Proposal Eng

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,805
  • Pages: 11
Greetings from ALSA Development and growth of the ASEAN countries have increased through the past decade that strengthens even stronger cooperation. Such cooperation in the ASEAN region has grown in frequency and not just limited to political affairs among each government, but also extended to the fields of other social concerns, such as law and human rights, economy, education, culture, and even national security. Being inspired by this condition, on 18th May 1989, a group of Indonesian Law Students came with the idea of forming an organization where they could foster better relations, as well as promote understanding and appreciation of different legal systems of ASEAN member countries, along with building friendship among other law students throughout ASEAN borders. The idea came to a realization by the establishment of ASEAN Law Students’ Association (ALSA) in the very same year, with the members of Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines. The same associating spirit, in fact, was also felt by law students in the other part of Asia, which are the law students from Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Thus, in the year of 1996, these young law students formed an organization under the name of Asian Law Students’ Association (ALSA). Until this current time, ALSA has the following official members: Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Up to the current time, ALSA is embarking a programmatic approach in extending its membership to other Asian countries to ensure on the existence of a broad perspective in the very spirit of ALSA. ALSA Indonesia itself consists of 12 Local Chapters, such as: Universitas Syiah Kuala, Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Padjajaran, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Jenderal Sudirman, Universitas Jember, Universitas Airlangga Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Hasanuddin, and Universitas Sam Ratulangi.

ALSA’s Vision   

to focus on a global vision on the promising future of ASIA to promote an awareness of justice to facilitate the recognition of the social responsibilities of law students

ALSA’s Objectives 

to understand and appreciate the diversity and share the ideals of law in society through exchange and communication among Asian law students to motivate law students to develop a creative spirit through a network of joint activities among Asian Law Students to encourage the enhancement of the capabilities of Asian law students to become internationally minded, socially responsible, academically committed, and legally skilled

ALSA Conference (AC) ALSA Conference (hereinafter AC) is one of the most important activities in ALSA which is held annually. It is within this conference that numerous law students from more than 100 reputable universities from across the continent meet annually to engage in extensive legal discussions, to compete in the moot court competition, to manage the organization and most importantly to promote further friendship and understanding among different cultures. Aside from the abovementioned activities, participants would also be involved in colorful activities such as academic visit, cultural trip as well as the fascinating cultural exchange which fully promotes communication and bonding among ALSA’s member. It is truly a commencement of the year that has passed, and a beginning of another experience full of wonderful memories, of unity and friendship among nations. This year, with the theme “Global Investment: Legal Response towards a Prosperous Asia”, Indonesia will have the opportunity to host the event which will be participated by over 150 delegates and guests from across Asia, Europe, and Australia. It is within this significant event that participants are encouraged to be actively involved in every available activity in order to proudly represent their respective countries

Our Objectives 1. To equip undergraduates with basic legal knowledge and to enhance their capability to participate in critical international global legal issue discussions. 2. To groom undergraduates who are aware of constant developments within the legal arena. 3. To raise the image and reputation of Indonesia in the local and international legal field. 4. To promote the diversity and the beauty of traditions and cultures of Indonesia by displaying various cultural performances

Academic Programs (1)

International Moot Court Competition It is one of the most awaited activities where representatives from each country will compete against one another in this moot competition. The purpose of this moot competition is to test the ideas and arguments of each delegation in a moot court to solve a hypothetical situation that is given. In accordance with the theme ”Global Investment : Legal Response Towards a Prosperous Asia”, this year’s case will be concerning the settlement of Investment Disputes which will be governed under ICSID

Global Investment: Legal Response towards Prosperous Asia The theme is chosen in response to the ever increasing trade and investments in the region. In accordance with the above mentioned theme, the theme of the academic activities shall be as the followings;

(International Convention on The Settlement of Investment Disputes), UNCITRAL Model Law and New York Convention on

Mooting Competition

the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitrary Awards

The Case of Bridas Sapic v. Govt. of Turkemenistan Procedural Law: ICSID (3 Panels)

using the fictional case of . This year, the Moot Competition will be held in bigger scope with not only inviting local honorable arbitrators and professors as judges but also foreign judges which

Table Discussions (TD)

will ensure the impartiality of the judgment.

TD 1 TD 2 TD 3 TD 4 TD 5

: Foreign Direct Investment : Protection of Intellectual Property Rights : Protection on Labors and Migrant Workers : Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) : Regional Economic Development

Symposium Labor & Law Enforcement

Workshop Labor Contract


Table Discussion During this session, participants will be divided into several groups to discuss certain issues according to their interest. Furthermore, this session will give each participant the opportunity to compare, give suggestion and analyze different legal systems in order to resolve the given challenges by actively interacting with one another. Such challenges will be resolved to the agreement made by each commission in the form of International Convention or a final report.

Table Rotation Table Rotation is arranged for exchanging and interaction of ideas between different topics of discussion. After all the discussions within the respective commission, representatives from each commission shall deliver a presentation of the work results, solutions, and proposal to other commissions.


Seminar An interactive Seminar on the issue of Global Investment with honorable guests will be a great way for delegates to learn about the hot topics regarding the ongoing flows of investments from highly qualified and experienced sources. In addition, delegates will be given the chance to interact with the honorary guests in the form of questions and discussions.


Academic Visit and Legal Course Among the places to be visited are BKPMD (Regional Investment Coordinating Body) and KADIN (Indonesian Chamber of Commerce). The delegates will have their knowledge enhanced and horizons broadened through listening to the views of experts in the field.

Administrative Programs (1)

Governing Council Meeting Governing Council Meeting is the meeting of ALSA administrative body. This will be held concurrently with the Table discussions. In this meeting, there will be discussions concerning the following aspects: a. Administrative System b. Activities of ALSA c. Management of the branches and members d. Election of the Executives e. Constitution of ALSA





Meeting With the purpose to organize ALSA’s annual academic activities, the academic activities coordinator (AAC) meeting will be held simultaneously alongside the Table Discussion and Governing Council meeting.

Non-Academic Programs (1)

Cultural Night There will be performances from each participating country, which will fully show the diverse culture of Asian countries, to establish understanding and friendship among delegates despite cultural, religious and ideological differences. The Cultural Night will take place at the Prambanan Temple.


City Tour / Cultural Trip After all the academic activities have been conducted, participants will visit various cultural highlights such as Borodubur Temple, the Palace of Sultan of Yogyakarta, Kota Gede Silver Gallery, and Batik Gallery.

Schedule* *Subject to Minor Changes

Be Our Sponsor! Get the opportunity to be known as a student-supporting corporation by being a sponsor of AC 2010! Here are the packages you might be interested in:

Single Sponsorship

You will get: · 3 hours Symposium · Your NAME side by side with the event name in every publication method · Your profile in ALSA Indonesia’s website · Your full profile in the guidebook · Booth in the venue

500,000,000 IDR

Grand Sponsorship

You will get: · Your LOGO in every publication method · Your LOGO in ALSA Indonesia’s website · 2 page ad. in the guidebook · 1 booth 8 sqm · Product Branding · 1 hour Presentation · 10” Bumper 20 times a day

150,000,000 IDR

Super Sponsor


Your Company Logo at ALL ALSA Conference 2010 Publication method: · · · · · · · · · ·


75,000,000 IDR


You will get: · Your LOGO in every publication method · Your LOGO in ALSA Indonesia’s website · 1 page ad. in the guidebook · 1 booth 4 sqm · 10” Bumper 4 times a day 2 sqm booth

5,000,000 IDR

Backdrop X Banner Baligho (5) Banner (5) Poster & Flyers Participant’s ID (220) T-Shirt (200) AC 2010 Guidebook (500) Seminar Kit Adlips & Jingle

Publication from ALSA National Chapter Indonesia’s active media:

You will get: · Your LOGO in every publication method · Your LOGO in ALSA Indonesia’s website · 1 page ad. in the guidebook · 1 booth 4 sqm · 30 minutes Presentation · 10” Bumper 10 times a day

20,000,000 IDR Booth

Contact our representatives to discuss further about the sponsorship program and get these advantages!



ALSA NC Indonesia’s Website: ALSA NC Indonesia’s Mailing List: [email protected] ALSA NC Indonesia’s Facebook Account; Media Partners (radio & daily)

Guidebook Advertising – 1 Page Guidebook Advertising – ½ Page Guidebook Advertising – ¼ Page

A5 sized Full Colour 2,500,000 IDR ½ A5 Sized Full Colour 1,250,000 IDR ¼ A5 Sized Full Colour 750,000 IDR

Contact Us Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any inquiry. We will respond to your request as quick as possible.

The Secretariat of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia Mailing Address

Jl. Atlas I No. 3, Bandung 40281 Jawa Barat – INDONESIA Attn: Ms. Dyah Ayu Paramita Arifien Phone +62 856 200 3883 +62 8521 855 6666 E-Mail [email protected] [email protected] Bank Account BCA 437.068.3749 Mandiri 131.000.614178.4 BNI 0108.220.549

Contact List Mr. Dimas Nanda Raditya President of ALSA International Board Mobile +62 856 1000089 E-Mail [email protected]

Mr. M. Philosophian President of ALSA Indonesia Mobile +62 857 22996572 E-Mail [email protected]

Ms. Dyah A. Paramita Arifien

Thank you for your attention, Best Regards, ALSA National Chapter Indonesia,

Secretary General of ALSA Indonesia Mobile +62 856 2003883 E-Mail [email protected]

Mr. Raymond Naibaho External Affairs of ALSA Indonesia Mobile +62 811 5010508 E-Mail [email protected]

M. Philosophian President of ALSA Indonesia

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