Poster Biokim.docx

  • Uploaded by: Jessica Gracia
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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 556
  • Pages: 2
Oxygen is a gas component that holds vital function in metabolism to preserve cell function. State of oxygen deprivation is known as hypoxia. This state increases the production of free radicals such as ROS and can lead to cell death. The high state of ROS can result in oxidative stress, the condition imbalance between number of free radicals and antioxidant in the body leading to organ dysfunction or even cell death. There is natural compensatory antioxidant that help reduce ROS activity in human being which can be divided as enzymatic, non-enzymatic, and the source of antioxidant itself can be divided as exogenous and endogenous antioxidant. GSH (non-enzymatic antioxidant) and catalase (enzymatic antioxidant) are the example of endogenous antioxidant and their existence is found highest in liver. Phenolic, flavonoid are the example of non-enzymatic exogenous antioxidant derived from plants. MDA is one of cell damage parameter, and the concentration increases as the deterioration of its damage. Previous studies states that antioxidant of Ficus auriculata Lour rich in antioxidant, and has a hepatoprotective effect that can dampen process of liver destruction by free radicals. The aims of this study is to prove hypoxia systemic chronic effect the concentration of GSH, MDA, and specific catalase activity in liver rats that given by extracts of fig leaves as antioxidant. This study concludes that hypoxia causes significant drop of GSH level, increase in MDA concentration, change in catalase specific activity and administration of fig leaves extract is protective to the liver and has the antioxidant and anticancer potential.

GSH levels in liver of group A dan B decreasing as the duration of hypoxia occur. This pattern shows that GSH as compensatory endogenous antioxidant reduce its concentration because of accumulation of ROS activity due to chronic hypoxia to prevent oxidative stress from happening. Both group A dan B shows declining level of GSH, but the declinement slower in group A that had been treated with higher dose of Fig leaves extract. This shows that higher dose of leaves extract give more protection correlate with higher GSH concentration rather than lower dose given, specificly in liver organ.

Conclusion: Ficus auriculata Lour leaves rich in exogenous antioxidant properties to fight activity of ROS due to hypoxia systemic cronic. Fig leaves has phenols dan flavonoid compounds related its ability to dampen process of liver destruction by free radicals. Anticancer potential proved by cytotoxic activity that also found in this leaves extract. Hypoxia condition causes significant drop of GSH level, increase in MDA concentration, and change in catalase specific activity.

GRUP A leo All GSH levels declining due to hypoxia systemic chronic in all five organs include liver, kidney, heart, brain, and lung. This happens as form of compensatory organ to counter ROS activity and preventing oxidative stress occurrence resulting in tissue damage. GSH concentration decreased as the progression of hypoxia. GSH is a tripeptide non-enzymatic endogenous antioxidant in human’s organ, and the concentration is highest found in liver. Sprague-dawley in Group A induce higher dose of tin juice (300mg/kgBB) shows greater content of GSH levels in all five other organ rather than group B that induce tin juice with lower level (150 mg/kgBB). This could happen because tin juice act as protective mechanism due to stress oxidative caused by chronic hypoxia, this conclude that higher level of tin juice has higher antioxidant activity. Group A

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