Official Nasa Communication 97-282

  • October 2019
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Don Nolan-Proxmire Headquarters, Washington, DC (Phone: 202/358-1983)

December 10, 1997

RELEASE: 97-282 NASA SELECTS PHASE II SMALL BUSINESS PROJECTS NASA has selected 101 research proposals for negotiation of Phase II contract awards for NASA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program. The selected projects, which have a total value of approximately $59 million, will be conducted by 87 small, high technology firms located in 29 states. SBIR goals are to stimulate technological innovation, increase the use of small business (including women-owned and disadvantaged firms) in meeting federal research and development needs, and increase private sector commercialization of results of federally funded research. A total of 320 proposals were submitted by SBIR contractors completing Phase I projects. These proposals were evaluated to determine that they met SBIR Phase I objectives and are feasible research innovations for meeting Agency needs. Phase II continues development of the most promising Phase I projects. Selection criteria included technical merit and innovation, Phase I results, value to NASA, commercial potential, and company capabilities. Funding for Phase II contracts may be up to $600,000 for a two-year performance period. The NASA SBIR program management office is located at the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, with executive oversight by NASA's Office of Aeronautics, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC. Individual SBIR projects are managed by NASA field centers and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. -endEDITOR'S NOTE: A printed listing of companies selected for the program as well as a breakout of awards by NASA center and state are available in the NASA Headquarters Newsroom (Phone: 202/3581600). This information also may be accessed on the Internet at URL:

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