Pmp Pmbok 3rd Processes -- Inputs, Tt, Outputs

  • Uploaded by: Janell Parkhurst, PMP
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 3,069
  • Pages: 11
From 06.30AM 07.30AM 08.30AM 09.00AM 07.00PM 08.00PM 09.00PM 10.00PM 10.30PM TOTAL

To EXCERSISE BATH/MUSIC PMP STUDY OFFICE 07.30AM 0.25 0.75 0.00 0.00 08.30AM 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 09.00AM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07.00PM 0.00 0.00 2.00 6.50 08.00PM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09.00PM 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.00 10.00PM 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 10.30PM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 06.30AM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 4.00 6.50

FAMILY 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 1.50

TV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00

PMP STUDY PLAN Day 21.09.2004 22.09.2004 23.09.2004 24.09.2004 25.09.2004

Morning Overview Rita Rita Rita Rita

Afternoon Overview 1 2 3&4 5&6

Evening Overview Rita Rita Rita Rita

26.09.2004 27.09.2004 28.09.2004 29.09.2004 30.09.2004

Morning Rita Rita Rita Rita Rita

Afternoon 7&8 9 & 10 11 12 1 TO 12

Evening Rita Rita Rita Rita Rita

04.10.2004 05.10.2004 06.10.2004 07.10.2004 08.10.2004

Overview Andy Andy Andy Andy

Overview 1 2 3&4 5&6

Overview Andy Andy Andy Andy

09.10.2004 10.10.2004 11.10.2004 12.10.2004 13.10.2004

Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy

7&8 9 & 10 11 12 1 TO 12

Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy

DOS/DONTS EMAILS SLEEP TRAVEL TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.25 0.75 0.00 0.50 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 8.00 0.25 0.75 8.00 0.50 24.00

No Knowledge Area No Process 1 Integration 1 Project Charter

Purpose the document that officially starts the project

No Input 1 Contract 2 SOW 3 Organizational Policies 4

2 Preliminary Project Scope Statement

defining the initial view of the scope

3 Project Plan Development

Integrating and coordinating all project plans to create a consistent, coherent document

4 Direct and Manage Project Execution

Carrying out the project plan by performing the activities included therein

5 Monitor and Control Work

5 Integrated Change Control

6 Close Project

Environmental Factors

1 Charter 2 SOW 3 Organizational Policies 4 Environmental Factors Preliminary Project 1 Scope Statement 2 Environmental Factors 3 Organizational Policies Project Management 4 Processes

1 Project Plan 2 Ap'd Corrective Actions 3 Ap'd Preventive Actions 4 Ap'd Change Requests Ap'd and Validated 5 Defect Repair Administrative Closure 6 Procedure Compare work results Project Management to the plan and make 1 Plan adjustments 2 Work Performance Info 3 Rejected Change Reqs

Coordinating changes across the entire project

1 Project Plan 2 Req'd Changes 3 Work Performance Info 4 5 6

Rec'd Preventive Action Rec'd Corrective Act Rec'd Defect Repair



Closing the project down correctly

4 5 6

No Tools and Techniques 1 Project Selection Methods 2 Expert Judgment 3 PMIS (Prj.Mngt.Inf.Sys) Project Management 4 Methodology

Preliminary Project Scope 1 Statement

1 Project Planning Methodology 2 Expert Judgment 3 PMIS (Prj.Mngt.Inf.Sys)

1 Project Planning Methodology 2 Expert Judgment 3 PMIS (Prj.Mngt.Inf.Sys)

Project Management 1 Methodology 2 PMIS (Pr. Mngt.Inf.Sys)

1 Project Plan 2 Supporting Detail

1 Deliverables 2 Reg'd Changes 3 Imp'd Corrective Actions 4 Imp'd Preventative Actions Work Performance 5 Information

Project Management 1 Methodology 2 PMIS (PrjMngt.Inf.Sys) 3 Earned Value Technique 4 Expert Judgment

1 Rec'd Corrective Action 2 Rec'd Preventative Action 3 Req'd Changes 4 Forecasts 5 Rec'd Defect Repair

Project Management 1 Methodology 2 PMIS 3 Expert Judgment 4 Change Control Board

1 Project Plan

Project Management 1 Methodology

2 Contract Documentation

2 Expert Judgment

3 Environmental Factors

3 PMIS (PrjMngt.Inf.Sys)

Organizational Policies Deliverables Work Performance Info

No Output 1 Project Charter

4 5 6 7 8

1 App'd Change Requests 2 Rejected Change Requests 3 Project Plan Updates Project Scope Statement updates App'd Corrective Actions App'd Defect Repair Deliverables Validated Defect Repair 1 Admin Closure Procedure

2 Contract Closure Procedure Final Product 3 Service/Result Organizational Process 4 Assets Updates

Scope Management

2 Scope Planning

Plan for how scope and changes to the scope will be managed

2 Scope Definition defining and documenting the deliverables that are part of the scope




Create WBS

1 Environmental Factors Organizational Process 2 Assets 3 Project Charter 4 Project Plan Preliminary Scope 5 Statement Organizational Process 1 Assets Preliminary Scope 2 Statement 3 App'd Change Reqs

4 Subdividing the major 1 deliverables into smaller, more manageable 2 components

1 Expert Judgment 2 Templates, Forms, Standards

1 Product Analysis

Scope Management plan 4 Stakeholder Analysis Organizational Process 1 Work Breakdown Structure Assets Templates

3 4

App'd Change Reqs

Verifying the product matches the documented scope

Scope Control

Controlling changes to 1 the project scope-ensuring all of what is 2 "in scope" and only 3 that is completed

1 2 3 4

1 Scope Statement

2 Alternatives Identification 3 Expert Judgment

Project Scope Statement 2 Project Scope Management Plan

Scope Verification

1 Scope Management Plan


Req'd Changes Project Scope Plan Updates


Work Breakdown Structure


WBS Dictionary


5 6

Scope Statement Updates Scope Management Plan Updates Scope Baseline (Scope Statement, WBS/Dictionary) Req'd Changes


Scope Management plan 1 WBS Dictionary Scope Statement Deliverables


1 2 3

Accepted Deliverables Req'd Changes Rec'd Corrective Actions


Change Control System


Scope Changes

Variance Analysis Replanning Configuration Management System

2 3

WBS Updates Scope Baseline Updates


Req'd Changes Rec'd Corrective Actions Organizational Process Assets Updates


Project Plan Updates


Project Scope Statement 2 WBS Dictionary 3

4 5

Scope Management plan Performance Reports


App'd Change Reqs


Work Performance Info


Time Management

1 2 3 4 5


Activity Definition

list the project activities


Activity Sequencing

Order the activities and create the project 1 network diagrams 2 3 4 5

Decomposition Templates Rolling Wave Planning Expert Judgment Planning Component

1 2 3 4

Activity List Activity Attributes Milestone List Req'd Changes

Scope Statement


Activity List Activity Attributes Milestone List

2 3 4

PDM (Precedence diagramming method--AON) ADM (Arrow diagramming method--AOA) Dependency Determination Apply Leads and Lags


Project Schedule network diagrams

2 3 4

Activity List Updates Activity Attributes Updates Req'd Changes


Expert Judgment


Activity Resources Reqs

App'd Change Requests Environmental Factors

Activity List/Attributes 2

Alternatives Analysis



Resource Availability Project Plan (schedule plan)


Published Estimating Data


Activity Attributes Updates Resource Breakdown Structure

4 6

Project Management Software Bottom-up Estimating

4 5

Resource Calendar Req'd Changes

Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Scope Statement



Activity Duration Estimates

2 3

Expert Judgment Analogous Estimating (Topdown) Parametric Estimating (linear)

2 3

Activity Attributes Updates


Activity List/Attributes 4

PERT Three-Point Estimating

5 6

Activity Resource Reqs 5 Resource Calendar

Reserve Analysis

Schedule Network Analysis Critical Path Method Schedule Compression (crashing, fast tracking) What-if Schedule Analysis (Monte Carlo)

1 2

Project Schedule Schedule Model Data


Schedule Baseline


Resource Reqs updates

Resource Leveling Critical Chain Method

5 6

Activity List Updates Project Calendar Updates

Project Management Software


Req'd Changes

Applying Calendars Adjusting Leads and Lags Schedule Model


Project Plan Updates

Progress Reporting Schedule Change Control Sys

1 2

Performance Measurement Schedule Comparison Bar Charts


Schedule Model Data Baseline updates Performance Measurements (SPI, SV, EV)


Req'd Changes


Rec'd Corrective Action, Activity list/Attributes Updates, Project Plan Updates

3 Activity Duration Estimating the number Estimating of work periods that 1 will be needed to complete individual 2 activities 3

7 Schedule Development

Create the schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 2 3 4 5

3 Activity Resource Estimating the size of 1 Estimating the activity, the number of resources, 2 and the availability



WBS Scope Statement Environmental Factors WBS dictionary Project Plan

Schedule Control Influencing the factors that create schedule changes to ensure that the changes are agreed upon, Determining that the schedule has changed, Manage the actual changes when and as they occur

Project Plan (risk register, activity cost estimates) Organizational Process Assets Scope Statement

1 2

Activity List/Attributes 3 Project Schedule Network Diagrams 4 Activity Resource Reqs 5 Resource Calendar 6 Activity Duration Estimates 7 Project Plan (Schedule plan and risk register) 8 9 10

1 2

Schedule Management Plan 1 Schedule Baseline 2


Performance Reports



Change Requests



Variance Analysis


Cost Management




Cost Estimating

Cost Budgeting

Cost Control

1 Developing an approximation (estimate) of the costs 2 of the resources 3 needed to complete the project activities 4 5

Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Scope Statement


Analogous Estimating


2 3

Determine Resource Cost Rates Bottom-up Estimating

WBS / Dictionary Project Plan

4 5 6

Parametric Modeling Project Management Software Reserve Analysis

7 1 2

Vendor Bid Analysis, Cost of Quality Funding Limit Reconciliation Parametric Modeling

1 2

Activity Cost Estimates Supporting Details Req'd Changes Cost Management Plan Updates

Cost Baseline - takes 1 the estimated project 2 expenditures and maps them back to 3 dates on the calendar 4 5 6 7 8

Scope Statement WBS / Dictionary

Activity Cost Estimates 4 Supporting Details 5 Project Schedule Resource Calendar Contract Cost Management Plan

Reserve Analysis Cost Aggregation

3 4

Cost Baseline (Budget) Project Funding Reqs Cost Management Plan Updates Req'd Changes

Influencing the factors 1 that create changes to the cost baseline 2 (PROACTIVE!!) measure what's 3 executed against what was planned

Cost Baseline



Cost Estimating Updates

Project Funding Reqs


Cost Change Control Sys Performance Measurement Analysis (EV…)


Performance Reports


Forecasting (EAC, ETC)


Cost Baseline Updates Performance Measurements

Project Plan Work Performance Info App'd Change Reqs

4 5 6

Project Performance Reviews Project Management Software Variance Management

4 5 6 7 8

Forecasted Competition Req'd Changes Rec'd Corrective Actions Organizational Updates Project Plan Updates

4 5 6


Quality Management

1 Quality Planning Identifying which Quality specifications are for this project & determining how to satisfy them

1 Environmental Factors 2 Organizational Process

1 Benefit/Cost Analysis 2 Benchmarking

3 Scope Statement 4 Project Plan

3 Cost of Quality 4 Design of experiments

1 Quality Management Plan 2 Quality Checklists Process Improvement Plan 3 (Project Plan) 4 Quality Baseline 5

2 Quality Assurance

Execution of planned systematic quality control measures to ensure the project will take advantage of all processes --Process improvement

1 Quality Mngt Plan

2 Quality Metrics 3 4

3 Quality Control

Monitoring each deliverable to determine if they comply with relevant Quality standards & identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance


Work Performance Info Apr'd Change Reqs Implemented Change/Corrective/defec t/preventive


Quality Control Measures


Process Improvement Plan 1 Quality Metrics 2 Quality Mngt Plan 3 Work Performance Info 4 Checklists



Quality Planning Tools and 1 Techniques Quality Audits (review the product to see which processes should be 2 improved) Process Analysis

Cause and Effect Diagrams 1 (Ishikawa, fishbone) Control Charts (Statistical 2 Process Control) 3 Inspection 4 Defect Repair Review

Apr'd Change Reqs

5 Pareto Chart


Run Chart/Scatter Diagram/Statistical Sampling/Flow6 Charting/Histogram

Project Plan Updates Req'd Changes/Corrective 1 Actions

Organizational Process As Updates Plan Updates

Quality Control 1 Measurements 2 Validated Defect Repair 3 Baseline Updates 4 Validated Deliverables Req'd Changes/Corrective 5 Actions

Plan Updates


Human Resource Management



Organizational Planning

identifying, documenting & 1 assigning project roles, responsibilities, 2 and reporting 3 relationships

1 Staff Acquisition Getting the human resources needed 2 assigned to & working on the project. 3 4 5


Team Development

Executing process that focuses on building a sense of team and improving its performance

Environmental Factors


Organizational Assets Project Plan

2 3

Organizational Charts and Position Descriptions Matrix (Responsibility Assignment Matrix) Networking


Role & Responsibility Assignments

2 3

Staffing Management Plan Organization Chart

Staffing Mngt.Plan Environmental Factors

1 2

Organizational Theory Reassignment Negotiation

1 2


Acquisition (external to org)


Project Staff Assigned Resource Availability Staffing Management Plan Updates

Project Org Charts Roles and Responsibilities


Virtual Teams

Organizational Assets Project Staff 1 Assignments

1 Forms of Power

2 Resource Availability

2 General Management Skills

3 Staffing Mngt Plan

Reward & Recognition 3 Systems

1 Performance Assessments

4 Team building activities


Manage Project Team

Manage the staffing management plan and change were needed


Ground Rules





Project Staff 1 Assignments Roles and 2 Responsibilities 3 Staffing Mngt Plan 4

Project Org Charts


Organizational Assets Team Performance Assessments Performance Reports Work Performance Info

6 7 8


1 Observation and Conversation Project Performance 2 Appraisals 3 Conflict Management

2 3

4 Sources of Conflict


Issue Log

1 Req'd changes (to staff)


Rec'd Corrective Actions Rec'd Preventive Actions Input to Performance Appraisals Lesson Learned Documentation (variance)


Project Plan Updates


Communication Management

1 Communications Determining the info. Planning & communication needs of the stakeholders: who needs what information, when they willneeded need it info and 2 Information Making Distribution

3 Performance Reporting

4 Manage Stakeholders

available to project stakeholders in a timely manner

Communication Reqs Analysis 1 (communication channels) 2 Communication Technology

1 2 3

Environmental Factors Organizational Assets Project Plan


Scope Statement


1 Communication Skills Communications Mngt. Information Gathering and Plan 2 Retrieval System Lessons Learned Process 3 (meetings)

Communications Mngt. 1 Plan

Organizational Process 1 Updates 2 Requested Changes

4 Information distribution methods Reporting against the Information Presentation Tools performance 1 Work Performance Info 1 (graphical info) 1 Performance Reports baseline--how the Performance project is doing Measurements Information Gathering and against the plan 2 (CV,SV,CPI,etc.) 2 Compilation 2 Forecasts Forecasted Completion 3 (EAC, ETC) 3 Status Review Meetings 3 Requested Changes Quality Control 4 Measurements 4 Time Reporting Systems 4 Recommended Corrections Organizational Process 5 Approved Change Reqs 5 Cost Reporting Systems 5 Updates 6 Deliverables 7 ensuring the stakeholders are 1 heard and their needs are meet 2

Project Plan Communications Mngt. Plan 1

Communications Methods (effective meetings)


Organizational Assets

Issue Logs




Resolved Issues Organizational Process Updates App'd Changes/Corrective/Plan Updates


Risk Management







Risk Management Planning

Risk Identification

Qualitative Risk Analysis

Defining what level of tolerable level of risk, how risk will be managed, who's responsible for risk activities, time and cost associated with risk, findings will be communicated Determining which risks might affect the project and documenting their characteristics

1 2

Environmental Factors Organizational Process


Planning Meetings and Analysis 1

Risk Management Plan

3 4 5

Scope Management Plan Scope Statement Project Management Plan


Risk management plan



Risk Register


Environmental Factors


Documentation reviews Information Gathering Techniques (SWOT)

3 4

Project Scope Statement 3 Project Plan 4


Risk Registry Updates


List of prioritized risks

5 1 Performing a qualitative analysis of risks and conditions to 2 prioritize their effects 3 on project objectives 4

Quantitative Risk Measuring the Analysis probability and consequences of risks 1 and estimating their implications for project objectives

Risk Response Planning

Risk Monitoring and Control

5 1

Risk Register Organizational Process Scope Statement

2 3 4 5

Risk management plan


2 3 4

Risk Register List of prioritized risks Organizational Process

2 3

5 6

Project Scope Statement Project Plan

Developing procedures and 1 techniques to enhance opportunities 2 and reduce threats to the project's objectives

Monitoring residual risks, identifying new risks, executing risk reduction plans, and evaluating their effectiveness throughout the project life cycle.

Organizational Process Risk management plan

Risk management plan


Risk Register

Checklist Analysis Assumptions Analysis Diagramming Techniques (Ishikawa) Risk probability & impact Probability / impact risk rating matrix Risk Data Quality Assessment Risk Categorization Risk Urgency Assessment

Data Gathering and Representation Techniques (Interviewing, Expert Judgment) 1 Quantitative Risk Analysis and Modeling Techniques (Sensitivity, Tornado diagrams, Expected Monetary Value analysis, Decision Trees) 2 Modeling and Simulation

Negative Strategies (Avoid, Transfer, Mitigate) Positive Strategies (Exploit, Share, Enhance)

Risk Register Updates

Prioritized list of Quantified Risk


Risk Register Updates


Project Plan Updates

Compromise (Acceptance, Contingent Response Strategy) 3

Risk-Related Contractual Agreements

1 2 3

Risk Register Updates Req'd Changes Rec'd Corrective Actions

4 5 6

Rec'd Preventative Actions Organizational Process Access Project Management Plan

1 2 3

Risk management plan 1 Risk Register 2 App'd Change Requests 3


Work Performance Info


Risk Assessment Risk Audits Variance and Trend Analysis Technical Performance Measurement


Performance Reports

5 6

Reserve Analysis Status Meetings


Procurement Management



Plan Purchase and Acquisition

Determining which components or 1 services of the project 2 will be procured from external sources

Organizational policies Project Plan

1 2

3 4 5

Environmental Factors Scope Statement WBS / Dictionary


Plan Contracting Detailed documents (RFPs) that will allow 1 bid 2 3 4



Request Seller Responses

Select Sellers

Distributing Docs then Obtaining quotations, 1 bids offers, or 2 proposals as appropriate 3 Choosing from among 1 potential sellers who will be awarded a 2 contract 3 4 5 6 7


Contract Administration

Managing the relationship with the seller

1 2 3 4 5 6


Contract Closure Completion and settlement of contract, 1 including resolution of any open items 2 3 4

Legend: Initiating Planning

Executing Monitoring and Controlling


Make-or-buy analysis Expert Judgment Contract type (Fixed Price, Cost Reimbursable, Time and Material) Point of Total Assumption

1 2

Procurement Management Plan Procurement SOW

3 4 5

Contract SOW Make-or-buy decisions Requested Changes

Standard forms Expert Judgment

1 2

Procurement documents Evaluation criteria


Contract Statement of work updates

Bidder conferences Develop Qualified Sellers List

1 2

Proposals Qualified Sellers List


Advertising Contract negotiation

3 1

Procurement documents Package Selected Sellers


Weighting system



Evaluation Criteria Proposals Qualified Sellers List Project Plan Procurement Document Package

3 4 5 6

Screening system Independent estimates Seller Rating Systems Expert Judgment

3 4 5 6

Contract Management Plan Resource Availability Procurement Plan Updates Requested Changes

7 8

Proposal Evaluation Techniques Independent estimates

Contract Contract Management Plan Selected Sellers Work Performance Info Approved Change Requests Performance Reports



2 3 4

Contract change control system Buyer-Conducted Performance review Inspections and Audits Performance Reporting

2 3 4

Contract Documentation Organizational Process Assets Updates Requested Changes Recom'd Corrective Actions

5 6 7 8

Records Management System Payment System Information Technology Claims Administration


Project Plan updates

Procurement audits


Records Management System


Closed Contracts Organizational Process Assets Updates

Procurement Management Plan Contract SOW Project Plan

1 2

Make-or-buy Decisions Procurement documents 1 Organizational policies 2 Procurement Management Plan Organizational policies Procurement Management Plan

Procurement Management Plan 1 Contract Management Plan 2 Contract Documentation Contract Closure Procedure

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