Position Paper On Hr 704

  • Uploaded by: Christopher Cruz de la Cruz
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,437
  • Pages: 5

1. INTRODUCTION The Philippines is one with the international community in addressing the need to reduce the amount of green house gas (GHG) emissions to ensure the preservation of the environment.

In 2003, the

Philippine government ratified the Kyoto Protocol1 to manifest our commitment to the global community to achieve sustainable development. To further illustrate this commitment, the Philippines have passed the Clean Air Act in 1999, the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, Clean Water Act of 2004 and other various laws that help protect the environment. The House of Representatives Building, built more than 30 years ago2, is the seat of power of the legislative branch of the government. It is where all laws that help protect the environment emanate. The decision to make the House of Representatives the first green government building illustrates that the government would like to take the lead role in adopting measures that will help mitigate climate change. Further, it establishes the House of Representatives as the champion in government in promoting buildings that are designed, constructed, operated in an ecological and resource efficient manner. 1


The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The House of Representatives formerly known as the Batasan Complex was not completed until the 1970s under the Marcos Administration to house the then unicameral parliament.

2. COMMENTS ON HR 704 2.1. Method of Assessment and Guidelines are Needed HR 704, as drafted, is silent in the assessment and benchmarking method that shall be utilized in the design and construction of the House of Representatives.

To ensure that the House of

Representatives achieves sustainability in a holistic manner, a set of protocols is needed to be utilized to guide the architects, engineers, and contractors involved in the project. Presently, the Philippines do not have any standards that may be utilized for this project. Foreign green building rating schemes is not an option for use in the House of Representatives. We need to use a rating scheme that meets our local needs, a system that reflects the environmental priorities that is geography specific, climate responsive, and culturally relevant to the Philippines3. The use of a locally accepted and relevant green building tool is strongly advisable, as it is also a matter of national pride and patriotism that the government exhibit to the global community that we as a nation is responsible in developing tools that help address climate change. 2.2. Ensuring Integrated Project Delivery Most green building rating systems and guidelines requires that project proponents utilize the integrated project delivery4 approach. It is the common practice for government projects to bid out components of the construction projects and to deliver these components on a piece meal basis. This method does not ensure that all the required building professionals are present throughout the different phases of the project. Green building projects are more successful when all professionals


The World Green Building Council supports the adoption and ongoing development of green building rating schemes that are responsive to the country’s climatic and commercial context.


Integrated project delivery approach streamlines the design process and improves the efficiency of construction of green building projects by ensuring that all required building professionals are working together from the conceptual phase, design documentation, construction to commissioning.

are present throughout the project to ensure that they will be able to collaborate on ways on how to reduce cost and how to make the building more efficient. 2.3. Consistency in the Use of the Term “GREEN BUILDING” Green Building is the practice of designing, constructing, operating, or reusing buildings in an ecological and resource efficient manner. It focuses on the promotion and practice of sustainable site development, improvement of indoor air quality, use of efficient energy, and improvement of water management, utilization of green materials and the preservation of cultural heritage5. As the definition implies, green building encompasses green architecture, engineering, construction, and operations and management. It is also the term consistently used in the sustainability campaign of the different professional, academic, and business organizations who are the major stakeholders in the building industry6. 3. OUR RECOMMENDATION 3.1. The House of Representatives to Serve as the “Pilot Project” for BERDE The Building for Ecologically Responsive Design Excellence (BERDE) is the Philippines’ green building rating system being developed by the Philippine Green Building Council, Inc (PHILGBC). BERDE is being developed as a stakeholder-driven, consensus-based and industry-supported green building rating system that shall address the environmental priorities of the Philippines. The system requires that roundtable discussions are conducted prior to drafting of the system to get the inputs of


Green building, as defined by the Philippine Green Building Council in the paper “Developing a Green Building Rating System in the Philippines (2009)”. 6

The major stakeholders of the building industry who are part of the green building movement are listed in the PHILGBC President’s Report March 2007 – March 2009.

stakeholders7 in the building industry.

Usability tests are to be conducted with the help of

architecture and engineering firms, contractors, developers, regulatory agencies, material suppliers, utility companies and property management firms. The renovation of the House of Representatives may serve as a “Pilot Project” for BERDE, to show the public that the government is taking the lead role in promoting sustainability via a strong partnership with the PHILGBC. The BERDE green building rating system will ensure that the “green” credentials of the newly renovated House of Representatives are properly measured via a tool that was strengthened with the support of a wide multi-stakeholder group. With the government allowing its building be measured by a third party tool, it increases its credibility in its sustainability campaign. Using BERDE as the green building rating system for the House of Representatives is a strong message to the public that Congress is supporting the BERDE Program of the PHILGBC by allowing the rating system to be piloted and tested at the House of Representatives and by providing the experience harnessed in using BERDE in a government building that other government institutions can learn from and may emulate. If the recommendation that BERDE be used as the rating system for the House of Representatives be made part of HR 704, this will put in record, and further strengthen the partnership of the Congress and the PHILGBC in promoting green building in the country. The concept of utilizing a green building rating scheme prepared by the green building councils for use in a government building is not new. In the United States, several bills have been passed at the


The organization of BERDE and roles of the members of the stakeholder group further discussed in the attached document “Developing a Green Building Rating System in the Philippines (2009)”.

federal, state, and local level. Sample bills include S9418, HB1729, and SB 5110. Other countries that utilize third party green building rating systems developed by green building councils include Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, India, Mexico, New Zealand, and South Africa. 3.2. Establishment of a Green Building Team to Ensure Integrated Project Delivery The success of green building programs lies heavily in the synergies created among the Development Team. We suggest that HR 704 identify a Green Building Team (GBT) whose members would support the delivery of the project. The GBT should be multi-disciplined, representing the users of the building, the design team (architects, landscape architect, interior designer and engineers), environmental consultants, project managers, general contractor, building manager and the BERDE assessment team. A champion, who is part of the team, must be selected to represent the interests of the users of the new House of Representatives building who will have responsibility and authority in deciding on issues affecting the project.


Senate, No. 941 requires existing State buildings in the State of New Jersey to be evaluated under LEED rating system as adopted by the USGBC.


House Bill 172 is an act requiring that the design, construction, operation, maintenance and deconstruction of certain new buildings conform to a certain rating standard adopted by the Maryland Green Buildings Council. 10

Senate Bill 51, enacted in 2007, required any new or renovated building whose total project cost includes 25 percent or more in state funds to be designed and built to a high performance green building standard. The law requires the State architect to select an independent thirdparty certification program such as LEED.

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