Contoh Cerita Recount Text

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 365
  • Pages: 1
Contoh cerita Recount Text : A Visit to a Sheep Property Last holidays I visited a sheep property. I helped in the shearing sheds and in the yards. On the first day the Merino wethers were crutched. I helped by sweeping up after the rouseabout picked up the wool pieces. Shearers start early (at 7.30 am). After lunch, we started shearing the lambs. There were more than 400 so we didn't finish until the next day. Once again I was sweeping and picking up dags. I was tired by the end of the day in the shed but our work wasn't finished. We all had to help to get the wethers and lambs back into the paddocks. As well, we had to get a mob of ewes and their lambs into the yards for shearing the next day. Then it was time for tea (that's what my nanna calls dinner). This was a very long day but I enjoyed it a lot.

Holiday at Anyer Beach At the end of first semester, there was holiday which was very long about two weeks. Previously, I was just thinking about my study, because on the next semester would be held an hard examination. But, I changed my mind to take refreshing at the beach, which had I could get many happiness. Because, if I just studying and studying, it would be possible if I would get stressed. As soon, I called my friend and asked him where we will go at this holiday. So, my friend had an idea that we will go to Anyer Beach. So we called other friends and invited them to go together. And I was very happy because, other friends came too. So, we planned our departure to go to Anyer Beach. And it had been decision. The day was Monday until Tuesday. On Monday, we had been ready to go to Anyer beach. When we arrived at Anyer Beach, I was very fresh and enjoyed the scene. Playing with the sand and water beach was very happy. We stayed at the hotel for tow days one night. We enjoyed our holiday at this time. But, we didn't forget the examination either.

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