Personal Lifelong Learning Plan.docx

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PERSONAL LIFELONG LEARNING PLAN (Duration: 2-5 years) Name of School: ESPERANZA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 21st Century Literacies

Level of Competency

Target KSAV - Knowledge and skills in the integration of Arts and Creativity in problem-solving

The Arts and Creativity




-Skills in preparing instructional materials appropriate for Kinaesthetic type of learners

-Values and Attitudes towards Integrity of Creation

Self-Learning Activities -Attend/ participate trainingworkshops focusing on Arts and Creativity Attend/participate trainingworkshops on construction of instructional materials

- Attend symposia and seminars on Global and Environmental issues - Participate in every activities promoting environmental

Specialization/Subjects Handled: SCIENCE-JHS Time Framework Every summer break from 2019 to 2023

Support Resources Needed -Personal Funds -School/ MOOE Funds - Technical Support funded by school

June 2019 to -Personal May 2023 Funds - Financial Support -School/ MOOE Funds

Barriers/ Challenges

Solution/ Action points

-Conflict of time with school related duties

- Collaborate with MAPEH teachers to spearhead a schoolfunded trainingworkshops related to Arts and Creativity to be participated by all teachers

-Insufficient funding and support - Lack of interest in Arts and Creativity

-Lack of personal fund -Conflict of time with school related duties

-Grab the opportunity to participate when there are offered related seminars/trainings/ workshops offered by the department - Seek financial assistance and save money for the planned selflearning activities - Give/set time to participate inseminars and trainings


Cyberliteracy (Computer and ICT)


- Knowledge and skills in the application of ICT in classroom instruction

awareness and its sustainability conducted by DENR and DepEd

-Inconsistency on the program’s implementation by the concerned department

- Request the concerned authorities or department to conduct regular activities about environmental awareness program

- Enrol inshortcourses on the use of ICT

June 2019 to - Financial -Insufficient funds May 2023 and Technical for trainings and Support workshops

-Seek financial assistance and save money for the planned selflearning activities

- Continue to use of multimedia in the conduct of classes and making instructional materials, class presentations and computing of grades -Consistently involve and collaborate with the students’ learning through hands on activities using computers to keep abreast and research on the latest

-School/ MOOE Funds - ICT Resources such as Televisions, Desktop computers, Laptop, Projectors and Screens - Strong and fast Internet connection

- Time Management in handling classes using ICT

- Give/set time to enrol and study computer related - Lack of technical courses. computer skills - Peer-coaching and - Lack of usable learn from and functional colleagues who are ICT materials and expert in computers poor internet through Learning connection Partnership Program (LPP) during SLAC session. - Upgrade the internet speed

PERSONAL LIFELONG LEARNING PLAN (Duration: 2-5 years) information, innovations and technological advancements

- Attitudes and Values towards Personal Finances and its management Financial Literacy


- Attend seminars on Financial Management

All year round from 2019 onwards

- Read journals, publications, magazines and research on wise ways to handle finances - Engage in an income generating personal projects and livelihood activities

Media Literacy


- Knowledge and skills in the area of information and communication through application media in teachinglearning process

-Attend seminarJune 2019 to workshops on May 2023 developing/ enhancing skills in integrating and using media tools in teachinglearning process

- Financial Resources (Money and Savings) - Reliable Reading Resources - Moral and Financial support from family, friends and colleagues

- Financial Constraints - Multiple financial expenses and obligations - Lack of savings - Insufficient income - Unexpected expenses

- Financial - Insufficient and Technical funds to support Support and materialize the planned self-School/ learning activities MOOE Funds - Conflict of time with school related duties

- Seek help and financial advice from experts - Save and invest money - Self-discipline on handling and spending personal finances - Spend money only on the priority basic needs - Give/set time to attend seminarworkshops - Seek financial and technical assistance

PERSONAL LIFELONG LEARNING PLAN (Duration: 2-5 years) - Utilize ICT-accessed multimedia instructional materials in teaching

- Multimedia Resources such as Televisions, Radios,Deskt op computers and Laptops

- Subscribe in local news, social and educational media - Attitudes and Values towards the development of Social skills and Emotional intelligence Social/ Emotional Literacy


- Engage in workrelated and professional social gatherings and activities Attend/participate seminars related to improving one’s social and emotional literacy - Join and become active member of professional organizations in the society

- Lack of usable and functional ICT materials and poor internet connection

-Ask support from the administration and colleagues to address the barriers

- Lack of time and chances to engage in the activities

-Find and set time to attend seminars and socialization activities

- Strong and fast Internet connection June 2019 onwards

Engagemento f colleagues in social activities - Related seminars -Professional Socialization programs and activities - Personal Funds

- Time conflict due to workrelated duties - Insufficient personal funds

-Study about Stress Management to increase Emotional Intelligence - Conduct annual school-based Professional Growth and Development program with all staff and colleagues

PERSONAL LIFELONG LEARNING PLAN (Duration: 2-5 years) - Attitudes and Values in developing a culture of respect for Cultural diversity and Globalization

Globalization and Multicultural Literacy


- Attend symposia and seminars focusing on globalization and cultural activities. - Community exposure - Read and research information about global and multicultural issues,

Every Month of December from 2019 to 2023

-Personal Funds - Financial Support -Moral Support - Computer and Internet Access resources for research purposes

-Lack of financial and personal funds to attend the related activities - Time conflict due to workrelated duties - Lack of support from the concerned implementing bodies/authorities

-Seek financial assistance and moral support from the concerned authorities to pursue the planned activities -Find and set time to attend seminars and conduct the self-learning activities -Coordinate with the barangay council for community exposure - Conduct outreach programs to be conducted during near Christmas time

Learner’s Name and Signature:ARNOLD C. PAGDATO Flexible Learner GURO21/Batch11/Class 09

Reviewed/Approved by: NILDA B. DRILON, Ed.D Principal II, ENHS-Main




REFLECTION Education plays a constant dynamism and transformation. As the world traverse from generation to generation, educational system poses changes and challenges that every person should adhere to. We should continue learning new things to respond to the fast-paced transformations in order keep abreast with the system, the 21 st Century Education. In today’s education system, it is a must for every individual to be equipped with necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and values (KSAV’s) in order to become 21st century educator/learner. In the quest to quench our thirst for KSAV’s, we engage in a numerous activities like trainings, seminars, workshops, demonstrations and the like. We can acquire learning formally in an educational institution, informal learning through enrolling courses and non-formal learning through multimedia channels such as computers and internet. Definitely through these, we can widen and enrich our knowledge and as a result we share and interrelate effectively with our fellows, colleagues and most important, with our students/learners. As educators, our aim is to provide our students/learners with up-to-date information especially in this modern world wherein technologies have dominated every aspect of people’s lives. It is imperative for us to alert of the new trends and innovations so we can become reliable, trustworthy 21st century facilitators in the teaching-learning process. To achieve this goal, a good planning and its implementation is necessary. For me, enrolling in GURO21 enable me to assess my weak, developing, good and strong 21st century learning literacy areas and think deeply something that would improve my developing levels and further enhance my good levels of competency towards the attainment my plan and vision as 21st century teacher. I realize the importance understanding myself so that I can carry on the qualities of modern teacher. Designing my Personal Lifelong Learning Plan is not an easy task since it entails not only planning but requires careful higher thinking evaluation of myself if I am equipped with the KSAV’s needed for the 21 st century education. It also requires of making sure that the self-learning activities and action points will be put into action to achieve something productive on my part and for the students as well. Upon designing and writing this plan, I anchored it according to the letters of my name, ARNOLD.

PERSONAL LIFELONG LEARNING PLAN (Duration: 2-5 years) In order for me to achieve the lifelong learning plan and become effective and efficient 21 st century teacher, I believe that I should be Adaptable in the sense that I should adapt with the changes and challenges that I may face in my journey in lifelong learning process. Along with being adaptable, I must be Resourceful to carry on the tasks to give an optimum learning for my learners. I realized that it demands time and efforts to develop creativity especially, in integrating skills in the teaching-learning process. Constant association and collaboration with others build confidence at the same time learning from them can help if we imitate the positive practices. Looking through the challenges and barriers in the plan can foster negative thoughts. To deal and carry on the plans, I believe that with proper support and resources can be a powerful weapon to change negativity into Noble thinking. Aside from this, seeking help from stakeholders, LGU’s and other support group, plans can be materialized. The target KSAV’s and self-learning activities might be difficult to achieve, but being Optimistic, everything will be possible. Thinking of this plan to be implemented is not an easy task, but once it starts to gradually accomplish, it will give us positive assurance that we will be focused and guided towards our lifelong learning process. Implementation of this plan might take several challenges, but along the way, our strong Determination will bear positive results leading ourselves to develop of becoming a real 21 st century educator and facilitator of learning. The plan will help grow and develop holistically and equipped with 21 st century KSAV’s not only in the lives of teachers and future of our learners but also in the betterment of our society.

ADAPTABLE ARNOLD Flexible Learner, GURO21/Batch11/Class09

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