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Development-Oriented Activities Learning Tool for Improving Mathematics Problem Solving Ability Junior High School Students PART I PRELIMINARY 1.1 Background With the development of science and technology, people are required to have the ability to think critically, systematic, logical, creative, and collaborate effectively so that people can progress forward in the era of globalization. We can know that the development of mathematics education is now directed to the development. The construction itself is a process of learning material production. Therefore in developing formal education and the quality of teachers - teachers should be able to create the right learning tools. However, it can be seen from the fact that there are still teachers not using a good learning tool. With so many devices found only limited learning learning administrative completeness only. Found a problem state junior high school 17 field through information one of the teachers who teach in class VII he said that the implementation of learning does not use student worksheets activities as a learning tool. Here teachers are using exercise books and the student manual only. But from the experiences of textbooks used in junior high school 17 field still has some drawbacks. In which one example is where any examples of problems not measure masalahanya solving ability. 1.2 Identification of problems Based on the background of the identification problem in this research are: 1. Development-oriented deviceslearning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) to improve mathematical problem solving in class VIISMP Negeri 17 Terrain. 2. Explaining validity Development-oriented deviceslearning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) to improve mathematical problem solving in class VII SMP Negeri 17 Terrain. 3. Effectiveness explain learning tools developed to improve maths solving math problems in class VII SMP Negeri 17 Terrain. 1.3 Scope of problem 1. from identification of the above problems, the need for restrictions on issues that matter in this study focused and clear. This study is limited toDevelopment-Oriented Activities Learning Tool for Improving Mathematics Problem Solving Ability learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) OnClass VII student of SMPN 17 Terrain. 1.4 Formulation of the problem Based on the identification of problems and pembatasana problems, formulation of the problem posed is:

1. How Development-oriented deviceslearning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) to improve mathematical problem solving in class VII SMP Negeri 17 Terrain. 2. How to explain the validity Development-oriented deviceslearning model MeansEnds Analysis (MEA) to improve mathematical problem solving in class VII SMP Negeri 17 Terrain. 3. How to explain the effectiveness of learning tools developed to improve maths solving math problems in class VII SMP Negeri 17 Terrain. 1.5 Research purposes Based on the above research purpose, the purpose of this experiment is as follows: 1. To know Development-oriented deviceslearning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) to improve mathematical problem solving in class VII SMP Negeri 17 Terrain. 2. Validity can explain Development-oriented deviceslearning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) to improve mathematical problem solving in class VII SMP Negeri 17 Terrain. 3. Effectiveness can explain learning tools developed to improve maths solving math problems in class VII SMP Negeri 17 Terrain. 1.6 Benefits of research Berdassakan research purposes in atsa then the benefits of this research are as follows: 1. The results of this study are expected to be a valuable input in an effort to develop Oriented Activities Learning Tool for Improving Mathematics Problem Solving Ability learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA).

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL STUDY 2.1 Textbook Textbooks are books used as a reference standard in a particular topic. For that it is necessary to the development of good textbooks. Textbooks are said to be good if it meets the criteria for a valid, practical and effective. for so requires a good textbooks and corresponding criteria. The textbook in accordance with the following criteria: (1). To be accurate, (2). Appropriate (relevancy), (3). Communicative, (4). Complete and systematic, (5). Berorintasi

on student centered (6). Supports ideology nation and the State, (7). The rules of correct language, (8). Long book using language that can be understood by students. With textbook good criteria is then it can from there, teachers can measure the ability of a good pemcehan problem. Not up to use textbooks with fine criteria to improve problemsolving abilities of the students but teachers should also be able to choose the appropriate model of learning material to be learned. So that the learning process can take place properly. Thus the learning model used would expect improving student learning outcomes. 2.2 Learning Model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) There is one model of learning that starts from the introduction of the model of learning problems Means-Ends Analysis (MEA). Now that can be raised by using model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA), namely: complex, open, and non-routine problems or problems related to the real world. The learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) itself has been frequently used in mathematics mempelajaran for the past few decades these days. In the learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) may reflect real-life situations, to use your full information for the issue of a problem needs solving problems. For that one of the goals of learning Model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) is to provide opportunities for students to be able to control their own learning through a process with the directives. The step - step learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) in this study are: Table 1: Step-by-step learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) Teacher activity

Student activity

Step 1: Determine The teacher gives a problem as early as Students observe, understand and define the introduction for students to understand and problem then be able to resolve the issue properly Step 2: Descriptioning Teachers





contextual issues

Students build knowledge based on existing problems with their knowledge

Step 3: Manipulate Teachers monitor and guide students to be able to model problems in mathematical Students create a mathematical model based form to indicate the purpose

on the issues that have been given

Step 4: Translate Students

solve problems

based on


mathematical model that they have been Teachers lead students to solve problems Step 5: Verificating and Predict

made at this stage of manipulation

Teachers encourage students to check the answers






diselesikan so that there are no errors.

Students check out one of their work with one

Step 6: Present

Teachers lead students to present their work and then discussed with other students presented the work has been completed Student

So we can conclude learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) involve learning with contextual problems given to students so that students can understand what they're pelaajarin dam can make them more active in learning. 2.3 Problem solving skill One math skills is the ability to solve it. Because math is never separated from a challenging math problems. Problem solving is part of kompenen - component of mathematics education. Because of this workaround can be used individually or as a group. Troubleshooting is the process of applying the knowledge gained from previous students to face new and different circumstances. Although the problem is part of a math problem, many students who are difficult to be resolving mathematical problems. Being the ability to solve the problem away from the ability of students. because students can not choose the correct operation to mererapkan the problem. From these explanations can disimpulkn that mathematical problem solving is essential for enhanced learning. But the fact that there is the field that mathematics problem solving ability of students is very low. Can be seen from the PISA results were reported (56.6%) only the most students in Indonesia to solving simple problems. And a third of the students (33.1%) which can perform a contextual problem solving. And about 0.1% of students in Indonesia are able to develop and work with mathematical modeling skills to think. When viewed from this reference in PISA purpose is to determine the ability of 15-year-old boy in applying the knowledge acquired in school. To familiarize students practice problem-solving abilities there are several steps - steps according to menyelesaiakn Polya problem in mattematika namely: 1. Understanding the problem 2. devise a plan 3. Implementing the plan 4. Looking back Thus, the core of the problem solving, students can get used to working on issues that do not just rely on a good memory, but students are expected to associate with the real state has ever experienced or ever thought. Then students explore with concrete objects, then students will study mathematical ideas informally, then formally studied mathematics.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS 3.1 Types of Research This study aims to determine the development The learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) to improve problem solving mathematical what seventh grade students, explaining the validity device learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) berorintasi to improve mathematical problem solving in class VII and explain the effectiveness of learning tools developed to improve solving math problems in class VII. As this study using a development device Thigrajan learning model, and Semmel which is a 4-D models (define, design, develop, mmenyebarluaskan). This study dilakkukan to memdapatkan learning tools and instruments needed and then be diujiakan into the classroom. This study is divided into two stages: the first stage is the development of tools for learning, development of learning tools include: (1) The validity of the Implementation Plan; (2) The validity of Books Teacher; (3) The validity of the Student Book; (4) The validity of the Student Activity Sheet; and (5) The validity of the test math problem solving ability of students and instruments. While the second stage is the implementation tool that qualify under study test results. development model in this study illustrated schematically in Figure 1 below:

Learning tools developed in mathematics learning is a social arithmetic. The development of learning tools in the form of instructional design ranging from lesson plans, book Teachers, Students, Student Activity Sheet and Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Test.

3.2 Subject Research Subjects in this study were students of class VII SMP Negeri 17 Medan 2016/2017 school year, while the object of this study is a learning tool that was developed using the model Learning Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) in social arithmetic problems.


4.1 Research Results and Discussion Based on the results of research and interviews of one of the math teachers in grade VII SMP Negeri 17 Medan, Shows that during the learning still uses lecture and question and answer. Thus the need of teachers or researchers choose appropriate learning for use in the learning process. Herein is a teacher and also should be able to develop a learning tool. Pemebelajaran tool development itself should be structured in accordance with the appropriate learning models. If pengguanaan improper learning model will have an impact on the development of students. which is where the students will focus on the teacher during the learning process takes place, and this will cause the student's knowledge is less developed. With so students can only receive materials from teachers and students can only memorize or remember it. Learning theories related to learning mathematics is a guide for teachers to help students develop cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual. The guidelines are clear information explaining the purpose, the knowledge needed, process and performance. Vygotsky's theory of learning emphasizes on stage provide direction, encouragement, and help them in times of congestion thinking. For the next process more emphasis on active students so that learning is not centered on the teacher, but the students actively learn, explore their knowledge independently. Based on the research described that learning tool developed in the study was the teacher guide, student guide, lesson plans, LAS, math problem solving test and self efficacy questionnaire. The results of data analysis showed that the quality of learning tools that were developed with the problem based learning material linear equations and inequalities of one variable in class VII SMP Negeri 12 Pematangsiantar is a good review of a valid, practical and effective. , The increase in mathematical problem solving skills and self-efficacy students to use learning tool developed.

Based on the analysis and discussion in this study, presented the results of learning tools that have been developed and has been tested otherwise declared valid and effective 4.2 The validity of the data analysis Learning Tool Validation of the contents of RPP, Master Books, Student Books and LAS based on the opinions of five experts in the field of mathematics education. Based on expert opinion will be determined the level of agreement between observers (experts) were analyzed using a statistical test by the formula: r = RJKb - RJKe

; [12]

RJKt Where: r

= the level of agreement between observers / experts

RJKb = Variance sum of squares grains RJKe = Variance sum of squared errors RJKt = Variance sum of squares sum The criteria stated device learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) has a good degree of validity, if the validity of the minimum level reached is (r ≤ 0.400 ≤ 0.600). If the level of achievement of the validity under valid (very low), then it should be revised based on input (correction) expert. Furthermore, the validation activities. And so, to get the ideal learning device of the size of the content and construct validity. The results of the overall validation study tools developed are presented in the table below: Table 2: Summary of Learning Device Validation No.

Device developed

The average value of total Category validity


Lesson plan



Student Activity Sheet



Her books



books learner



4.3 Learning Effectiveness Data Analysis Tool Learning tools developed otherwise meet the criteria of effectiveness if they meet the following: a. Active Data Analysis Student Activity

Active student activity is the percentage of time spent on students to be active in the learning process and achieve the ideal time. To calculate the percentage of active student activity using the following formula:

Information aspect A = Frequency of the behavior observed by observers give high frequency. aspects B = Frequency of the behavior observed by an observer who provides low frequency. The instrument is said to be good if it has a reliability coefficient of 0.75 or ≥ ≥ 75%. Active activity of students during the process learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) use of learning-oriented devices in the first trial, not all indicators meet the ideal time while in the second all the indicators are already in the ideal time. b. Huru Data Analysis Capabilities in Managing Classroom Teacher's ability to manage the learning process is the ability to develop an intimate learning environment and positive. To analyze the ability of teachers to manage lessons learned from the average score assesses the ability of teachers is amended as follows:

Information : RSP = rank average X = ranking score n = number of aspects of assessment Table 3: Average Conversion Value Master Capability average


1.00 to 1.49

Less active

1.50 to 2.49

active Enough

2.50 to 3.49


3.50 to 4.00

Very active

Category assigned to measure the ability of teachers to manage learning when it reaches quite active category (1.50 to 2.49). In the first trial concluded that the ability of teachers to manage learning in a category quite active until the second trial a teacher's ability to manage learning are in the active category. This can be seen by the average teacher's ability to manage learning in the first test

2.3 with moderately active category while the average in the second trial amounted to 3.17 with the active category. c. Completeness of Student Data Analysis determine the level of student success is determined by how many percent complete learn student. To determine the percentage of each student's learning can be used as follows:

Where: KB = mastery learning T = number of scores obtained by students Tt = Total score Criteria: 0% ≤ KB <80% 80% ≤ KB <100% Based on the test results of students' mathematical problem solving ability at trial to the First, With the number of students who take the test as many as 36 students. There were 2 (5.56%) that received a score of 90-100, 18 students (50%) were given a score between 80-89, 9 students (25.00%) were given a score between 65-79, while seven other students (19, 44%) obtained a value of 55-64. The average value of the class is still in an incomplete criterion that is equal to 65.83%. Based on the test results of mathematical problem solving ability of students in the first experiment, the level of completeness of students is as follows: Table 4: Level of completeness of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Test First Test completeness level



Percentage student

0% ≤ KB <80%

Not completed 16


80% ≤ KB <100%




While the results of tests of mathematical problem solving ability of students on probation for two, there are 13 (36.11%) who scored 90-100, 19 (52.78%) who received grades 80-89, 2 students (5.56%) scored between 65-79, while one student (2.78%) obtaining a value between 55-64. The average value of grade 80% with complete criteria.

Based on the test results of students' mathematical problem solving ability of the second trial, the level of completeness of students is as follows: Table 5: Level of completeness of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Test Second Test The


of Criteria


completeness 0% ≤ KB <80%

Percentage of students






completed 80% ≤ KB <100% Complete This indicates a mathematical problem solving ability of students to use learning device oriented learning model Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) has been increased from the first trial be 88.89% 55.56% for the second trial. This can be seen in the following diagram:

Figure 2: Increasing Number of Students Studying In Trial Completed the First and Second Trial Some students are still experiencing difficulties in completing mathematical problem solving ability test, but the number of students who have difficulty in the first trial has seen a change in the second trial.

CHAPTER V KESIMPULA 5.1 Conclusion Based on the analysis and discussion in this study, it can be disimpulakan that: 1. The validity of the learning device comprising (i) a lesson plan (RPP), (ii) the student activity sheet (LAS), (iii) the book Teacher (BG), (iv) the students' books included in the category validator team of students who are still in force with understanding that the learning device can be used with minor revisions. 2. Effectiveness of learning tools developed oriented models led activities (MEA), inferred based on: (i) the level of activity of active students meet the criteria specified tolerances ideal time, (ii) the ability of teachers to manage learning are on the criterion of "sufficiently active" in court I and the criterion of "active" in the experiment II, and (iii) the achievement of solving the second experiment with the percentage of 88.89% classic student mastery of math problems.

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