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  • December 2019
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My holiday Last holiday, i only stayed at home. I didn’t go anywhere. But, on second week on holiday, i went to Rangkasbitung. I went Rangkasbitung with my friends. I went with Dali, Jefri, Dedi, Febry. Rangkasbitung is Dali’s hometown. I had 3 days 2 night there. Before to Rangkasbitung, i stayed 1 night in Ancol, at Putri Duyung. I stayed there with Febry’s family. Also with Dali, Febri, Dedy, and Jefri. Than, one week before school, I and Dedi and Febry, stayed in Dali’s house for 3 days 2 night. A nice holiday! - Bjo -

On my last holidays, I didn’t go anywhere out of town. It was actually kind of boring. I was at home most of the time watching TV or sleeping. Sometimes I would go out with my friends to catch a movie or just go window-shopping. For a week, my cousins from Pekalongan came to Jakarta and was staying at my aunt’s house in PIK. My mum and I visited them and it was great to know that my cousins have grew up to become very sweet and handsome. Hopefully next holidays will be better.

- Stepf -

On my holiday, I was very busy for church activities because we’ll hold a retreat for our youth at Lembang. So, me and all of my friends prepared all things and restored our energy to go to Lembang. After three days at Lembang, we went back home. So happy we are, even tired. But many reason that made us felt happier than tired. Day by day after retreat, I just hung out with my friends to spend my holiday. I watched many movies at cinema, and almost all new movies I had already watched. It’s not too boring this holiday, I also can spend much time with my brothers and parents, like went to the cinema and ate together at the restaurant. I was so thankful for this holiday. - Jnt -

Since holiday I always wake up from my sleeping until afternoon or night, because I am always sleep in the morning maybe 4 am or 3 am o clock. I think this holiday make me a little bit fat but still handsome and cute. My works in holiday just go around in Jakarta with my friends. And my family very busy with their works. And everyday in holiday I just eat, sleep, go with friends, have fun in the club and everywhere like a rich man, because I play a gambling because I win this gambling. If holiday will be end, I am always say “shit”, school! I don’t like school!!” But I think a many theachers in my school make me up class, so I happy goes to school, before I goes to school in Monday, before that I am have fun with my friends. All this it’s my holiday. - CJ -

“Superb Holiday” On 21st June, I started my “superb” holiday. I had a very usual and bored holiday. I woke up very late every morning. I went to my friends house in most of my holiday. But my “very usual and bored holiday” only lasted until 3rd of July. Because on


July, my sister went back to Indonesia. Everything was changed. She asked me to go out with her and her friends together and everyday. Although we only hung out in malls everyday, but it was fun and special. Because it had been a very long time since I went out with my sister. I accompanied her when she was enjoying her “shopping time”. Even those days were very exhausting, but still, they were fun. Me and my sister also took my parents to have dinner. And also to celebrate my parents birthday. We had a very fabulous dinner. Because we had not been together for a long time, especially my father. He had not met my sister for about 3 years. Then my sister went to Bali on 6 th July. And me and my parents went to my grandmother birthday party. And my holiday ended on 9th July. It was all about my holiday! - HLiem-

My holiday is so great. I’m very happy. I went to mall with my family and friends. I’m going shopping with my mom. Watching movie at cinema and I went to live in Ritz Carlton Hotel for few days. Actually, I prefer went to Bandung during the holiday. But my sister is too young and in her age, she is annoying. Better I chose stayed in Jakarta, and I thought Jakarta is not bad. Jakarta is a nice town. After I stayed in hotel, I went back home. At home I helped my maid to cleaned my room, and living room. I’m happy I can helped them. I’m also washing the dishes. Then I took a rest by watching DVD movie. I played with my sister and read some good comic. Sometimes I went to my friend’s house, but my father not allowed me went to far. All that things I did along the holiday. After that I’m only stayed at home until my school began again. I’m so lucky, I have parents like my father and mother. Even they busy with their worked but they stilled remember me and took care of me. -SYLV-

On my holiday I didn’t go anywhere only at home. Usually holiday make us happy but in my holiday I felt bored. My school had been started holiday from June 21st until July 13rd . On my first holiday I spent my time at home because my father was sick so I take care of him. In a few days after my father sick, I felt sick too. So I can’t go anywhere, I just stayed at home. I felt better when one week before the school began. But I still at home because my body not to comfort to go outdoor. I just stayed at home until I went to school again. It is a worst holiday I spent. In home I just watching TV, playing computer, playing PS2, and watching DVD. I’m very felt bored at my holiday. - Chrstk -

I want to telling story about my holiday. In the first holiday I’m so happy and very excited because I’m boring study at school. But I’m confuse because I can’t go anywhere. One day, my friend ask me go to Anyer beach. We go three days. When we arrived in Anyer we can’t wait to swim in there. before swimming I don’t forget to make sun block. There was many people in beach. And then we eat seafood and coconut. After three days we come back to Jakarta. I don’t know at my home. I’m so bored. So I went my friend house for several time. - Jess-

On my last holiday, I went to Bandung for 2 days. I went with my family. We didn’t do anything much there. We just went out for dinner and went to factory outlet. Last few days on the holiday, I didn’t go anywhere. I just went to mall for eating, watching, etc. - Mriska -

I want to tell you about my school holiday. At the first week, I spent my holiday at home and help my parents. I woke up at 12 o’clock and then worked until midnight. That’s so terrible! I’m so bored and tired. Next week, I can handle it anymore, I think I’m gonna crazy if I spent my school holiday just to help my parents. So, I ask my mom to sleepover at my cousin house. Even my mom a little bit angry, but at the end she let me to sleepover. Horaaay..’’ When I’m sleepover at my cousin house, I’m so happy!!! Because my aunty gave me some money, so I can hang out with my friend. Then, my friend asked me to join her go to Anyer with her family. Oh my Gosh! I’m so happy… We’re went to Anyer at Sol Elite Marbela for 3 days. At Anyer, we played at the beach. We played there until noon and then we saw sunset. It’s so beautiful! At noon, we swam at the pool until night. At night, we played card until midnite. I’m so enjoyed my holiday at there. Maybe I can called it’s real holiday!’’ After 3 days, I came back to my friend house, and sleepover at her house. At her house, I can played internet for free!! At the weekend, we went to Puri Indah Mall and watched movie. That’s the last day of my holiday, I’m happy because I can start to school again. Because I’m already felt bored and bankrupt…’’ - JQ -

Finally my precious holiday came to me. At my first day, as usual I went to play basketball in the morning. Next day, same as yesterday, I played basketball but I couldn’t play as well as my friend so I defeated so easily. At night, my parents invited us to go to ate at ‘bumbu desa’. I thought that restaurant opened last week. That restaurant too big for me, I thought that the biggest restaurant in that area. The food always come fast and servtimeice was proofed so I liked that restaurant. And since that day, all the day became bored. The excitest thing was when I wanted to made SIM A, I met my friends too liked Adhit, Ryan and Lionel in Ulisa and also Raynaldy. Finally we passed the test and got our SIM. And then my holiday was ended and I must went to school again. - Jmy-

Back to the Borneo In my holiday this year as usually I go to my hometown with my brother. I go to my hometown by taking a plane and takes a couple hour. For the first time I taking a plane just with my brother, I just feel a little bit scary, but after many times I do that things, there is no more bad feels that I feel. After I landing to Balikpapan, I must stay there and waiting for the other plane that will boarding to Tarakan, my hometown. While I sit in the gate, I feel hungry. Well, even the food in the airport is very expensive, I must bought it, because I really hungry. After a couple hours the plane is ready to boarding, and before that, I with my brother must go to the toilet first, for taking a pee or something else. Just take about 50 minutes I arrive to my hometown, Tarakan. My mom and my other brother and sister waiting for me and my brother. I really miss my family. My mom, my dad, n my brother, my sister, all of them. After I arrived home, my mom surprised me by cooking my favorite food. I feel really happy. Seldom for me to have time with my family, because I school and live in Jakarta. So, no reason for me why I feel really missing all of my family. In Tarakan I just wasting my time for eating my favorite food that do not exist in Jakarta. Maybe my skin will look a little black then, because in Tarakan is very hot. One thing that makes me really feel happiness is gathering with my family. - ANTH-

In our holiday, I was went to Bandung. I and my family was went to Bandung at three days. Then a next day, I stayed home. I think this holiday made me a little bird in paper. My works in holiday just go around in Jakarta with my sisters and my family very busy with them works and I just a sleep, eating, watering plant and playing PS2 in WE. I was clean the room, but seldom was to ITC Mangga 2 to help my parents at shop with everyday. I always did the same things, except Sunday. Every Sunday, I was went to church. - Mrtn-

When holidays came all of students feels so happy because they can do anything they want. We can slept too late as we want, doing something different we want, or we can went out to another places, for examples we can go to beach, mall, or holiday overseas. My school had been started holiday from June 21st, to July 14th , it’s only two weeks, and I felt so bored because on my holiday I always spent my time at home, woke up, eating and watched TV all day long. But sometimes I went to my aunt’s house or my friends house. Sometimes I thinked I wanted go to some places but my mother not allowed me to went far away. One week before holidays finished, I felt sick and my father took me to the hospital, the doctor said I must stay in the hospital two days, before I can go home. At the hospital, my aunt take care for me, because my father can’t stay there. After 2 days I spent my time at the hospital I went home and I can’t do anything because I felt so bored, and I only stayed at home until my school began. - Mnk -

In my holiday I spent my time at home because I wanted to stay at home, but one day in my holiday my parents invited me to go to Puncak. First, I didn’t wanna come, but my mother wanted me to help her drive a car, so I thought this is my first time drove a car to Puncak. So I accepted the invitation. At the time before we left Jakarta, we prepared any tools for sleeping, cooking, etc. And we don’t forget to bring some fast foods. My father and my brother went first to Puncak in the afternoon and me with my mom went to Puncak at the middle of the night to avoid the traffic. In one hour and half we arrived at Sukanagali cottage it’s placed next to Kota Bunga cottage. At cottage we played many games. I was so happy when I tried to ride a horse by myself. First it was hard to ride and then I can ride it. At Puncak I live 3 days. Before we went home we check our things and put in the container. When we went home, first we visited Rindu Alam to have lunch. After we have lunch we continue our trip. -F-

From the first day of my holiday I did nothing. My holiday was so boring. It’s nothing special. I didn’t go to other city. I just went to mall, plaza and other. And then there was something made me more bored. My computer is spoilt at the first day of my holiday. Oh no!! It’s made me crazy. I can’t chat with my friend, and I felt isolated. Huh…computer is everything to me. So I filled my holiday with lot of sports.

I’m played badminton, futsal,

basketball and bilyard. I played badminton near my house. Because there was a badminton court. And I played futsal, basket ball, and bilyard near my house too. My neighbourhood had a lot of place for sports. But sometimes I went play futsal in Greenville. I went there because my school friends ask me to join them played futsal there. If there is nothing to do, I went to fishing pond or a small river beside the sea, I was fishing there. That was what I did when I was bored. Went fishing is so exciting and made me happy although I didn’t get any fish home, that still made me happy =] -K-

In my holiday, I went to Singapore. I went to Singapore at 22nd June 2008 until 29th June 2008. I went by myself because my parents and my sister would catch up next week. I lived at Queenstown with my sister. My sister had college at Singapore so I can lived with her in apartment. If I stayed at hotel, I would pay more expensive than I stayed in my sister apartment. Everyday, she asked me to hang out. My sister asked me to many places, so I wasn’t bored. I went to Singapore flyer, it’s the new one of entertainment at Singapore. We can see all of Singapore because it’s very high. We also can see 3 country if we had in the highest height of Singapore flyer. It’s very beautiful.. Singapore is one of my favorite country because of its food. The tasted are so delicious…finally …at 29 June 2008, I must leave Singapore…Huaa…so sad.., But it didn’t make me too sad because my friends Bjo, Jppry, Dali, Dedy, Febrie picked me up at the airport when I had landed at Soekarno Hatta airport. Miss all of my friends. After that we went to Bebek Surabaya to eat. At 30th June 2008 until 9th July 2008, I went to my friends house.. Almost in my holiday until that date. Sometimes we only hung out in malls but it was fun.. We shopped, jocked together. At 10th July, I had meeting MOS with all of MOS crew. It’s all of my holiday… - Mly-

Story about holiday I had two weeks for my holiday last month. I wasted my holiday at home. My parents busy with their new project, so they didn’t have many times to take us go out for vacation. I know they busy, they advance their new project, but that was a holiday! We must had a vacation. I told to my father. I asked him to take us to Bandung. I love Bandung. It has many interesting places to visit. I felt never bored go to Bandung, although I’d visited that city many times. Guess, what did he say? He had planned our holiday since my holiday started. We would go to Bandung for 3 days. I was so excited when I heard this. I gave him a hug and I started to pack my bag. My family had some fun on the vacation. We did many things there. Shopping and eat some food in a restaurant are important things when you visit Bandung. I enjoyed my holiday, but I also missed my friends. One day before I start my 1 st day in school, I went to MKG with my two friends and met other friends there. We talked, took some pictures and walked around the mall. Well, that was my holiday and I’ll study hard again for seven months…

Last holiday Last holiday was very boring because I spent it almost all of the time at home. Sometimes I spent my holiday by visiting my friends, going to my friend’s birthday party, or going to somewhere with my friends. The only thing that I really excited at was when I went to my uncle’s factory and learned many things. I asked a lot of questions to my uncle and his companion about how to work or his experiences.

I used to have a plan of going to Bandung with my family. But ever since my sister start to work. My family rarely went to Bandung. This time because my brother had a test so we couldn’t go again. So I concluded that this holiday was very boring although I had an exciting experience. - PitK-

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