Ptaah 3

  • November 2019
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P’taah This is Ptaah . we have been waiting to come forward now for a couple of hours. W. Since you were waiting to come forward, do you have any particular information you wanted to reveal? P. Indeed this is the case. There are many among you who would be surprised that you are receiving the kinds and types of transmissions which are now commonplace in your experience and realm with this particular channel. This is to become a more common occurrence with those on your earth realm who are ready to receive the requisite transmissions at this time of earth changes . As we move to a state of preparedness during the upcoming solar and lunar cycles that we may integrate into the collective consciousness and humanity the requisite frequency changes that might assist ? for collective assimilation of that which you term equilibrium. The coming changes are to be broad in scope and will come upon your earth with varied frequencies and urgencies depending upon the areas and the persons involved in local groups to assist in the tran formative process. You and your mate are to become a pivotal center in the particular area in which you find yourself to help and assist in this time and in the next 6-8 months. At which point we see a move into possibly the territories of Arizona New Mexico and even Idaho this depending on that which transpires between now and the appointed time. Again depending on the mass consciousness and the collective. Nothing is written in stone. Everything is pliable yet the free will is paramount. Have you further questions at this time? W. Would it be advisable to open up this information to others? P. yes this would be advisable in the coming 2-4 weeks. When this is in the assessment and the volitional range of the entity when she feels comfortable with this and in a way where little resistance is frictionalized thus reducing the amount of energy it takes for us to come through this particular vessel. w. is there a physical out of balance in her body as a result of this kind of work? p. the physical disturbances and imbalances are partially due to resistance on a subconscious level. an unbelieving that this type of information can come through the physical vehicle. On another level there is an integration of the dna latency which you would term the unmanifest dna which is currently coming online to the current physical vehicle. Much rest and relaxation would be indicated as well as a following of the natural tendencies of outward going and inward going as well as dietary preferences and recreation as we have indicated to you. It is important not to push this particular entity for it is a delicate balance for this particular personality in the emotional complex now trying to integrate various strands of multi stellar influences into a congruence whereby this can be understood by many on your earth plane. She actually serves an important purpose, more so than she would like to give herself credit for.

w. she made the request regarding past experience lifetimes with david wilcock. p. yes we feel and see the question. There is indicators that this entity does share many lifetimes with this particular lineage although there is no current personality construct which would indicate direct past life association, nevertheless there is a resonance a frequency whereby she can communicate with the stellar lineage of that which you would term david wilcock /edgar cayce. Thus she feels the template matching so to speak and is an appropriate channel and conduit for the transmission of this type of information. W are we connected to the Ra social memory complex? D this is true. w. is Ra my high self d this true and in the affirmative although there are other steller influences in your case. w. how about? p. for you I would say rajan. Rajan has been indicated prior for you. w. is that in addition to RA? p. Yes w. do you act as a high self for physical beings on the earth? p. we act as way-showers. We act as intermediaries, as stellar stepping down stations, transceiver stations. Just as you have high voltage power lines then you have stepping down transformers into household current, we act in a similar manner w ra describes that there are 8 levels or densities. Others say more, what’s so? p. we are well aware of that which you speak. It is not in conflict. It is simply a matter of definition, terminologies overlapping. Like words which approximate other words in your language and the barriers between these are not exact hence you have some words sharing meanings with other words and where the line between the two is not exact as when you translate from English into german. w. can you speak to other social memory complexes? P .it is in our ability to do so. w. in terms of ascension it’s said if one has a 51% dedication to service that one will qualify. How about souls that are not incarnated? What happens to those souls? Do they have opportunities or choices also?

p. we address the first part of your question. as we would see this energetically we would see this as rather an opening of the 4th chakra. The 4th chakra is 51% open allowing that much of the Christ light to permeate the soul, then we would say the chances of the soul making the sojourn of the ascended path at this time of the raising of the earth’s frequencies is indeed fairly assured. As for your concern for out of the body souls at this time, not having the chance to participate in planetary evolution, you must remember that all is volitional and up to free will. Those who are not fully incarnate at this time have many other opportunities both inter-dimensionally and on other life systems to partake of planetary ascension as you will come to understand and know it. Planet earth is not a rare event. It is a very natural event similar to ice moving into water and water to steam. It is simply part of the evolutionary matrix although important it is an event which will repeat itself many times in your galaxy. w. bionic tonic, where can I find it. You said it would be a good supplement for daphne. p. this supplement is the ideal formulation. It is not imperative that it be taken right away. Simply wait until you can find it. You should be able to find it at whole foods in la or green harvest in Pasadena. w. if one was to ask you to give a life reading and communicate what would be in the highest god of someone to know, could you do this? d. this is something for which the entity is being prepared. Affirmative she shall also being preparing people to integrate physiological and accessory abilities. As people come on line so to speak during the upcoming seven years. People shall be made aware of extra sensory telekenetic and other types of sequences not normally accessed in your five sensory 3 d realm. This immediately shall cause psychological and emotional imbalances which even the current entity is having problems working out for herself. You are to help ground this entity. to make her feel secure and important in your life. She doubts her abilities and she doubts her importance. w. why is it that I am so capable of doing these things? p. you’ve been prepared for many lifetimes to be of assistance. You are as a midwife, a stellar birther. You have had much training on the star system of orion and also the pliades. w. prior to coming to earth p. yes but you must understand that time is not as we would see it from your perspective. it possible to have lifetimes in those star systems in between earth lifetimes p. you currently have them right now as we speak.

w. concurrent existence? p. yes . w do I have a body p you have what you would term body although it is 5th dimensional. w. so I am existing in both orion and here? p. yes are accessing many of your vibrational energies. Your ability to translate music comes from this place. w. so when I am writing, am I writing from my own consciousness or am I having assistance from other places? p. it is primarily from what you would term your earth bound consciousness however you have antennas to these other places. And as painters put in touches of gold and silver to highlight different colors with their works, so you do this also with your own imagination from other realms not of the earth domain. w. Carla what’s my connection p yes we feel this connection. It is of the andromedan strain. You have worked together before for perhaps three or four lifetimes . there is a strong emotional bonding here of service and reverence. We sense a strong and loving connection between this present entity and Carla. w. oftentimes when I hear of other people question a source like yourself, they don’t seem to access the in formation quite as clearly as we’re getting it. Often times there’s a comment like “that information would be in violation of the law of confusion.” Is there a reason why we’re able to access this information? p. we would say that the intent for the use of this information is fairly clear and pristine and that both you and the instrument have enough courage and wherewithal to use the information properly. thus it is allowed to be given to you. W I am honored to have that kind of trust. p. you have done the requisite work. As you do the requisite work added responsibilities and benefits are added on to you. This is the way the laws of the universe work. w. is there anything immediately to do that would help relieve financial strain? p. what we see now is that you are currently in a situation of perceived lack yet there is an open channel. We would strongly encourage you to continue your writing and to put out

this published poetry book in a form whereby it may be made available to many. Encourage your mate to do her music especially the harp. It would be very healing for her on a crystalline blood level and also help others in her sphere. It would give her a sense of aesthetic contribution which is really important to her, to feel like she can give something of beauty and substance. And not simply be working in the etheric which is ungrounding for her. w do you have a recommendation of anyone to take that book to in particular? p. harper and row and little brown in manhatten w any particular person? p. david Anderson And little

at little brown

w. intrasound can you tell me something bout that p we do not in this particular time and space focus on this particular subject. It is neutral as we see it. W is the product neutral? P the product is of some benefit. Rather we suggest you not spend vital life energy in such an endeavor. It is not of your highest good. w. is it viable for daphne and I to continue playing music together? P this is vital it is a stimulating life force and will help bind you together as life partners W is it advisable to go back to Hollywood and try and get some songs recorded. P this is to be answered in the affirmative. However you need some time to work together first as an individual and couple. Doing both local performing and recording. We would not suggest attempts at Hollywood for 3 to 4 months W wynn would betting at horse races be a good way to make money P we would suggest that you stay away from such gambling. It is of your demeanor of past lives of speculation that you are interested in such things. There is nothing inherently wrong with betting . the energies would pull you into old patterns which are not beneficial to your growth at this time W what is my connection with spirit of maat P you do have a connection with spirit of maat and the information that is being brought forward into this sphere by drunvalo malchezadek. It is important to keep up this

connection as your particularized way of explaining shall help many of the audience whom this is intended to reach. w. and also of the messenger p we would say this is actually of secondary importance .though it is something you should work on.. w. even though the writing is good, people don’t seem to read it p we sense this has more to do with the energy of the editor than the energy of the publication. W her ego is involved in it? P we would say more of her own challenges and particular soul blockages at this time. She is truly a person trying to do service W is there any way I can help her? P yes stay in touch. Be open with this person perhaps getting together in a social kind of setting or having lunch with your new mate. W I think the relationship with david wilcock is definitely improving P this is in the affirmative. This will continue to expand exponentially over the next 1-3 months. W thank you for answering when Carla rueckert channels, sometimes she and her husband go back and forth continuing the same channeling. Am I capable of that? P we would suggest that when you feel ready to try such an experiment, it could be performed. However for the time being it is good to focus on this particular entity bringing information forward. W why is she so adept at this kind of channeling? P it is in fact why she was born and her mission and why it is so difficult for her in this dimension. She is very very old and is as a broad band spectrum and it is very difficult for her to be in certain environments as she picks up everything and takes it into the very cellular nature of her being. W so I must be careful to protect her?

P very much so. It is very easy for this entity to be damaged and even to burn out. And lose her ability to do this work. much to the detriment of her psychological and physical well being. W so if I am doing things which put me in a public environment, I shouldn’t take her. we would say that if she wants to be with you and accompany you that is fine. But let her have her own ways of coming in and going out. Do not force her to be in the public if she cannot tolerate it. W Thank you very much w. you may call on us at any time. You are needed at this time of planetary transition. regarding the work which you do in a most precious context. You bless all you come into contact with. Adonai.

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