Pre-Departure Documentation Business Team
Jaime Gusching Chelsea Johnson Engineering 692
Problem Analysis Over the past quarter, the Small Business Venture Team has been working diligently on behalf of the children of Montaña de Luz. Our motivating factor and ultimate goal: The enrichment of their lives through business and nutrition education. Currently, there is an opportunity to augment their education through entertaining activities and lesson plans covering a variety of topics from opportunity cost, supply and demand, factors of production, Microsoft excel, the importance of producing a desirable product, healthy food choices and washing hands. These lessons are imperative to their health and successful transition into the working world. Furthermore, as pioneers in business education, the Small Business Venture team will be collecting data on the opening of the Montaña de Luz store and documenting the needs and future aspirations of the children. Upon returning to Columbus, the SBV team will work closely with Dr. Judy Tansky of the Fisher College of Business and the Business Management 499 class to conceive and streamline a business plan for the store. The SBV team has worked closely with a number of different professionals, Dr. Judy Tansky in addition to Dr. Nancy Lahmers, also of the Fisher College of Business, Erin Galloway, and Vicki Rush, to meet this educational opportunity in a creative and stimulating way. The valuable input and time of these ingenious individuals are truly appreciated. The project planning consisted of brainstorming ideas, gathering project information from primary sources, recognizing the unaddressed needs of the children, consulting with MDL staff and experienced classmates, drafting ideas, narrowing the scope of the project, continually revising the project to improve efficiency and effectiveness, and planning for project sustainability.
Materials Budget
Beads and craft supplies (including bracelet, earring hooks, hemp rope, and colorful thread) Poster board Copies of handouts Labels for garden Total
$50 $10 $5 $5 $70
Plans for implementation To build rapport with the children, each period of allotted time will include a fun game or activity followed by an educational debriefing. The lessons will build off each other day by day but flexibility is also factored in. The specific business lessons will be adaptations from the following websites. Additionally, the children will be taught how to make valuable crafts for future sale in the store and improve upon the Christmas card designs to sell in the United States. Lastly, a lesson on Microsoft Excel will be taught in conjunction with the Computer team. The handouts and specifics of each lesson plan will be forwarded to Dr. Merrill, Vicki Rush, and Lidia Romero before departure. See Appendix for example lesson plans. As for the business aspect, information must be gathered so a business plan may be developed. A list has been created as an agenda of work to be done throughout the week. Information to be gathered while in Honduras: •
Create a detailed list of all vegetables and fruits being grown in the garden, including quantities
Find out how the garden is being cared for, and make suggestions for improvement as appropriate
Create labels for the vegetables in the garden
Research prices of vegetables, chicken, and other foods being sold nearby, so that a list of prices can be created for items in the store
Research other items that can be sold in the store
Gather information on the parameters of the store, including taking notes on the freezer, storage space, shelf space, etc.
Find out what crafts the children would like to sell in the store
Become familiar with the staff at MdL and their role in the store
Plans for Sustainability Giving additional lesson plans with Lidia Romero, the education coordinator, for future implementation. Mounting poster boards on the walls, specifically the computer room, for easy reference. Swapping contact information for follow up questions and progress on the store business plan. The ecos4mdl wiki page will also serve as a tool for sustainability. Information, photographs, and future recommendations will be posted there for other teams to utilize for future trips.
Work Agreement The work of Jaime Gusching and Chelsea Johnson will be intertwined seamlessly during the week in Honduras. The two will take turns leading activities pertaining to their respective expertise. However, the tasks will not be explicitly divided amongst team members. The educational nature of the project requires the full collaboration of both team members on all aspects of implementation.
Summary of Communication Needs On the cusp of Spanish fluency, Jaime Gusching will be communicating and translating all of the lesson plans into Spanish. An extensive list of business and nutrition vocabulary is attached below.
Business vocabulary account balance/ saldo to accrue/ acumular
to classify/ agrupar, clasificar to close/ cerrar credit/ haber debit/ deber
annual/ anual annual report/ informe anual auditing/ auditoría automated/ automático to balance/ saldar bookkeeping/ contaduría balanced/ cuadrado to cancel/ cancelar to carry-over/ suma y sigue charge/ recargo
internal controls/ controles internos
debit entry/ adeudo double entry/ partida doble engagement /compromiso entering in the books/ anotación, apunte to falsify/ falsificar
journal /libro diario journal entry/ asiento to keep up to date/ llevar al día ledger/ diario mayor omission/ omisión to open/ abrir opening/ apertura
fiscal/ fiscal
to post/ asentar al diario mayor
funds statement/ cuadro de financiación
principle/ principio
income statement/ estado de ganancias y pérdidas
quarter/ trimestral to reverse/ invertir
segregation of duties/ segregación de las responsabilida des semester/ semestre standardizatio n/ armonización to transfer/ traspasar, pasar
annual report / informe anual, reporte anual
current asset / activo circulante
assets / activo
debit / deudor
balance (account) / saldo, balance
dividend / dividendo
balance carried down or forward / remanente a cuenta nueva
drawing / retiro de fundo durable / duradero
bank / banco
expense / gasto
building / edificio
extraordinary / extraordinario
abbreviated / abreviado
capital expenditure / gasto de capital
footnote / nota al pie de la página
accelerated / acelerado
capital stock / capital social
accounting balance / balance de cuenta
cash / caja
valuation techniques/ normas de la valoración
accounts payable / cuentas a pagar
cash flow / flujo de efectivo closing balance / balance final
accounts receivable / cuentas a cobrar
closing entry / asiento de cierre
adjustment / ajuste
cost of good sold / costo de venta
amortization, depreciation / amortización, depreciación
credit (balance)/ acreedor current / corriente
income / ingresos income statement / estado de ganancias y pérdidas inflow / entrada insurance / seguro intangible / intangible invariable / invariable inventory / inventario active partner/ socio industrial
association/ asociación business person/ comerciante business related/ empresarial charity/ caridad commercial law/ derecho mercantil
sociedad civil, sociedad colectiva holdings /propiedades institution/ institución investor /inversor joint venture/ empresa conjunta leader/ líder
company/ empresa consortium/ consorcio cooperative/ cooperativa corporation/ sociedad anónima (S.A.), corporación
limited liability corporation/ sociedad de responsabilida d limitada limited partnership/ sociedad comanditaria major/ gran
entrepreneur/ empresario
manager/ gerente
family/ familia
managing partner/ gestor administrativo
finance company/ sociedad financiera foundation/ fundación general partner/ socio colectivo, socio general general partnership/
mutual insurance company/ mutualidad de seguros non-profit/ sin fines de lucro non-taxable/ no gravable
parent company/ sociedad matriz partner/ socio, comanditario partnership limited by shares/ sociedad comanditaria por acciones private/ privado real estate company/ inmobiliaria savings and loan institution/ sociedad de crédito hipotecario, de bienes raices small/ pequeño sole propietorship/ sociedad unipersonal state corporation/ sociedad estatal state owned/ público, estatal subsidiary/ subsidiario, sociedad filial trading company/
sociedad mercantil
concentrated/ concentrado
accelerating/ acelerado
consumption/ consumo
aggregate/ agregado
convergence/ convergencia
asset/ bien
country/ país
autarchy/ autarquía
cycle/ ciclo
Food and Nutrition vocabulary almond / almendra apple / manzana bacon / panceta
deficit/ déficit autonomy/ autonomía balance/ balance
demand/ demanda
beer / cerveza depression/ depresión
balance of trade/ balance comercial
deterioration/ deterioro
black market/ mercado negro
development/ desarrollo
budget/ presupuesto
disparity/ disparidad
capacity/ capacidad
durable/ duradero
capitalist/ capitalista
economic/ económico
chamber/ cámara climate/ coyuntura closed/ cerrado commercial relations/ relaciones comerciales competition/ competencia
banana / banana
economic accounting/ contabilidad nacional
beet root / remolacha black, green olive / aceituna breakfast/ desayuno butter / manteca cabbage / repollo carrot / zanahoria cereal / cereal cheese / queso
encouragemen t/ promoción, fomento
chicken / pollo
entity/ ente
chocolate / chocolate cinnamon / canela condiments / condimentos
cucumber / pepino
mandarin / mandarina
pumpkin / calabaza
dessert / postre
margarine / margarina
rice / arroz
dinner/ cena
salt / sal meat / carne
drink / bebida melon / melón
snacks/ merienda
egg / huevo milk / leche fig / higo flour / harina
mushroom / hongo
food / comida
nut / fruto seco
fruits / frutas
oil / aceite
garlic / ajo
olive (the plant)/ olivo
grape / uva grapefruit / pomelo
soft drink / gaseosa strawberry / frutilla sugar / azúcar
onion / cebolla orange / naranja
sweet potato / batata sweets / golosinas tea/ té
pasta / pasta
tomato / tomate
ham / jamón
peach / durazno
vegetable / verdura
herbs/ hierbas
peanut / maní
walnut / nuez
juice / jugo
pear / pera
water melon / sandía
lettuce / lechuga
pork / cerdo
green onion / cebolla de verdeo
potato / papa lunch/ almuerzo
wheat / trigo wine / vino
CountryWatch. 13 Mar. 2009 . "EconEdLink | Do I Look Like I'm Made of Money?" EconEdLink | a premier source of classroom-tested, Internet-based economic education lesson plans for K-12 teachers and their students. 15 Mar. 2009. . "EconEdLink | I Can Be an Entrepreneur." EconEdLink | a premier source of classroom-tested, Internet-based economic education lesson plans for K-12 teachers and their students. 15 Mar. 2009. . "EconEdLink | To Market To Market." EconEdLink | a premier source of classroom-tested, Internet-based economic education lesson plans for K-12 teachers and their students. 15 Mar. 2009. . "EconEdLink | We are Consumers and Producers." EconEdLink | a premier source of classroomtested, Internet-based economic education lesson plans for K-12 teachers and their students. 15 Mar. 2009 . Erin Galloway. Personal Interviews. February and March 2009. "FOOD -BUSINESS SPANISH TUTORIALS -." BUSINESS SPANISH LESSONS -HOME PAGE. 15 Mar. 2009 .
Honduras Business Culture. 2003. Global Road Warrior. 13 Mar. 2009 . Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free online reference, research & homework help. — 13 Mar. 2009 . Latino Nutrition Coalition. 2007. . Vicki Rush. Personal Interview. February 2009. World Map, Map of the World. 13 Mar. 2009 .
Appendix Business: Nutrition: