Online Projects, Collaboration Sites and Publishing Opportunities Lesson Idea Name: Bug Life Content Area: Science Grade Level(s): 4th grade Content Standard Addressed: S4L1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the roles of organisms and the flow of energy within an ecosystem. Technology Standard Addressed: 7. Global Collaborator Selected Online Project/Collaboration Site/Publishing Opportunity: Bugscope URL(s) to support the lesson: Describe how you would incorporate an Online Project/Collaboration Site/Publishing Opportunity in your classroom: I would provide my students with several opportunities to participate in online projects, collaboration sites, and publishing in my classroom. I feel as though incorporating these activities in the classroom will increase student’s motivation to learn at a higher level. Online projects and collaboration sites help students explore new concepts and collaborate with other students. I will add online projects and collaboration sites to my lesson plans to help with instruction. I would also use sites with professionals that can help my students excel and grow. I would incorporate publishing opportunities for students to get their work published after completing them in class. Most of the online learning projects are free and very beneficial for my students. I will stay up to date on collaboration sites and online projects to promote higher order thinking in my classroom. What technologies would be required to implement this proposed learning activity in a classroom? To complete the activity the technology, I would require are laptops, video chat, and an overhead projector. Describe how the following features are addressed in this learning experience (note: all of them may not be addressed in the project, but most should be if you are reaching a high LoTi Level). a. Collaboration with peers, near-peers, mentors outside their classroom and often beyond their school: Students will discuss with their groups and with an online professional from Beckman Institute about insects and their role in the ecosystem. b. Student-centered learning and knowledge creation (creating original data and or producing original products as a result of engaging in a project): The students will work in groups creating a drawing of a bug of their choice. The students will write about the bug life in the ecosystem. c. Higher-order thinking: The students will recreate a story about the bug life from a chosen specimen. d. Students publishing their original work to others who will use/care about their product: I will publish the students Bug Life project to the classroom blogs. The classroom blog is password protected and only parents and guardians will have access.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s): ☐ Remembering
☐ Understanding
☒ Applying
☒ Analyzing
☐ Evaluating
☒ Creating
Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level): ☐ Level 1: Awareness
☐ Level 2: Exploration
☐ Level 5: Expansion Spring 2018_SJB
☐ Level 6: Refinement
☒ Level 3: Infusion
☐ Level 4: Integration
Online Projects, Collaboration Sites and Publishing Opportunities Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Engagement: The online video chat with an expert from Beckman Institute allows students to learn content from a professional and work with other students. Representation: Anchor instruction by linking to and activating relevant prior knowledge using visuals, models, and KWL charts about bugs. Action and Expression: Students will interact with accessible materials and tools. Lesson idea implementation and Internet Safety Policies: I would discuss with my students about the website Bugscope. I will display the website on the overhead projector. I will read out loud information about Bugscope to my students. I will place the students in groups to work together to collect bug specimens from outside. I will send the students specimen to Beckman Institute. The next week, I would inform my class that we will video chat with an expert from Beckman Institute. I will allow my students to ask the professional a list of questions pertaining to their group bug specimens. I will encourage the students to take notes from the professional when they discuss their bug and other groups. I will ask the expert from Beckman to discuss the role of the bugs in the ecosystem and other valuable information to enhance my students learning. Reflective Practice: After designing this lesson, I feel that the Bug Life lesson could enhance students learning in fun and engaging way. Bug Life promotes higher order thinking in students and allows students to collaborate. As an extension to the lesson, I would let the students explore the bug specimens under a microscope. I would provide an opportunity in the classroom for my students to name different body parts of their bugs while looking at them under the microscope.
Spring 2018_SJB