Ptaah 4

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 531
  • Pages: 2
W Is there any restriction to the kind of information we can request? P The restrictions are only those of endurance of energetic flow and thought forms at this particular time. There is generalized access available to you if you declare to use it for the highest purposes of transmission and development W I thank you very much for answering everything. Perhaps I could ask you, what is my background as an entity? P we see you as having a multi stellar lineage of the Rajan and Orion systems assimilating the darker subterranean thought forms into the light grid matrix to aid in the ascension of the mind body spirit complexes of the earth at this time of the various ascension processes now getting fully underway and accelerating greatly in feb of 2004. W Is the 2012 date an accurate date for the culmination of the ascension process? P we would give a more precise date of 2017 though there are those who will leave much sooner, as early as 2009. you are in this group. W will life on the planet be destroyed? P this is indeterminate in nature as of yet. There must be a preponderance of negative choice for this to happen. W is the planet venus being prepared as an alternative for third density beings who don’t make it? P we do not see venus as hosting at the current time. We see transportation out of the solar system to a system 3000 light years away . W A personal question, when this transportation takes place, will the soul energy follow the dna automatically or is there some other exercise required to move the soul energy into this new planet? P the planet will reawaken as an etheric envelope. The contents of souls and bodies contained therein similar to a carpet being rolled up with fabric and paper cutouts arranged on it. W will the first bodies on the planet have to go through a long period of evolution P it is the choice of the entity contained within. For many yes. 70 million years or so. W do daphne and I when we travel, are we effective in bringing energy to the grids? P we would say this is most certainly the case. Particularly the female. She harnesses the energetics of the stones, crystalline structures, bringing them up from the magma of the

earth core and literally depositing them in her etheric field as she moves through her daily ritual, she deposits the vibrational dusting of this new structure. W is there anything else important we should know P this question is to broad W any recommendations for increasing our financial security on the physical plane? P we would recommend stabilization of the home front to contain the vital life forces and secure the focalization of the creative structures. This shall harness the requisite financial energy to support ongoing projects with the added benefit of opening held repressed energy fluctuations. W this is a good time to end. Thank you for being available P it is of the highest service to communicate with you and we encourage further communications. We bid you farewell in your vector.

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