Online Projects, Collaboration Sites and Publishing Opportunities Lesson Idea Name: Down the Drain Content Area: Science Grade Level(s): 6th Content Standard Addressed: S6E3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to recognize the significant role of water in Earth processes. a. Ask questions to determine where water is located on Earth’s surface (oceans, rivers, lakes, swamps, groundwater, aquifers, and ice) and communicate the relative proportion of water at each location. Technology Standard Addressed:
Global Collaborator Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally. 7a Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.
Selected Online Project/Collaboration Site/Publishing Opportunity: Down the Drain URL(s) to support the lesson: Describe how you would incorporate an Online Project/Collaboration Site/Publishing Opportunity in your classroom: The online project that I chose to use involves the amount of water that is being used on a daily basis. Since we will be covering the significant role of water, I will have the students use this project. Through the process of this project, we will collect data about how much water individuals use within the classroom. This data will then be paired with individuals across the world to see if there is a difference with the amount of water being used. After the collection of data is shown to the students, we will analyze the data. This data will open a discussion about how much water is located in each region of the world. This will allow us to see if our classroom could possibly have more water located around us than other parts of the world. By incorporating this project in the classroom, the students will be able to create data and analyze it. This will allow the students to interact with the material and get a real-life experience on why water is important to our daily lives. What technologies would be required to implement this proposed learning activity in a classroom? Computers/Laptops Describe how the following features are addressed in this learning experience (note: all of them may not be addressed in the project, but most should be if you are reaching a high LoTi Level). a. Collaboration with peers, near-peers, mentors outside their classroom and often beyond their school: Students are expected to record data on how much water they are being used, as well as how much water other people are using. This will require the students to collect data about themselves, but also travel outside the classroom. This means interacting with peers, family members or neighbors. b. Student-centered learning and knowledge creation (creating original data and or producing original products as a result of engaging in a project): The data that will be collected and used is produced by the students only. This means that none of the data will come from a website or other source. It will all come from what students have discovered and experience. This will make it student-centered.
Spring 2018_SJB
Online Projects, Collaboration Sites and Publishing Opportunities c. Higher-order thinking: Collecting the data and understanding the data will only promote lower order thinking. However, with this project, the students will have to compare and analyze the data. This means that students are expected to use the data to create a comparison between parts of the world. d. Students publishing their original work to others who will use/care about their product: Since students are collecting their own data, they are producing their own discoveries and conclusions. These conclusions and data would go to help get a better understanding of how much water is being used.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s): ☐ Remembering
☐ Understanding
☐ Applying
☒ Analyzing
☒ Evaluating
☒ Creating
Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level): ☐ Level 1: Awareness
☐ Level 2: Exploration
☒ Level 5: Expansion
☐ Level 6: Refinement
☐ Level 3: Infusion
☒ Level 4: Integration
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Engagement: All students will collect data from peers or family members. This engages all students to find the data through their own way. Representation: All the data collected will be put into a document. This document will represent all the data collected from every student. Action and Expression: With all the data collected, we will look at it and compare this data to other parts of the world. This comparison will show how individual’s use of water changes from person to person. Lesson idea implementation and Internet Safety Policies: As I introduce this project, I will give out a paper that explains the purpose and reasoning behind doing this project. Since the website only requires me, the teacher, to register my class, none of the students will have to interact with a registration process. This means that the identity and personal information of the students will not be as risk. Reflective Practice: I feel as though this project will open the minds of the students to have them be more aware of how water is used and how much it is used. Since the students will have this information for them, they will also be more aware of the importance of water. Now that we have gone over why water is important, we will go into how water is distributed through the world.
Spring 2018_SJB