Ome Student Newsletter Fal 2008

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byy|vx Éy `xw|vtÄ Xwâvtà|ÉÇ fàâwxÇà axãáÄxààxÜ Tulane University School of Medicine Office of Medical Education 1430 Tulane Avenue, SL-6 The OME newsletter provides ongoing information and resources for medical students in the New Orleans, LA 70112 areas of: Tel 504-988-6600 • Test taking strategies Fax 504-988-6601 • Study skills [email protected] • Updates on Peer Tutoring • Web-based Course Evaluation • Development of Professionalism • Careers in Medicine


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The ultimate goal of this resource is to support students as they matriculate through the medical program at Tulane University School of Medicine. The OME has updated its website to include a Students’ Resource page that provides information on Careers in Medicine, Peer Tutoring, seminars, and general resources. Web address:



Upcoming Events:

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Education Excellence Week January 12-16, 2009

Career Day March 7, 2009

In this issue…

Education Day May 7, 2009

OWL Club News……......2 AAMC OSR News...........3 Student Projects…….….4 UME/GME…………..….5 TMedWeb ……..….….. 5 RIME/TBL..……..…......6 EBM ……………………..7 Lagniappe…………..…..8 Upcoming Events.…......9

Call for submissions, page 9. Read more about each of these events on page 9.

Effective In-Training Feedback

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NEWS from the OWL Club . . . President John Moustoukas, T3

research and publications. - Great resource if you are doing research or are interested in publishing.

The owl club has been highly involved in course and curriculum issues at Tulane SOM. We have recently completed elections for the class of 2012 officers, and have familiarized them with the Office of Medical Education. We are in the process of preparing summaries of the first 2-4 blocks of data from clinical clerkship student evaluations. Owl Club is representing the student body on the Evaluation Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee.

- UPCOMING MEETINGS: Research Group: December 15th at 4:00 pm, Room 1558 Research Group: January 20th at 4:00 pm, Room 1558 Journal Club: January 26th at 4:00 pm, Room 1558

We have also been making recommendations to the Curriculum Committee for the student thesis project. We currently have a member of each class dedicated to working with Kornelija Juskaite in the OME to disseminate information about career services and tutoring to the students. Finally, we are happy to have two groups of students submitting proposals for presentations at the 2009 SGEA conference to be hosted by Tulane April 2-4.

Resources & Events from OWL Club Rep, Pooja Sethi, T2 The Office of Medical Education (OME) is a valuable resource that we are urged to take advantage of. The OME provides a series of lectures, workshops, seminars, and skills development activities not to mention it has a vast supply of literature and online references for future career planning and advice. A calendar with all of the upcoming OME events is made available to us online at - please use this for reference for any of the activities listed below that you may be interested in. Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Program ml - You are able to directly (and confidentially) contact tutors in the subject you need help with, at NO COST. - All tutoring sessions must be approved by the course director or the OME. Research Group & Journal Club - Monthly round table discussions about current

Education Excellence Week January 12th - 16th, 2009 (All events will take place at 1430 Tulane Avenue): 1. Monday, Jan 12: “USMLE Step 1 Preparation: Biostatistics”- Jeff Wiese, MD, 4PM, Rm. 6065. 2. Tuesday, Jan 13: “@ The Library” - Philip Walker, 4PM, Rm. 6065. 3. Wednesday, Jan 14: “Life Long Learning: Developing Professional Skills” - John Pelley, PhD, 4-6 PM, Rm. 6065. 4. Thursday, Jan 15: “Life Long Learning: Developing Professional Skills” (continued) John Pelley, 12:00 PM, Rm. 6065. Lunch served. 5. Friday, Jan 16: “USMLE Today and Tomorrow” - Donald Melnick, MD, 11:30 AM, Rm. 6065. Lunch provided. Careers in Medicine (CiM) Program - Want to find out what you're going to be when you grow up? Take quizzes, learn more about the specialties. - Email Kornelija to get your unique ID and you're good to go! Career Day - March 7, 2009 - Residency directors and chief residents from the most specialty programs in the area will be there. - 4th year student panel on the how-to's of residency applying and interviewing. - Lunch provided :) Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) 2009 Regional Conference - Sponsored by the AAMC, Tulane is hosting for the first time in 10 years. - A wonderful opportunity for people working on papers and abstracts to present their work. - Emphasis on educational research but all

b`X axãáÄxààxÜ? YtÄÄ ECCK submissions are welcome. - SUBMISSION DUE DATE: December 5, 2008 - CONFERENCE: April 2-4, 2009

3 institution, including our own. Within the Southern Region, students asked these questions: o

Society of Health Sciences Teaching Scholars Education Day - Students working on abstracts and papers are welcome to present. - Emphasis on educational research but all submissions are welcome. - SUBMISSION DUE DATE: January 16, 2009 - EVENT: May 7, 2009 (JBJ Atrium and Classroom 111A).

o o o o o

OME Library - USMLE prep books and subject-specific references. - Education Specialists in OME office can provide individualized study tips and techniques. - Can help guide you to other OME services. ***Stay tuned for upcoming emails from your OWL Club reps with more event information, including the STEP 1 PANEL on JANUARY 8, 2009*** Once again, the OME is here for us. Please use this wonderful supply of resources (because unfortunately it doesn't get much better than this after we graduate!) Please call the office (988-6600) or email Kornelija with any questions or if you need additional information.

From AAMC Student Representatives,


One of the highlights of the weekend was gathering firsthand information about the creative programs current medical students are coming up with to strengthen their curriculum in the face of the challenges which come with producing doctors equipped for the future of medicine. Included in the student programming showcase: o


Drew Updike, T3 & David Aamodt, T3 It was our pleasure and privilege to be student participants in the AAMC Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX a couple weeks ago. Our purpose for attending was to involve ourselves at the student level, in the Organization of Student Representatives, and share ideas regarding medical education, student affairs, current legislation, and community and diversity within our medical schools. From big ideas like, “How should our medical institution model professional behaviors?” to more specific themes such as, “What is the best way to incorporate teaching evidence based medicine (EBM) in our curriculum?” our discussion topics tended to follow a common thread: these are real questions that should be asked at any

How do schools provide research time and funding for students? How is complementary/alternative medicine (CAM) worked into the curriculum? How is faculty mentorship and/or advising handled? How is teaching of the “business” of medicine incorporated into the curriculum? How are public health and epidemiological principles taught in the curriculum? What kind of Step 1 board preparation is available? Will stricter policies regarding journal clubs, research presentations, etc cause conflicts of interest which affect continuing medical education (CME)?



Co-Curricular Credit Program (Wayne State University SOM): elective credit and formal recognition given for community service oriented projects 3rd Year Curriculum at Bassett Hospital (Albany MC): a combined inpatient (12 wks), longitudinal (32 wks), and family medicine capstone (4 wks) experience that educates and explores continuity of medical care Innovation and Expansion at Well Established Student-run Clinics (Miami Miller SOM): an in depth look at how students’ role in local continuity clinics can teach participants about service, health care access and impart clinical skills Human Context in Health Care (Uniformed Services University): with 95% class attendance without being mandatory, this is a course that for over 20 years has been focused on hosting sessions requiring selfexploration of feelings and emotions which impact implementation of patient care

b`X axãáÄxààxÜ? YtÄÄ ECCK The initiative taken by fellow students, here at Tulane and across the country, to incite positive growth and change is truly amazing. As students, the greatest obstacle that we face is time. In a very short amount of time, we will be graduated and moving on. So in order to see our efforts here – whether they be directed towards curricular improvement, community service, or enlivening the student body – come to fruition, we ought to use our resources as effectively as possible. The greatest source of ideas we have is our fellow students. With your continued input, feedback, and suggestions, we can work together to enhance the future of medical education at Tulane and across the country. Let’s learn from each other, and help each other. Please contact us so we can discuss ideas about our future education. Drew Updike ([email protected]) David Aamodt ([email protected]) Tulane OSR Representatives

SNMA Service Project Bahiyyih Khelgati, T2 Nearly 28% of New Orleanians live in poverty. To help address the basic needs of these members of our community, Tulane SNMA representatives recently collected canned food donations for Second Harvest (now called, Feeding America), a national organization that provides food to the needy. All donations were distributed locally for Thanksgiving. THANK YOU to all who helped with this effort! FYI: SOME FACTS ON FOOD INSECURITY Louisiana is one of the top ten states for food insecurity and hunger. Food insecurity is "limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways." The maximum monthly food stamp benefit in 2008-9 for a family of four was $588 or $1.58 per person per meal. The average per-person monthly benefit was $176 or 1.89 cents per meal. A household may not participate in the Food Stamp Program if it has more than $2,000 in savings or other assets ($3,000 for households with elderly or disabled members).

4 Every $1 provided in federal WIC benefits to pregnant women saves approximately $3 in Medicaid and other health costs.

Student Research Projects Recent creative endeavors by Tulane medical students have included: ¾ A presentation by Montu Patel (T3) highlighted the importance of regular screening for depression in male patients, and pointed out the gender disparity in diagnosing and treating this disease. Patel’s review of the literature indicated that, although the reported incidence of clinical depression is increasing dramatically among men, most say they are too embarrassed to bring up the subject with their physicians--but would be willing to discuss the topic if the physician raised it. However, most of the EJGH Residents that Patel surveyed said that they did not routinely screen male patients for depression; and did not search for likely causes in those patients who were depressed, but simply treated the symptoms. Important food for thought! ¾ An illustrated slide show produced by Kevin Motamedi (T3) described the benefits of treating disease with food as a first line defense, rather than using expensive medications that can have negative side-effects. Stemming from his motivation to empower patients to improve their own health, Motamedi’s program described the LDL-lowering potential and other health benefits of seven foods: soy, oats, beans, yogurt, salmon, nuts, and tea. The reported health claims were supported by data from nationally recognized, authoritative sources. ¾ Patient education was paired creatively with entertainment in a project by Glenn Fernandez (T3) who developed an animated cartoon to inform patients about hypertension, diabetes & stroke risk while they sit in physicians’ waiting rooms. France Fung (T3) was the voice talent for the video and John Nanfro (T3) helped burn the DVD's. Fernandez pointed out that patients typically spend an average of 55 minutes in the waiting room and 17 minutes in the exam room. This time can be used to educate patients effectively in an engaging format.

b`X axãáÄxààxÜ? YtÄÄ ECCK Fostering the GME-UME Connection with Tara Benjamin, MD Currently working at Tulane Medical Center, Dr. Benjamin is a second year OB/GYN resident who struggled with learning disabilities & depression during her undergraduate medical education at Harvard. Academically successful prior to medical school, Benjamin graduated first in her high school class of 400; and magna cum laude from Xavier University with honors in biology, chemistry, and English. When she began failing tests and took four attempts to pass USMLE Step 1, she knew she needed to find help. Harvard provided tutoring, learning specialists, counseling, and a strong support network that combined with Benjamin’s personal drive and a lot of hard work to help her complete her medical training. As part of her commitment to her chosen profession, Benjamin now wants to help medical students who may be experiencing similar difficulties. Dr. Benjamin is available as a peer tutor through the PAL program. She will also make a presentation during Education Week in January, and is currently designing Academic Support Workshops on preparing for the USMLE, study skills and test-taking skills that work. Benjamin is highly motivated to help her future colleagues succeed, and to improve the teaching and learning processes at Tulane SOM. She states, “We can be the Harvard of the South.” Dr. Benjamin plans to offer academic support workshops at 6:30 pm on the first Tuesday of each month, beginning January 6, 2009 in Room 1558. For information on the PAL program, connecting with a peer tutor, study skill workshops, etc., please contact: Kornelija Juskaite: 988-6600; [email protected] or Tara Benjamin, MD: [email protected]

Tech Tidbits from Niels Olson, T4 and Timothy Park, T2 Well, it's interview season! As you may know, Dr Kahn asked for a web service to collect interview feedback, so whether you want to fill them out as you go, or save it all up for the end and give them all due consideration, you can submit your interview feedback here. Remember, it's only accessible to current members of the Tulane

5 community: And, while you're here, submit those away rotation reviews! Hint: if you're a T1, T2, or T3, you might want to bring your T4 friends some chocolate, and ask them very nicely to please leave you some breadcrumbs for residency by filling out that feeedback :-) TMedWeb has recently expanded their support for the third and fourth year students: they can now “choose their view” to automatically see the "T3T4" homepage whenever they visit. This new view includes links to the resources for all the required clerkships, and, on the right, key resources for the wards, clinics, residency, and licensing exams. This augments the established T1 and T2 views for TMedWeb. All views include items of general student interest: an Events calendar maintained by MSG, recent Marketplace postings, Housing and Rideshare postings, and links to almost all the stuff you sometimes need. The Student Technology Development Group that founded TMedWeb is actively trying to work with administration and faculty to improve some of the workflow processing relating to curricular content delivery in the hopes of making more electronic resources available in an efficient and reliable manner. Group members have also been prototyping some pet projects these days such as a Journal Club application, and a little tool to calculate the strength of your passwords (no, you don't have to give us your password for it to work!). The STDG has also been directly involved in addressing student technology concerns such as a recent opportunity we had to be involved in troubleshooting, and fixing Tegrity lecture viewing issues with Mac computers. We're really going to need further student support from all class years going forward, so if you have an interest in what we do, or have a technical or graphical skill to offer, please shoot us an email at [email protected]. We'll only ask of you what you are willing to offer, and if you have a particularly needed skill for a project, we'll probably even be able to procure the funding to compensate you for your work. Also, if you have an idea on how to make

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6 significantly better than individual performance. 

TMedWeb better, you can always get one of us on [email protected].  


Team Based Learning (TBL) Comes to Tulane

Kevin Krane, MD

Marc J. Kahn, MD Professor of Medicine Hematology/Medical Oncology Senior Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs Medical Director, Tulane Physician's Organization Tulane University School of Medicine

The second year class had their first TBL exercise as part of the Mechanisms of Disease course. The Mechanisms of Disease course is run alongside the second year Pharmacology course and Physical Diagnosis. The Hematology and Neoplasia Block is approximately 30 hours of time including traditional lectures, review sessions, case-based discussions, self-directed learning exercises, and cases from the American Society of Hematology ( A newly-constructed TBL was administered to students following lectures and discussion of basic coagulation, hypercoagulability, bleeding disorders, and anticoagulation. Students were divided into TBL groups of six or seven students in the cafeteria. As is typical with TBL exercises, students were asked to read the three articles prior to class. Students were then administered an Individual Readiness Assessment Test (IRAT) and then completed the IRAT as a team with a scratch off card. Teams were then administered a Group Assessment Exercise (GAE) composed of “harder” questions that the students answered as a group. Students were encouraged to use the internet, textbooks, and articles for all group exercises. The GAE was resolved with a show of cards indicating the group answers. Discussion followed. Attendance was mandatory for this session. Grading was based on individual and team effort and was factored into the “professionalism” component of the course grade. Grade breakdown was as follows: First individual test (IRAT) 10 points, first group test (GRAT1) 10 points, second group test (GAE) 6 points, and participation 10 points. The session was moderated by Dr. Kahn, a hematologist who was also the course director for the block. The session was completed in two and one-half hours. The session ran very smoothly. Student feedback was uniformly positive. As expected, group performance was 

RIME &Team Based Learning Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Tulane University School of Medicine Reported by Deborah Larimer (OME staff)

On October 22, 2008, Dr. Krane led a highly novel Grand Rounds session in which he “taught” the basics of both RIME and TBL--without lecturing. Dr. Krane’s program entitled, Are You an Adult Learner?, introduced the principles and practice of the RIME evaluation rubric for structured, objective feedback (RIME stands for: Reporter, Interpreter, Manager, Educator). Using Team Based Learning (TBL) as the instructional vehicle for the RIME principles, Dr. Krane engaged those present in cooperatively creating their own learning experience. This technique resulted in a very lively event--with animated interaction between faculty, residents, and students.


Nutrition &Team Based Learning Theresa Dise, MD Professor of Pediatrics Director, Foundations in Medicine Program Tulane University School of Medicine Reported by Deborah Larimer (OME staff)

Dr. Terry Dise has introduced Team-Based Learning in her nutrition course for first year students beginning in Fall 2008. She reports that both she and the students are finding this technique enjoyable and productive. Students work in groups of 4-5 to read articles and answer questions. Students currently taking the course stated that, while they sometimes find the effort to be challenging, they generally enjoy the collegiality and relaxed atmosphere of the small group work. Using this instructional approach, Dr. Dise has found that students become much more engaged and active learners than in a traditional lecture setting. As an independent observer, I also noticed a heightened level of student engagement with learning and excitement as students worked together to find

b`X axãáÄxààxÜ? YtÄÄ ECCK the best answers for the questions that were posed about specific cases scenarios. Dr. Dise has found that students become so involved in the group problem-solving process that they tend to stay past the end of class to continue their discussions. While the TBL approach holds much promise for improved learning outcomes such as effective teaming in health care provision and enhanced experiences for patients, the process of learning to use this tool effectively (both for faculty and students) remains a challenge. Following this initial trial of TBL in her nutrition course, Dr. Dise has decided to revise some instructional procedures for the next block. In spite of the need for ongoing adaptation to meet the needs of the students, Dr. Dise’s experience with TBL has encouraged her to continue its use in the classroom.

MOD &Team Based Learning


What Else is New? Kevin Krane, MD Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Tulane University School of Medicine

Plans are actively underway for the next large learning facility on the 2nd floor of the Murphy Building. This facility will be large enough for 180 learners and will provide an ideal setting for TeamBased Learning as well as traditional lectures, and small group teaching. The room will be enhanced with a new sound system and multiple large projection screens. The room can also be sub-divided for smaller groups of learners. Scheduled to open in early 2009, this new facility will be an exciting educational space for the newest generation of learners.

Ross Klingsberg, MD Associate Professor of Pulmonary Diseases and Internal Medicine Tulane University School of Medicine Reported by Deborah Larimer (OME staff)

Dr. Klingsberg, is another faculty member currently giving TBL a try--in his Fall 2008 Mechanisms of Disease/Pulmonology course. He reports that the course has gone well overall using this approach, and that it has been productive to get the students working together. Some concerns that Dr. Klingsberg identified include: using the TBL case-testing format requires additional test taking time for students due to the complexity of the cases; development of time-management skills will be important for students when using this learning method (and in medical practice as well); and it would be preferable to have a multi-disciplinary team review the test cases and questions to make sure that they accurately reflect the course objectives. Dr. Klingsberg felt it was beneficial to give students the learning objectives in advance, so that they could orient their efforts toward achieving the course objectives efficiently. In addition, he concluded that TBL was particularly useful for helping students develop the interactive approach to health care that they will need in future practice settings.

Evidence Based Medicine . . . Library Resources and Services Philip Walker Library Services, Rudolph Matas Library Tulane University School of Medicine

The amount of biomedical information is staggering and may be impossible to navigate without adequate skills or assistance. The Reference Librarians at the Matas Library can perform a variety of functions regarding the EBM resources available within the library. First and foremost, we can direct you towards those EBM resources that already have Systematic Reviews compiled for you, such as the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, ACP Journal Club, or PubMed’s Clinical Queries. Secondly, there are several Point-of-Care resources available through our website with explanations of the evidence used in their conclusions, such as UpToDate and STAT!Ref. Lastly, if the EBM search is unsuccessful, we can recommend databases, search terms, and strategies that will enable you to build your own evidence. Feel free to contact us for individual assistance or to schedule a workshop for students, residents, faculty, or staff at [email protected] or 504-988-5155.

b`X axãáÄxààxÜ? YtÄÄ ECCK


LAGNIAPPE In the news . . . from a Times Picayune

and posted on the OME website:

editorial, “Not so young at heart”, Thursday,

The OME Student Newsletter:

November 13, 2008: Cardiologist, Dr. Geetha Raghuveer of Kansas City, Mo., studied childhood obesity in 70 boys and girls. Her results showed fatty buildup in neck arteries that was comparable to that of 45-year-olds. All of the children in the study had high cholesterol, and about 60% of them were obese.

Did You Know?

DID YOU KNOW that according to the CDC, 21% of Americans over the age of 20 have cholesterol levels greater than 240 mg/dL?

DID YOU KNOW that Tulane is the oldest continually functioning school of medicine west of the Appalachian Mountains? Originally called the Medical College of Louisiana, Tulane was chartered in 1835, and classes met initially in a church, in private homes, and at the charity hospital. 

DID YOU KNOW that almost 30% of Louisianans are obese? In New Orleans, the figure jumps to 37% -highest among the 33 largest US cities. Further, less than 40% of Louisianans meet the national recommendations for health-promoting levels of physical activity.

DID YOU KNOW that, world-wide, treatment is available to only about 31% of HIV-positive people? And only 3 years ago, HIV was the major cause of death among black women in the US?

provides general information on events, support services and activities sponsored by the Office of Medical Education or student organizations; features short articles on current issues, concerns, student activities, and innovations in medical education; and offers guest commentaries on relevant topics in medical education.

Comments or questions regarding this issue of the newsletter should be directed to Deborah Larimer in the OME, Phone: 504-988-6600; Email: [email protected] The editor welcomes short articles from students and faculty. Submissions may include: ™ Announcements ™ Short medical education articles (up to 500 words) ™ Learning Strategies and Tips ™ Descriptions of research in progress ™ Reviews of research ™ Letters to the editor ™ Events/activities of interest ™ Research ideas for collaboration ™ Publication notices and requests Materials/manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word (hard copy or email) to:

DID YOU KNOW . . . that the new

SIMULATION CENTER is under construction and expected to open January 26, 2009 in the Murphy Building. Dr. Lucian Leape, the “Father of Patient Safety” will be guest speaker. Watch for updates.

Call for Submissions: OME Newsletter The Office of Medical Education Newsletter is published twice a year as an Adobe Acrobat file delivered by email

Deborah Larimer, EdD Office of Medical Education 1430 Tulane Avenue, SL-6 Suite 1730 New Orleans, LA 70112 Tel: 504-988-6600 Fax: 504-988-6601 [email protected]

b`X axãáÄxààxÜ? YtÄÄ ECCK Mark your calendar for these important Upcoming



Education Excellence Week – January 12 - 16, 2009 Speakers include: Dr. Jeff Wiese on biostatistics Dr. John Pelley on developing professional skills Dr. Donald Melnick (NBME president) on USMLE changes

Career Day – March 7, 2009 Education Day - May 7, 2009 Key-note Speaker: Patricia O’Sullivan, EdD, Associate Director for Educational Research, Office of Medical Education, University of California, San Francisco Events include: Teaching Scholar Award Ceremony Lunch Oral Presentations Posters Call for Submissions: Deadline - 4:00 pm, January 16, 2009

SGEA Regional Meeting – April 2 - 4, 2009 Hosted by Tulane SOM !! Call for Submissions: Deadline - 4:00 pm, December 5, 2008 (Submit your papers, posters, workshops, technology demos)

Professional Development Meetings . . . • Research Group - 3rd Tuesday of each month (4:00) • Journal Club - 4th Monday of each month (4:00) • IAMSE “Webinars”- Spring 2009 Sessions begin Wednesday, March 4, 11:00 am - OME conference room, Suite 1730, 1430 Tulane Avenue

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Xwâvtà|ÉÇ XåvxÄÄxÇvx jxx~ J a n u a r y 12 – 16, 2009 1430 TULANE AVENUE

Monday, 01.12.2009

Tuesday, 01.13.2009

Wednesday, 01.14.2009

Thursday, 01.15.2009

Friday, 01.16.2009

Jeff Wiese, MD, Associate Dean, GME “USMLE Step 1 Preparation: Biostatistics” 4:00 PM, Room 6065 Philip Walker, TUSOM Rudolf Matas Library “@ The Library” 4:00 PM, Room 6065 John Pelley, PhD, Texas Tech University HSC “Life Long Learning: Developing Professional Skills” 4:30 – 6:30 PM, Room 6065 John Pelley, PhD, Texas Tech University HSC “Life Long Learning: Developing Professional Skills” continued 12:00 PM, Room 6065 Donald Melnick, MD, President, NBME “USMLE Today and Tomorrow” 11:30 AM, Room 6065

For more information, please contact: OFFICE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION 1430 Tulane Avenue, Suite 1730 Phone: 504-988-6600 Email: [email protected]

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O FFICE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION invite C l a s s o f 2 0 1 0 to

Career Day S ATURDAY, MARCH 7TH, 2009 9:00 am – 9:15 am Street

Breakfast – Lobby at the Bowers Auditorium, 1555 Poydras

9:15 am – 10:30 am General Session – Bowers Auditorium, 1555 Poydras Street 10:30 am – 11:00 amQ & A Session – Bowers Auditorium, 1555 Poydras Street 11:00 am – 12:30 pmSpecialty-Specific Break-out Sessions, 22nd Floor, 1555 Poydras Street 12:40 pm – 2:00 pm General Panel Discussion with Lunch and Q & A Session – Lobby/Bowers Auditorium, 1555 Poydras Street

For more information, please contact us at: Office of Medical Education (504) 988-6600 or email: [email protected]

b`X axãáÄxààxÜ? YtÄÄ ECCK

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[xtÄà{ fv|xÇvxá gxtv{|Çz fv{ÉÄtÜá Xwâvtà|ÉÇ Wtç Tulane University Health Sciences Center

Call for Submissions is now open! We encourage all School of Medicine and School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine faculty, staff, residents, and students to participate in the Education Day by presenting your work or learning about the work of others in the Tulane Health Sciences community! Education Day will begin with a ceremony for the Teaching Scholar Award and a luncheon. Following the luncheon, faculty, staff, residents, and students will present their innovative education approaches and projects (including creative uses of technology) as well as educational research. Three formats will be used: brief oral presentations, posters, and student round table research discussions. The deadline for submissions is Friday, January 16th, 2009. Submit abstract proposals to:

For more information contact, Office of Medical Education Suite 1730 at 1430 Tulane Avenue 504.988.6600 or [email protected]

b`X axãáÄxààxÜ? YtÄÄ ECCK


Our Office Staff…

byy|vx Éy `xw|vtÄ Xwâvtà|ÉÇ 1430 Tulane Avenue, SL-6 Suite 1730 New Orleans, LA 70112 Tel 504-988-6600 fax 504-988-6601 [email protected] The OWL Club works with the OME in designing and disseminating course evaluations— giving students the opportunity to provide feedback regarding all aspects of medical school courses. We encourage all students to complete their course evaluations so suggestions and input can be used to stimulate improvements.

Annie J. Daniel, PhD Director Phone: (504) 988-6600 Fax: (504) 988-6601 Email: [email protected]

Byron E. Crawford, MD Professor of Pathology Associate Director Phone: (504) 988-6603 Email: [email protected]

Kornelija Juskaite, MA Program Manager Phone: (504) 988-8896 Email: [email protected]

Our Staff is available to support students in their academic endeavors and to support faculty in educating and assisting students to ensure their academic success and their development of professional competencies. The Office of Medical Education’s missions align with and support TUSOM’s institutional goals.

OME Missions: Jennifer Gibson PhD Assessment/Evaluation Specialist Phone: (504) 988-6600 Email: [email protected]

• • •

Jeanne Samuel, MEd Instructional Technologist Phone: (504) 988-6600 Email: [email protected]

Deborah Larimer, EdD Instructional Specialist Phone: (504) 988-6600 Email: [email protected]

Trenise Thomas Executive Secretary Phone: (504) 988-6600 Email: [email protected]

• • • • • • • •

Consultation on Teaching & Learning Curriculum Development Evaluation of Medical Student Performance Program Evaluation Medical Education Research Publication of Scholarship in Medical Education Proposals for Medical Education Grants Evidence Based Medicine Faculty Development Educational Technology Academic Counseling for Students and Residents

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