Present Perfect Form and Use
Present Perfect: Introduction Read the sentences:
I have climbed the highest mountain. She hasn’t spoken with the tongue of angels. He has scaled these city walls. Has he held the hand of a devil? It has not run through the fields. Have we found what we are looking for?
I have climbed the highest mountain. He has scaled these city walls. Negative
⇒ Which are affirmative, negative and interrogative?
She hasn’t spoken with the tongue of angels. It has not run through the fields. Interrogative
Has he held the hand of a devil? Have we found what we are looking for?
Present Perfect: FORM Affirmative
I have climbed the highest mountain. subject + auxiliary verb have + main verb in the past participle Negative
I have not climbed the highest mountain. subject + auxiliary verb have + not + main verb in the past participle Interrogative
Have I climbed the highest mountains. auxiliary verb have + subject + + main verb in the past participle
Present Perfect: USE ⇒ We
use the Present Perfect to talk about:
action that took place in the past but we don’t know when past activities with consequences in the present situations that started in the past and continue up till now
Time Markers ⇒ We
usually use these time markers with the present perfect:
yet (negatives and interrogatives), already, for, since, ever, never, so far, recently, lately, always, how long