Quality Management: Training Quality Circles Bench Mark Kaizen

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  • Words: 971
  • Pages: 26
Quality Management Training  Quality circles  Bench Mark  Kaizen 

Training 

Training and Development are a vital role in the current high technology driven products. Survival depends on the skills & ability of the work force. Quality is considered imperative in order to improve productivity, beat competition and obtain higher returns.

Training Purposes 

When available knowledge is insufficient to carry out jobs efficiently, and effectively. A new technology or new machines are introduced for production, inspection or other needs. New type of product are, necessitating fresh knowledge.

Training Purposes 

Company enters new export markets where the supply conditions or technical requirements are different or the standards of quality or inspection criteria are different. Persons are newly appointed and they have to be made proficient in their jobs.

Training Categories Senior Management Personnel

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Include President, Vice President, General Manager & Senior Manager. Knowledge about Q.implementation, Q.system, Q.evaluation and Q.audit. Participate in ISO seminars, Q.meets and Q. conferences

Training Categories Middle management Personnel

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Comprises of Engineers, Technologists and Managers. Training on marketing, design, purchase, process engineering, product engineering and product testing. Implementation of ISO:9000, covering policies, quality systems, documentation procedures and work instructions

Training Categories Production and inspection Supervisors

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As they are direct in touch with workers training is in for design of products, production planning and control, process engineering and methoding. Production methods, technology of production, production & process control, S.P.C, Data collection and analysis, quality procedures & work instructions & preparation of Q.records. Leadership, behavioural science, communication, human relations, motivation techniques and quality circles organisation.

Training Categories Workers

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Persons are imparted training in their trades to improve their skills and capabilities. Trainings are mostly in house or at a specialised training institution. Core areas are production methods, working practices, tooling practices, processing of new materials, interpretation of drawings, study of technical data & control charts

Quality Circles Organization consists of

    

Members Leaders Facilitators Steering committee

Quality Circles Leaders 

Leader from the members preferably Senior worker. Extensive training is provided for initiating, Guiding & controlling. Responsible for identifying problems, analyse them, find solution. Must be well versed in technology of production, quality control method, elementary statistical quality control techniques, training methods, effective communication & leadership.

Quality Circles Facilitators 

Facilitators co-rdinate the work of different circles under their control, usually 3 – 4 circles They stimulate the members to work together. They arrange to get the support, cooperation and sanctions to ensure that the circle can perform effectively. Good in interacting with Managers to get approvals.

Quality Circles Steering committee 

It is headed by director of operation or technical director or by the chief executive officer of the company. Committee overviews the work of all circles and acts as a focal point for their planning and operation. Receives reports from different facilitators and studies them. Appreciation is given to the best performing circle.

Quality Circles Areas of interest  

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Quality improvement Efficiency improvement in service organisations Cost reduction Process control during manufacturing Safety in materials handling and equipment operation. Equipment & manpower utilisation Reduction of work in process Job improvement Reduction in machine maintenance problems Reduction in human error

Quality Circles Requirements for success of circle 

Support from top management and cooperation from middle management. Immediate results & short term benefits should not be expected from Management. Circles should not be taken as forums for grievances or personal problems. Reasonable good climate, spirit of cooperation and feeling of confidence between the management and workers must exist.

Quality Circles Requirements for success of circle  

To accept the workers contribution Member should have sufficient experience, maturity, and ability to think and discuss problems Training of leaders & circle members is of utmost importance & must be arranged by the management in the best possible way. Encouragement should be given at appropriate times.

Bench marking ‘Comparing your own performance with that of your competitors’ ‘Finding out how others do better than You’

Bench marking Tools 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Process study & Analysis Process re-engineering Quality function deployment Quality costs analysis Value engineering & value analysis

Bench marking Process -



Creating awareness taking management into confidence. Forming a bench marking team and selecting a leader. Areas needed to improve. Choosing companies to be compared, getting participation of these companies. Preparing a questionnaire deciding learning and training techniques.

Bench marking Process -

Collecting information of selected companie. -

Published material Balance sheet Performance review Contact marketing personnel Wholesalers distributors

Bench marking Process -


Current competitive gap and possible improvement. Developing an action plan Monitoring results and reporting progress from time to time.

Bench marking Advantages -



Technique provides targets which are achievable. Resistance from staff and workers are less. Best practice are established and hence effect in quality, sales and profitability.

Bench marking Advantages -




Confidence of people & their skills and expertise improves. Requirement of customers can be fulfilled to their satisfaction. Helps to know the strength and weakness. Further improvement can be gradually perceived and incorporated giving an edge over its competitors.

Kaizen ‘Key to Japan’s competitive success’

Kaizen   

  

Profit planning Customer satisfaction Total quality control programmes Suggestion systems Small group activities Just in time production

Kaizen 

  

 

Just in time information processing Systems improvement Cross functional management Policy implementation and deployment Quality deployment Total productive maintenance

Kaizen  

 

Supplier relations Top management commitment Corporate culture Problem solving in labour management relations

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