive Statements regarding company image Company that shows women in offensive way in their advertising are usually discriminating against women in workplace as well The attitude towards women in advertising is not the same attitude that company has towards women in general Statements regarding purchase intention If advertising of a product will offend me I might still buy it if it will offer me attractive benefits If advertising of a product will offend me I will stop buying that product Statements regarding female autonomy Take obey out of the marriage service Girls should be trained as homemakers Men should initiate courtship Women should be as free as men to make decisions Women should not subordinate their careers for their husbands Motherhood is an ideal career for most women Women should be allowed to withhold or initiate sex Husband should be legal family representative Wife should make abortion decision Women should not be disqualified from occupations because of sex

Sex Age Education Occupation

O Male

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O Female

O18 – 25 O26 – 35 O36 – 45 O46 – 55 O Primary school

1 1 1

O56 – 65 O66 – 75 O76 +

O High school O University


Employment status at present:

O Employed O Unemployed O Retired

Incomes per month O less than $50 O $60 – 100 O $110 – 200 O $210 – 300 O $310 – 400 O $410 – 500 O $510 – 600 O $ 610 – 700 O $710 – 800 O $810 – 900 O $910 – 1000 O more than $1000 Marital status

O Single

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

O Married

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