hosb Hl{P candidates,
Mayor Sara
iil tlegros 0Gc.
FORMER President and Speaker Gldria Macapagal Anoyo on M(}ndav hosted senatorial -candidates of the Ilugpong ng Pagbabago in the home. town of her sister-inlaw in Negros Occidedtal where she is rrinning for the Eouse of Representatives. "When I saw the schedule of Hugpong, I've
seen that they don't get a rallv vet here. Since mv s;sie;'-in- law is a cardiAate in the 5th district, I said maybe we can invite them. So of course they accepted it. "Neslus Occidental is a uery-big province and
Occi- Mike Arroyo, is r-unning report- unopposeci for the 5th ers during her v$it 14 -conrir'essional disiricl of Teleperlbrma nce lJa- Neeros Occidental. -Speaker Arroyo first colod City, the first BPO company in the Visayas hostdd the HNP rally in people of Negros denral,_ she told
it is important region which she inau- loabela which part of thc to meet the voters here. zurated in 2006. 5th district in the mornSpeaker Arroyo s sis- ing In the aftarnoon. It's really forthe Hug-
city and
!er-inlaw. Marilou Ar- Speaker Arroyo hosted to the royo, rbe sister of Arty. 11ism in Bacol;d Ciry.
pong candidates to intro-
duce themselves