Personal Recount Text

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 587
  • Pages: 9

What is personal recount text?

Personal recount text is to retell an activity or event that happened in your own life

Orientation : Introducting the participant, place and time Events : Describing series of events that happened in the past Reorientation : a personal comment about the event or what happened in the end.

The Generic Structure of recount text

The Language Feature of Recount Text

Introducting personal participant : I, my group, etc Using chonological connection : then, first,etc

Using linking verb: was, were,saw,heard etc Using action verb : look,go,chance etc Using simple past tense

To retell events for the purpose of informing and entertaining

A Beautiful Day at Jogja orientation

Event 1

Event 2

Event 3

Reorientatio n

Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja. We visited many places

First, we visited Parangtritis beach. The sun shone brightly and the scenery was very beautiful there. We felt the wind blew across to us. We also saw a lot of people in that beach. There werw many birds flew in the sky. Also, there were many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs

Second, we visited Gembira Loka Zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as monkeys, tigers, crocodiles, snakes, etc. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals

Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. As soon as we finished our lunch, we decided to go home

For me, that was a beautiful day though I could not visit Malioboro. We really enjoyed it, and I hope I could visit Jogja again

Identify the social function , structure text, and language features of personal text below!

A Beautiful Day at Jogja Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja. We visited many places First, we visited Parangtritis beach. The sun shone brightly and the scenery was very beautiful there. We felt the wind blew across to us. We also saw a lot of people in that beach. There werw many birds flew in the sky. Also, there were many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs. Second, we visited Gembira Loka Zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as monkeys, tigers, crocodiles, snakes, etc. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. As soon as we finished our lunch, we decided to go home for me, that was a beautiful day though I could not visit Malioboro. We really enjoyed it, and I hope I could visit Jogja again.

Task 3 Make the outline about the dialoge related personal recount that they are going to performed! Example : Bella : Hi Sandra , how was your vocation? Sandra : I spent time at my grandmother’s house in Jogjakarta. So, I visited Prambanan temple with my brother. What about you? Bella : I went to Bali with my family. I visited Tanah lot, Kute Beach and Garuda Wisnu Kencana. How did you go to Prambanan Temple? Sandra : I went there by a motorcycle because it’s near my grandmother’s house. I want you to tell more about Tanah lot Beach. Bella : As many peole said that Tanah Lot is a perfect sunny day to enjoy the beach. I was amazed by the scenary of the beach. I took many picture with good scenary. You shoud try it. Sandra : It was amazing expereince. One day, I have to get there.


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