Pruebas Nivel I Semestre (3).docx

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NIVEL´S TEST 5TH GRADE APRENDIZAJES ESPERADOS:Comprensión Lectora Leer y demostrar comprensión de textos adaptados y auténticos simples no literarios, que contengan palabras de uso frecuente… (OA5)Comprensión Auditiva: Identificar en los textos escuchados: tema e ideas generales, información específica asociada a personas, lugares y tiempo…(OA 2) Expresión escrita: Completar y escribir, de acuerdo a un modelo y conapoyo de lenguaje visual… (OA 14) Demostrar conocimiento y uso del vocabulario aprendido: vocabulario temático de uso cotidiano, palabras de uso frecuente, expresiones de uso común asociadas a las funciones del nivel...(OA 13)

NAME: ______________________________ SCORE: GRADE: ________________

/38 points.

DATE: _____ June 2017

I.- Read the text and answer the questions (12 points) Hello!!!!!! My name is Isabella and I live in a house. My house is yellow with pink. It is medium sized and two-storey. There is a garden with many flowers. There is a big living room, there is a small dining room, there is a large bathroom and there are three bedrooms. My favorite place is the living room, I like resting in the sofa and watches TV with my dog “cachupin”. My mother cooks pizza in a beautiful kitchen; my father clears the car in the garage. My brother listens to music in his bedroom, he likes dancing reggaeton. My family is very nice and happy.

1.- Isabella lives in a...... a. Apartment b. House c. Building d. Flat

2.- The house is…… a. a bungalow b. a cabin c. a semi – detached d. two- storey

3.- Her mother cooks….

4.- In her house, There is a……. Kitchen. a. big b. medium size c. small d. beautiful

a. b. c. d.

pizza chicken salad pepperoni

5.- She has a…… a. sister b. cousin c. brother d. nephew

6.- In the house, there are…. a. three bedrooms b. two bedrooms c. five bedrooms d. four bedrooms

7.- Isabella has a………. a. dog b. cat c. rabbit d. fish

8.- The living room is…. a. small b. big c. medium size d. yellow

9.- Her brother likes listen to….. a. reggae b. Hip Hop c. reggaeton d. bachata

10.- Her favorite place is…. a. Livingroom b. dining room c. Kitchen d. bedroom

11.- The house´s color is ….. a. yellow with white b. yellow with pink c. pink and blue d. yellow and red

12.- There is a ….…. bathroom a. Big b. Large c. Medium size d. Small

II.- Listen the dialogue and fill in the missing words CD 34 - 5° (6 points)

13.- Cody: Hello, Jenny!!!! Jenny: Hello, Cody!!!! Is this your …………..? a. house b. home c. apartment d. block

14.- Cody: Yes, it is. Jenny: How many…… are there?

15.- Cody: There are four bedrooms, ……….. bathrooms, a Kitchen and ………… in the garden.

16.- Jenny: Really? Cody: Yes!! Here is a ………….

a. b. c. d.

a. picture b. photo c. imagen d. photography

two - flower three - garden two - play two - pool

a. dining room b.bedroom c. club

17.- Jenny: It is..…! Congratulations!

18.- Cody: …………..

a. wonderful b. fantastic c. beautiful d. great

a. thank!!!! b. thank you!!!! c. thank you, very much!!!! d. Welcome

III.- Look at the pictures and answer (8 points)


20.a. listen to the radio b. listen to me c. listen to the TV d. listen to the film

a. make your sofa b. make your clothes c. make your work d. make your bed

a. open the book b. open the window c. open the door d. open the notebook

22.a. write in your book b. write in the notebook c. write in the computer d. write in the dictionary



24.a. b. c. d.

read at school read in the sofa read in the playground read in the cafeteria


a. write in the board b. write in the book c. write in the notebook d. write in the table. 26.-

a. stop the noise b. stop the radio c. stop the music d. stop the party

a. listen to the doctor b. listen to the director c. listen to the miss d. listen to the inspector

IV.- Complete the sentences (4 points) 27.There is a ………………………. In the living room. a. b. c. d.

window board table door

28.There are ………………………… in the dining room. a. b. c. d.

two chairs four chairs three sofa three chairs

29.………………….. four lamps in the bedroom. a. b. c. d.

There are There is These are This is

30.…………………….. a garage in my house. a. There are b. There is c. These are d. This is

V.- Complete information about this family (8 points)

Grandfather Jose jjose Jo


My father Robert

My motherAnn y

Brother Richard


Uncle Peter

Me AAA Stephanie

Cousin Alexis

Cousin Thomas

n Babybrother Bryan

31.a. b. c. d.

sister brother cousin father

33.a. b. c. d.

Anny is Peter´s…

mother grandmother cousin sister

37.a. b. c. d.

Jose is Thomas´s…

grandfather brother cousin father

35.a. b. c. d.

Richard is Bryan´s…

Robert is Richard´s…

father brother cousin grandfather


Alexis is Stephanie´s …..

a. brother b. sister c. cousin d. mother 34.a. b. c. d.

Shopia is Alexis´s …..

grandmother sister cousin mother


Susan is Peter´s …..

a. mother b. sister c. cousin d. grandmother 38.a. b. c. d.

Anny is Alexis´s …..

uncle mother aunt mother

NIVEL´S TEST 6TH GRADE APRENDIZAJES ESPERADOS: Comprensión Auditiva: Escuchar y demostrar comprensión de información explícita en textos adaptados y auténticos simples, tanto no literarios en forma clara….(OA 1)Expresión escrita: Escribir, de acuerdo a

un modelo y con apoyo de lenguaje visual, textos no literarios…(OA 14)Comprensión Lectora: Leer comprensivamente textos literarios adaptados y auténticos simples…(OA 7)Expresión escritaEscribir para realizar las siguientes funciones: indicar posición; contrastar información…(OA 15)

NAME: ______________________________ SCORE: GRADE: ________________

/40 points.

DATE: _____. ____________________

I. –Read. What do they like? Read the texts on Simon´s and Lisa´s eating habits. (4 points) Hello!! My name is Simon, I am 12 years old and I live in London. My favorite food is Pizza! I like it very much! I sometimes eat pizza and hamburgers with my friends at the restaurant or at home. I also eat fish, pasta and some fruit, but never vegetables. I hate vegetables! I usually drink coke or fresh apple juice. I never drink tea. I don´t like tea!!

Hello!!! My name is Lisa, I am 11 years old and I live in Manchester. My favorite food is fish and chips. I also like salad and tomatoes, but I never eat carrots. I sometimes eat ice cream, it is very delicious. I often drink tea, orange juice and strawberry milkshake. Strawberry milkshake is my favorite drink!! PEOPLE









II. Complete the information (4 points)

5. - What don´t they serve at Joe´s Restaurant?

6.- What do they have for the children?

a. pizza b. hamburgers c. chips d. chicken

a. b. c. d.

7.- What is the special this

8.- What do they have for the

games sports zoo movies


whole family?

a. b. c. d.

a. music b. cinema c. dance d. books

fruit salad cake orange juice ice cream

III.- Read and answer the question. (12 points) Kevin´s family My mom is tall and thin, she has long hair, she has curly hair, she is 48 years old and she is intelligent. My brother is 23 years old, he is tall, he has black hair, he has short hair, he is funny and he is fat. My sister is 19 years old, she is fat, she is very angry, she has long hair, she has brown hair and she has curly hair. My father is 49 years old, he is hard working, he is serious, he has blonde hair, he has straight hair, he has short hair, he is tall and he is thin.

9.-How many members of family have Kevin? a) 6 members. b) 5 members. c) 4 members. d) 3 members. 11.-Kevin´s mother is… a) Intelligent. b) Generous. c) Funny. d) Angry. 13.-How old is Kevin´s brother? a) 13 years old. b) 32 years old. c) 19 years old. d) 23 years old. 15.-Kevin´s brother is… a) Funny. b) Hard working. c) Intelligent. d) Angry. 17.-Kevin´s sister has … a) Long, wavy and brown hair. b) Long, straight and black hair. c) Long, curly and black hair. d) Long, curly and brown hair. 19.-Kevin´s father has… a) Short, curly and blonde hair. b) Short, straight and blonde hair. c) Short, straight and black hair. d) Short, straight and brown hair. IV.- Complete (20 points)

10.-Kevin´s mother has… a) Long and straight hair. b) Short and straight hair. c) Long and curly hair. d) Short and curly hair. 12.-Kevin´s mother is… a) Short and thin. b) Tall and fat. c) Tall and medium weigh. d) Tall and thin. 14.-Kevin´s brother has … a) short and black hair. b) short and brown hair. c) short and blonde hair. d) short and pink hair. 16.-How old is Kevin´s sister? a) 17 years old. b) 19 years old. c) 9 years old. d) 23 years old. 18.-Kevin´s dad… a) Hard working. b) Intelligent. c) Generous. d) Funny. 20.-Kevin´s father is… a) Tall and fat. b) Short and thin. c) Tall and thin. d) Short and fat.



NAME: ______________________________ SCORE: GRADE: ________________

/36 points.

DATE: _________________________

I.- Read the text and answer the question (6 points)

II.- Reading Comprehension. (8 points)

The use of the internet can be an addiction like alcoholism or drug use. Researchers say that internet addicts spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week. Nowadays, teens spend more time in cyberspace than in the real world with friends and family. A teen called David began to be a computer addict when he was 10 years

old. Now he is 15 years old and he can´t get rides of the habit. He plays about twenty five hours a week. He plays computer games instead of exercising and playing basketball. David is an antisocial, he hasn´t friend at school. He plays video games very violent but it is very fun. 7.- The use of the internet can be an…..

8.- Nowadays, teens spend more time in…

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

addiction adhesion. alcoholism anterior

internet sport cyberspace cyberday

9.- David plays for…

10.- David plays ……….

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

twenty one hours twenty five hours twenty four hours twenty nine hours

computer videos computer cds computer comic computer games

11.-He is playing ……

12.- Do you think you are…..

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

basquetball volleyball baseball handball

social antisocial generous friendly

13.-David hasn´t a lots of friends at …….

14.- Many of the games are very…..

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

University Playground High school school

violent bored violet complicate

III.- Listen the information and complete CD 42-5 (8 points) 15. Susan: I’m not very hungry. What about you? Tony: I’m very ……., I’m starving!

16. Susan: What do you want to eat? Tony: Let me see, what is there for …… today?

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

angry hungry hangry happy

lunch dinner breakfast lynch

17. Susan: What day is it today? Tony: Tuesday. The menu today is mixed salad,.……. with meat sauce and ……. salad for dessert. Mm, Ilove spaghetti. a. spaghetti - mix b. spaghetti - fruits c. spaghetti - lettuce d. spaghetti - tomato

18. Susan: I’m not sure about the spaghetti, but the fruit saladlooks ……... Here is your tray. Tony: Thank you, Susan.

19. Tony: Can I have today’s ………, please? a. mine b. milk c. menu d. mouth

21. Susan: Can I have the ………. salad, please? Waitress: Yes, sure. Anything else?

20. Waitress: Here you are: salad, spaghetti and your fruit salad.What do you want to drink? Tony: Fruit ………, please. Thank you. a. juice b. orange c. apple d. water 22. Tony: The ………., the fruit salad, and a glass of milk.Thank you.

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

tin tuna thin turn

a. b. c. d.

fantastic special tasty delicious

desert dish dessert disk

IV. Identify the following fruits, vegetables and food (8 points) 23.


a. b. c. d.

potato Onion Carrot egg



a. b. c. d.

Avocado Lettuce Cabbage Salad



a. b. c. d.

Cabbage Lettuce Avocado Carrot


a. b. c. d.

Rice and chicken Rice and meat Rice and salad Rice and fish

30. a. a.

a. b. c. d.

Orange Apple Tomato Lemon

a. b. c. d.

Salad Fruits Pastas Chips

a. Chicken and rice b. Chicken and chips c. Chicken and salad d. Chicken and tomato

a. b. c. d.

Banana Apple Strawberry Berry

V. Answer the questions (6 points)

31. What is your favorite food? ________________________________________________________________________________ 32. What is your favorite fruit? ________________________________________________________________________________ 33. What is your favorite dessert? ________________________________________________________________________________ 34. What is your favorite vegetable? ________________________________________________________________________________ 35. Do you like orange juice? ________________________________________________________________________________ 36. Do you like fish? ________________________________________________________________________________

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