Powerhouse 08.03

  • November 2019
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Power House Message March 15, 2008

What is True Repentance? INTRODUCTION Without true repentance we cannot enjoy a full relationship with Christ. We will look at two characters in the Bible today so that we can see what it means to have true repentance in contrast to what seems like true repentance but is not true in the eyes of God. BODY The common ground of both Judas and Peter  both denied Jesus But one had true repentance, the other did not Let’s read Matthew 27:1-5 and see how Judas “repented” in the eyes of man  “Very early in the morning the leading priests and the elders met again to lay plans for putting Jesus to death. Then they bound him, led him away, and took him to Pilate, the Roman governor. When Judas, who had betrayed him, realized that Jesus had been condemned to die, he was filled with remorse. So he took the thirty pieces of silver back to the leading priests and the elders. “I have sinned,” he declared, “for I have betrayed an innocent man.” “What do we care?” they retorted. “That’s your problem.” Then Judas threw the silver coins down in the Temple and went out and hanged himself. Analysis: Judas – realized, filled with remorse, gave silver back, confessed (declared), threw $ (something he loved) away  BUT outcome = hang himself  not true repentance! Let’s look at Peter now… Luke 22:31-34; 53; 60-61 “At that moment the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Suddenly, the Lord’s words flashed through Peter’s mind: “Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.” And Peter left the courtyard, weeping bitterly.” Analysis: Peter – realized/remembered, wept bitterly Let us compare now…

What is True Repentance?


Power House Message March 15, 2008 Judas Realized Filled with remorse Gave silver back (something loved) Confessed HUNG HIMSELF

Peter Realized/remembered Wept bitterly Stayed with the people of God Repent  TURNED TO GOD

Let us see Peter’s outcome… Luke 22:32 – “But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.” JUDAS IN THE END… Seemingly in the eyes of man Judas had the most obvious repentance. But in the end, he hung himself. For that to happen, Judas must have thought that there was no hope for himself… thought comes in  Satan plants the idea of suicide because Judas was focused on what he could do to repent. Judas realized his sin, gave his money back, confessed…did everything to repent by his own power. Then, because that was not enough, he killed himself  JUDAS SIN WAS IN DOING REPENTANCE BY HIS OWN POWER Thought that kind of repentance = vicious cycle (crying, filled with remorse, going to church etc.) = give up! Why? They have failed to understand what true repentance is! Biblical definition of true repentance is TURNING TO GOD…that means when you sin  turn away from God…repentance  turn back to God! Judas was living his life for himself! Judas heard all of Jesus teachings, miracles etc. BUT he never understood any of it because he never had room for Jesus  Judas was still lord of his own life and through that Satan was able to come in. PETER IN THE END… Peter was remorseful too. But Peter kept remembering the words of Jesus…Peter was at a place where he could receive Jesus’ glance  allowed word of God to move in his heart. That is why he continued to remain with God and his family…to be in the presence of Jesus. He remembered the word of Jesus saying that he would turn, repent, and strengthen his brothers. Even though all the other disciples saw that Peter denied Jesus…what they thought did not define the rest of his life. His failure did not end his life and his purpose in Christ. He focused his eyes on the word of Jesus! CONCLUSION This does not mean you will never fail, be weak or fall. What matters is have you truly turned from the way you used to live, in your desires  turned back to God = true repentance. That is how you strengthen your brothers/sisters…not because you’re perfect but because you know how and have experienced true repentance. What is True Repentance?


Power House Message March 15, 2008 Outcome of true repentance  Peter was used greatly (Jesus restored Peter back!) Before, Peter was assured in His own power, strength, and piety. Afterwards, he was filled with Jesus Christ and the power of God (because Jesus strengthened him again) and he was able to speak boldly to the people of this world. That is true power! Why is it that we do not experience it? It might be because we have a wrong idea of repentance… APPLICATION 1. In order to receive the blessing of repentance, you must understand what repentance means in biblical terms. 2. Must know what to repent of…define your sin.  Judas threw the money instead of throwing himself before the feet of Jesus. Instead of repenting for his own lordship…he repented of his love of money (cause not root) 3. Must repent and turn to God  DO IT HIS WAY NOT YOUR WAY! QUESTIONS 1. How was your definition of repentance changed? (explain definition before and after) 2. What do you consider sin? 3. What do you personally want to repent of? Do you want to turn to God and give it all to Him? In what area/what part of your life?

What is True Repentance?


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