Outline Of Vc Services.docx

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  • Pages: 12
OUTLINE OF KEY SERVICES PROVIDED BY VIBRANT COMMUNITIES There are two service areas within Vibrant Communities: Sustainable Communities and Early Intervention and Prevention, led by two service managers. The following information outlines the key services and areas of work of each of the teams within the two service areas.

Sustainable Communities Lifeskills and Inclusion Team The Lifeskills and Inclusion Team supports people to acquire the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary for them to play an active and productive role in their personal, community, family and working lives. The team takes an asset-based approach to learning which recognises people’s unique personal experiences and builds on their strengths, talents and aspirations. People are supported to achieve positive outcomes through planned learning experiences, which develop their literacies and learning skills for life, learning and work. Adult Literacies Help is available to anyone aged over 16 with literacy support needs. This could include problems with reading, writing, spelling or numeracy. People are helped to set their own learning goals and a support plan is developed for each individual based on their learning needs. The team also provides training and support in digital literacies to enable adults to make effective use of digital technologies in their work, family, community and personal lives. Offenders We offer targeted literacy support to offenders through our Pathways to Literacies programme. We also work to raise awareness of literacy issues with our partners in Social Work, Criminal Justice and the Police. Parents and families We work with schools, Early Childhood Centres and other partners to help parents improve their own literacy and numeracy skills so they can support their children’s learning at home and at school. Literacy Volunteers We recruit and support literacy volunteers who provide support to literacy learners either on a one to one or group basis. Volunteers play a valuable role within our service. The time and commitment they give is invaluable, as it allows many more learners to be supported. We offer volunteers opportunities and access to a wide range of literacy resources, as well as the chance to give something back to the community. Young adults Our work with young adults helps them to build on existing skills, learn new skills and develop confidence and self-esteem. We work in partnership with other agencies who support young adults, including Ayrshire College, the Skills Development and Employability Service and Skills Development Scotland.

Adults with learning disabilities Support is available for people with learning disabilities to help them to live a full and active life in the community. In addition to reading and writing this also includes help with life skills such as money management, travel and benefit claims. Our Local Area Co-ordinators connect disabled people, families and communities to promote social inclusion, where communities are open and welcoming to all people as equal citizens. We support people with learning disabilities and additional support needs to live a full and independent life in their community and help them to develop their skills, experience and abilities English for Speakers of Other Languages Our English for Speakers of Other Languages programme supports people with little or no English so that they can acquire the language skills they need to participate fully in everyday life. Volunteering & Employability We are the lead for volunteering for the council including developing Volunteer Framework and associated policies; providing guidance and support to other services and collating performance information. The team also lead on employability initiatives for the service including Modern Apprenticeships, Work Experience placements and Internships. Gaelic Learning We provide a range of Gaelic learning opportunities for adults to promote Gaelic language and culture across East Ayrshire. Courses and classes are available for complete beginners through to advanced learners and take place in community venues throughout East Ayrshire. Learners are supported by experienced Gaelic tutors to develop their understanding of the Gaelic language and improve their conversational skills. Programmes are structured to help learners progress from one level to another to meet their learning goals. SHOUT Card The SHOUT card is a membership card for children from birth to 11 years old living, or attending primary school, in East Ayrshire. It is similar to the Young Scot card which is available to all young people aged 11-26 years. SHOUT cards give low cost access to a wide range of services to help improve the health and wellbeing of children. The team is responsible for promoting the SHOUT card and linking with partners to develop incentives and concession. Communities Team The Communities team focuses on empowering and building the capacity of local people and communities, and developing strong social networks. More specifically via the deployment of Community Workers, the team supports local communities to identify local assets, bring together local groups, associations, and communities of interest, prioritise action through local surveys and consultation and plan for change. Community Capacity Building is informed by community need and is an activity that is developed jointly with, rather than for, the community. It seeks to enable and empower communities to achieve their goals and influence what happens in their communities, which should result in:

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Confident, skilled community members Organised, active and influential communities Inclusive organisations and groups Strong working relationships between community groups and other organisations

Building community capacity can achieve a range of positive outcomes for communities including: • • • •

Improved local services and better control over service delivery. A greater sense of community and more community cohesion. A positive approach to reducing inequalities. More effective and sustainable regeneration.

The specific areas the Communities team have progressed include the development and embedding of the role of dedicated Community Worker to provide a single point of contact between community, council and partner agencies; and working with local communities in a geographical context to help develop, deliver and embed community led action plans. This approach underpins the Council’s aspiration to transform our relationship with the communities we serve, ensuring that communities are empowered to plan, prioritise and progress community led regeneration in their area. In addition the Community Workers continue to support and build the capacity of identified Community Groups/organisations, specifically Community Associations and also support the Community Asset Transfer Process across East Ayrshire. The Federation and Community Council Development Officer works with community councils providing guidance, support and development activities. Business Support Team The Administration Support Team provides clerical, administrative, HR and finance support to the entire Vibrant Communities Service. Based in 2 locations the team provides direct support to the managers and operational teams to support them provide a service to our communities, this includes:Finance • Cash Advances/Mastercard purchases • Co-ordination of inventory across service • Travel & Subsistence claims • Maintain budget projection information • Monitoring of Income • PECOS Orders and Invoicing • Provide guidance / support re procuring goods • Recharges  Overtime Claims  Banking cash Human Resources • Bank Register • Co-ordination of Training Events • CoSSH Assessments

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DSE Assessments FE Payroll Health and Safety Reporting Induction Preparation (sessional / volunteers / staff) Verification of driving licences PVG Requests Training Database Absence Monitoring

Administration Support • Business Continuity Plan • Maintaining Records Management Schedule • Organising training week • Performance Reporting • Rickter Maintenance • Support maintenance of Intranet / Internet • Web development • Social media posts • Minute taking of meetings; • Arranging meetings / events; • Registration and support at events • Duke of Edinburgh scheme • East Ayrshire Sports Council • Community Councils • Talented Athlete Support Programme • Activity bookings • SHOUT and Young Scot • Complaints logging and collating positive feedback

Clerical Support  Word processing of correspondence • Creating and maintaining spreadsheets and databases • Creating and updating Powerpoint presentations • Creating and updating publicity material • Customer First Support (including telephony / reception duties) • Filing and archiving documents • Photocopying, binding, shredding, faxing, scanning Community Investment Team The Community Investment Team provides a variety of services to community groups and individuals around financial and non-financial investment. The main focus of the team is: Performance Management and Monitoring of funded organisations • Monitoring of service funded grants • Representation at Grants Committee and associated review working groups • Monitoring performance management for the service

Funding Information/support

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Providing funding advice and support to organisations and other council services Providing external funding reports for Council Delivering workshops and masterclasses in conjunction with partners Providing information on alternative funding opportunities, for example crowdfunding and community shares Providing information on alternative approaches to investment

Early Intervention and Prevention Lifestyle Development, Older People and Well Being Team The team provides a range of services for adults to improve their health and wellbeing Community health development The team aims to help individuals make positive changes to their lifestyle which will lead to a healthier, happier and longer life. All services provided by the team aim to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke and other chronic medical conditions as well as promoting positive mental health and well-being, with a particular focus on older adults. There are now 3 main work streams which the team delivers and these are: • • •

Population based approaches to improve health and well-being Target group approaches to improve health and well-being Older People’s Community Hubs

Delivery of population based approaches to improve health and well-being This work stream focuses on the various ways that we target the general population of East Ayrshire to increase the knowledge and skills to encourage adoption of positive lifestyle behaviours. • • • •

Deliver a programme of community based physical activity, including exercise classes and walks. Deliver a programme of outreach services, including the CHIP van community programme, attending local events and supporting local groups. Deliver a programme of training course modules to increase the knowledge of participants in relation to health related topics. Deliver and support a range of national/local campaigns through the delivery of health related activities to promote positive health behaviour change amongst adults such as National Men’s Health Week, Suicide Prevention Week and Alcohol Awareness Week. Identify and recruit volunteers to support delivery.

Delivery of target group approaches to improve health and well-being This work stream focuses on the various ways that we target specific groups within East Ayrshire to increase the knowledge and skills to encourage adoption of positive lifestyle behaviours:

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Deliver an Activity on Prescription initiative to support adults with complex health needs. Develop and implement support pathways for those who have a mental health problem by offering 1-1 support. Deliver a weight management programme (Weight to Go Ayrshire) which supports individuals to adopt behaviours which lead to healthy weight management. Deliver a falls prevention programme (Invigor8) including initial assessments, falls prevention classes and follow up classes. Support individuals on the Recovery pathway to access health improvement and lifestyle opportunities and encourage community connections including identifying volunteer placements. Identify and recruit volunteers to support delivery.

Developing Older People’s Community Hubs This work stream focuses on the various ways that we are increasing opportunities for older adults to socialise and to live active and independent lives for as long as possible. • • • • • • •

Deliver Chair Based Exercise (CBE) classes within core Sheltered Accommodation Units (SAUs) Establish social club/groups for tenants and local older adults within each of the 5 core units Develop a programme of activities available in core SAUs for the wider community to attend. Promote activity programme delivered within SAUs to wider community. Improve links with satellite units/homes to ensure tenants are made aware of opportunities offered by core units through promotional material being distributed to all living in satellite units/homes. Carry out safety checks within core and satellite units and be the key contact for tenants and their families. Identify and recruit volunteers to support delivery.

Young People, Sport and Diversion Team As a team, we provide a wide range of activities for young people, from youth groups to targeted campaigns, sports activities to youth awards and Active Schools programmes. White Ribbon Campaign We provide training and information workshops to engage men in our work and give them the skills to stand up to violence against women. Mainly working with school pupils to promote the Campaign using a Peer Ed approach and pass that information to other school pupils. MVP – Mentors For Violence Prevention Working with schools to train young mentors to deliver a programme of scenarios to help people identify ways to prevent violence without causing any harm or risk to themselves. Dynamic Youth and National Youth Achievement Awards

Youth Achievement Awards offer significant opportunities for young people to develop the four Curriculum for Excellence capacities: successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. They recognise young people's contributions in a variety of settings including youth work, volunteering, active citizenship, and formal education. Integrated Drama The club is specifically designed for children and young people with additional support needs. Young people can express themselves through acting, singing and art activities in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. Moving on moving up Moving on, Moving up is a new youth group that specifically targets young people from a looked after and accommodated background. The aim is to support and prepare young people in their transitions from school and/or care in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Young Scot Legacy Ambassadors This group are young volunteers 14+ who would like to plan and organise activities for other young people within East Ayrshire. They are given opportunities nationally to meet with other Young Scot Legacy Ambassadors, learning about other activities available and meeting and making new friends. Fire Reach Fire Reach Courses work with a significant cohort of targeted young people within communities known to the authority to be hotspots for risk of Anti-Social Behaviour and low level Fire Raising. Key skills in communication, work with others and practical first aid are all covered within the programme. Youth Conference and Youth Work Week This annual event brings young people from across the authority to discuss and learn about issues that affect them. Throughout youth work week, we ensure all young people within our youth groups have the option to participate in workshops relating to the years Youth work theme. Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament The Scottish Youth Parliament represents Scotland’s young people. Our democratically elected members listen to and recognise the issues that are important to young people, ensuring that their voices are heard by the government and formal decision makers. Youth Provision Statutory Youth Groups are provided throughout the authority for young people aged 11 – 26, issue based Peer Groups are also provided ad hoc. Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual,Transgender The YPSD Team supports the younger LGBT community by providing safe, nonjudgemental environments for Young People to meet with and socialise with others without fear of discrimination. We now also host an annual LGBT conferences that are planned and delivered in conjunction with those who attend our community groups. Attendees have the opportunity to participate in workshops and discussions relating to LGBT and raising awareness of current issues. Sports Development

The Sports Development arm of the team is about enhancing the sporting landscape of the authority through working in partnership with our voluntary organisations, National Governing Body’s and statutory partners Within the team there is a Sports Development Officer post whose role is to increase the provisions in the authority for people with Additional Support Needs. Talented Athlete Support Programme The programme recognises the efforts that local athletes who reside in East Ayrshire put into achieving their sporting goals and we support them both financially and practically. These athletes are either National Champions or representing their country in their chosen sport. East Ayrshire Sports Council The day to day running of the Sports Council is overseen by the Team Coordinator, who is currently the Secretary of the programme The Sports Council promotes the development of sport by supporting and advising local voluntary sports clubs, promoting joint work between member clubs and organisations and ensuring best practice and standards. Community Asset Transfer Sports Development Officers assist with the ‘Transformation Strategy’, specifically for sports organisations. Assistance is provided throughout the full process from initial enquiry to completion. Positive Coaching Scotland Programme The Positive Coaching Scotland (PCS) programme is about creating a positive environment in youth sport - one which focuses on encouraging effort and learning, improving performance and fostering competition. The programme involves key influencers in a young person's life and the content of the workshops , coupled with resources, practical tools & techniques, provides useful information for coaches, teachers, parents or club leaders. Service Delivery We deliver a number of sports based services which act as a diversion to Anti-Social Behaviour for young people primarily in the age range of 10-18 years. These include: Mobile Skate Park Midnight Leagues Fit 4 Teens Street Golf EA Jam EA Street Basketball Youth Action Team The following services run for people with Additional Support Needs: SOFA Clubs CHAMPS Club Frame Football Boccia All Ability Cycles Adult Disability

Active Schools Active Schools is a key component of the of the Young People, Sport and Diversion Team and a major driver of the Scottish Government vision to get Scotland more active. The fundamental aim of the Active Schools Network is to offer children and young people the opportunities and motivation to adopt active, healthy lifestyles, now and into adulthood. The service achieves this by facilitating the development of sustainable school based sport and physical activity across East Ayrshire Schools and developing pathways between school and community. Whilst this universal provision is crucial in ensuring that children and young people can achieve optimum levels of activity to help prevent illness in later life, the team also support targeted programmes for minority groups: •

Co-ordination and promotion of activities for all Schools and Early Years establishments before, during and after school. Development of targeted opportunities to involve minority groups in sport, physical activity and leadership including YDance, Girl’s Football, Ayrshire Sportsability and Activity Agreements. Co-ordination of school sports competitions and events. Development of Legacy related activities to motivate and inspire children and young people. Provision of sustainable sporting opportunities through promotion of school to club links and support of sports partnerships. Delivery of dedicated school holiday activity programmes. Provision of Leadership opportunities including Sports Leaders, Dance Leaders and Young Ambassadors. Recruitment, development and deployment of Volunteers to enhance quantity and quality of school sport and physical activity provision.

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Marketing and Event Management The key services delivered are: • • • • •

Website and social media development and maintenance Event management of service events Marketing of Vibrant Communities services Procurement and maintenance of specialist IT, AV and event equipment Support to council wide events

Play and Early Intervention Team The Play & Early Intervention team works with children, families and whole communities to ensure improved quality of life using bespoke approaches:

Delivery of play and bonding activities within HMP Kilmarnock to support children and families affected by parental imprisonment, offering opportunities for bonding, attachment and maintaining good family relationships

Tailor-made, community based support for the most vulnerable children and families via play@Home family interventions, using play as a vehicle to improve bonding and attachment

Co-ordination of East Ayrshire Befriending Service for vulnerable children and young people to build confidence reduce social isolation and support to take part in social and recreational activities

Delivery of 1-1 targeted provision within all 3 of the Council’s children’s houses offering social, leisure, volunteering and employment opportunities for young people

Provision of play opportunities to improve the role of Male carers in the lives of children via services such as Menzone events where male parents/carers come together with their children in a safe, friendly environment to enhance key play and social skills and develop positive family relationships

Promotion of Early Years’ Play including the delivery of themed play and activity sessions for community based parent and toddler groups, as well as parent play training workshops to increase parental confidence and skills to play

Development and delivery of outdoor play opportunities to encourage children, families and communities to reclaim their local open spaces including Grounds for Play and National Playday

Building community play capacity via East Ayrshire Community Play Forum, Fun for Hire equipment and resource directory, support to community play groups and the new Playspace Toolkit.

Creating sustainable pathways for community connections for families through indoor play events such as Play-Times for children aged 0 – 8 years along with their parents/carers to take part in a variety of play activities that are age and stage appropriate.

Reducing accidents amongst young people whilst building community capacity through the provision of an experiential learning programme; Danger Detectives for Primary 6 pupils across all East Ayrshire primary and special schools annually

Co-ordinating the SHOUT card for children from birth to 11 years old living, or attending primary school, in East Ayrshire. Similar to the Young Scot card, the SHOUT cards gives children low cost access to a wide range of services to help improve their health and wellbeing. The team is responsible for promoting the SHOUT card and linking with partners to develop incentives and concessions.

Co-ordination and delivery of the SPLAT Programme. SPLAT (Sport, Play, Learning, Achieving, Together) is a SAC (Scottish Attainment Challenge) funded afterschool programme with the aim of raising the attainment of the children through focusing on increasing their growth mindset, physical literacy and nutritional intake. This is done by giving children physical sessions, running parent workshops, a shared homework time and a mealtime where families build positive routines. This programme runs for 30 weeks in 4 schools per academic year and has space for up to 12 families.

Equipment hire and training through the Fun 4 Hire Service. Our Fun 4 Hire service provides a wide range of exciting activity packs for hire primarily for use by voluntary, community and statutory groups within East Ayrshire. The equipment is low cost and offers options suitable for all ages.

Home Link and Parental Engagement Home Link Workers are funded through the Scottish attainment Challenge with a focus on closing the poverty related attainment gap. The Home Link team add value and capacity to work being undertaken with children and young people, giving individual and group work support to some of our most vulnerable children, young people and their families: 

Flexible approach to meeting the needs and demands of children, young people and families within both the school and community setting. Support includes work with individual pupils, small group work programmes, project work, extra-curricular activities, leadership work, family support and supporting attendance.

Support vulnerable pupils through key transitioning whether that be early years to primary, primary to secondary transitioning or post-secondary transitioning into positive destination. As the Home Link Workers will be able to provide support and contact throughout school holiday periods this will offer an element of continuity and connecting our vulnerable children, young people and families into the range of community activities and opportunities, facilitating access.

That support includes; Children and Young People;  Increased attendance at school 

Reduced exclusions at school

Improvement in self-confidence/self esteem

Improvement in interpersonal communication and relationship skills

Attendance at community based opportunities and destinations

Reduced summer learning loss

Access to healthy and nutritious meals

Engagement in volunteering opportunities

Parent/carer;  Reduce parental isolation 

Increased parental engagement, expectations and family learning

Parents/carers attending family nurture sessions

Increased adult literacy skills

 

Increasing parental engagement using school social media Parents accessing community based sessions/classes/groups

Improvement in interpersonal communication and relationship skills

Parents engaging in parent council, parent’s evenings and school based support for parents/carers.

Access to healthy and nutritious meals

Increased understanding of child or young person’s individualised needs.

Engage in volunteering opportunities

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