Presenting My Data

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 6
How do I present my data?

Title: May 14­15:31 (1 of 6)

Coursework Presentation This is the stage where you show off all the data you have collected in as many interesting, immaginative  and unusual ways. You then describe it , analyse it and relate your findings back to the original Key Questions(s)

Title: May 14­14:39 (2 of 6)

Title: May 14­15:00 (3 of 6)

Summary of methods for presenting data. Page references are for "Tackling coursework by Bowen and Pallister" at RLS

Title: May 14­15:17 (4 of 6)

Ask yourself: Have I presented the data clearly and neatly in the most appropriate way? Can the examiner read it? Have I used a wide range of maps, sketches, statistical diagrams, photographs, table of figures etc. Have I used a wide variety of graphs, bar charts, pie charts, scattergraphs, drawings etc. to display my data? Have I correctly labelled all my graphs with titles, labelled axis, key, scale, north point etc. Have I labelled my photocopies, cuttings etc. to show the examiner how I have used them, and not just stuck them in to make the study look pretty. Diagrams, maps, newspaper articles must be integrated into the text, not just stuck in as space filling extras. Try to include at least 6 different methods. Keep a check list. Call all your forms of presentation, maps, tables, photographs, graphs etc. a Figure and number them Eg: Fig. 1a. BEWARE - of repeating one method of data presentation. 6 pie graphs do not earn 6 marks. One or two pie graphs showing this as one way of presenting data will have the same impact.

Title: May 14­15:17 (5 of 6)

SUMMARY • • • • • • •

Use a variety of techniques Be accurate Be neat Number all tables, graphs, maps and diagrams Add labels to them Place them carefully Refer to them in your writing. TEXT BOOK. Use pages 52 to 75 to in Tackling Coursework by Bowen and Pallister to find out about the full range of Data Presentation possible and how and where to use it.

Title: May 14­15:25 (6 of 6)

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