Position On Scripture

  • June 2020
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A Paper Presented to Dr. J. Scott Horrell Dallas Theological Seminary


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course ST101 Introduction to Theology


by JEFFREY MEDDERS April 2009 Houston

It is my belief that the 66 books of the Protestant Bible are God’s revelation of Himself to man, so that we may glorify God and enjoy Him forever.1 The Word of God is to be held and treasured as one of the most precious joys in the world.2 God reveals Himself to humanity in two ways: natural3 and special revelation4. While people may not be able to read the Bible or hear a Gospel sermon (special), the heavens (natural) are preaching the glory of God5. Natural revelation is not a converting knowledge it is a condemning one6. Only special revelation provides the necessary knowledge for conversion7. The Scriptures are incredibly powerful, so much so that it always accomplishes what God 8 desires , it can discern our inner most thoughts9 and bring great profit and change to our lives10. The Scriptures testify to us the plan of redemption and invite us to come, submit, love and follow the Triune God who is constantly making Himself known. There are two key teachings that must be ascribed to when considering the Word of God. First and foremost is the doctrine of inspiration, which is not up for debate. The one and only God inspired the entire Bible11. The Bible was written/breathed out by God in conjunction with or through human authors.12 One must say that God is the ultimate author of the Bible, since it is “His word.”13 Secondly, it is vital to hold to the doctrine of inerrancy14 of Scripture. Inerrancy can quickly be defined as, “Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact.”15 In simpler terms, “the Bible always tells the truth.”16 If one begins to question the factual basis of the word in any area, a downward slope is right around the corner, if it hasn’t already begun. To begin and question the factuality of God’s word is to resemble the very pattern of Satan, who from the beginning questioned God’s word17. Without the doctrine of inerrancy, Christians would be in grave difficulty to perform any real ministry or have any hope! Playing games with the doctrine of inerrancy is eternally dangerous and cannot be accepted18. Without inerrancy one might as well play world religion roulette and see what to practice next week. Next, is the authority of Scripture. When Scripture speaks, it is as if God is speaking. The authority of Scripture is based off of the primary authorship of God. Truth is powerful and authoritative, and Jesus calls the word of God the truth19. God’s word accomplishes God’s purpose20. There is an incredible cause and effect relationship when it comes to God’s word. The Bible is meant to do something to us. In God revealing Himself to us in His word, He seeks that we change on many fronts. First, our love and communion with Him grows21. The Word of God is a source of great delight22, cause it gives us more of God. The Scriptures provide comfort in times of trouble. The Bible in conjunction with the work of the Spirit23 also helps us mortify our flesh24, by taking the sword of the word of God25, and illuminating26 it to us so we can be strong in the Lord27, all to glorify Jesus Christ28. The Bible, as Jesus taught it, has many messages, but has one primary message: Him. The Bible is all about Jesus Christ29. When we come to the Bible, we are to learn and love Him more30. We are to see and savor Jesus more that we may grow in maturity to the glory of the Triune God31. God gave His word as a means to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.32


1 The Westminster Shorter Catechism (with Scripture Proofs), Banner of Truth, 2008, p.

5. This happens primarily through the Scriptures revealing and inviting all to savor (believe) the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is impossible to glorify God, and by nature you will not enjoy Him if he is pouring out His wrath on you and you don’t know Him. The only way to glorify the Triune God is to honor the Son of God (John 5:23) by whom we find to be revealed in the Scripture who makes God known (John 1:18).

2 Ps. 119:111. 3 Natural/general revelation consists of revelation that everyone has seen and is subject to. Chief example would be that of the creation. Another example would be the reality that all humans have God’s law and knowledge of Him written on their hearts.

4 Special revelation “is revelation of salvation in Christ.” J. van Genderen, W.H. Velema, Concise Reformed Dogmatics, (P&R Publishing, 2008) 53.

5 Ps. 19:1 6 Rom. 1:18-27 7 1 Tim. 2:4. Revelation that God provides, which is sufficient and designed to bring/lead to repentance,

conversion, redemption and restoration of humanity is categorically, special revelation (e.g. scriptures, miracles, prophecy, the incarnation (Jn 1:18) etc..). 8 Isa. 55:11

9 Heb. 4:12 10 2 Tim. 3:16. The Greek word for ‘inspired’, literally means, God-breathed. 11 2 Tim. 3:16 12 The authors didn’t merely write whatever they felt, nor were they possessed, but were carried along by the Holy Spirit to bring about the wonderful Word (2Pet 1:19-21).

13 Notice the constant usage of the words like “his” and “your”, in Ps. 119:2, 3, 4, 5, 9,

12, 15, 17, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 77, 81, 92, 100, 109, 112, 114. The Psalmist is not unaware of the human authorship and divine authorship as well. Knowing that God used humans to pen His word in no way diminishes the fact that the words are still God’s in possession, authentication and delivery.

14 Prov. 30:5-6 15 Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology,(IVP & Zondervan, 1994) 90 16 Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology,(IVP & Zondervan, 1994) 91 17 Gen. 3 18 If you entertain questions/speculations on the virgin birth, where does it end?

Creation? Babel? The Flood? The Divinity or bodily resurrection of Christ? Substituitionary atonement? The Bible is not a buffet of truths that one can pick and choose from. One

either accepts every jot and tittle or says in his heart there is no God (Ps. 53:1). Since the god they have decided to follow is a creation of their sinful desires, so they can have their own way (Pr. 16:25, Rom. 1:25, 32, cf. Rev. 22:18-19, don’t take away the truth either!).

19 Jn. 17:17. Since God is true (Jn. 17:3) and God is the author, and it is impossible for God to lie/put forth falsehood (Num. 23:19, Heb. 6:18), it makes perfect since that His word would be perfect.

20 Isa. 55:11 21 Jn. 17:3, Ps. 119:7 22 Jer. 15:16 23 Rom. 8:13 24 Ps. 119:9-11 25 Eph. 6:17 26 Jn. 16:13 27 Eph. 6:10 28 Jn. 16:14 29 Lk. 24:27, Jn. 5:39 30 Ps. 119:131 31 Col. 1:29-29, Heb. 12:1-4. Colossians makes it plain that in ministry and when using

the word of God it is “Him we proclaim.” Hebrews 12 instructs us that to run the race well, we must look to Jesus. Christianity and Spiritual life isn’t first ‘be like Jesus.’ It is look to Jesus, so that you may become like Him. He is the object of our faith, not just our model. The Scriptures show us Him.

32 The Westminster Shorter Catechism (with Scripture Proofs), Banner of Truth, 2008, p. 5

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