Powerhouse 08.03

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3
PowerHouse Message March 8, 2008

Jesus, My King KEY TEXT: Luke 19:11-27 INTRODUCTION Through this story, you can see three different categories of characters! 1. King 2. Servants 3. People (Enemies) BODY These are the characteristics of each character… 1. King

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Rules over people Gives jobs to servants  master’s heart is to invest in this story Returns back after becoming King Judges according to what servants have done *** All these things are absolute…no matter what the people feel the King will always do these things

2. People • Reject the King Hated him! • Consequence  executed before the King o Although these people knew this man would be crowned king…in spite of that…they rejected the King! o When the King returns = these people turned into His enemies and were executed 3. Servants (2 types) • Faithful: did what King wanted • Wicked: the one who disobeyed the King • Both of them received the same responsibility and received the same amount (Matthew version: received according to ability) o They were both servants (neither of them completely rejected the master) o When you are a servant = I want to follow you, you are my Master, I will go where you go, I want to do what you do • BUT results are different! o Faithful: master said, “go and invest” and the servant said, “Master, I have gone and invested”  praised because obeyed master o Wicked: (v. 20) attitude of servant = BOLD even though did not fulfill his mission  called wicked servant and his own words condemn him! Jesus, My King


PowerHouse Message March 8, 2008 

“Hard man” – if really knew master was hard = would have done it!

*** Wicked servant – had wrong knowledge/idea of his master Illustration: Matthew 16:13-17 • Everybody else is saying that Jesus is a prophet, Elijah, John the Baptist, etc. • Peter said that Jesus was the Messiah! • Jesus said that God had revealed such knowledge to Peter • It was not enough to simply be around Jesus like the crowds, to “know” him  Peter understood Jesus because of experiential knowing This wicked servant… • Did not truly know master because he did not expect him to come back • Had simply only heard that this master was hard…not truly know that! • v. 23 – servant did not truly believe what he said he knew (if he had really known that the master would return and ask for his profit…then he would have at least put something in the bank!) o This servant was wicked  what he said and what he did does not agree  lying to master and lying to self Consequences… • King – Jesus o Will return to judge according to what we have done  ABSOLUTE! • People/enemies – unbelievers/anti-Christians o Executed • Wicked servant – say they are Christians o Just professing that you are a Christian does not mean that you are a true servant of God o Hid $  hide gospel without producing fruit because did not remain in Jesus o Matthew 25:30 – servants were also thrown out into the darkness (hell) • Faithful servant – Christians o Rewarded even greater than they had profited o Produced fruit  how?  John 15:16 – if you remain in me [Jesus], you will bear fruit…apart from me, you can do nothing  Kingdom of God is like yeast that when worked through bread, can affect it entirely  with God’s power, can go and change the world CONCLUSION Which one/servant are you? Do not just have knowledge of who Jesus is. Jesus will return and He will ask you what you have done to bear fruit in His Kingdom. 1. Who do you say Jesus is? What you know of your master is how you will respond.

Jesus, My King


PowerHouse Message March 8, 2008

2. Do you know Jesus and does Jesus know you (do you have an intimate relationship with Him)? Have you spent enough time in His presence for Him to know you?

3. What has Jesus spoken to you lately and what are you doing about it? (Are you remaining in Jesus? For if you are in Jesus, He will speak to you).

Jesus, My King


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