Official Nasa Communication 92-121

  • October 2019
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Drucella Andersen Headquarters, Washington, D.C. July 21, 1992 (Phone: 202/453-8613) Linda S. Ellis Lewis Research Center, Cleveland (Phone: 216/433-2900) H. Keith Henry Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va. (Phone: 804/864-6120) Donald G. James Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Calif. (Phone: 415/604-3935) RELEASE: 92-121 NASA ADMINISTRATOR GOLDIN TO TAKE PART IN EAA CONVENTION NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin will take part in several activities at this year's Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Fly-In convention at Oshkosh, Wis. -- the nation's largest airshow. Goldin's appearance will mark the first time a NASA Administrator has attended the annual event, which will run from July 31 through Aug. 6 at Wittman Regional Airport. At 3 p.m. EDT on Aug. 1, Goldin will hold a news conference at the NASA Pavilion. Goldin also will speak about NASA's aeronautics priorities at a special evening program honoring the 75th anniversary of NASA's Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va. "The NASA pavilion is a favorite of the nearly 1 million

visitors who come to Oshkosh each year," Goldin said. "With its emphasis on explaining not only the 'what" but the 'why' of our research, the 1992 exhibit shows the public just how important our efforts are to the nation, especially in aeronautics." - more -2This year's exhibit, entitled Exploring New Worlds of Flight, highlights the new discoveries that NASA is making in its aeronautics and space programs. It shows how NASA research helps keep the U.S. industry internationally competitive and create a better life for the average U.S. citizen. At the entrance to the NASA pavilion is a striking 50-foot-long mockup of the X-30 National Aero-Space Plane (NASP), built by Mississippi State University students, symbolizing the bold new designs that are turning today's ideas into tomorrow's technology. Inside, visitors will see how the building blocks of the NASP program are coming together to make the X-30's voyages of discovery possible. The exhibit also focuses on NASA's work to lay the foundation for a next-generation American supersonic transport, which will be vital to future U.S. competitiveness in the world aviation market. The displays on NASA's role in a new presidential initiative, called the High Performance Computing and Communications Program, will give a feeling for what life will be like with computers many times faster than today's machines. The National Assets exhibit showcases NASA's unique research tools, including its "air force" of research planes from the original Boeing-737 to the Mach 3-plus SR-71 Blackbirds. -endNOTE TO EDITORS: To reach a NASA Public Affairs representative during the airshow, call 414/235-5424

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