Problem Based Learning Problem based Learning (PBL) !"#$%"&'(&)* &)+ !",&)-. "&'( #$%" !",-!" / 0"1 (Neufeld & Barrow,1974; Schmidt,1993; Barrows, 2000) 2 3./1 . $ 00 PBL 1. &'(&) $ 04,1 (Problem comes first) -!" .5$" 0#. &'( (case / scenario) ,5 6 . 7. 71/8 &'((Problems).#. 94,1.&) 2"%"-!" 5&0""! !",0/8 ,+0&'( 7 : ! !"#$ % "&' () * +,( 717.5 &!7-!" 5.&) #$ 0 +,%$, 0"! !","1 ,/+0&'( /8%#. $ 1 7 . $ 00 PBL 7 -!" !"% ,1,/ 1.43" 5 ,- 0 7" -!" .5$" !" 7 . 0" 1 & &, !" 0 , #$ !%" 02 (facilitate) 2. 7"1 0! (Integration) ,1.&'(%. 1&)&'(, 09 09" &,&1&'.. $ (ILL Structured Problem) .415 8+0 "&'(5$" #$%" !". %$4,1 #$;1,1&'(.60&%5" "1 /+0. $ 1 7 82& 1 1 !" (Educational objectives) %#. &'( (case / scenario) .41& 0$"7 !". 3. !"#$ & 881%2 (Small group session / Tutorial session) -!" . !"-1 & 881%2 94,1&)#% /%"$ .1 $ (Elaboration) % 7,5$"5&43 " 71 15$"# !". &,$6.,%2$" 5$" & 881 1/%"-!" 5$" < 3 $1. ( (Critical Thinking) ,1."1+0 "0/81,%2,.5 $.%$6,5$"5& &)#%"-!" 5$" < 3 , 71%*-!"!$ 8$"! (Transmit message) %*-!"='1 (Receive message)
< /1&) 0100",%2 & + $ %2 00",1%2 .- $&,25& ,%"25$"#% /",&)-!"/ -!" 1-%" 8/1&)5$"1& + 4. !"$"1 (Self Directed Learning) . $ 00 PBL 7 ."1 / 0%"-!" 5$"/ 43""$"1 $ 1."1& >% 11 $. 717,
: Sept 2006
&) 0 1(guaranteed)5$" . $ %"-!" 5$"43$"11". 1 3 !"$" 1 SDL 841 ,-!" 833 - /$ Learning needs 115$" !"1 1$ !"5 0"1 , "1 % 0&'(%#. - !"1,.0""! 7 : 5$" (identifying resource) - /$+ !", 015$" 143 - & - !"115$"
,",""&&(-. */,, PBL 7 !" 82 & 1 43% %$ : % 00$ (Traditional method ,& 0$" 000 <&>0 < &)" ) .8!/$#$ !-!" #$!5$"/41841"1 1-!" !5$"%"/ ( 6-!" 5$"$ !" " 515 7 %"/ (84100",1 ! 65$""7 94,1&) " !&)/ ( . $ ," !&)/ ( 5%"$-$ 0-!" $ 1 7.41 & 0&, 0 (Paradigm shift) %$" 43. 6" !&)/ ( (Teacher centered : Pedagogy)7 &) 6" -!" &)/ ( (Student centered : Andragogy)7 717001 !%0 0%7"1&,5&.$$" *0 001 !&,.-!"%""! !" (Information provider / Instructor of knowledge) &) 6,717 02%"-!" $ !" (Learning facilitator)#$55$"%""! #$ 171" (Guide on the side) // 6. -!" . !"4 8 !"5$"$" 617 . 1 :
PBL !. PBL 6$ 0 . $ !&00, : 71"$ " ./5&%"1"1 . %"%"$"1 01,5&'.. 180 - 1 . $ 00 PBL 1. 02%"$ !"%4 (Deep approach) 94,11-%"-!" 1"%. 8.$./5$" (Promote understanding and learning retention) 2. 02%"$ !"$"1 94,1&)20 ./&),2 8 ?5& &)-!", !"$ (Life Long Learner) 1-%" 8&>0 ",5$"12 & +
: Sept 2006
3. ,1.#. &'(,%"% .%"#. &'(, 05",.60&$"# ,00 / (1+ 2 1-%"-!" 6/ (1,1, 0 &>0 1% /%"$ 1.!1%.% !" (Motivation) /%" .$./5$"$47 4. 71 !-!" 2 0 %-!" !"42 0 5$"00% !"1 (Play active part) & 881% 1 /2 % !66 ? 1$"$ 31 : ,$47% -!" .7 ! 15$"# !" " ( #. &)000! ) ,/(#$ !"5& 0-!" 86 ,#11 1 : 5$" $.47 /%"$$"15 5. 1 02 /1&) 94,1& +& +- /1$, 6. 1 02%"# < 3 , "&'( $1. ( " 2&, $"1&)" - *1 . $ 00 PBL 1. -!" .5 ,%.% !","" 5 8/$ 82& 1 5$"1 $. / %"$5 ,%.$ $ $5&.- 0%10 , 0 5$" 2. "1%",47 71 -!" -!" -!" ,1."1""43$"1.41 "1 47,0 0 #$ ='10 -!"."1%""1 %1 1/",&) Tutor %2 &)" 3. 7% 7* (Basic sciences) 8! $1 "$ 1&). 1 ,1,8! $5&.5./&)% % . 5./&)% % $ 0& (( $ 1 77,15".&)7,,"1 0 !"% 7&@,!1475& (Clinical years) $ 1 7.41&) , Relevancy of knowledge 94,1.&)-$-!" 4. 00 PBL 7.5 0-!" ,50 & 881 0='1 5. % ,./-!" "1 12 71 $2 % 0 . $ 8&)5&5$" %,&)" .65$"."1 $ A 1 . $ 1,1 / & 0&,"56 ,%"$& # !1!$-!" .7."1 -!" %" 0 !" 841", 0-$0% !"$"1 %"/& 43% 1 ,. 1& 0 55$" "1 !%" 84100,&,5& 5.&) %2 0 $ & - &)" 7175$"$/ 1 08". 8$&'( "1 00715$"0"1
: Sept 2006
!!"0$1-.*/,, PBL 1. 21#. &'( (Case / Scenario) "1 $. 2" !"61-!" 5$"&)1$ 2. /1%2 -!" "1 !"",&A% /2 3. 001 !%2 (Tutor / Facilitator) !"1 84100",,&,5& 4. , 1 !", : %" ""1-!"
*0 00 PBL , 1. &'(&) $ 0 5 -!" %7 !" 71" 2. -!" ./ 5-8 ./1 % +0&'(1 : &, >%#. #$ ! 02 !"!$" 3. 71/8 "&'(.#. 4. %" !"$% 0/8 "&'( 5. /$,1,"15& !",,.5$"0/8 "&'(5$"18!"1 08" 6. 43""$"1 7. 00 %2 71,& 881 !",5$"5&"" /%" $.,147 8. & - /111 (Self assessment) & - /112 (Peer assessment) ,/- & 5&&)"!" 0 (Feedback) % ?1 1"11 1. Neufeld VR, Barrow HS, (1974) 6The McMaster philosophy7: An approach to medical education. Journal of Medical Education 49(11):1040-1050. 2. Schmidt HG (1993) Foundation of problem-based learning: some exploratory notes. Medical Education 27:422-432 3. Barrow HS (2000) Problem-Based Learning Applied to Medical Education. Revised edition. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois. 4. QueenFs University at Kingston : 5. Vernon & Blake, 1993 Academic Medicine 67,557-562 6. BMJ 326:328-30;2003
: Sept 2006