Manila Standard, Apr. 1, 2019, Duterte Seen Enacting Budget Into Law This Week.pdf

  • December 2019
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Download & View Manila Standard, Apr. 1, 2019, Duterte Seen Enacting Budget Into Law This Week.pdf as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 1



Duterte seen enacting

budqet into law itris week By Rio n. Araia ZAMBALES ReP. Cherry DelosoMontalla on SundaY said President Rodriso Duteft€ is expect€d to sign into p-po."O ZOtg pl ZSt-tiltion iu*


anytime this week' national budget -said ihe House leadership Montalla has inlormecl lawmakers that the iresident would sign this year's budget in the coming week.


budset? We have long been


Tb.te was an advice that anrtim"e soon, *re President will really sipn it." she added. bn March 26, lhe Senarc and House of Reoresentatives transmitted to Malacafrang the budget Plan- after they both iigned the ratifibd blbalneml

*uiiitrs fot

conference commiftee.

'We at the lower

house, we will

lalwaysl support the decision



ieaders-" she said.

The Zambales legislator gave her constituents 0re assurance that funds for their districts have already been sel in place regardless of when the 2019 national budset would be enact€d'

MeanwhiG. House Maiority l-eacter and Caoiz Rep. Fredeni t Castro described

as fakd newd Camarines Sur Rep' Luis

Ramund Viltafuerte's allegations that

thc House leadership took away P92 3 billion from the 2019 national budget and distributed them to favored members

ofthe House of Representatives.


can sav witfr autroritY

Uat peddling fake is Vlafuerte Reoresentative news. I oiw mY good friend LRa$ but I understaird-wtrire he is coming



is one of tlre former House leaden who stood to sain -bilions in projects had we

not *.Ided tt e in"quities in lhe Nadonal f*oenOiutte Pt"gato"" Casto said Vitbn .tt", foi Ui. purt, said "the tunds

that wer€ originally allocated to my

district reDresented firnds for programs under the National Expenditure Pmgram, which is the annual budgetplan approved

and submitted by President Dut€rte to tbe Congress."





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