Pick Pocketing

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Pick Pocket ing by anonymous NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.

Pick Pocketing:The Art of the Lift A man takes his wallet out and pays for a newspaper. He puts his wallet back and turns toleave when someone brushes past him muttering "Excuse me". its a crowded place so the man thinks nothing of it...at least until he's about to get into his car and notices his wallet is missing. He looks back to where he had been bumped, but the man is long gone. A woman stands on an esculator, watching the crowded mall below. Behind her on the next step is a young girl wearing a walkman. The music is up liud enough for the woman to hear it, and the girl is moving to the beat, occationally bumping up against her. The woman ignores this, thinking about kids these days and doesn't notice the girl's jacket is partally draped over her purse. The woman gets off the esculator thinking that the girl will go deaf with such loud music. She never realizes until she's about to pay for her purchase that her wallet is gone. The young woman sets her bag down and then proceeds to stretch out on her beach towel. She notices a man watching her and puts a little wiggle in her movements. He's kinda cute and maybe he'll ask her out, which would be okay since she's on vacation and wants to have a little fun. She lays on the the towel and begins to sun tan, but the sun is bright and so she closes her eyes. After a few minutes she looks up to she if the man is still watching her. But he is gone...and so is, she now realises, her bag. They can have hands as fast as a snake, or they can cleverly use distraction to stealthly make their lift, or they can simply wait for someone to leave themselves vulnerable...who are they? They're pickpockets. Wither its smooth team work, or simple snatch of oppertunity its all about the art of the lift... Here is your target. What is a pickpocket? The dictionary merely states that it is a thief who steals from pockets. While this definition is true, it is a very narrow definition on a broad subject. A pickpocket isn't just a thief who steals from pockets, a pick pocket is a master in the art of diversion. Most guides tell you how to avoid becoming a potential "mark" of a pickpocket, but this one is going to teach you how to pick pockets. Picking pockets is an easy, non-violent way to make some extra money. Unlike most crimes there is little contact with the victim and violence involved at all. Even if suspected, a pickpocket can clam ignorance and just say they bumped into the person. A busy crowd, a distracted woman with an open purse and a fat wallet, and then there is some money for you to spend on yourself. Its quick and easy, plus if done properly you are long gone before they ever know their wallet is now safely in your pocket. Don't feel guilty though, you are teaching them a valuable lesson, and that is to watch their belongings better. Pickpockets never see faces, only wallets and purses. Mothers with kids, the elderly, and distracted tourists are all potential targets, or "marks". This isn't personal only buisness.

The one thing you must have to be a pickpocket is patience. You may have to wait to find the right "mark", or until they leave themselves vulnerable. You don't want to blow your hand or risk getting caught by jumping the gun. But it is worth it, a pickpocket can make more in a day that a stick up man can in a year. The Mark To start this guide we are going to start from the begining, and that is with the person at the recieving end of your probing hands; the person's wallet you are about to take. What is the "mark"? The mark is how you make your money! The "mark" is pickpocket slang for the target of a pickpocket. No pocket or purse can ever be 100% pickpocket proof, but some are harder than others. You should always go for the easy targets first. Trust me, there are plenty out there. Men with baggie pants or big pockets, or women with their purses open to the world. Women make better marks than men do, seeing how their wallets aren't in contract with their bodies. Also, they don't always have their purses with them ( in shopping carts, strollers, the back of chairs, in cars, on counters, etc.). A lot of the tips in this guide are intended for our "Moll Buzzers" in training. A "Moll Buzzer" is a pickpocket who only targets women, but don't get me wrong men make just as good marks as woemn, so there are plenty of tips here to help you releve a absent minded man of his wallet also. The best mark is a person alone and distracted by other things, and it usually takes less than a minute to relieve them of their valuables. But wallets aren't the only thing you can take from the mark, you can also take money from their pockets or jewelry from the bodies. Some people will cram their cash in their pockets, making it easy to remove it. Jewelry taking is a little harder, but with time the mark's jewel's are now your jewels. Anyone can be a potential mark, after all it only takes a moment to distract someone from their valuables, but some people just leave themselves open for some enterprising soul to relieve them of their wallets. You've seen this person before, the man whose wallet it sticking out of his pocket or the woman who leaves her purse completely unattended in a shopping cart while she is looking at something else. Sometimes they will pat their pockets to make sure everything is still there and it will lead you right to it. Just keep your eyes open and the mark will come to you, and if you watch them carefully the mark will lead you straight to the prize. Is she paying more attention to who's on the phone, or her purse? With her mind on her shopping she won't think about whose whand in her purse. Leaving their purse on strollers and in shooping carts make women better marks as thie wallets are not in contact with their bodies. Easily distracted women make the best marks. The Basics First and most importantly, these are your objectives. The over all goal of being a pickpocket is taking the wallet of another and placing it in your pocket, for uses as you see fit. You are taking someone else's money for your own. A partener or a team is best for this sort of thing, but being a "cannon", or solo pickpocket is just as easy and plus you get to keep all of the money yourself. Pickpocketing is a game not only of not only skill and stealth, but of DIVERSION. You don't need to have fast hands (although it helps) as long as the mark's mind is on something else. For instance in a crowded elevator a woman will be thinking about many other thing besides who is standing beside or behind her. In a crowded place it is normal for strangers to press up

against each other, so they don't even notice something pressing up against their pocket or purse. If the the pickpocket is good then the mark never feels a thing. A simple bump and her wallet is now in your pocket. Most people never think twice about it when that person pressed up against them, or bumped into them and that's the key to pickpocketing. It bares repeating that diversion is the key! The human mind can only concetrate on one things at a time, and its attention is easily deverted.if some one is thinking about something else then their minds won't be on their pockets or purses...and whose hands are in them. Keep in mind that the human can be distracted easily. To prove this here is a simple test: count to yourself outloud to ten but when youg et to 5 think the word "Batman". Could you think and count at the same time? No, it doesn't work like that. The human mind can only focuse one thing at a time, so if you bump into someone they will feel that and not you slipping thier wallet out of their pocket or purse. The Basics Part Two Remember to be stealthy and blend in. Try not to act different or suspiciously, and dress normal. People will be on guard and might remember you if you act oddly. Even if it is a simple snatch of oppertunity, it is still all about getting the goods and vanishing. Never run unless you have to, but walk away briskly. Keeping our activities out of sight is vital for pickpockets . Becareful, even if the mark feels or sees nothing, someone else might. Be on guard for cameras and other people's eyes, which are easily fooled. Most people aren't paying attention to anyone other than themselves, and even thats poorly (which makes a pickpocket's job even easier.) While you can pick a pocket just about anywhere, the best place to try are as follows; outdoors, resteraunts, restrooms, parking lots, parks, libraries, on escalators, in elevators, revolving doors, and in movie theaters. Basically anywhere the mark might be distracted easily. Resteraunts are fertile ground because dinners hand jackets or bags over the back of their seats, or even more rashly dump handbags out of sight on the floor. But if you see an opportunity anywhere go for it. Never hesitate, if you think its a golden moment seize it! Carry a shopping bag, book bag, or (ladies) a purse to hide your stolen goods in.Simple wallets can be placed in pockets, but if you have to jack the whole purse then you don't want to have to carry it around in plain site. A last bit of advice: should you have to jack the whole purse make sure that if it has a cell phone in it that it is TURNED OFF! Should the mark have time to realize what you've done she could use this as a way to find you if you are still close. Either ditch the phone or turn it off. General Tips Some general tips and schemes can be used on both men and women, and so I decided to put them here, instead of under Moll Buzzer and Bump and Lift. They pretty much employ simple distraction, but hey when the mark's wallet is in your pocket you won't care how it got there. Here is an example of the most common of pickpocket tricks, the sandwhich, also known as the stall. It can be used to set up a bump and lift or, as seen in the pic, the dipping of a purse. The set up is basic, and if done right, the results are simple and easy. This requires, obviously, a team of at least two. If you want to pull a more elaberate one be my guest, but this only needs a "stall" and a "lift".You and your partener find a mark and work your way until you have boxed him or her in between you. Then wait until the time is right and have the stall suddenly stop, forcing the mark to run into them. This is when the lift quickly moves up behind them and dips the wallet from either pocket or purse. Timming is critcal in this, the lift

has to be ready to make his move and "bump" into the mark right when the stall suddenly stops. If done right, the mark is sandwhiched between the team and doesn't feel the lift. After that its just a simple matter for the lift (unless you have a pass off working with you) to vanish into the crowd after apologising. The Argument Another oldie but goodie is the staged arguement or fight. Have your team start fighting, which will cause potentail marks to become distracted, making their wallets easy pickings. A full crowd could give you some easy marks. Coin Trick This is a great, and basically simple way to make a lift using the mark's own greed to help set them up. Drop some change on the gound and set back and wait. This scame will work with or with out a partener. When a guy see's the change he'll either bend over or drop down, and that's the time to strike! When bent down the jeans will tighten on the hips-remember the mind can only focus on one thing at a time-and it will also force the tip of the wallet out of the lip of the pocket. One quick push with your index finger at the base of the pocket and wallet will slide right out into your greedy little hands. This also works on women who will heedlessly tos thier bags over their backs or even set them down on the ground. Any way you look at it its easy game. Shoulder Surfing At an ATM machine have a partener either stroll by the mark or watch them type from a distance using binoculars and get their pin number. After that lift the wallet and now you have both the card and the access number. Opps! Pretend to suddnely spill something, like a drink or food, on someone then hurry to help them clean it off. Brush them off roughly (but not to roughly) and while you are doing this have your partener use this distraction to make the lift. Or, time permiting, make the lift yourself rom the bewildered mark.. Fanny packs are no big deal if you have enough time. Most of the time they are worn slightly to the side, which would alow you acess to the zipper. Should this no be the case, but you want the wallet wait until the mark is directly infront of you, the quickly reach up and unsnap the latch. They are usually in the back, and if you can grab is fast you can make off into the crowd before she (or he) realizes what happened. Team Vs Solo In this scheme a team of pickpockets work to distract the mark and take her wallet. Here we see a lone "cannon" lifting th wallet of an unsupecting mark. Here is something that every pickpocket must decide, wither or not to work as a team or go it solo. Either way works, and each has its own pluses and minusses. You'll have to weigh your options at hand and make your own disicions. As a team working over the mark is easier, as is removing the goods. But to work as a team you have to be able to reasonably trust your partener, or parteners. If you can't trust them then the scheme won't work. A solo pickpocket works alone, and has to lift the mark's wallet on their own. A "cannon" can work in secret and vanish leaving no trace behind, but they have to work to find the right place to make the lift. A solo also has to carry the wallet away with them, instead of having a partener to pass it off to. A bonus is that a solo pickpocket doesn't have to share the profits, but having help is always good too.

This guide has tips for both solo and team pickpocketing, so you're set either way. Purse Snatching NOTE: I do not in any way shape or form advocate purse snatching (by this I mean running up from behind and ripping the bag off a woman's shoulder. This is sloppy and dangerous, you might as well be a mugger. Purse snatching doesn't require any skill and is brutal.) Howerver don't confuse purse snatching with opportunity pickpocketing, where you find the bag unattended and take it. These are examples of unattended purses, which are fair game. This usually occurs when a woman either leaves her bag somewhere for a moment, giving a thief the chance to take it. The back of a chair, the passanger seat of a car, the front of a shopping cart are all places where this can occur. The taking of an unatended purse is not "purse snatching" but rather opportunity pickpocketing...which brings us to... The Purse Here I will show how how to pluck the wallet from an unsuspecting woman. There you see her, talking on her cell phone oblivious to the world around her. Her purse is dangling over her shoulder, still open from where she took out the phone. What do you do? This is what this part of the guide is all about. The purse is really a pickpocket's dream come true; the wallet is away from the mark's body, out of sight, and sometimes not even near the mark at all. A woman's wallet offers more to its taker than a man's does, seeing how it can also hold more cards and checkbooks, and as mentioned earlier is easier to relocate. The best mark is a woman alone with a dangling purse from her shoulder, preferably with her purse flap open or unzipped. With the bag behinder gently feel for the snap (if it is still latched) and unfasten it, using your thumb to mask the click. The bag will drop slightly, but this is okay. Most women won't notice this and now the contents are loser in the bag. After that gently, but quickly, slide your hand in and fell for the wallet, which should be easy since they are usually made of leather. Grab it with your index and thumb (the picking, or dipping, fingers. To strenghten them for a lift try putting a tight rubber band around them and work opening and closing.) Gently slide the wallet out and if you have a partener pass it off, o just tuck it in your pocket and walk away. A zipped purse is no big deal if you take your time and are careful. First gently grasp the zipper with your index and thumb and index finger and gently pull back as quickly as possible. For this type of lift try and have a coat over your arm to mask your hans. Zippers take longer than latches and you don't want to be seen at work. Practice unzipping things at home until you can get used to doing it quickly, quietly, and without disturbing the mark. After the bag is open just dip into it and remove the wallet. A backpack purse is the ultimate pickpocket dream come true. The valuables are completely out of sight and in easy reach of the person behind them. The only drawback is that they then to be large and it is harder to find the wallet. Press up against the mark and gently either unsnap or unzip the purse, then remove the wallet. The backpack is a good mark because the back has few nerve receptors and so if the bag is touch the mark won't feel it. Moll Buzzer Tips If you're good she'll never know. A simple, yet well known and used method of taking a woman's wallet is in the grocery store. The best place to dip the mark is at the vegatable isle, which is usually near the front of the store. The woman normally leaves her purse in the buggy while looking for her vegatables. Lift her wallet and either leave, or time

permiting, buys something with her cards or money before she has a chance to know they've been stolen. "Just going in for a minute" It's late an she needs gas. To save time she'll just grab what she owes and run into the gas station, leaving her purse in the car. "I'll only be a mintue," she thinks. This is a pickpocket's dream come true, and a lift that shouldn't be passed. True its only oppurtinusitc pickpocketing, but that doesn't matter. Time permiting you should just grab the wallet and leave the purse, but if you are feeling rushed just grab the bag and go. Leaving the purse will give you more to get away before she realises her wallet is gone. Always keep an eye out for this because it happenes all the time. This works at post offices, sporting events, day care senters, libraries, and sometimes just on the street when she's "just going in for a minute". Trust me if you kep your eyes open it only takes a minute. If you happen to see a woman get out of her car and go in some where sans purse, casually stroll over to the car and look in the windows. If you see a covered object on the passanger's side floor, there is your target. Most women keep their purses on the passanger's side, and if she's "only going in for a minute" she may cover it up with a coat or something. Just open the door, grab the purse or wallet, and beat feet. Don't let the covering up fool you. "The Shoe Store" She's buying a new pair of shoes, but first has to try them on. She sits her bag down and begins to take off her shoes and puts on the other shoes. This is your time to strike. While she is distracted, either lift the wallet or grab the bag and make off with it. Will she be smiling like that after you take her wallet? "The Rest Room" Here's a good one for the busy Christmas shopping season. Ladies (or guys with a female accomplice) you see a lady walk into a rest room alone. Follow quickly and see which stall she is in. When she goes in walk up to the stall and watch her feet. This is what you'll see: as she enters her feet face the wall towards the toliet. Next her feet turn around and are facing the door. What she has just done was enter the stall, turned around, locked the door and placed her purse on the hook of the door. You'll see her feet turn around again. She will now spend up to 30 seconds or so fixing the seat cover on the toilet. When she turns to face the toilet, reach over the door and take her purse off the hook. You see she'll be momentarily distracted while she pus the seat cover on so that it will be a perfect fit and not fall in (or as a lead up sit all the toliet seats up so she'll have to put it down, giving you more time). While she is doing this, her back is tothe door and her purse. Now think back to the last time you used the toilet in a public rest room. Where was the hook on the door. Right near the top of the door, making it very convient for some enterprising soul to relieve the lady of her wallet. With her purse in your hand, you can do one or two things. Either quickly pull the wallet out and toss the bag back over the door to her stall. She'll hear the noise, turn around and see her purse on the floor. By the time she realizes what happened her waller is gone. The other option for our nibble fingered thief is to take the entier purse and place it in an empty carry-on bag or shopping bag that she has with her and quickly walk out and blend into the crowd.

Mull Buzzer Part Two By this time she realises, the pickpocket is long gone. "The Parking Lot" Check out a local grocery store parking lot and wait until you see a woman go in alone. Note which car she is in and then, when no one is looking, flatten her tire with a nail. Hang around (but not noticably) until she comes back out and then tell her that he tire is flat. She'll toss her bag into the car and come and look at it (or just incase wait until she puts he purse in the car). While you are showing it to her have your partener quickly walk by and take the purse while she is distracted. Take the wallet and dump the purse in the nearest dumpster and you and your

friend have some spending money tonight. Another parking lot scam is similar, have your partener approach the woman while she is still loading up her goods ( normally they leave their purses in the shopping carts, usually still open) and ask her for directions. While she is distracted quickly ither take her wallet or purse and make off with it.

Ladies here's a real simple one, most women carry purse; its a given. Most people don't pay anny attention to what purse a woman holding (except us pickpockets) so find your mark and follow her until she sets her bag down somewhere then calmly walk up behind her, or wait until she's gone, and just walk off with it as if it were your own. Simple oppertunistic pickpocketing yes, but it works. The Bus Carry a coat over your arm: here is how this one works boys and girls, if the coat is over your arm then no one can see your hands. This is a good thing as it lets you get closer to your mark. Either just drape your arm or cut out one of the pockets tso that you can slip your hand through. A sample of how this might work is this: A lady gets on a crowded bus and pays the driver with cash. She puts her wallet back in her purse and moves on to the bus. A man moves forward, looking out the window as if his stop is coming up. He stands by the woman and carelessly drapes his coat over her purse as pauses to catch his ballance. She doesn't think much of this and doesn't pay any attention, while he reaches through the cut pocket and lifts her wallet. He then gets off the bus with noone the wiser. the coat trick is a good one if you are in a crowded area and you don't want anyone to see your hands.

"Lunch Hour" In hospitals and offices many women leave their offices (and purses) unattened and unlocked while they go to lunch. About noon go into one (if possible try and watch the place a couple times to find the best marks) and walk around as if you have the right to be there. Most people won't bother to question you about being there if you don't look suspisious. As soon as you see some women leave thier offices go in quickly and close the door behind you. Most women put their purses in their left hand bottom drawer, or in a closet with their coat. Quickly find the purse and pocket the wallet, then leave. If you are quick you can make of with a couple wallets. "The Theater" The group in front of you set down and begin talking. While they are distracted look down while pretending to tie your shoe and see if any of the women put their purses on the floor. This is a comon thing in movie theaters because the ladies don't want to have to hold thier bags the whole time. If they have placed it on the floor, or under the chair, wait until the movie starts and then reach under her (or their if you're lucky) seat and grab the bag. Either take the bag and go, or empty the purse and leave under the eat. Moll Buzzer Part 3 While she is relaxing you are helping yourself to her wallet. "Pools" "In the sumer time when the weather is fine you swish right up and take a wallet so fine..." Alright, corny parodies aside any where there is swimming going on there will be an oppertunity to pick a pocket. Where as men usually leave their wallets in lockers (I'll cover this more later) women normally take their bags out with them, so standard rules apply. Wait until they are swiming and either make off with the whole bag, placing it under your towel or in a bag of your own, or, if the mark isn't paying much attention, sit down and go through the bag, (or bags if you are lucky) like you have every right to and pocket the wallet. If you have a partener or a team here is a good scam to us to get away with a lot of purses. Have a friend wait outside the chain link fence (most pools have chain link fences) while you, or you and a buddy, wait until everyone is in the pool. The swimmers and lifeguards will be paying more attention to the water than the gound, so you can grab as many bags as you can and toss them to your friend on the other side of the fence, then go out the other way or go over the fence yourself. Girls a real simple one is the old sit down, grab the bag as if it was yours, and

then walk out. This can work for men here because some women put their purses into other bags so they won't be noticable. What really won't be noticeable is some guy leaving the pool with his bag...which just happenes to have someone's purse in it. Escalators This is one of the better places to snatch a wallet. The mark is right below you and you can be noticeably pressed against themw ithout being suspected. This is a good place to work even if you don't have a partener If you do have one then have them drop something and pick it up, bumping into the mark. As soon as this occurs make your move to lift the waller. This scam is best done at the top or bottom of the stairs, as the mark doesn't have enough time to check their valuables before the lift is gone. Another way is to have your partener talk to them, distracting them while you lift reach into her purse. If you are alone just use the basic techniques of bump and lift or use the motion of the escalators to mask the gentle lifting of their wallets.

"Food Court" You walk into the mall about noon and enter the tightly packed food court. You spy a group of ladies chatting and eating their lunches. Some of them have theif purses beside or under their chairs, and others have them dangling from the back of their chairs. You sit down behind one of them and appear to be engrossed in a magizine or news paper. You then drop one of your hands to your side and reach backwards her purse without while still looking forward. Lift the wallet and then tuck it in your newspaper or magazine, then walk away. While she's pefecting her trick shot you'll be walking out the door with her purse. Bars It seems like a no brainer but women who are busy drinking and partying won't be paying any attention to their wallets. Its crowded and dark, perfect place for crims where eys can't see.Women will heedlessly drape their purses over the back of their chairs or completly leave them to go out dancing on the floor. Simple opertunist can just walk in and take one at their leasure. The ones who do keep their bags may become drunk, making it an easy score to lift their wallet. This is ripe time to go for a lift, and here are a few tips to get into their bags. Have a partener apraoch the mark away from her bag and either ask her to dance or the time. While she is answering either of these questions this is when you either rifle through her bag to get the wallet, or just pick it up and walk off as yout frontman keeps her distracted. Another helpful trick to relieve a woman burdened with to much cash is this. It is a varation of the old "opps, I spilt something on you" trick. Find a woman alone, or at least by herself for the moment, and find a way to incocently spill your drink on her. While you are hastily triying to help her, have your partener either lift the wallet or take away the purse. Fumble around with the mark so that your partner has plenty of time to do the job and then get away. The Pocket Here I will show you how to lift the wallet of a unsupecting man. A man is standing, reading a newspaper, waiting to cross the street. He is deeply engrossed in his paper, only occationally looking at his watch. You've been walking behind him since he left the newstand and have noticed that the tip of his wallet is sticking out of his back pocket. You are now standing behind him, bare inces from his wallet...what do you do? That is what this part of the guide is about.

The basic, mother of all pick pocket tricks is the Bump and lift. This can be done diferent ways, solo or in a team. There's not really much to say about it, its that simple. Once you learn it, much like riding a bike, you'll never forget. This is really the only way to take a wallet from a man, short of muggin him, But their is diferent ways of going about the bump, and I'll give you a few of them here. First thing's first, never stick your whole hand in someone's back pocket. That's sloppy, and you'll probably get caught. The only time that may even be useable is if the wallet is in his

jacket pocket.The way to do the bump and lift is done by either sliding in your dipping fingers, the thumb and index, or by make a serries of tiny pleats in the lining of the pocket at the lip

Solo pick pocketing can be done easy enough on men and women. When it comes to the bump and lift solo you have to either wait for the mark to be distracted or find away to momentarily distract them yourself. Timing is crucial to mask the lift with the bump, however some marks will be so distracted by other things that you can lift the wallet without the bump. Team bump and lift works the same way, only you have your partener or parteners distract the mark while you lift the wallet. This is usually done by using the "sandwitch" stall, which pins the mark inbetween the "bump" and the "lift". Your partener stands in front of him, and stops suddenly, causing the mark to run into him. When that happens you slide up and lift the wallet.

Although no back pocket is ever completely pickpocket proof, some are harder than others. Pockets with zippers, buttons, or velcro make lifting a wallet more difficult. The only plus side to getting these pockets open is that they are usually bigger than jean pockets, making the actuall dip much easier. However if you come across a pocket you don't think you can pick, then the tool to use is the razor. Just like with the purse, the razor is the tool to use when all else fails. Only difference is unlike just sliting the back of the bag open wide, with the pocket the job is a little slyer. You just want to slit the pocket open and take the wallet, not cut any other part of the pants. What you do is get the razor between your middle and index finger and with one swift movement slit the bottom of the pocket. Gravity will do the rest and deliver the wallet right into your greedy little hands. This will also help with side pockets, which are harder to get at. The Bump and Lift Crowded elevators make a good place to pick a pocket. Stand behind the mark and wait for the elevator to stop. When it does lean forward and bump and lift the wallet out of the man's back pocket, using the jerking motion of the elevator and your bump to mask the lift. Apologise, then quickly, but noticably, leave the elevator.

Another bump and lift trick is to find your mark, preferably with an open back pocket, and walk straight towards them in a cramped hallway or area. As you press against him trying to go the other way, dip your fingers into his back pocket and lift the wallet.The bumping

into him as you pass will mask the lift and after that its child's to walk off with the wallet. In a tightly packed crowd position you and your partener between your mark and then press up against him. Use your "bump" to slightly lean to the left which will force the mark to do so also. Most men carry their wallets in thier right back pocket, and this will open the lip of the pocket slightly. After getting the mark into the right position give off another faint signal and have your friend lean back slightly into the lip and pulling out the wallet.

Conclusion Why have a website about picking pockets, you might ask? well as the old saying goes its cleaner than picking noses. Isn't it illresponsable to teach other how to steal wallets from pockets or purses? No, I am just giving out the information for others to see and read, what you do with it afterwards is your own buisness. I believe that knowledge should be fair as well as shared, and since there are so many sites out there about avoiding pickpockets I thought it only right for a site to exist about how to pick pockets. I became interested in picking pockets after I watched a documentary on the subject on 60 minutes when I as younger. It fasinated me to such a degree that I never saw the criminal aspect of it. To me it was about the art of the lift more than it was stealing, and the thought of being able to looking into a person's life via their wallet was exciting (weird maybe, but more noble than just being in it for the money). You may ask if all this stuff is from some other sites, or just backwards prevention tips...the answer is no. I learned this tips and tricks either from others or by doing them myself, although my type is more of an "moll buzzer" opportunist. I've never been part of a team or anything, but I do know some and they've taught me some of their tricks. So please note that this site isn't just a lot of hot air. Another question I'll answer is this; do I ever feel guilty? Nope, I pick marks who completely left themselves vulnerable and so I teach them a valuable leason. I won't go into detail on my lifts, but needless to say if they'd just been a little more careful I'd have left them alone. As I said earlier, pickpockets only see wallets and purse, not faces. So, in closing, I hope you have enjoyed my guide on the art of pickpocketing and have found it helpful. I am just putting out the information and letting you decide what to do with it. Glossary of Terms Here are a few of the terms used in this guide that you may be a little comfused on. Dip: The inserting of the hand or fingers into someone else's pocket or purse. Lift: The actual taking of a wallet from a pocket or purse. Mark: The target or victim of a pick pocket. Oppourtunistic pickpocketing: A simple snatch of oppertunity. The taking of purse or wallet when mark has left them unattened.

Purse Snatching: The forceable taking of a purse from a woman. Unnatended Purse: Any purse that is not in plain sight of its owner

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