Psg 09: Co-ed Indoor Soccer Rules

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  • Words: 2,397
  • Pages: 6
COED SOCCER RULES SECTION I: GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS A. Personal and Team Conduct 1. Participants are required to represent themselves and their respective schools with respect and dignity. 2. Any team or individual involved in destructive or negative conduct at Post‐Secondary Games 2009 events or venues, including hotels, will be ejected from the tournament at the discretion of the Advisory Committee. Spirit Deposits may also be forfeited. 3. For a list of all on court violations leading to suspension or disqualification, please refer to the Registration Package. 4. The Advisory Committee reserves the right to disqualify any team based on the behaviour of any given team member of that particular team.

B. Check‐In Procedures 1. A representative from each team (coach/captain) is required to check‐in at the score table prior to each game. Here they must fill out game roster sheets fully and accurately. 2. Each member of the team is required to hand in provided lanyards with their student card and Spirit Deposit Coupon to officials at the score table prior to the game. An individual who fails to do so is defined as INELIGIBLE to play in that game. Failure to comply will result in a FORFEIT and the loss of half the Spirit Deposit ($10).

C. Starting Time of Games 1. All teams are required to be at their games five minutes prior to start time. 2. All games will start on time. 3. A late team will be given a grace period of five (5) minutes past the scheduled start time, which will be deducted from the total playing time. 4. If a team fails to meet the minimum number of players, as per sport specific rules (below), after the grace period, the team will be required to default and a win will be awarded to the opposing team. 5. If both teams are late, both will default and no points will be awarded.

6. Teams defaulting a game for any reason will have half their Spirit Deposit forfeited.

D. Coaches and Captains 1. Each team must have a designated captain. 2. Referee’s decisions are final. 3. Only captains and coaches may address a referee with concerns. The captain/coach is expected to be courteous and respectful. Any verbal abuse or physical contact with a referee will result in ejection and will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee. 4. Captains and coaches are expected to know the rules and abide by them. They must also make sure all team members are aware of the rules and their consequences. SECTION II: THE GAME A. NUMBER OF PLAYERS 1. Teams will play with 4 runners and a goalie (5 players total per team on field) 2. Each team must have no less than 4 players at game time 3. If the player minimum is not met, and the 5‐minute grace period expires, the team will default the game. 4. In the event of a default, the winning team will be awarded 3 points and a 1‐0 win. 5. If both teams are late, they will both forfeit the game and no points will be awarded in the standings. 6. Teams that default a game will lose half of their Spirit Deposit ($10). 7. There must be 1 female on the field at all times, for each team otherwise the game will be defaulted. B. EQUIPMENT 1. Game balls will be available on site. Soccer ball will be official futsal size and weight for indoor gymnasium use. Teams are expected to bring their own balls to warm up with, as equipment will not be provided. 2. Shin-guards are optional but recommended for all participants. If used they must be covered entirely by the socks. 3. Equipment shall consist of a shirt, shorts, socks and footwear appropriate for indoor use. 4. Each individual jersey must have a unique number on the back and jerseys must not conflict with official uniform of referees. 5. Goalies shall wear colours that are distinguishable from all other players. C. GAME TIMES 1. All round robin games will consist of two 12‐minute halves, running time. There will be a 1‐ minute halftime in between halves. 2. Playoffs will consist of two 15‐minute running time halves with a 5‐minute halftime. 3. Final games will consist of two running time 20‐minute halves with a 5‐minute halftime.

4. There will be no overtime or shootouts in round robin. Games ending in a tie after regulation time will remain a tie. 5. If a playoff game ends in a tie after regulation, the teams will play a 5‐minute run time sudden death overtime. If the score is still tied, the game will proceed to penalty kicks. 6. In the penalty kicks, 3 players from each team will be chosen to take penalty kicks (one must be female). If the game still remains a tie, a sudden death shootout will take place. No shooter can shoot for a second time before every player on the team has had an opportunity to shoot. 7. Teams will be permitted one 30‐second time out per game. 8. A win gets 3 points in the divisional standings. 9. A tie gets 1 point in the divisional standings. 10. A loss gets 0 points in the divisional standings. 11. Divisional standing will be ranked based on the number of points. In the event of a tie in the standings, the following will be used as tiebreakers (in this order): total wins, goals for, goals against, record between teams, coin toss. 12. In the event of a division with an odd number of teams, one team chosen at random will play 2 games rather than 3. This team will receive a 1‐0 win and 3 points in the standings (default win).

D. GAME‐SPECIFIC RULES 1. A maximum of 5 players per team are allowed on the field at any one time (including goalie). 2. At the kickoff, all players shall be in their own half of the playing area. All players opposing the team taking the kickoff shall be no less than 3 meters from the ball until it is kicked-off. The game shall be started by the Referee giving a signal. The ball may be kicked in any direction from the center mark is in play as soon as it has been touched. For any infringement of this rule, the kick off must be retaken. 3. Should the player who took the kickoff play or touch the ball a second time before it is played or touched by another player, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team. 4. After a goal has been scored, the game shall be restarted by kickoff, to be taken by a player of the team against which the goal was scored. 5. For any stoppage not mentioned in these rules, the Referee shall restart the game with a dropped ball. The ball shall be dropped closest to the place where the ball was when the play was stopped. The ball shall be in play as soon as it touches the ground. 6. Once a goalkeeper has controlled the ball with his/her hands or arms, he/she cannot touch the ball again with his/her hands or arms until it has been played by a member of their own team outside of the penalty area or by a member of the opposing team inside or outside the penalty area. Control of the ball would include the goalkeeper intentionally carrying the ball, but would not include the circumstances where in the opinion of the Referee, the ball rebounds accidentally from the goalkeeper, for example after making a save. For any infringement of this rule, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred.

i) "Flying" Substitutions 1. When a player is to be replaced by a substitute, the following conditions must be observed: · The referee must be informed of the proposed substitution of only the goalie before it is made. · The substitution must be made with a tag out within the "bench area". · The substitute may not enter the field of play until the player being replaced has entirely left. · Unlimited substitutions are permitted ii) Fouls 1. Generally, these fouls will be incidental and non-violent. However, these rules are just a guideline and the referee will be responsible discipline. A player who commits any of the following offences shall be penalized by awarding a free kick to the opposing team from where the infringement took place.  Trips or attempts to trip an opponent  Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent  Hold an opponent  Jumps at an opponent  Pushes an opponent  Attempts to slide tackle an opponent (whether touching the player or not)  Stops, strikes, or propels the ball with hand or arm (except the goal keeper within his/her own penalty area)  Obstructs an opponent when not playing the ball  Charges an opponent in a violent or dangerous manner  If any of the above offences are committed in his/her own penalty area, a penalty kick will be awarded to the opposing team  Charges the goaltender while he/she has possession of the ball 2. Players will be cautioned (yellow card) if he/she.  Persistently infringes the rules of the game.  Is guilty of improper substitution  Shows by word or action, dissent from any decision given by the referee Is guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct 3. A free kick will be awarded to the opposing team in the event of a yellow card being given 4. Players will be ejected from the game (red card) with review by the Advisory Committee if he/she:  Receives two yellow cards  Is guilty of violent conduct or serious foul play  Strikes, attempts to strike, or spits at an opponent  Verbally abuses, or physically contacts an official  Persists in misconduct after receiving a caution  Intentionally commits a foul to prevent a sure goal

5. A free kick will be awarded to the opposing team in the event of a red card being given. 6. A player who receives a red card will be given a two game suspension (game in which the red card was issued and subsequent game) and the incident will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee to determine whether further action is necessary. Half of the player’s spirit deposit ($10) will be forfeited. 7. Players/coaches leaving the bench in an altercation may serve a penalty or be ejected from the game at the discretion of the referee. 8. If two or more players clear the bench and onto the field to participate in any misconduct, the team is automatically DISQUALIFIED from the tournament and half of the spirit deposits will be forfeited. 9. The following system of time penalties shall be implemented: a) A player committing any of the offenses described, may, at the discretion of the Referee be assessed a 2 minute time penalty. The team of the offending player shall play one player “short” for the 2-minute penalty time. b) A goalkeeper receiving a 2-minute time penalty shall not serve his own penalty. Another player of the same team on the playing area shall serve the penalty at the time of the penalty. The team of the offending player shall play one player “short” for the 2-minute penalty time. c) All penalties shall be served in full regardless of whether the other team scores and irrespective of the number of players in the penalty box. d) Depending on the offense committed by the player, it is up to referee’s discretion to assess the penalty time beyond the minimum required. iii) Free Kicks/Corner Kicks 1. For any infringement of the rules of the game when the ball is in play, the Referee may award a free kick to the team opposing that of the offending player. 2. At the taking of a free kick, the ball shall be stationary and all opponents shall be no less than 3 meters from the ball until it is in play. The ball will be in play once it has travelled half of its circumference. 3. A player taking a free kick shall not play or touch the ball a second time until it has been played or touched by another player. Infringement of this rule will award the opposing team with a free kick. 4. When the whole of the ball has crossed the goal line, excluding that portion between the goal posts and under the cross bar, having been played or touched last by a defending player, a corner kick shall be awarded to the attacking team. 5. At the taking of a corner kick, the ball shall be stationary and all opponents shall be no less than 3 meters from the ball until it is in play. The ball is in play as soon as it has been touched.

6. If the player taking the corner kick plays or touches the ball a second time before it has been played or touched by another player, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team. 7. When the whole of the ball has crossed the goal line, excluding that portion between the goal posts and under the cross bar, having been played or touched last by an attacking player, a goal kick shall be awarded to the defending team. 8. A goal kick shall be taken from any point within the goalkeeper’s box. At the taking of a goal-kick, the ball shall be stationary and all opponents shall be outside of the penalty area and at least 3 meters from the ball until it is in play. The ball is in play as soon as it has been touched. 9. Any ball going past a sideline will result in a throw‐in awarded to the opposing team. iv) Penalty Shot 1. A penalty kick shall be taken from the penalty spot. All players, with the exception of the defending goalkeeper and the player taking the kick shall be outside the penalty area. 2. The goalkeeper shall stand on his own goal line and between the goal posts until the ball is kicked. v) Injuries All injuries are to be reported to and recorded by the referee in charge. It is recommended that all players have a proper warm-up before the start of each game.

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