Plankton Terminologi(2)

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  • Words: 337
  • Pages: 19
TERMINOLOGI PLANKTON Viktor Hensen (abad 19, ilmuwan Jerman): Organisme mikroskopis baik hewan maupun tumbuhan yang hidup melayang bebas tidak dapat melawan arus, serta tidak terikat dengan pantai dan dasar plankton plank·ton [plángktən] noun mass of tiny floating organisms: a mass of tiny animals and plants floating in the sea or in lakes, usually near the surface, and eaten by fish and other water animals -plank·ton·ic [plangk tónnik], , adjective Microsoft® Encarta® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.










Kenapa dipelajari • Sumber makanan bagi ikan dan organisme air lainnya, bahkan manusia • Penyedia oksigen terpenting di perairan • Sebagai indikator tingkat kesuburan • Sebagai indikator tingkat pencemaran

Linkages of algae, macrophytes, and fisheries in lakes

Pengelompokan  Berdasarkan kemampuan membuat makanan: Fitoplankton (Seluruhnya termasuk algae) Zooplankton  Berdasarkan lama hidup sbg plankton Holoplankton (seluruh siklus hidup sbg plankton) Examples of holoplankton include diatoms,

 Berdasarkan ukuran

 Nannoplankton/ultraplankton/ mikroplankton (<10µ, <30µ, <50µ)  Netplankton/mesoplankton (<1mm>60µ)  Makroplankton/megaplankton/ megaloplankton (> 1mm)  Plankton are also often described in terms of size. Usually the following divisions are used: However, some of these terms may be used with very different boundaries, especially on the larger end of the scale. The existence and importance of nanoand even smaller plankton was only discovered during the 1980s, but they


Size range ( ESD)

Megaplankt on

2×10-1 and above

Major organisms

metazoans; e.g. jellyfish metazoans; e.g. Macroplankt 2×10-2 →2×10(2-20 cm) pteropods; 1 on m chaetognaths Mesoplank 2×10-4→2×10-2 (0.2 mm-2 metazoans; e.g. ton m cm) copepods large eukaryotic Microplank 2×10-5→2×10-4 (20-200 protists; ton m µm) juvenile/small metazoans -6 -5 Nanoplankto 2×10 →2×10 small eukaryotic (2-20 µm) n m protists (20+ cm)

2×10-7→2×10-6 (0.2-2 Picoplankton m µm)

small eukaryotic protists; bacteria

Femtoplankt < 2×10-7 m on

marine viruses

(< 0.2 µm)

Berdasarkan habitat Limnoplankton (di danau) Heleoplankton (di kolam) Potamoplankton (di sungai) Hipalmiroplankton (di air payau) Haliplankton (di laut)

Alat tangkap/pengumpul • Gayung • Ember • Water sampler • Plankton net

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