Project Documentation (needs To Be Completed)

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  • Words: 644
  • Pages: 3
Girraween High School Science Faculty 2007

Project Documentation Group names and roles Role


Leader Scribe Investigato r Researcher

Evan Albert Hasintha Vivek

Topic Genetic engineering (and some related issues)

Product Video – Our video is styled to be an educational comedy, informative but designed to draw the attention of a modern Audience.

Topic definition Genetic engineering is the process of purposely altering DNA either plant or animal etc.

Key Concepts Your topic will have a small number of key concepts that are important to understand. List them here in the following table. An example is provided to help you, just type over it. If you need more rows in the table you can insert them by going to the table menu and choosing insert rows.

Concept Concept Concept Concept Concept


2 3 4 5

Example: Energy

Energy is needed to be able to do work.

How the project illustrates the key concepts Your project product has been designed by you to: 1. illustrate the key concepts in your project and

Girraween High School Science Faculty 2007 2. show how they relate to each other and 3. show how your topic fits into the whole chapter. Use the table below to explain how your product illustrates your topic. If you have made a powerpoint, then you need to describe what is on each slide and indicate what that slide contributes to the story you are telling about your topic. If you have made a sculpture or diorama you need to identify each feature you have incorporated and indicate what that feature contributes to the story you are telling about your topic. If you have made a script for a play, you need to identify what each character represents, and how the scene tells your story. You should break the action up into “moments” and be able to indicate what each contributes to the whole. Do not hesitate to ask advice if you unsure. The same basic procedure applies for any product that you have made. If you need help, just ask. You can ask by email if you can’t wait till school. The table has two examples in it already to help see how to fill it in. Delete these entries and replace with your information.

Project Feature

What it contributes to the topic

Eg. The merrygo-round

The water cycle can be represented by something that spins, returning through the same sequence again and again.

The pond

This links to key concept 1 This represents the liquid water within oceans, rivers and lakes. This links to key concept 2

Eg. Slide 1 Slide 2

Slide one introduces the title of the topic “Deforestation in NSW”, letting people know what the presentation is called. This slide lists the key ideas that will be explored in the following slides, and functions like the contents page in a book.

Slide 3

This lists all the key concepts The pictures show animals that are affected by deforestation in NSW

Slide 4

This links to key concept 1 There are 3 main ways that animals are affected by deforestation: 1. loss of habitat 2. loss of food supply 3. exposure to new predators, such as feral animals This links to key concept 2

Girraween High School Science Faculty 2007

Images Here is where you should paste in any relevant photos that you have taken. Don’t forget to caption each one as is shown in the example. You do this by selecting the image, then choosing insert/caption. You should see a map of Australia below, it is only there as an example and you should delete it.

Figure 1: Map of Australia

The Process Write in here a procedure in past tense of the steps you took going from forming your group to handing in.

References Genomics Video (professional definition) Jurassic Park (select scenes) (guide to gentics) Dr.Masens

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