Peek - May 29

  • May 2020
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Peek at the Week June 2009 What’s happening in Room 205??

Monday 1

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 3

Thursday 4

Friday 5

Day 1 - Spanish

Day 2 – PE

Day 3 - Music

Day 4 - Spanish

Day 5 - PE

Book Report and Reading Log DUE!!


Data Project Due

Field Trip

Final Computation Diagnostic Test

Spelling Test Friday Fun 

9:00am – 7:00pm

Parent Board Meeting 6:30pm Please note date change

GRADUATION Don’t forget to put our 5th grade graduation ceremony on your calendar: Wednesday, June 10th at 6:30pm. You wouldn’t want to miss this fantastic celebration!

Important Dates       

06/01 – Book Report and Reading Log Due 06/01 – Data Project Due (math) 06/01 – Parent Board meeting 6:30pm 06/02 – Valleyfair (5th Grade Field Trip) 06/10 – MN Zoo (All School Field Trip) 06/10 – 5th Grade Graduation 6:30pm 06/12 – Last day of school!!

VALLEYFAIR We will be leaving school at 9:15am and returning back around 7:00pm. Don’t forget to plan how you will get home when we return to school. Some students signed up to bring a bag lunch that day… don’t forget!!

Please continue to check our school website for transition information and updates. Stay up to date on the exciting changes taking place in our school in the upcoming years!

Ms. Wagoner’s Weekly Newsletter June 1 – June 5, 2009 What have we been up to? This week in math, students got back their Algebra unit tests. Scores were excellent! We also reviewed mode, median, and mean to get us prepared for a data project. Students surveyed fellow classmates and collected data. They will put together a project displaying their results. This project will be due on Monday, June 1. We continued our big unit on Westward Expansion this week. Students are working in groups, researching a specific topic they chose about the Pioneers. They are using books and the Internet to find some good information. They will be putting together a written report and presentation, which will be due Monday, June 8. We also did a short unit on the Circulatory System in health. Students learned about blood and the important role the heart plays in our body. Only two weeks left of the school year! Next week will be our final week of spelling.

Fun Times at Camp St. Croix!

Parent Board Meeting The first meeting of the new Parent Board has been rescheduled for Monday, June 1st at 6:30pm. The new Parent Board is a merging of the Parkview PTO and the Centerpoint Coordinating Committee. We would love to have you attend!

Contact Information Ms. Sarah Wagoner (651) 653-2854 [email protected]

Class Website:

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