Psg'09 - Dance Competition

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,323
  • Pages: 5
INTER-UNIVERSITY DANCE CREW COMPETITION SECTION I: GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS A. PERSONAL AND TEAM CONDUCT 1. Participants are required to represent themselves and their respective schools with respect and dignity. 2. Any team or individual involved in destructive or negative conduct at Post-Secondary Games 2009 events or venues, including hotels, will be ejected from the tournament at the discretion of the Advisory Committee. Spirit Deposits may also be forfeited. 3. For a list of all on court violations leading to suspension or disqualification, please refer to the Registration Package. 4. The Advisory Committee reserves the right to disqualify any team based on the behaviour of any given team member of that particular team.

B. CHECK-IN PROCEDURES 1. A representative from each team (choreographer/captain) is required to check-in at the registration table prior to the start of the competition. Here they must fill out roster sheets fully and accurately. 2. Each member of the team is required to hand in provided lanyards with their student card and Spirit Deposit Coupon to officials at the score table prior to the game. An individual who fails to do so is defined as INELIGIBLE to play participate in the dance competition. Failure to comply will result in the loss of half the Spirit Deposit ($10).

C. STARTING TIME OF DANCES 1. All teams are required to be at the dance venue specified at the time of registration fifteen minutes prior to start time. 2. All dances will start on time. Dances will commence at 8pm on Saturday May 2nd, 2009 and end by 10pm. Schedules for the dance competition will be made available online. 3. If a team fails to meet the minimum number of dancers, as per dance specific rules (below), the team will be required to withdraw themselves from the competition. 4. Teams withdrawing from the competition for any reason will have half their Spirit Deposit forfeited.


D. CHOREOGRAPHERS AND CAPTAINS 1. Each team must have a designated captain. 2. Judge’s decisions are final. 3. Only captains and choreographers may address a concern to the organizing committee. The captain/choreographer is expected to be courteous and respectful. Any verbal abuse or physical contact with a judge or exec member will result in ejection and will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee. 4. Captains and choreographers are expected to know the rules and abide by them. They must also make sure all team members are aware of the rules and their consequences. SECTION II: THE DANCE COMPETITION A. NUMBER OF DANCERS 1. Each team is required to have a minimum of four (4) dancers on the stage. 2. If the 4-dancer minimum is not met the team will be forced to withdraw from the competition. 3. Teams who withdraw from the competition will lose half of their Spirit Deposit ($10). 4. Each team is allowed a maximum of twelve (12) dancers on the stage at ONE GIVEN TIME. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of points.

B. EQUIPMENT 1. All dancers are to provide their own costumes, props, make-up, etc. 2. Each team will be required to burn their music onto a CD (the CD should only contain the music required for the performance). The music should be handed in by the team captain or another member on Friday May 1st during PSG’09 Registration.

C. DANCE SPECIFIC RULES 1. Each team will be notified via email on Saturday April 4th, 2009 with a dance competition package, stating all rules, themes, guidelines and criteria. 2. Each team will be allocated 5 minutes for the composition during the competition, in which one minute will be used for an introduction to their piece (i.e. a brief explanation of their performance to be read before going on stage by a member of the team).


3. Each team will be given the opportunity to select one of four themes reflecting the Ethics of Islam on a first come first serve basis. No more than 3 universities may select one theme. Each ISA will be contacted via email on April 4th to address the four themes that will be represented at the competition. Each ISA must finalize their choice by NOON on April 6th by emailing [email protected]. In the event that a theme has been used maximally, ISA’s will be notified and asked to choose another theme. All choices should be finalized and confirmed by 11:59pm on April 6th. Note: These deadlines are to allow the dance teams to have maximal time in order to prepare their composition. 4. Each team will be allocated a task chosen on a random basis by the PSG’09 committee. This task must be incorporated within the performance. Points will be awarded for successfully completing the task. 5. Each team has the opportunity to select any style of dance of their choice. However, all dance moves must be approved by the PSG’09 committee. Therefore a video of the dance must be submitted by NOON on April 27th, 2009 to [email protected]. 6. Each team also has the opportunity to select their music; however this must be appropriate. 7. Each team’s costumes must also be appropriate (i.e. no tanks tops, no belly tops, no low-rise pants, etc.) E. JUDGING 1. Judging will be based primarily on the rubric (see below). 2. Judging panel will consist of 3 - 4 representatives from AKYSB. 3. A total of 16 points from each judge can be awarded. 4. All decisions made by the judges are final. 5. Only captains and choreographers may address a concern to the organizing committee. The captain/choreographer is expected to be courteous and respectful. Any verbal abuse or physical contact with a judge or exec member will result in ejection and will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee.



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4


Does not meet any of the criteria mentioned

Theme is slightly conveyed but continuity is not present

Theme is present, some level of difficulty evident and continuity present between music, theme and movements.

Variety of dance combinations as appropriate to the specific theme. Difficulty of dance movements is shown. Uniqueness or originality of dance movements Continuity of dance movements, music and theme throughout.

Does not meet any of the criteria mentioned

Basic pattern and rhythm present but no flow between movements present. Stunt is attempted but not fully executed

Basic pattern, rhythm and timing present along with flow and continuity within movements. Stunt effectively executed. Relatively good synchronization

Complex pattern, rhythm and timing present along with flow and continuity within movements. Stunt effectively and creatively executed. Excellent synchronization

• • • •

Dance movements as appropriate to the theme Level of difficulty Uniqueness and originality Continuity between movements, theme and music

Execution: • • • • •

Basic pattern, rhythm and timing between movements and music Clean execution of performance Smoothness and flow of movements Synchronization present Specific stunts properly and creatively executed



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4


Does not meet any of the criteria mentioned

Minimal enthusiasm and enjoyment of the dance, some artistic interpretation and choreography

Choreography relates to selected music and dance theme, enthusiasm, enjoyment of the dance and teamwork present.

Extensive creativity shown throughout choreography as it relates to the theme and music. Great enjoyment shown in all participants and an overall enjoyable performance.

Does not meet any of the criteria mentioned

Some interest present among the audience

Performance enjoyed by the audience and interest present

Vigorous applause and extensive enjoyment present within the audience and great interaction

• •

Artistic interpretation and choreography projected through dance movement as it relates to the selected music and the specified dance theme Attentiveness, enthusiasm, enjoyment of the dance, and teamwork present Generation of an atmosphere and instill a mood appropriate to the specific dance theme

Audience Impact: • • •

Performance thoroughly enjoyed by audience members Presence of audience interaction Interest present among the audience


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