Peoples Tonight, Apr. 1, 2019, Duterte Seen To Sign Budget Anytime Soon.pdf

  • December 2019
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Download & View Peoples Tonight, Apr. 1, 2019, Duterte Seen To Sign Budget Anytime Soon.pdf as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 1

Du_tertg seg_n to sign

budget 'anytime so6n


Duterte is set to sisn in'ro law the proDosetr 2019

resented lunds for Drograms under the National Expenditure Prosram (NEP). which is the a;nuat bulge! pl4n approved and sulrmttted by President Duterte to the Consress."


posed ro bd

A LAWMAKER has bared

that President Roddpo P3.7s7-tfltidn national

"Such proiects"

Z-ambales Rep. Chewl

Deloso-Montalli said tlip

bility studies and hai'e eone

House leadershiD has in-

through therigorous review or vetting process by Malacaiang. Rep. Casito has implieal tharhv disrricr had

formed lawmaters thai

Duterte is expected to si.'n the national budeet in tfie coming week. " .._

undr y obtaini:d funds for

"Ang budget natin?

ran ang matagal na

soon ay talagang ma'pipir-

mahan na ni Presideit.,' said Deloso-Montalla. The P3.757+rillion national budset bill was hans-

mitted to -the Malacafrans

on March 26, Z0t9 a|tel leaders of the House of ReDresentatives and *re Senaie

signed the ratified bicameral conference committee . on ihe national budset. "Kami dito sa iLaba we'll s.upport kung ano yung oectsion ng House

leaders," said Deloso-

Montalla, chairDerson of the House com'mittee on human rjghts.

my dGtrict lmder the Drevious House leadershiD-. This


ing .hjnihintay.'Malroong ao11ce sa amin na an\,tima

Deloso--Montalla as-


fuided bv tfie GAA are backed bv leasr'-

is baloney from a oblitical .

sured her cor'stituents that funds for the diEtricts are

set in place regardless of

vr'hen the 2019 national

budget will be signed into

law. "Most of the funds naman allocated to our dis-


are abeadv set uD so

hindi naman"-

han ito. Mga minor halane

ang maaapektuhan si

okay lang da amin." said Montalla:

Meanwhile, House Ma-

jority Leader and


Rep. Fredenil Castro itescritred as fake news Ca-

marines Sur Rep- Luis

Raymund Villafue'rbe's atlegations that the House

leqdershjp has talen awav P92.3 billion from the 201's na

tional bud*et, and dis-

toibuted them to favore.t

members of the House of

Representatives. "I can say wi*r authority that Rep: afuerte is peddling fake news. I nitv good frimd L-Ray,ldt _my I understand where'he is coming from. He is one of the foimer House leadets


who stood to qain billions in proiects hadwe not corrected the inequities in the National ExDehditure

gram," said Castro-


Viiafuerte said ,,the

funds that were oricinalle allocated tomy dishict reli

drarneleoh like htir.', said


"Fi$t, as I said. mv district deserves such Iuids as

these wete lesit Droiects under the NEF thit dresi dent Duterte submitted io the Congress aftet his 3rd

SONA. There was nothinq

hanky panly about thisl Second, there is nothins

phony or fake about mV

allegations on the unconsdtutional abomination commifted by the House leadership because these were baseil on official data analyzed by the Senate Leeisla-

tive BJdget Manase;nent Research -Offic€ (LBRMO)," Vittafuerte


added. Po.:g <_.7

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