Project Manager As Strategic Leader - Nathaniel Quintana

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  • Pages: 28
Project Manager as Strategic Leader PMI South Florida Chapter Making a Difference, Transforming, Leading, Adding Value 1-May-2009


Agenda Objective Define Leadership Moving from manager to leader How to Implement Strategy Questions to ask yourself


Agenda Objective Define Leadership Moving from manager to leader How to Implement Strategy Questions to ask yourself


Objectives Discuss multiple leadership skills Build on current skills to become strategic leaders Adding to the success of your organization Learn from each other Have Fun!!!


Agenda Objective Define Leadership Moving from manager to leader How to Implement Strategy Questions to ask yourself


Defining Leadership Open Discussion – How would you define Leadership – What is leadership? – How can you tell the difference between a Manager and a Leader – Give an example of a “Good” Manager – Give an example of a “Good” Leader


Defining Leadership Transactional Leadership – Leaders exchange promises of reward and benefits to subordinates for the subordinates’ fulfillment of agreements with the leader (Holander, 1986)

Transformational Leadership – The process of “being” a leader, helping people transform themselves from followers into leaders (Downton, 1973 and Burns, 1978)


Defining Leadership – Additional Thoughts Individuals who think for themselves, communicate their thoughts and feelings to others, and help others understand and act on their own beliefs; they influence others in an ethical and socially responsible way (van Linden and Fertman, 1998) Leadership is a quality a person may have. One can categorize the exercise of leadership as either actual or potential (Wikipedia): – actual - giving guidance or direction, like a teacher being a leader to a student, as in the phrase "the emperor has provided satisfactory leadership". – potential - the capacity or ability to lead, as in the phrase "she could have exercised effective leadership"; or in the concept "born to lead".


Leader Versus Manager The Manager administers; the Leader innovates The Manager is a copy; the Leader is an original The Manager maintains; the Leader develops The The Manager accepts reality; the Leader investigates reality The Manager relies on control; the Leader inspires trust The Manager has a short-range view; the Leader has a long-range perspective


Leader Versus Manager The Manager asks how and when; the Leader asks what and why The Manager has her/his eye always on the bottom line; the Leader has her/his eye on the horizon The Manager imitates; the Leader originates The Manager accepts the status quo; the Leader challenges the status quo The Manager is the classic good soldier; the Leader is her or his own person The Manager does things right; the Leader does the right things


Agenda Objective Define Leadership Moving from manager to leader How to Implement Strategy Questions to ask yourself


Moving from Manager to Leader Develop a Learning Organization* – Personal mastery – Shared vision – Mental Models – Team Learning

* Adopted from “The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook”


Personal Mastery Learning to expand personal capacity to create results we desires Creating an organizational environment which encourages others to develop themselves toward the goals they choose Increasing our own capability, but improving the capabilities of others No one can increase someone else’s personal mastery


Personal Mastery Teaches us not to shrink back from seeing the world as it is, even if it uncomfortable Look closely and clearly at current reality – One of the most difficult tasks of personal mastery – What is going on right now? – Why is my reality so difficult?

Practicing personal mastery is like holding a conversation within ourselves Involves learning to keep both a personal vision and a clear picture of current reality


Shared Vision Building a sense of commitment in a group Developing shared images of the future Developing collective principles and guiding practices by which the group hopes to get there


Shared Vision A vehicle for building shared meaning Every organization/group has a destiny – Clues can be discovered in founders’ aspiration

Not all vision are equal Shared meaning is a collective sense of what is important and why – Does your organization/group have a “Vision”, “Values”, “Purpose/Mission” and “Goals”


Mental Models Reflecting upon, continually clarifying, and improving our internal pictures of the world Seeing how these images shape our actions and decisions Two types of skills central to this work – Reflection - Slowing down our thinking processes to become more aware of how we form our mental models

– Inquiry - Holding conversations where we openly share views and develop knowledge about each other’s assumptions


Team Learning Transforming collective thinking skills Develop intelligence and ability greater than the sum of individual members’ talents Is Not “Team Building” Shouldn’t be taken on lightly Focus on organizations chief concerns and issues Openness breads openness


Defining your Learning Organization If I had a learning organization/group: – What would it bring me… – What stands in our way… – I’ll know we’re making progress if…


Agenda Objective Define Leadership Moving from manager to leader How to Implement Strategy Questions to ask yourself


How to Implement Strategy Individuals need to establish alliances and agreements with others and/or companies (groups) – To establish these alliances, individuals need to invest in themselves, to work across all environments - Hone skills, such as: - People management - Tact - Negotiation skills - Presentations - Diplomacy

– The purpose of these alliances is synergy (i.e., the sum is greater than the parts) – Think of it as a ‘System’


How to Implement Strategy Structures need to be retooled to accommodate changes to strategies that are already established – Get smart and read! Companies restructure all the time. Read why.

Companies must use all available resources (human and otherwise) to execute any and all projects that have been identified as being strategic – However, doing too many projects at once can lead to failure – It’s better to implement a few successful projects at a time instead of lots of projects


Where Leadership Should Happen The core mission of leadership is to craft organizational (group) strategy, the core mission of management is to implement and execute organizational strategy Strategy is crafted to: – Shape the organizations (group) course of action – Coordinate an organizational-wide game plan

It is important for the ‘Strategic Leader’ (individual) to ensure that all activities/projects serve the organizational (group) strategy


Agree on These Objectives All proposed investment plans must align with the organization’s mission and goals There must be organizational commitment to delivery of measurable business objectives and benefits that are appropriate and realistic to the company Leadership, key managers, stakeholders, and employees must understand the responsibilities for delivery of services and projects


Agenda Objective Define Leadership Moving from manager to leader How to Implement Strategy Questions to ask yourself


Question to ask yourself Where do I go from here? Where do I focus my time and energy? How do others see me? What needs are not being met in my personal life… professional life? What are the things I should be doing to add more value to my organization? Am I aware of the needs/wants of team members (the people) around me? What in my leadership elicits top performance from my team… what stifles them?



Nathaniel J. Quintana, PMP Director of Chaos, Harvest PM Email [email protected]


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