Quality Of Work Life And Quality Circles

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  • Words: 1,243
  • Pages: 37


INTRODUCTION The quality of working life is a generic phrase that covers a person’s feelings about every dimensions of work, including economic rewards and benefits, security, working condition, organizational ad interpersonal relationships and its intrinsic meaning in a persons life.


The concept of Quality of working life  Process by which an org. attempts to unleash

the creative potential of its personal  The essential component of any QWL improvement program is the existence of a genuine opportunity for individuals or task groups  It is a degree to which members of a work organization are able to satisfy their personal needs through their experience in the organization

Scope of QWL Work plays a central role in the life of the workers in a productive org. It has an impact on c) Shaping his personality d) Determining his performance e) Commitment to fellow employees f) Commitment to the org. and the society

The workers expect the foll. Needs to be fulfilled by their organization 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Fair and reasonable pay Favorable and safer environment Employment benefits Job security Job satisfaction Provision of autonomy as well as control for developing human resources 7. Scope for better career opportunities

PRINCIPLES OF QWL Ø Principles of security: working condition must be safe, employee does not have fear etc Ø Principles of equity: eliminate discrimination between people doing same work Ø Principles of individualism: individual have the opportunity to develop his potential Ø Principles of democracy: greater authority & responsibility to employees


TECHNIQUES FOR IMPROVING QWL Ø Flexible work schedules :flextime is a system of flexible working hours, staggered hours schedule means that different groups of employees begin & end at different intervals Ø Job rotation :improves quality of work, satisfies higher level needs of employees Ø Opportunity for development: employees are provided with opportunities for their advancement & growth

Ø Autonomous work groups: called self managed work teams, freedom of decision making to employees Ø Employee’s participation in management: Quality circles, suggestion system etc helps to improve QWL Ø Job security: stability of employment Ø Equitable justice: partiality & biasness at any stage discourage the workers

Specific issues in QWL Pay and stability of employment Occupational stress Organisational health programmes Alternative work schedule Participative management and control of work  Recognition     


    

Congenial worker supervisor relation Grievance procedure Adequacy of resources Seniority and merit in promotions Employment on permanent basis

Pay and stability of employment  Alternative means for providing

wages should be developed  Stability can be provided by

enhancing the facilities for HRM

Occupational stress  Stress is a condition of strain on one’s

emotions thought process and physical condition  Determined by nature of work,

working conditions, working hours etc…  Affect employee productivity

Organisational health programmes  Aims at educating employees about

health problem, means of maintaining improving health etc…  Helps in reducing absenteeism

excessive job turnover.

Alternative work schedule  It include work at home, flexible

working hours etc are introduced

 Offers individual leisure time.

Participative management and control of work  Workers are participated in

management and decision making to improve the QWL  Uses the skills of the workers and

make they a real contribution to the job.

Recognition  Recognizing employee as a human

being rather than a laborer.  Participative management, job

enrichment offering prestigious designation to the job, decent work places add some means to recognize employees

Congenial work supervision  Better worker supervisor relation

increase the quality of work life.  Gives the worker a sense of

association belongingness etc.

Grievance procedure  Company must give the opportunity

to ventilate the grievance of the employees.  This will increase quality of work life

Adequacy of resources  Resources must be adequate  Otherwise objectives cannot be

attained  It create dissatisfaction

Seniority and merit in promotion  Seniority is taken in case of operating

employees  Merit is considered for managerial

people  Seniority cum merit is considered for

ministerial employees

Employment on permanent basis  Workers on casual ,temporary

probationary basis will gives a sense of insecurity  Employment on permanent basis will

give security and lead to better QWL



   


 Job involvement:- indicates the extent of

peoples identification with or ego investment in the job  Sense of competence:-it denotes the feelings of confidence that one has in ones own competence.  Job satisfaction:-it is a set of favourable or unfavourable feelings with which employees view their jobs,more specifically the nature of jobs they do, the quality of supervision they receive, co-workers pay and perks and promotional avenues.

 Job performance and productivity:-job

involvement, job satisfaction, and sense of competence affect job performance and productivity of employees.

Quality circle  The concept of quality circle emerged

from quality control.  Definition :- a quality circle is a small

group of employees doing similar or related work who meet regularly to identify, analyze and solve product quality problems and to improve general operations.

Features of quality circle 1. A quality circle is a voluntary group. 2. It represent a collective effort. 3. It intends to improve the quality of output. 4. It coordinates activities of members towards improving the quality of work in workshop. 5. It has no discrimination among age,sex and position.

IMPACT OF QWL ON ORGANISATIONAL CLIMATE •Achieve integration among the technological, human, organisational and society demands which are often contradictory and conflicting . •Providing greater autonomy and opportunity for self-direction and selfcontrol to workers. •Teach new values and attitudes at the workplace •Design systems which will sustain and strengthen the predominant patterns of behaviour. HASIF

Areas of QWL       

Compensation Health and safety Job security Social integration Protection of individual rights Social relevance of work Respect for non-work activities




Ø Management must be committed to an open and transparent style of operation. Ø Employees must be given opportunities for advancement in the organisation. Ø Supervisors must be trained to function effectively. Ø Traditional status barriers between management and workforce must be broken to permit establishment of an atmosphere of trust.


Ø Employees should receive feedback on result achieved and recognition for superior perfomance. Ø Personnel should be selected for excellence in their perfomance. Ø Both positive and negative outcomes of QWL improvement should be analyzed.

QWL and Fringe Benefits HR manager has to build and maintain QWL providing a wide range of fringe benefits. Fringe benefits and social security benefits result in improvement in productivity ,reduction in absenteeism , turnover etc.

QWL and Productivity The general perception is that improvement in QWL costs much to the organisation. But it is not so as improvement over the existing salary, working condition and benefits will not cost much. Improved QWL leads to improved perfomance.

QWL and HR Development Quality of Work life is broader than motivation though these two terms to be similar. All personnel related activates affect quality of work life


Ø Continuous need of research on quality of working life improvement.


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