Presen, Past And Future Perfect

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 7
PRESENT PERFECT El presente perfecto se forma con el verbo HAVE como auxiliar y con el participio pasado del verbo principal. Para formar oraciones seguimos las siguientes estructuras: AFIRMATIVA: Sujeto+ Have/Has+ Participio pasado+ Complemento. I have played baseball in the new team. She has sung in the festival twice. INTERROGATIVA: Have/Has+ Sujeto+ Participio pasado+ Complemento+ ? Have you watched t.v. all the night? Has he written an exercise to his students? NEGATIVA: Sujeto+ Haven´t/ Hasn´t+ Participio pasado+ Complemento. We haven´t understood the reading easily. She hasn´t prayed for her dead brother. NOTA: Debemos tener en cuenta que el verbo HAVE con la tercera persona del singular lo utilizamos como HAS. HAVE: I- YOU- WE- THEY HAS: SHE- HE- IT También el participio pasado de los verbos regulares se forma igual que el pasado agregando ed. Pero el de los verbos irregulares no lo formamos, ellos tienen su propio participio pasado, que lo conseguimos en la lista de estos verbos. EXERCISE 1 Write the past participle to the following verbs and its meaning in Spanish. 1. Dance 2. Play 3. Pray 4. Study 5. Clean 6. Sow 7. Understand 8. Remember 9. Read 10.Write 11.Sing 12.Swim 13.Practice 14.Type 15.Listen 16. Forget 17.Sweep 18.Cry 19.Open 20.Close 21.Walk 22.Work 23.Buy 24.Paint 25.Wear 26.Eat 27.Drive 28.Speak 29.Go 30.Visit 31.Learn 32.Teach EXERCISE 2 Translate these sentences into English. 1. Yo he trabajado en el SENA desde 1995. 2. Ellos han estudiado en este colegio desde 1996. 3. Ellos no han aprendido inglés perfectamente. 4. Ella no ha barrido su habitación rápidamente. 5. El ha comprado rosas en la floristería para su esposa. 6. ¿Han conducido ellos su carro cuidadosamente? 7. ¿Hemos visitado nosotros al doctor dos veces en el mes? 8. ¿Has enseñado tu las normas para conducir? 9. Ella no ha dibujado los cuadros con su hermana? 10.Tu has comido arroz y pollo en este restaurante. EXERCISE 3 Page | 1

Translate these sentences into Spanish. 1. She has forgotten the explanation of her teacher. 2. He has played tennis in the winner team. 3. Has she sown potatoes in the field? 4. Have you learnt French in this institute? 5. Have they read the newspaper during two months? 6. They have shown the ballet to the adults7. We haven´t gone to the island this year. 8. I haven´t cleaned the house this week. 9. She hasn´t bought a farm in Cartagena. 10.You have prepared the dessert for your mother. (GROUP OF TWO STUDENTS) EXERCISE 3 Change these sentences into interrogative and negative form. 1. I have watched this film twice. 2. She has understood the class correctly. 3. We have bought an apartment in the new district. 4. They have reminded my birthday all the time. 5. She has sold dictionaries in the bookstore. 6. He has listened the news several times. 7. I have rested in a hammock during the day. 8. You have walked from Carretalito to Fonseca. 9. He has sung beautiful songs in the concert. 10.We have fought against our enemies for two days. EXERCISE 4 Translate this reading and study it for a writing ICFES test.


El pasado perfecto se forma con el verbo HAD como auxiliar y el participio pasado del verbo. Para realizar oraciones utilizamos las siguientes estructuras: AFIRMATIVA: Sujeto+ Had+ Participio pasado del verbo+ Complemento. I had planned this travel once in my life. She had studied medicine in this university. INTERROGATIVA: Had+ Sujeto+ Participio pasado del verbo+ Complemento +? Had you played chess in the winner team? Had he eaten chicken with coke in the new restaurant? NEGATIVA: Sujeto+ Hadn´t+ Participio pasado del verbo+ Complemento. They hadn´t participated in the contest with their friends. He hadn´t prayed in his bedroom last month. EXERCISE 1 Change these sentences into past perfect and translate them. 1. He hasn´t changed his room with me. 2. Has she painted her bike with a horrible color? 3. They have written a poem to their friends. 4. We have watered the flowers of our garden. 5. I have forgiven to my nephew twice. 6. Have you dreamt with your husband several times? 7. They have suffered for their children all the time. 8. Has she practiced tennis in the field? 9. He has danced in the ballet all his life. 10.She hasn´t learnt the lesson yet. EXERCISE 2 Translate these sentences into Spanish. 1. I had loved to my parents all the time. 2. She had been in the meeting during five hours. 3. He had prepared a delicious food for my birthday. 4. We had painted our apartment for carnivals. 5. Had you sold all the jeans in the festival? 6. I had typed on the computer a large poem. 7. They had read the reading in the laboratory. 8. Had we practiced the song all the day? 9. She had opened the bakery in the morning. 10.I hadn´t closed the door carefully at midnight. EXERCISE 3 Change these sentences into interrogative and negative form. 1. I had cried for my brother´s death. 2. She had had two babies in three years. 3. They had been in the party all the night. 4. We had lived in Miami during four years. 5. You had cooked in my kitchen all the day. 6. We had danced in the Karina´s party with our friends. 7. They had told us the same story twice. 8. He had sung beautiful songs in my class. 9. They had called the police after the rob. 10.She had practiced the exercise twice in a week. EXERCISE 4 Translate these sentences into English. 1. Yo había trabajado en la fábrica por seis años. 2. Ella había corrido alrededor de la playa hace dos horas. 3. Ellos no habían entendido el ejercicio de matemáticas. 4. Ella no había almacenado los huevos en la granja. 5. El había dormido durante toda la noche. 6. ¿Habías tu leído mi libro en la biblioteca? 7. ¿Había el aceptado la propuesta de su jefe? 8. Tú no habías luchado contra los jinetes. 9. El había guardado todo el dinero en el banco. 10.Ella había pagado las compras en efectivo. EXERCISE 5 Write sentences in past perfect in affirmative, interrogative and negative form. 1. Aff. 2. Neg. 3. Int. 4. Aff. 5. Int. 6. Neg. 7. Aff. FUTURE PERFECT En el futuro perfecto seguimos las siguientes estructuras para cada una de las formas: Page | 3

AFIRMATIVA: Sujeto+ will+ Have+ Pasado participio+ Complemento. I will have eaten salad and potatoes for lunch. INTERROGATIVA: Will+ Sujeto+ Have+ Pasado participio+ Complemento + ? Will she have danced in the festival all the night? NEGATIVA:

Sujeto+ Won´t+ Have+ Pasado participio+ Complemento. They won´t have listened the songs on the radio. En este tiempo utilizamos el verbo HAVE para todas las personas. El futuro perfecto traduce en español como: Yo habré vendido. Ella habrá estudiado. Etc. EXERCISE 1 Translate into English the following statements: 1. Ella habrá trabajado en la farmacia todo el año. 2. Nosotros habremos escuchado la clase silenciosamente. 3. El no habrá conducido su carro rápidamente. 4. ¿Habrás tu entendido la clase de inglés correctamente? 5. ¿Habrán ellos jugado en el equipo perdedor? 6. Yo no habré ganado el examen de español de esta semana. 7. Nosotros no habremos aprendido la fórmula para realizar ese ejercicio. 8. El habrá viajado desde Maicao hasta Bucaramanga con su familia. 9. Tu no habrás comprado nuevos vestidos en mi almacén. 10.Ellos habrán vendido afiches en frente del colegio. EXERCISE 2 Complete the following sentences with the correct verb in past participle and translate them. 1. She will have_____________in the Meyer Institute for learning English. 2. We won´t have_____________the prize because our exhibition was really bad. 3. Will you have ______________ in my bedroom with your children? 4. He won´t have______________ this food because it was horrible. 5. They will have ______________ with the paradise every night. 6. We won´t have ______________ about the AIDS in my conference. 7. They will have ______________the police because of the rob. 8. I will have ________________this book because it is interesting. 9. She will have_____________hair hair for the Marta´s birthday. 10.I won.t have ______________sugar to the carrot juice in the lunch. Study--- brush---talk---read…sleep…eat…dream…call…receive…add. EXERCISE 3 Write the past participle of these verbs and write sentences with them. 1. sell (present perfect Aff.) 2. go (past perfect Int.) 3. open (past perfect Aff) 4. close ( future perfect Neg) 5. change (future perfect Int) 6. drive (present perfect Aff) 7. pass (past perfect Neg) 8. stop (future perfect Af) 9. drink (present perfect Neg) 10. live (present perfect Neg) (past perfect Neg) 12.water (future perfect Neg.) 13.make (past perfect Aff.) 14.understand (future perfect Int.) 15.lose (past perfect Neg) 16.sing (present perfect Int) 17. run (past perfect Neg.) 18.begin (future perfect Aff.) 19.finish (present perfect Aff.) 20.give (past perfect Neg.) 21.find (future perfect Aff.) (present perfect Neg.)

EXERCISE 4 Write sentences in future perfect. Page | 4

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Aff. Int. Neg. Neg. Int. Aff. Aff. Int. Neg. EXERCISE 5

Write 8 sentences in present – past and future perfect. 1. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8. READING Translate this reading for an ICFES test.

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(GROUP OF THREE STUDENTS) EXERCISE 6 Answer these questions according to the reading. 1.


3. 4.


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LOGROS: 1. Domina las estructuras gramaticales correspondientes a los tiempos verbales vistos en este periodo, a través de ejercicios orales y escritos. 2. Demuestra dominio del vocabulario tratado durante el periodo, tanto en forma oral como escrita. 3. Maneja las estructuras del presente perfecto en la elaboración de oraciones, en actividades orales y escritas. 4. Maneja las estructuras del pasado perfecto en la construcción de oraciones. 5. Reproduce los sonidos en ingleses tanto individuales como colectivos. 6. Maneja las estructuras del futuro perfecto en la elaboración de oraciones en actividades orales y escritas. 7. Adapta el significado de palabras inglesas al realizar traducciones de este idioma al español, en ejercicios grupales e individuales.

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