Official Nasa Communication 97-247

  • October 2019
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Michael Braukus Headquarters, Washington, DC (Phone: 202/358-1778)

October 28, 1997

Dave Drachlis Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL (Phone: 205/544-0034) RELEASE 97-247 MARSHALL CENTER DIRECTOR DR. WAYNE LITTLES TO RETIRE Dr. Wayne Littles, director of the Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, has announced that he will retire from NASA on Jan. 3, 1998. NASA is proceeding with the search for a successor. In Feb. 1996, Dr. Littles was named the eighth director of the Marshall Center, NASA's lead center for space transportation systems development and microgravity research, and NASA's center of excellence for propulsion. "Wayne Littles has been one of NASA's brightest stars," NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin said. "Through his leadership, the Marshall center has excelled in all its projects. He has helped the agency meet the challenges of the next millennium. Wayne will be missed." Dr. Littles joined NASA and Marshall in 1967, moving rapidly through its ranks. He served as director of Marshall's Science and Engineering Directorate and was named deputy director of Marshall in 1989. In 1994, Dr. Littles was assigned to NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC, as NASA's Chief Engineer. Later that year he was named NASA Associate Administrator for Space Flight, directing the planning, development and operation of the Space Shuttle, Spacelab and Space Station programs. Among his numerous awards, Dr. Littles twice received the Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive, most recently from President Clinton earlier this year. He characterized his decision to retire as "the toughest of my professional career." But, he added, "It is the right time." - end -

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